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H3 Podcast #36 - Dr Disrespect

Jun 06, 2021
That's impressive, there's so much to do for so long, how long has that implant been around? 7 years and I haven't seen him once. I believe it, man, you gotta keep it juicy, but you know, we just went to the store. I went to the store, grabbed it and that night I bought the sights, the black steel. and then you know we filmed something and it had a little bit of play and on my YouTube channel it's called Doc's first video and that was like the first one and little by little, you know, it's amazing, you've kept it. for so long, I mean, it's been like seven years, man, that's crazy, yeah, it's really come true and it's developed over time, well, I think so, yeah, and I think I've had the chance to come across many things. of cool people who have helped the doctor grow and you know that journey you know it's like one of the first was like an optician you know they were big for YouTube back in the day for trick shots and before they became this real .
h3 podcast 36   dr disrespect
I deal with the esports organization, but Hex and those guys were very supportive of the doctor, so we have to thank them, but um, yeah, the journey to get here has been fun and I think that's important. I think it's inspiring that you've kept up. Doing it for so long and finally achieving success, yes. Awesome, yes, well, because I had never broadcast live right after, you know that? After Sledgehammer, so I didn't do it before, they were all high level production videos where okay, we shot the videos, okay, let me sit in Sony Vegas and cut this. and he added and he put me like it was a production, like and there was a way that you can reach a certain tone or mood with the character and it was always like he was a lot darker back then, like serious, dark scenes and prolonged, long stairs.
h3 podcast 36   dr disrespect

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h3 podcast 36 dr disrespect...

I'm slowly watching you from a distance, you know, and that was a little scary when I started streaming, like how the hell am I going to entertain them? It seems like magic because you say they loved it at first. Your trash talk sounds like the magic is in the improvisation, just put it there, capture it, yeah, get in there, yeah, I think so, and the energy too, and I think it was important for me to understand that from the beginning it was that serious. . The doctor wasn't going to cut it on Twitch because I can get very boring, very quickly, real person that people can connect with exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah, so what's your favorite thing to do when you're not streaming on your free time? family, obviously, you have a wife and a beautiful life, a beautiful girl, well, daughter, little one, the dock in the mini dock, the dogs come into this respect, the nurse is


ful, yes, so it's practically all my life surrounded by them, they are as if everyone were outside. we broadcast and enjoy, you know, body surfing on the beach, we always talk about ourselves saying that body surfing is not a joke, yeah, you do it by surfing a lot, yeah, spinning classes, like we train together and everything, and that It's practically my life, yes, that's incredible, it doesn't work. he streams on a boat oh yeah yeah by the way just to set up this picture for those who don't know about the dock it just goes live one day and he's on a boat playing pub and that's it he's just on a boat and how did he do it?
h3 podcast 36   dr disrespect
By the way, you get an Internet connection from the Asus Zephyrus laptop that I was using, it was a Asus was polite enough to plug that whole situation, it was a sponsor, it was a sponsor deal, yes, and they showed that they got it. I made a comment, yeah, I'll tell you right now, it wasn't easy playing in the open ocean going 60 or 70 miles an hour of fun. I mean, it's fun, but it's not for playing. Yes, this is fan service. Hello, and the suggested question, so I'll ask it to you. I'm not very familiar with these guys, but I have a feeling this is a fun question.
h3 podcast 36   dr disrespect
Shroud Summit and yourself, yes, marry one, kill one. I understand that I have. I get that donation a lot so you're ready yeah you can move on to I could probably kill him sometime even though I killed I kill them they're not all married they just killed both of them thank you all for posting the last question of this day . Maybe I trust you, here this is custom here I have a shroud killed I should probably say that even if I had killed some so many times it's his level but shroud he's my next he's next on my list okay, yeah, okay, look trout, yes this is usual on the show, we usually end it because it's a little weird, a little strange, a little unexpected, well, on sight, yes, do you have any ghost stories, anything paranormal?
Have you seen that absolutely no one would believe so, except that guy about alien technology, yeah, what would he say about everything? Yes, I would during my last year of college mm-hmm, I was staying in a house in the mountains. Dude, dad's friend


s him and they owned a big ranch, huge acres, a nice big house and they had three or four houses on this property and they had like a little little lake. I'm like in the middle of nowhere and I heard the place wasn't, you know whatever, but he was polite enough to let me stay there my senior year.
It was also a 30 minute drive to the university from where they were and he had to leave. One weekend he said, hey, can you watch the house for the weekend? I was fine, cool, so I'm sitting there. I think it was Friday or Saturday. Now that I'm back from school, I think it was the next day. Saturday night. Sitting there it's about 1:30 2:00 in the morning I'm lying in bed son the phone rings and it's a big house so when it rings it's like echoes, reverberations, right Heaney I'm like what no one calls so Get up there, I don't answer anyone on the phone, it's just bad, okay what the hell is this?
You know, I go back to my bed, he had automatic lights for the driveway, I go back to the bed at the window, that's the bed we stayed in. In this room, this window is where you can see the driveway just as I go to bed ooh, the light comes on, let me go to the bedroom door and close it. I closed it, no joke, after closing it, I'm walking towards the bed. I hear like I'm running down the hall and I'm like, "Okay, this is crazy, I'm going to bed," what was this? This was, I got chills, this was when this was in 2005, okay, so it's a little low, yeah, you.
You're a slightly younger dog back then, the last piece of the puzzle. I went to bed. I just had to turn it off. Don't even worry about that. Give me a bed. Put the pillow over your head. I can do this. Is this one night? Okay, let's forget about this. I wake up in the morning. I walk down the hallway. It has a huge, beautiful, large kitchen. All the cabinet doors are open, yes, yes, and that was my experience there. I told Mike that I didn't experience anything else after that, like anything weird or that I heard things, but I had the place to myself all weekend and that happened during that weekend, and you said whose house it was?
He's a father, yes, did you tell him? Yes, has anything like that ever happened to him in that house? I wish I had, I feel like I would be a more interesting person, yeah, thanks, no, no, no, nothing, what I have, I have nothing, dude, that's fine, but I love hearing other people's stories, so thank you for sharing that absolutely and finally, do you ever plan to go for three times? and oh well, it has to be three times, well, it has to be three years in a row, oh yeah, yeah, and I could have done it, but they're going to play Bugsy or Bugsy or whatever the game is and I don't want to. play Yeah right, three times in a row, who has time for that, this time it sounds better all three times, all three times, yeah, back to back, look, this is you, you'd almost lie and say twice at that moment, ya which sounds much better. yeah, exactly twice, I mean three, it's for the V, you know, I totally get it, it's well said buddy, yeah, well, thanks for the subway time to the doctor for coming, thanks for braving the oncoming traffic and passing this time with us. sharing your experience God bless you Oh I hope your destiny doesn't end the same as Edward Norton from Fight Club yeah but I appreciate you anyway we're just getting started yeah the revolution is starting yeah yeah anyway I wish all the best, I love it.
You do and I really appreciate you coming here hey thanks for having me please guys thanks for watching next Thursday. Yeah, Jory Pearson, leave your questions on the subreddit, that's all for this week guys, I appreciate it.

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