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Guardians of the Galaxy Breakdown! Secret Easter Egg & Music Analysis! | Infinity Saga Rewatch

Jun 06, 2021
Welcome back to the new rock stars. I'm Erik Bosse in Guardians of the Galaxy. I showed that comic book movies can look like comics and not apologize for characters who turn out to be green, purple, blue, trees, or raccoons. Sorry trash pandas, James. Gunn's world-building with its humorous soundtrack placed Guardians near the top of our Infinity Saga replay series because each replay reveals overlooked


s, including a maddeningly mysterious Easter egg that still remains hidden. and we'll talk about that bastard. The film begins with young Peter Quill. With a mixtape given to him by his dying mother, the incredible mix Volume One and its sequel, Volume 2, are the beating heart of these films, Gun actually writes into the song list in the scripts, a rare move since he is


licensee and it's not always guaranteed and he recently tweeted how he selected all the songs from Meredith's point of view.
guardians of the galaxy breakdown secret easter egg music analysis infinity saga rewatch
The gun causes each song to play diegetically from an audio source in the scene. We are actually listening to an ongoing conversation between a mother and her son. This first clue is I'm not in. love by 10cc about a boy reluctant to tell a woman I love you, reflecting Peters' reluctance to hold his mother's hand. Meredith is played by Laura Haddock, who also played a cap fanatic. Dawn says there is no connection between the characters. Meredith gives a hint about the volume. Listen, thank you and he was. Meredith's description of the ego is quite accurate. Unfortunately, her brain tumor was caused by her ego.
guardians of the galaxy breakdown secret easter egg music analysis infinity saga rewatch

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guardians of the galaxy breakdown secret easter egg music analysis infinity saga rewatch...

Peter is kidnapped and screams his central desire in this film. There is a lot of discussion about Peter's lineage from his father, but it is not talked about enough. his mother, but I think Meredith quill is the


of this whole movie, even Morag, Peter dances to read bones, come find your love and travel, I heard this is his mother's playlist, the love he seeks is hers with a power stone that brings him even closer to her, something else a machine could never understand, so he's an idiot, yeah, Peter dances. Pat is a horse-faced skeleton similar to Korbinites. in Thor's war, check it out.
guardians of the galaxy breakdown secret easter egg music analysis infinity saga rewatch
The scan in Peter's story shows a girl with a dog. This is James Gunn's dog. Wesley von Spears r.i.p hooch also makes bulk cameos in Peter's face mask and admits that the technology behind his ear is actually the same Krei technology that Carol Danvers uses in Captain Marvel Ashley later in this film Peter mentions a fight with a Kree girl right here on Kree Girl. I tried to rip off my chest, she caught me with this thin little camera earring, but I'm pretty sure it's been confirmed that this wasn't Carol Danvers, now this temple of Morag in the foreground in the orb path and I appear to steal it. and it all evokes the opening sequence of Raiders of the Lost Ark, a parallel in which Brody actually alludes to an endgame with a woman.
guardians of the galaxy breakdown secret easter egg music analysis infinity saga rewatch
This is the part where you know there are spikes coming out with skeletons at the end and everything, what are you talking about when he breaks into a place called the Temple of the Power Stone, there will be a bunch of booby traps, okay, move on and more Later in this movie, Peter compares the orb to the famous MacGuffins movie like the Lost Ark, so this orb has a really shiny blue suitcase Ark. from the Covenant Maltese Falcon some kind of vibe Korath arrives and his soldiers are sick What Oren means are from the junk planet which is then shown in the Ragnarok gate Peter escapes on a ship called Milano after Peter's childhood accident Alyssa Milano in his beruete connection is wearing this same summer camp t-shirt that Peter was kidnapped in.
Peter's recorder includes a troll doll, the same one he trolls Yondu with at the end, there are also some Alf stickers on this cat eating a alien life form that actually appears in the Infinity Gauntlet comics and then Before Yondu calls, you can see Peter scrolling through photos of other women on what appears to be a galactic version of Tinder yondu crag lin and the other Ravagers where he is patch is now actually the


logo in all of these comics. In reality, the characters only Gandu was an OG Guardian in the comics, a taller fin that had a more precise volume, and his yak arrow I in these movies is adapted from his archery in the comics, he controls a whistle and his fin that lights up when used. on Ronan's ship called Dark Aster, now you may have noticed these coordinates under each location, as I mentioned before James Gunn announced that he hid an elaborate Easter egg throughout this movie over the years, Smart youtubers like Mt Great Guy have come closer by focusing on these coordinates and now there is an incredible discord community, all the keepers, a basket of eggs where people waste smarter than me, they have been able to decode the phrase this is breast cancer mom this is not real in the name Meredith quill, that when these geniuses tweeted this at James Gunn, he has responded with 50-70% correct ratings.
They are very close and I recommend that they help you solve it. They definitely have a thing for Peter's mother, his cancer and maybe his connection to reality is the secret to this movie maybe it's the


