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H3 Podcast #10 - Talking About Jake Paul, Lance Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld (Top Of The Month)

Jun 06, 2021
Welcome everyone to today's h3


. I'm sitting here with the illustrious and beautiful fashion icon Neel Klein, ela kleiner, what's up? Thanks for the amazing presentation of it, you're welcome, friend. I would deserve it and, more frankly, I was speechless. but come on, there have to be a lot more words to describe that, oh, my mom is watching. Wow, ela Kleiner, the original ela kleiner, Elana's client. Wow, welcome to the stream to EULA's mom, so today guys, let's mix it up, we're doing it. a little different so today we don't have a guest, we may have a special guest who comes later, but today it's just her and I because it's important for us to have some kind of format that we can do once a


at least where be just us and we have some kind of show format something to talk about where we're not dependent on a guest coming every time so we can make sure we always have a show for you guys every week and basically what we've prepared. for you guys it's the top of the


, which is something we want to do once a month, maybe even more if you like, where we basically go over our favorite news, our favorite videos, all the cool little things to talk about each month and we.
h3 podcast 10   talking about jake paul lance stewart jerry seinfeld top of the month
I have a great list of videos to watch things to talk about this should be a lot of fun. I'm excited, sometimes we'll have guests to sit with us, sometimes we won't, but today it's her and I, what's up? Ela Kleiner, hopefully. Sounds fun to you and the people on YouTube. Remember you can tune in every week live at 3 p.m. PST on 4 / h3h3 Productions oh the post is coming well we have post Mon joining us so it will be a chain smoking surprise guest yeah no surprise last time Austin was here , post Malone, like everyone was saying, oh Ethan smokes.
h3 podcast 10   talking about jake paul lance stewart jerry seinfeld top of the month

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h3 podcast 10 talking about jake paul lance stewart jerry seinfeld top of the month...

I don't smoke, I only smoke when I have a pulse because, how can I not? He is like the lord. crushed camel and but lion by the way I don't drink when I don't hang them either so there will be a chain smoker drinking Bud Light yeah I'm always like I'm almost getting into the smoking pipe but I gotta be good don't smoke children someday angel, well the thing is that when I smoke I'm getting old, right, I'm 31 you guys, I'm ashamed to admit that and it's almost my birthday, my birthday, don't say it. anyone because it's embarrassing God I'm like the oldest loser on YouTube people should look at me and be like this guy people look at me I see this coming all the time that guy is 50 I swear to God they say wow he's only 31 humiliating , it's the white hairs, I mean, what can you do, but you eat it, you gain the baby's weight, are you horrified?
h3 podcast 10   talking about jake paul lance stewart jerry seinfeld top of the month
Are you saying put your hat on? See this? Oh, my wife is


, she's going to put poop on her hats, yeah. I'm sure she seems crazy, but I'm a comedian, right? I'm trying to make a joke. I know it sounds crazy, but Ethan actually had white hair when I met him when he was 21 years old. Yes, he is already hereditary, but it is definitely a lot worse now than he was, but they already had a lot. I had a lot anyway. I think you were already 18. I was starting to go gray, but the good news is that my head is full of hair, honey, well, maybe even too much hair.
h3 podcast 10   talking about jake paul lance stewart jerry seinfeld top of the month
I'm saying God please just make me buy a little bit, could you help me, you have good hair, I have good hair, bye anyway, what was I saying, what was I saying, I have no idea guys, what did you say, yeah, anyway . uh well oh yeah anyway I was saying I'm 31 now and when I like, when I was a kid, in college I used to smoke, it's disgusting, first of all, let me say this, it's disgusting, smoking is a gift disgusting. I don't when I was in college I used to smoke and now that I'm an adult I feel like I have a cigarette and I feel like I'm having a heart attack like I'm sitting here in the cell chain smoking and then the next day.
I have a total throat infection, it becomes difficult to smoke, seriously, just like your body tells you, I don't know, that's basically how it is. I don't know how you get addicted to smoking, because what people do. I don't realize that you have to work hard to become addicted to smoking. It's like it doesn't feel good, it hurts, it's expensive, it makes you stink like there's literally nothing redeeming about smoking and I still don't do it. I really don't understand his redeeming act. Some people like it. It takes a lot of work to become addicted to smoking cigarettes.
