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GUESS THE PRO GOLFER with Justin Rose | Pick The Pro

Jun 19, 2024
It was the shot into the bunker, how the ball ran towards the water, creating the spin. it was really very important to have the ability to do that has really created some problems for me, cat among the pigeons, let's beat them and eliminate another player, golf for number one, what would you protect as the strongest part of your game, probably driving, yes, straight to the point Thank you, I love it, hello number three, hello, how much time do you spend practicing your short game? Have you heard? Can I have a follow-up question for this one? I will allow a follow-up.
guess the pro golfer with justin rose pick the pro
Yeah, have you heard about that? I got you I played last week I actually got you good so that was my follow up question Have you ever played? in oneI had the ladies event last week, okay, so you played in the north, yeah, fantastic. I'd say we're probably 60 40 Pro amate 7030 Pro, so there's actually not a 60% chance we can be a pro, probably less. Probably yes or yes, okay, okay, elimination, thank you very much for the time to eliminate the confusion, so I think this was just based on what I saw, the quality of the hit once again, very similar to the second shot , just the ability to have close contact with the ball for that reason I'm going to eliminate the number one


, but congratulations on your T-shot, second shot, great ball strike, thank you, okay, it's time for the putts, it's well, that's it, we are at the moment of the green, why? you selected the spot, you selected Justin, so I selected what I would find to be a difficult PT just outside 8 feet, but you know that's in the zone where you should do it or you feel like you should do it, but it's incredibly.
guess the pro golfer with justin rose pick the pro

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guess the pro golfer with justin rose pick the pro...

Missable, it's kind of a 50/50 putt, even for the pros, it's a left-to-right putt, which I think for right-handed


s is the hardest type of putt we can have, so I just wanted to see how you know how to do it. the players take care of that but let's look at it from number three I think we should have golf for number sorry number four turn around I love it I love it yeah goal for number and we've got you on your back , not in lines here. Please, yes, a serious moment. Flags. He's behind the glass trying to read a line.
guess the pro golfer with justin rose pick the pro
I think it's an important part of the process. Dro at the bottom of the cup, isn't it? Why did you do that? I thought I was sure there was Zero hesitation, obviously the balls ran towards the hole at good speed, so there was no fear of failing at all, really we, we. I'm left with two great golfers here, so I'm in, I'm in trouble, it's tough, okay, number four, thank you. What I like about this is that she has a very worn grip, which means that she's been in the bag for a long time could be a reliable Old Faithful, you were talking about the light for the sliders, that was, I mean, I think that's what I would call a rhythm, miss, you know, I think she got there and executed a good shot, um.
guess the pro golfer with justin rose pick the pro
You know, the putting stroke gave me confidence that it was more of a style of preparation, miss, that she would take care of if she could have had a little more time, so to me it's like, in my opinion, it was the Better option. Having done the part, I seemed confident, okay, see you, then I'll be your caddy, okay, so you know, if I'm in this situation sitting again, I'm like looking at the first thing that my What my eye is looking at now it's like I'm looking at these two tone marks here and here and I think I have a skirt on the left edge of that one and maybe I roll it over that one and as I stand on the ball I'm It's like trying to draw that line in my mind and I get over it, so now I'm just swinging towards the line of the ball, then I put my eyes out trying to imagine that rolling towards the hole and I'll hit the ball. part and as you can see again, unlike the number four golfer, who was a little too firm, I was a little shy, you know, I have gray hair and I don't want the four-footer to come back, you know what I I mean, so uh If I analyze that part later, I think it's a good shot, a good starting line, it just failed in my rhythm, so sometimes you have to take away the positive, even if you think you missed the part, you're doing well , I'm starting the ball. online, okay Justin, you've seen units approach the bunker and now you have two players remaining, number three and number four.
We have asked all contestants to step forward in line. Now, I want you to reveal who you think is the real professional. he is and then the real professional will step forward. It was actually a difficult decision in the end. I think we've definitely narrowed it down to probably the two strongest candidates. I think I go by what I believe. I've seen them be so difficult it's tense. I'm Ian. In fact, I think this is my part. This is a 50/50. I think number four golf is capable of turning it into a career or turning pro or continuing your journey towards that, but I.
I think I'm going to go with it based on the quality of ball striking I've seen and just a little bit of Swag that I like. I'm going to go with golf as number three, so Justin has selected the number three golfer as the real pro for him. the real pro golfer please step up yeah happy with that well done congratulations well done thank you good luck with everything in the future and you all definitely kept me



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