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Gunman of Abilene 1950 (Allan Rocky Lane)

May 08, 2020
start talking well, that would be of no use. I think you had a much better plan. I heard you, yeah, forty-eight out of that guy he taught there. I have no idea about this, someone like you told me that when you have no idea you have to train a writer, yes that's right, it makes sense to me that if he ran away the first thing he would do would be join his gang wherever they go. hide mm-hmm yeah well I was thinking about your idea of ​​letting him escape and then following him, letting him escape and you're right, if we could follow him he could just lead us. us to the head of his entire team hmm, I know you're sure I said that last night, you can bet that now when I fully explain this to him, he might just accidentally like leaving a cell door unlocked, then you and I would be waiting outside when he makes his break fun.
gunman of abilene 1950 allan rocky lane
I don't remember seeing you, yeah, let's have a good idea, no harm in judgment, okay, take the food. there, yes, Levy's cell door opens when she escapes, we will follow her, yes sir, that's a smart idea. Sheriff, huh, he hasn't been sheriff for 20 years for nothing. Let me continue, give me food. Yes, sir, here is his food. Wow, Mr. Turner, you look like a prisoner, it can't be, let's find out now, catch that dumb guy, they let him escape, don't be stupid, maybe not that stupid, what's that? No good, I'll go later, we have to stop.
gunman of abilene 1950 allan rocky lane

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gunman of abilene 1950 allan rocky lane...

He, that's right, I guess he'd be heading for the mines, Neil, there's a lot of places to hide out there, yeah, there he is, he looks like he knows where he's going, let's get across there, getting clear of those trees, Jim, oh, dig now. Where did he go? Aren't these minefields? Yes, it could be worse, but we could have caught him. Kim hadn't stuck her nose in. Let's move. She must have let it escape on purpose so they could follow us. We better get out. Here, take it easy, you know what happened when young Johnson and I discovered that his cell was empty, the boy wanted to go out after him.
gunman of abilene 1950 allan rocky lane
He had to do something to stop Lane, so I told Timmy that he would probably find Todd in the minefields. Sick, the boy owes me a debt. I had to do something. I didn't mean to expose but you didn't. Double trap. How did you get out? Idiot. Debra Lane forgot to lock my cell phone. We brought me my food. I should stop it. Stupid, huh, it turns out that he is a deputy United States marshal. That? And you were taking it right to us. Don't worry. I lost it now. We will lose him forever. Ricky, we could act smarter than those blue bellies. waiting for a new marshal maybe we shouldn't disappoint them, yes I understand what you mean why we could have spent a week searching for him in the minefield and still a sir.
gunman of abilene 1950 allan rocky lane
Only Tim hadn't messed things up, yeah, one thing I want to ask you, what's going on here, that's what we want to know, what got me the idea about my horse, I could have caught him, I had my reasons, how did the prisoner escape? Where is the? It's my fault Tim, there are a couple of questions I want to ask you maybe that's not all, it's your fault boy Lane, where do you come from? He has been helping me find a lot of help, but he let the prisoner escape and then stops me from catching him.
As? Do we know he's not working with the outlaws? Being gay and I guess I know an outlaw when I see one. I've been part of it for 20 years for nothing. That's the problem. You've been sheriff too long. We won't see you here. I thought we were waiting for a new lawman, where is he? is here Farrell is a name of the deputy marshal of the US sent here from the deputy marshal of Abilene it's about time maybe we take some action around here I don't think this identifies me, but I'm the law around here tell him Jo , I've been sheriff here for 20 years, so you're a deputy marshal, that's right, who are you?
He says his name is Rocky Lane Rocky Lane, uh, no, a marshal, maybe he wouldn't be riding a black satin. horse, that's right, a black stallion, why it all adds up to one thing, man we've loved for a long time, wonderful robbery and murder, make you listen, man, go somewhere, sure of what you're doing here . I have some business to finish with you. I mean outlaw business I'm not an outlaw, how do I know you have to take my word for it? You don't look like a murderer, but that new war eats a lion, he is not a marshal.
He knew it was kind of funny. It seems. I've seen it somewhere before, but I can't think it's weird now, listen, you honestly don't think they'd bring in someone to replace you after all these years, do you? Yeah, I don't know, of course they would. . Well, you're the best sheriff in this part of the country, yeah, easy, I know, you can't run away now, the people here need you, you're not going to let them down, are you going to let me down by asking for a new role, man? People act like this sometimes, when they panic, they don't always do the things that are best for Blue Valley.
You need a nugget. Are you going to abandon them? You're gone grams, well I guess, but I thought you think that's it. much you promised, of course, I'll catch him and I'll stay here until he comes, we'll go up, well, you know, I just came here to say good night, that's all, dig, dig, you want. Let me get out of bed this time one night Where's Tim? You want to come back soon looking for me. I didn't think it would be so silly to show you around. I came back here to see you. You want to kill me?
You did it to my father I didn't kill your father I didn't expect you to admit it right so I'm going to give myself a better break than the one you gave him I'll take you through the swamp beating Tim Tim what are you? I'm taking this murder over the marshal, but you can't Tim, he's the marshal, yeah, you're crazy, no, Tim, I was here when Rocky talked to your dad, he's the man your dad got from Abilene, well , if you are the marshal. Why didn't you say it? He didn't want to hurt Uncle Nugget. Well, what about the wild papers?
Those papers are extracted. Tim. I took it to your father to keep just before he was killed. They must have stolen it. Oh yes, Tim. Dude, did you tell him about the fake marshal? Yeah, he said I wish I could remember where I saw it before, probably on a wanted poster, no no, somewhere around here Tim, what were you doing in the minefield this morning? He was looking for the prisoner. He was waiting for him out there, how did you know where he would be? He didn't know exactly, but Henry Turner, from the general store, thought he might find it there, in the general store.
I got it, this pharaoh came into town on horseback a couple of weeks ago with another man and asked me where to find Henry Turner Henry Turner King well, he doesn't do anything bad to Henry no, no, he's fine. I've known him for years. Maybe you don't know him well enough. What could you be looking for? scaring people around here with all this shooting and killing, okay, I don't know, we'll find out right now, you know what to do, keep them busy, your beers busy like a rabbit and a lettuce patch, you know Marshall , what are you doing?
Do you want uh-oh I just came to clean my desk besides there are some things I better tell you to remind you that it is not necessary oh yes I do Marshall I wouldn't feel like I'm doing my duty I always leave this ready, now take this crowbar here , okay, leave after talking to him, come back to the house, I'll see you later, Tim, how sorry I am to bother you, sir? Turner, but I need some shelves. This is a fun time to be shelf shopping. I know, but I ran out. I'm going to need trouble.
Yes, I just saw the new Marshall and I'm in a hurry to get out of the minefields. The minefields do, did he say? Why not exactly? But I have an idea that he knows where that