It's something really interesting. We used to smoke. I met you when you were in the Israeli army. Yes. I used to smoke. twisted even dude you gotta be real with me like you can't be sometimes we make videos in heels like well what if my parents see this? Okay, I'm like, dude, we're trying, this is our livelihood, we're just counting. My brother needs to close this stream right now because I'm watching it with him. What they don't know is that you smoked, you once smoked two cigarettes. Line. It's like I have this thing where I'm one of those people that I can never.
I will never smoke with my parents. I just can't get it right and tell them I smoked even though they probably know because they've seen me in a photo before. I mean, it's respectful, it's a good thought just the way I do it. I can't do it, it's respectful, it's nice, but on the other hand, maybe you're going too far when you say that in my head I can't say it, right? I can understand a couple of good things, but you, you, you used it? smoking, yes when I was in the army, everyone smokes in their army, it's like you get your uniform and a pack of cigarettes with it, yes that's true, I used to smoke, but I was never a serious smoker, I never was. addicted or felt like I had to smoke it was really good I did it for fun I think I just have an addictive personality like if there was a pack of cigarettes on the counter I don't smoke I don't care about cigarettes but it's like I have to smoke them all and I'd get sick it's strange is something strange yes, it is strange yes, what else don't you want your parents to know that you are scared now?
I could lift the whole thing right now. Yeah, like for example when we were making the video about how we used to be drug dealers. I have been Santa Cruz. Deva said I can't make this video because what if my parents see it and I'm like, dude, this is our race? I don't think they care right now, they too this happened 10 years ago, that's how India's main father is okay, also another thing I will never curse in front of my parents, such a sweet kid, I just can't do it, you have to practice it say rubbish now say something now it's good it's therapy say I can say that but here boy it's what's so good to keep recurring work for Semak is that a curse well it's pretty good it's not very it's not very vulgar oh no it's what it's like the most vulgar Hebrew word Ben zona so Ben zona in Hebrew means son to himself or son of a prostitute or something like that literally for some reason it's like people in the Middle East are like mommy's sons and those they're like real fighting words benzo no oh yeah have you called someone benzo na and Tel Aviv you better be a boy of the decade?
Because those Israelis have bad character. They are crazy. Did you have something good? People say you threaded the wrong link. No, no, don't do this to me. You got to be kidding. This can not be. I hope they are trolling. I am such. That photo of me is very appropriate at this moment. This is the eighth in that tweet. Tell a close-up of that photo. This is Dom shoenice Ethan who tweeted the wrong link on Twitter not once but twice, but I seriously blame my phone, the autocorrect on this is atrocious, it's crazy, okay try this again buddy.
I don't want to talk to you about Samsung because I like it. I like Samsung as a brand my friend, but the autocorrect is not the best because I had a knife before and I changed it in the US. I love the Samsung phone. I think it is the best phone by far. The new one is wonderful. Don't know. What about autocorrect? I don't know if it's a machine learning thing, right? But no, it's not correct, like if you type ID ID and then change it to Like. I think that's a word you don't know. It is not necessary to change it to another word that is already a word.
You guys like these autocorrect comments. I have to write this again. Sorry, I'm a total loser. Ford/Eli have a question for you. right in the urinal before going live to pee like you do in the bathroom, like what you usually do in the bathroom mm-hmm and I was thinking I had something called stage fright, yeah, sometimes I get it, like I'm In the bathroom I'm peeing and someone comes in and sings something next to me I can't pee I don't know why I get stage fright Yes, I know that feeling of worry when you can't because I like to wait.
I was going to ask you if girls have the same thing. It would take me another two minutes. There's probably something else I'm not thinking about where women get that kind of stage fright. What happens there? What is the secret? world of women in the bathroom well, that's a very general question, what do you have? There must be something fascinating. I'm not sure. I don't know. I didn't prepare for this. Do you ever poop next to a woman and it's like? uncomfortable as girls, I feel like I find it funny that girls poop, so it's like you're in a stall because all the girls sit well, that's it, you have one person, no, in the men's bathroom, you have urinals , okay and the women's bathroom just sinks so there must be a lot of pooping and peeing going on in there and maybe you'll sit next to a party pooper when you have that you'll be next to a beer and then suddenly .
You're ready to travel for a while, so you know, you signed up. Does that ever happen? Yes you can? I have more thoughts on that. I mean, it's what you think it would be. It's a bathroom you don't like. Stay there too long, you do your thing and go out, what's up with this? You're going to poop and you thought you were next to show up, but suddenly now you have to go to Cooper's next to each other and then you're nice. They both like this topic for Friday afternoon. Honestly, I'm just trying to fix this tweet properly if p.m.