egg or maybe this ends up being just a good shot of a man-child looking for lessons of life from Marvel movies. We meet Thanasis' adopted daughters, Gamora and Nebula, they were going to meet Ronan, a war-hungry fanatic of the Kree Empire. Whose Hillary has explored more in Captain Marvel the ship was designed to look like a mausoleum when he crushes a head the blood drips down to a place where he sleeps meaning Ronan literally sleeps in the blood of his enemies which is why the Later fantasies threaten him. so personal, come back to me again empty-handed, baby, the stars on Tuesday and our house in Nova Corps hooded by the Nova Prime rocket and Groot scans the locals for rewards, including Stanley, the alien letters on a screen translate to Stan's catchphrase from Excelsior, but perhaps more so. interesting there in the scroll language was this not really, they try to capture Peter he doesn't distinguish between genders I guess his race reproduces asexually they get arrested and in all their reserve screens there are hidden some fun


eggs, let's take him down with the screen below Mora appears as the last survivor, the brave people of Z, a massacre we actually see in Infinity War, suggesting that Thanos' crusade to save populations by killing half of them isn't working very well.
It also lists a bunch of cybernetic and eye upgrades. and the respiratory implant rocket screen is very interesting, it lists their origin as the origin of rockets halfway across the world in the comic book world, where animal-like test subjects live. It also lists the name of Lilah, who is the Rockets' partner in the comics. Now, of course, there's definitely more to the Rockets. Background Gunn has stated that volume 3 will explore the mystery of which scientists designed it. Many over the years have speculated that it could be the highly evolutionary group Herbert Wyndham. The screen identifies his species.
The Flora Colossi of Planet Peter's screen lists his Space Lord aliases as Roman Day refuses to call him Star Lord, oh sorry, his middle name is Jason as a nod to Jason, his father in the comics. It also lists one count of illegal tampering with agar movement. The Duchess Promotes are a dark alien race in Marvel Comics. Peter also has a universal translator implant, which is a really clever piece of James Gunn world-building for them, so now as long as there are cosmic-based characters. what we're hearing is that their translator implants at work just solve a lot of problems, lead them to kill in prison and their prison uniform is marked with these barcodes for the number and type of crimes that black people committed for murder and others. colors for arson, robbery, serious bodily harm, the thicker the bar, the more serious the crime


, the sleeping black man of Juarez, BHT is a murderer, some can mine in this prison, the monstrous alien, it's nathan fillion and the screaming older inmate is a cameo by Lloyd Kaufman, a filmmaker. and gun mentor Peter stops Tracks from killing Gamora by showing him her scars.
You caught me with this skinny little Oscar Marion who worked at Nova Records. I was trying to get information and we're looking at Oscar Berrien, tentacles, needles instead of teeth, I think I'm really interested in you not carrying around this gross mental image, so score for Drax, you can't help but use him to identify Peter later and we get our introduction to Josh Brolin as Thanos and MCU, this version of Thanos and also. The origin story of the Infinity Stones was a task that Marvel Studios left to James Gunn, so really the biggest step forward in the march towards Infinity War was that thanks to this film we had our first team taking the Infinity Stones.
Guardians in the middle of their Prison Break, now my Avengers


talked about it actually being a redemption story, but Guardians of the Galaxy is a redemption story that's really true to the diverse spirit of Marvel Comics. Gunn described The Avengers as the Beatles meets the Guardians of the Galaxy. like the Rolling Stones, while the Avengers always have one foot on, in reality the


of the


have no feet on their tentacles and the 12 are in different dimensions. Peter can't escape with them until he returns for his mixtape again. The connection with Meredith is the key here, the song here is Rupert Holmes' escape mirroring the Guardians' escape, but also a song about a missed connection and a surprise return home, just as Peter is trying to make up for his missed connection, they plan their next move at Milano. or if you want to explode, don't waste anyone exploit wounds later in Infinity War, Thanos ends up using the power stone to smash a moon into pieces, they get nowhere, which is inside the severed head of a celestial in the comics , the Celestials actually. killed by the symbiote deity not using all black the sword Necker many theorized that this giant skull once contained the brain which later became the ego of Peter Groot's heavenly father sprouts a flower he gives it to a girl I know Maj does this seen in the classic movie Frankenstein, luckily Groot doesn't drown this girl in that yellow spinal goo, is where I thought it was going to go.
Peter shares his mother's mixtape with Gamora, explained the plot of Footloose and how Kevin Bacon saved the day by dancing to a joke that returns and Infinity War was told not to dance to demand viewers what dance is not a is not a tie it is not. I guess I should move the photos exactly. It's still the best movie in history. It never was. I think about it. Peters dances like a passion. He inherited his


from his mother's ego and led to the creation of Peters. Meredith's legacies for her son to teach the