is. Oh, maybe I have those shells, Tim. Thank you, mr. Turner, why don't you grab your things and get out of here? It's just the beginning. I have much more now, you take this one that is here in you, in the Lord of errands, only or he was asleep when he was a little child. I always thought he was the leader of a gang of outlaws.
He just robbed everyone in sight. Lots of nice things, don't you want to hear? I've already heard a lot of good things about you. You mean Brink wasn't here tonight? I haven't seen it. I hate that he was heading this way, that was May Turner Lane, well I see you got in a little deep, hey, I can explain, see, yeah, maybe you can explain that he's here, there's a law against harboring outlaws, You know, so this is where I was going. Not these things, don't do that, it's dynamite, you'll blow us up with dynamite in an old mine shaft, that should add up to some kind of mine in a Turner.
I do not know what you're talking about. Lane, there is no crime. against having dynamite powder, it all depends on what you intend to do with it, you and that false marshal, he is here. Lane, drop that gun, drop it, don't do it, get that other gun, Todd, snap, good to see you, I bet you. Am I glad to see him for the last time too? There is no risk of not tying it. I have an idea how we can erase the city forever and put all the blame on Lane. Let you guys come tonight and shoot.
The town is fine and proper, the people are angry, they'll be ready to do whatever the new marshal tells them and you'll tell him to pack his bags and move, we'll be waiting for them at Rainbow Ridge, that's as far as they go, I guess. What are we going to do Marshall with Ted here he shot three more dead in this raid we won't even be able to protect our women and children if Lane's gangs attack again they will kill us all the best thing is What we have to do is evacuate the city, boys, put your things in your cars and prepare to leave before dawn, they mean get up and leave our homes for the moment.
Yes, you can camp beyond Rainbow Ridge. I have a group that comes from Abilene. We'll be ready to annihilate this gang when they attack next. That's better then we can come back when you clean them up. That's right, you better gather your cars. I don't like this running away business, it's for your own good. I don't want anything to happen to that kid's girl, would you? I, on the one hand, will be ready to go with the other. Good, because if you disobey my orders, I might have to arrest you for your own protection. I'd hate to have to do it.
Doing that doesn't do any good to move it until we figure out what's going on around here. I would like to break his neck. I feel the same, but we have to think about Marion. Nicki. Put it in a cart. Go with the others. You're bright where Rocky was when the sun came up. I'll take a look outside the minefields. Rocky, you take care of Mary and Dickie. I will move with you. But what's wrong with you? Boy, you're sorry, we don't have enough for you two, but where you're going, you won't need it and suppose you could give me a drink of water.
Surely Iron Man always fulfills his last wish. Thanks, nugget, yes, since I've been waiting for you, that marshal messed everyone up outside the city. Yes, I know we have to get off that mountain road quickly. They are going to dynamit the caravan. A rainbow crest. Mike. Yeah, turn on that fake marshal. Let's tie it up so we know where to find it. Herta finds new gold. The vein down here says it runs right under the town, jumping catfish, so it wants to get rid of all the townspeople so they can get their minds together, wait for the townspeople to hear we better move faster, they won't be alive to hear.
You hope Nugget found Rocky, if so, he already wanted to keep up with us, you here, they come well, they don't drink well yet, they all hang out along the main road, then we'll catch them all at the At the same time, take the caravan. Off the main road at the fork down there, that's not the place I'd tell you to speed them up, nugget, you lead the way, off the main road, light up plenty of range, still use our guns, take your horses, Boys, let's be partners, come on, oh. You're right, Grandma, I'm sure someone got hurt, no, I think everyone coped just fine while you stay here with Mary Dickey.
I want to see how


you look, that took care of all the settings, yeah, I'll take it there, all yours. Sheriff, then you still won't tell Nugget that you're the Martian. I don't see any sense in it. Blue Valley seems to be very satisfied with a chair. Did you ever see the people when they found out about that gold mine? Yes, hello everyone. I'm going to help in part that includes you, Rocky, oh no thanks, anyway, but I have to go on my way, leave Rocky, that's it, Dickie, boy, and you'll be safe and do what your grandfather says , TRUE? fix my gun like you say, would you put those notches on it?
Well, he certainly did, but then your grandfather can fix almost anything. I love hanging out with you, see you later, good luck friends, advisor, Aki, you, you.

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