PST h3


time every week bro, I actually don't know if that ever happened to me when I like myself and another person next to me are pooping at the same time seriously in the public bathroom, how often is that like that? That's nice. from what I'm understanding now, you get into the heart of what's interesting here EULA because the girls just sit in the stalls but you're


about public toilets right yeah I guess so yeah so I don't poop in a public bathroom. many times I try to avoid it at all costs what I wonder is that sometimes you sit down to urinate and oops you sit down to urinate well I'm not fine but I say like maybe how you appeared saying not to sit down to urinate and that's also in your poop not that guy it's more that would only happen to me at home not in a public place I know exactly what I'm going to do I loved it like that one on one with the allegation turn on as if I was asking about his gender, yes, of course , before we get to the top of the month, I want to say that we don't have a sponsor for this episode of the podcast if you want to support the show if you like what you do. and you if you like what we do and want to see more this is how you can support us number one we just released some new products like a fucking Church of God or should I say flip this is actually the best product I think.
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I love you, we really appreciate you with that being said, let's get straight to the exciting news bro, what do we have on the list? I'm sure most of you have already seen Jake Paul's daily life, brother. We made a video about it. I think everyone on All the Flippin' YouTube has made a video about it. At this point he had a live show I think last night and it's just an absolute riot, man I dare say it's even worse than the video. synchronizing and they can't even get the timing right, which is absolutely fascinating, so I'm Mike, my goal here is to see who your fans are and I also want to learn a little more about all these people on stage.
I want to see what their skill set is Sam, where are they right? Listen, look, go back to the beginning. I see complaints, so there's something really strange that doesn't change at all. Yes, not this videoI put up with your art, your orders, you bang your head against the wall, they will argue that green is orange or that that is even more subjective. these people, but it's like you're bored, bored. I mean, that has to be trolling. This lady has to be as real as a heart attack. Is she in the video? Yes, this is a great theory.
She was a journalist and editor of Catalina magazine. Joyce, she's everything. her lips are pursed she's already a yes she's already like yes she said she's boring hey thanks for having me so this was a bit of a disconcerting story where people are inserting politics into breastfeeding which it seems like he's not here to be friends with her this is the segment we thought, let's put this fool on TV about him why would it be controversial to call breastfeeding natural if breastfeeding is not natural what is natural what breastfeeding is not natural like the Pediatricians will tell you that it's not exactly easy that there are elected Asian specialists, that there is a whole industry, it doesn't mean it's not natural, right, maybe some women have problems breastfeeding.
Yes, it just doesn't work, actually, yes, some women can have a baby and just can't breastfeed. My sister had a baby and tried it for the first week. There was no milk or the baby was not latching. Wow, okay, what happens in nature when you sit? The baby is simply starving. It seems very good. I guess at the time they had it. They had what they called wet nurses. They had women who were always breastfeeding who could throw their baby on the tip. You need a tip for the baby, but clearly very natural. I mean, even as animals, every mammal breastfeeds as part of what it is to be a mammal.
You have a tit. and milk comes out and the baby absorbs its nutrients, it is natural, it is triggering, yes, it is thinking that breastfeeding is not exactly natural, it is not something natural for women, so what they are saying is that I am very happy that there is a study that finally allows women to not have that feeling of guilt that is okay in the formula, so this is the problem, they are making this argument so broad. frankly she doesn't want to breastfeed with her hands, it's not natural and it's just yelling, I already said that and then she says that some women can't breastfeed well, not that they're not the same point, yeah, and then she talks about how it's okay handle the formula. to dad, but it's okay, yes, however, it is a Barak, it is strictly a prerogative, yes, exactly, it is the same way as the leader, they are like a deal, are you activated?
I've been triggered before, but this is the problem I've always identified as a progressive. liberal person, but every year I find myself more and more completely confused about my similar political identity because if it's people on the left, I just think they're resorting to things like, um, do you like censoring people? I'm trying to control what people can say as pronouns and they fuck it up like I don't know, it's all like you, it's too far, it's too far, they take it too far, too far, like in Canada, like all this stuff that passed. What was that guy's name, Jordan Peterson?
All this that happened in Canada, they passed a law that says that if someone wants to be called by a pronoun, they have to buy a lot, so if you have a woman who wants to be called he because she identifies as a man, it is illegal not to calling her by whatever pronoun she wants, I don't know, I don't know the details, but that's crazy, it was even spelled right, I mean, I'm all for everyone, you know, doing whatever they want. make or force you by a law as if you say please call me him and I'll keep calling you a sheet that maybe I can make a but that's my right to be and don't put me in jail because I didn't do it I'll call you him, you're fine, passed.
God help Canada. God help you all. I need to help the world. I need to look into that, if that's really a long time. We are losing Western society. I really believe that we have arrived. to the point that it's really depressing wow, that's really depressing so who knows the consequence? Yes, what is it? What am I going to get? Yes, it comes from the same angle because if you go to it, it is an Islamic world, a Muslim. Arab country and they're like women have to cover up or women can't drive, it's almost like it starts to tread on the same territory of personal freedoms, it closes the circle back to the perimeter, or you know, I think if you're a religion and you're not you want a woman to drive and you're a woman, you don't want to drive because you want to serve her religion, it's a great right, but if once you start passing laws to proceed to manipulate people's personal freedoms, then we'll just walk away.
Back in time, my friends, I return to tyranny, yes, that's exactly it, we are going to have a situation where we turn to a real man to feed a baby, then they say that only a woman capable of feeding a child is inappropriate, it is unethical and inappropriate and I am so no one says no one has ever said that men have been feeding babies forever, you just said it yourself, it is natural that she serves this topic as men, someone It says it's not natural for a man to feed a baby, I don't think anyone says we don't produce milk with our boobs, that's clear, so if you want to breastfeed, if I mean, it's all up to the parents, it's all a choice. parental.
Do you want to breastfeed or do you want to take turns giving formula? I mean, if I have to let the baby suck my hairy tip, I promise you that if that's what she wants, I'll try, well, I mean, it's not unethical or inappropriate, whatever those words mean, I want Say, may, it's the opinion some doctors say that breast milk is superior to formula and other people don't agree and that's a debate that's been going on for quite some time, but what you seem to be saying is that it's bad because it suggests that women have a different role in motherhood than men do but they would do it because women are the only people biologically capable of having children is that it is now a controversial observation well, it's not birth, childbirth is already It's not natural like him, I mean, he's really getting close to that, yeah, I mean, that's a great argument, right?
Have we reached the point where giving birth to a child is not a conservative feminine thing to do? I don't know how this whole gender identity thing is like I have a dick, I'm a man by birth, that's what it is, I can cut it off. off or I can identify as a woman but I have a dick I was born a man that's my gender it's wild it's weird because they come with good intentions you know the idea is good but they take it so far and it becomes bad it's a tyranny of thought when you try to control what people might say and think, let's have a debate about, let's talk about, I'm interesting, you're into your philosophy, I mean, well, you know, like I said, I'm depressed. for everyone doing whatever they want if you want to be a woman and you're a man, do it, God bless you, you know, but it's like you get angry because you know someone doesn't like it, quote unquote, you understand how you feel. about being called a man or a woman or something like that or like that just what do you expect what do you want us to do as if we don't know anyone yes yes we don't know whether to call you what you want to be called or if we say one thing you're going to be offended, you know what I feel I mean, so the whole Canadian likes and I think he uses the pronoun that and the situation is like compassion and understanding, right, you can't make a law that makes a It's a lot to force people to do a certain way, don't believe understanding, it just creates more fiction, it creates more problems, it makes people hate you more, yeah, and it's like you like doing that, like you get a gender change or something you know. that it's going to be different like no, you know you could get it, yeah you know, but it's like we don't know how to handle it because we've never been in that situation before, right, it's something new. new, it's something new and it's even new to them, yes, I feel sorry for trans people.
They have a very high suicide rate, they really had to push the rate, they go through a lot, yeah, and I totally relate and I have compassion for those people. but I think a lot of trans people are very reasonable about it. I think it's like this one isn't trans. I mean, I don't know the people who caused all the outrage. I hardly even represent the disenfranchised in many ways they make it worse, right, yeah, broadcasts that don't resonate well, I don't know if that's true, but I guess it is. I have to do it. Do you think she breastfed?
She probably made her husband wear one of hers. one of these things where you have like fake tits and the model reaches the nipple the only ones that can feed the children so that's what they are trying to say it's natural for Tuesday I love this who feeds the children no It's the idea of ​​a baby formula to replicate breast milk, yes I know because just like parents they always take, yes that's what I'm saying in modern society you can even mix it up so why what not to do if the mom wants to breastfeed and then if she did, the father wants to feed him, why could you think about it too reasonably?
Yeah, I'm waiting for the reasons, but she's saying well, she's saying reasonable things with it, it's like it's unethical and then it's like what, but no one thinks that she. They say it's unethical, it's like no, the whole burden doesn't fall on the mother, so that's what they're trying to say what I love, that the biggest, the biggest, like there's two people talking and then the biggest square, as if we knew it, breastfeed the boys. We don't need this huge stock photo with a lady. Leave us a tip. Well, first of all, of course, that's true, of course, and I don't think women are stupid.
I had a mother who had a hungry child for two weeks and she couldn't breastfeed. she couldn't produce for two weeks the baby had lost weight and she refused to give him baby formula yes, that lady is stupid, she is a stupid person, she is irresponsible, she is stupid, what does that have to do with anything?, she is a person to which I should, yeah, it's just formal, I think it's a universally correct conclusion, it's like necessity, I wouldn't say the mother of invention, but in this case it's the mother of not kissing you, baby, some people can't breastfeed, then there is a safe alternative that really works and gives the baby the nutrients it needs in its world, men are like you can't give formula to that baby, you have to breastfeed because that's your role as a woman and it's and you have to do it because you are probably talking about two people.
I've never listened to anyone. Go. something like that is like I don't know, I don't know how he deals with this because it's like stupid fear, look at this face, although I saw myself and where he has that face in each interview mouth, it's really the focal point of his face too it's like they probably put a little mustard in the milk on their burgers and we'd have to resort to formula, that's a totally fair point and it's a shame when people feel like maybe there are some but that's not what it's really happening. Here this is gender politics that intrudes on the personal decisions that parents make.
You're also blurring the lines you suggest by the way men can breastfeed, which I don't think they can. I don't think they can. I like it, it's bitter. We've gotten to the point where we actually have to breastfeed for 10 minutes. You may have a situation. Don't know. Did you know that they can't breastfeed? You know it, but you guessed it. I guess they can't breastfeed. It is like. No, this is not a debate, let's not debate whether men can breastfeed. This is the problem. Even when we have to debate these things, the milk doesn't come out.
My dad no matter how hard I try. I guarantee it. I'm for children. I can tell you that she likes it. No. trust him to see this she should know your secrets are maybe you're not trying hard enough admit the point that men can't breastfeed please just for nothing in the world could you imagine like that? the wife leaves it's like he looks in the windows I see she's really gone and he just tries it's like when you masturbate when everyone will use Shh you have to wait a couple minutes to make sure they're really gone and I'm not don't leave anything at home I don't that's against God I've breastfed I breastfeed her she's in the word say you can't feed the children finally they're doing a study that says breast milk is not the only way to go there is other ways you're dodging what I'm saying look strictly speaking, I don't disagree with you but the debate thank you, thank you, that's good if I see Warren, she says, yeah, God, I'm going to say something inarguable, men.
I can feed babies too, of course, of course, also loving a child is natural, wait, love is natural, no, don't push, I'm so sorry, I'll push that shummy, communist, don't you see me, the milk Breastfeeding is better or worse than formula and, again, that is a scientific debate that nutritionists and doctors can have. This is a feminist group that says: how dare you suggest that it is wrong, dear women, to feed babies because that somehow links them biologically to the act of procreation? And my only point is the feminists. As always they are helping to obscure the realitiesstill found out about Justin here, but I mean, that was like the phase. where it was cool to hate him, yeah, I don't think maybe he gets that much, I have no, all in all like this is a great song, I mean, he's a talented guy, he's super talented, super successful, he's just a magnet for hatred. so you know, take note of the Biebs Paul guys exactly exactly, I mean that guy gets more hate than anyone, but he's crushing it, he's crazy.
I saw a video with Justin Bieber being harassed by TMZ in Beverly Hills when he was shopping and you. he really humanized it for me, he's a great guy, he was a great guy, he was super nice, please leave me alone. I'm just hanging out with my dogs and they found out. The tabloid guys were very rude. What if I can find out it was me? It was like, damn Justin Bieber, he seems like a decent guy, he's a really dumb guy. I've known him for like a year and a half, he's a really sweet guy since I met him, like he's always been down to earth and super cool, that's amazing, he's a really good friend, okay, I think this is it everything, yes Justin you have a lot of hot sake for your hockey skills, would you ever try to turn pro?
Shut up, ask, did he say you have a lot of spicy sake? All about haha, go away. Man, there has to be a better job than this. What was the deal with that guy the other day at the game? Guys, figure it out. You can tell they've been harassing him all day in the Canadian woods. They sing it. Inauguration of the swamps. What is normal interaction with human action? Come on guys, please leave me alone and then it's like I didn't hear you. Great, it must be infuriating. I love it, it's brilliant, everything about professional hockey.
Yes, the Hot Soccer Hockey series. Skills you would think of bro, I can't believe you said, a movie questions your diva? He is looking for someone to sing. That's why it must be so difficult to be the most famous person in the world. He is actually one of the five most famous people. in the world I feel like that's why I have so much respect for him to keep it together, man, it's so true, I mean, it has to get messed up and then when these guys harass you, it turns into a mm-hmm scene, of You're walking around, thinking about your own business, and it's probably discreet.
These parasites harass you. I can't tell you how it was. You were looking at my house in Nevada, right? And that's a small town and a child. He saw me and then called all of his friends, I was literally shopping in the store and literally 40 of his friends showed up. Wow, when I had to show love to all of them and I love showing love to my fans, but I'm a billionth of Justin's fame and I can only imagine he's like yeah, you can't go, you can't, you can't do anything right in nowhere, yeah, a different level than he's been touring on. like three years he's been really crazy, that's mad, yeah, it surprises inside that's why I must be exhausting, he's a superhero, I love it, listen to me, people laugh, yeah, how many people are there influenced the whole thing not speak.
I know that was his move. Years ago, you just know, I'm just dating my boy, you're going to walk down the damn street, but it seems like all of a sudden it started, he's the best God, because deep down I appreciate you lifting him up, he deserves it. TMZ has been in my face before mm-hmm but they never liked hockey harassing me that's what's going on here when you ask someone to leave you alone and they don't do it right in the public area I think you ask you're doing so stupid well thanks for pointing that out ok thanks Justin oh the videos are longer but then he goes shopping at the store and they're waiting for him outside to film it all omg that's pretty crazy anyway , most of the videos I don't like are a game.
PewDiePie, can I get 1 million dislikes? Friday wrecking ball gangam style people hate, man how's bop? What's that? I see a really great question. Is a song? Let me Google it because I'm sure what's out there. Oh wow, it has to be. Pretty bad, well I've never seen that, wow, look at that, oh wait, I feel like we're in for some gold. I also believe it. I have to pee, damn it, even guys, we're taking a break, you guys don't leave, let's do it. all night, I mean, we'll be here until we're done, we'll probably be here for another hour, okay guys, I'm leaving, Pete, we're just getting started.
I'll be back in two minutes, huh, what's that? Where were we anyway? We were looking at my least favorite videos of all time on YouTube and this is number five and we'd never heard of it so I'm fascinated, let's give it a watch production value deal. I seem to have a feeling it's Patrice. Don't know. I know why I know that's not a job maybe I'm wrong I have to say I feel so fast but psycho why die pretty wild right so I mean I don't know what this video of mine is it's something crazy victory will happen coming out in a panda suit is going to happen, I just think people hate her, I don't know, oh here we go, but I beat Bobby, I know the words, but I need to get it out of my ass, come on, Bobby has one smoking in purple clay, I mean.
Well, I mean, yeah, it's not my taste, but come on down, read the comments, how come people hate it so much? 40 million views is quite a lot, dad, blessed, wait, oh, okay, I was like what paella, wait, let me go, sir, goodbye, oh, there, German, I think. Okay, it wasn't an English phenomenon. I think it was a German thing. It must be some German star. Oh wow, it's all German. Okay, this is not from our world. Well, Germans really hate this girl. Oh, you read German. Just saying all the comments are German so I'm assuming everyone I don't like, I think Germany's population is 50 million which means there's a dislike for everyone, some rich guys trophy wife and he paid from the video, yes everything is german or maybe dutch.
I don't know, they look very similar, interesting, well, sorry ma'am, what's up with the other videos?, sorry ma'am, you got a lead about someone saying that next Friday you'll be in Massachusetts, that's funny, it's probably true it's okay we're gangam anaconda they just Hate these are all just videos with a ton of views so they get more I don't like it what's up with that russian song where oh wow what's their English name and clearly that is a stupid statement, dough and the bear, how do I find this? Look try to find the Sika soooo complete wait what video are we talking about here now this is not in 37,000 what is this I came and found it let me do a search for this Russian business this is number 12 I find it fascinating how an entire country can just Hate in a video, this is 2.2 billion so yeah but it's up there holy shit it's fascinating are some random kids kidding?
How can this possibly reach 2.2 billion? 2.2 billion, that's a lot, how many people live in Russia, shit, not 2.2 billion. Yeah, oh, it's like a silent movie. I know what people hate is just normal cooking, but I don't know if I don't understand it. It is fascinating. This is strange. This is just strange. Wow, let me see the comments, yeah. All Russians, are you going to reach a billion? Congratulations, you are a minority. People hate this. Wow, this is really interesting. Wow, Nicki is there twice. Johnny Johnny, yeah, dad, you know that video. 1.1 billion dislikes. I don't know how we got to this. billion views oh it lasts an hour me I have time for this knees and toes get along with dad another this gets a billion views it lasts an hour until how much time do you have to watch a video?
I'm I'm not watching this, it's an hour long, this is like a Lance vlog, okay, let's answer some questions from the audience here, do you have any questions for us. Make a podcast with The Rock, yes, of course, simple. Do a podcast with President Obama, okay? We'll work on that Hey guys with Jesus Christ, kids. I guess by nature it's true. Do you love me? Yes, I confirm it Jess. Is there any modification here? We have as if there were no modifications. There has to be someone there, well we can. I don't expect them to like hanging out here forever.
Imagine if we just modified everyone. I wonder what kind of man, what do you do? What do you modify? So for mods who like to moderate the chat, you could put it on slow mode so you can only comment every 30 seconds. They could put subscription mode so that only subscribers can ban people who spam, so usually a Twitch stream like this will have a lot of mods active, but we don't know what we're doing so we don't know to nobody. controlling this total so that there are no modifications, oh I think it's okay, someone did it, I don't know, someone just put it in sub-only mode, let me finish it so we can do like this.
They let me do it too, let me finish. and then we can do the after show guys, thanks for watching. I think I'm doing it again guys, thanks for watching. I know it got a little complicated at the end, but we had a lot of fun doing this. The top of the month. The morning for you, if you enjoyed it, we will do it every month, we will do it every month anyway, because it is difficult and fun, but I hope you enjoy it, if you want to support us, link your Amazon account with Twitch and you can support us free by subscribing every month, it's something beautiful and wonderful or with some of our march on represent com4 / h3 street and you can get this amazing t-shirt thank you for joining us, we love you, we appreciate you and we will see you.
Next time, bye guys, okay, that's where we cut mmm-hmm, now we're going to say goodbye, we have mods, peepee nerd, yeah, yeah, someone moderate and snipers, snipers, always monks, was it him, oh my god , is he one of our old YouTube friends? He's like him and I'm not. I don't know if he invented it, but he's like the grandpa of MLG montages mmm-hmm, yeah, snipers, he was like the big kid in that damn catastrophic disaster, yeah, I'm a big knife, he said he's been here all the time time, God bless you, God Snipes. God bless you Snipes and I would love you just a double wide 360 ​​cross noscope Matt I see you right in my heart he did that actually a few ago here's a fashion line called Pearly Whites I gave you yeah , super super silly, bird, of course, yeah, it's cool. guy, very interesting guy, you went to make fashion parody montages, yes, interesting guy, aware of many hats, he's a hat guy, well, I'm a little exhausted, there's been a long one, hmm, we got a letter, we disconnected our lives, I feel bad for him, mostly.
You, snipers, shoot ours, you are my fires, yes, I want Tai López to participate. I see people saying that. I think we'll connect. I think I'm going to finish this, guys. It has been a joy. It has been very fun. Thank you for coming and joining us, this was a really fun experiment, it was fun, it was a lot of fun, we had a couple of moments, we had old situations, that's right, yes, but it's not the longest dream of my life. I'm exhausted, shit, how long will it last? I like it for five hours, five hours, Christ, I'll be there at night.
I hope you have a wonderful and good weekend. Stay tuned, thank you for supporting us. You are the yes and Ethan Ela will appear for new videos tomorrow. It does not work like that. Guys, it takes us a long time, man, our new video was I was crying. I didn't leave the house for three days. You are busy. You guys are the best. Thanks for joining us. It has been very fun. See you. guys, I love it next Friday, I love it here, I got it.

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