how to dance and watch the scene here.
Peter and Gamora seem to be in the eye of that celestial skull if that theory is correct. and this is the skull of the ego, it's interesting to think that it's like Peter's father is watching Meredith's legacy dance on the floors and shoot a rocket, drunk, fight, stupid, why did it have to be done? I didn't have to be torn apart and rebuilt everywhere. to some monster, another clue pointing to Rocket's mysterious surgical origin, but also a reflection of all the guardians here, each of them broken toys filled with implants, their bodies considered disposable until the Power Stone tears their flesh. and it also puts it back together, even the poor splintered ones. groups collector Taylor Devon returns to the dark world post-credits scene his vault is full of easter eggs, most of which you've probably already seen cosmo, the telepathic russian dog from the guardians comics, there's also a dark elf from the dark world and a Chitauri from the Avengers, there are a bunch of alien slugs from James Gunn's horror movie that crawl around the organic-looking cocoon that was supposed to be Adam Warlock's cocoon, but Gunn then reconfigures that with Ayisha's golden cocoon in the volume of the post-credits scene yes If you look closely you can also see Howard the Duck who is already in the scene, of course we can see him better in the post-credits scene , where he is voiced by Seth Green.
Why do you let him lick you like that? Howard returns in volume two. and an Avenger in the game, the Power Stone inside the orb was actually originally going to be read as the power gem in the comics, but Marvel Studios had them change it mid-production to purple after they decided to make the aether red. in the dark world, which is being filmed almost at the same time to be the stone of reality, the collector alludes to the stone bearersof Pat who disintegrated, so those losers must not have been as good friends as the keepers of, improbably.
I'd like a side of the D&D group that cared more. We also see the celestial Isan, the seeker who I have theorized could have been the grandfather of Peter, the father of the ego. It looks like we'll learn a lot more about these ancient Marvel gods in the Eternals movie. Behind Peter is the close-up of this wall art that Era from the Temple of Morag before, depicts ancient figures forging these six Infinity Stones and the production designers identified them as Death, Entropy, Eternity and Infinite Death, of course, it is based in Lady Death in Marvel Comics, the entity that represents all death and decay in the universe is Thanos, his motif in the Infinity Gauntlet comics that opposes death according to this art is eternity and his sister the


in the comics, eternity is another cosmic entity that represents the full embodiment of the multiverse to pay, there is a giant silhouette filled with stars and planets entropy is eternity The sun locked in another dualistic balance eternity creates entropy separates now and the volume two when the ego opens Peter's eyes Peter says at that moment his eyes reflect eternity appearance of starscape the more about this possible secret connection later Corina snatches the stone destroys the Vault, the exterior wide shot appears to show the emblems of the six Avengers gates.Mjolnir at the entrance a ring of light that looks like Toni's arc reactor a set of concentric disks that look like a cap shield a radiation symbol for Hulk a red glow beneath the spider web pattern maybe for Black Widow and an arrow shape in the middle of the purple Hawkeye's glow at seeing all of these clear the explosion could suggest that the Avengers will fail against Thanos with the stones.
Ronan's forces arrived with the Ravagers, leading to a fight. You're just a sister. The nebula I hated you least hints at Thanos' other children, including the. Black Order, who we meet in Infinity War, Peter rescues Gamora and Gun said that he filmed these scenes underwater to make the hair float, but it sucked because all the bubbles kept getting in the way. Peter then explained that the colorful nebula clouds that don't surround anywhere are super interesting. I have always wondered if they could be the flaws mentioned on that dark world board. The Rift is a portal to the Cancerverse of the Guardians comics.
This image later appears in Peter's vision of his mother who was dying of cancer and these colors were. The backdrop from the previous Peter and Gomorrah moment that YouTuber MTI once theorized that this backdrop could actually be eternity sounds the same. Gunn denied it, but I think there's something here with the Meredith Quill connection. I think that's something that occurred to Peter. He thought of Gamora as the woman he shared his mother's music with. The woman Meredith wanted to hold her hand after Ronan took the power stone for himself. . Peter forms a plan I have a plan What percentage I don't know? 12% 12% some I saw that it's 12% of the nod to Tony and the peppers, 12% of exchange and the Avengers give themselves 12 percent of their credit. 12% could be argued in favor of 15, but Gunn has explained that the number 12 often just uses comedic writing to accelerate the rocket.
The last one to stand doing this little fold that someone suggested is a nod to Picard's maneuver, maybe just Trekkies cleaning all the tuxedos in tribute to their dad, as well as playing tag. Lin James' brother Sean Gunn did the mocap and opening dialogue for Rocket in all of these films. and the Rockets button here was actually improvised by Sean Gunn, we are all standing now, but if the donkeys are standing in a circle, it also shows that the Rockets fear that their fates are the same as those of the former donkeys who were standing in a circle in the battle against the nova corps.
The fleet forms a network originally on Nova, the fleet was actually going to fold up immediately like they normally do in the comics and like they did off screen and in Infinity War, the sisters fight and I like how the nebula straightens its parts so that the eyes full of hate always remain. locked on Gamora, ends with a nebula cutting off his hand to escape along with Groot's severed arm before in the leg, the rocket tricked Peter into getting this continues, pfeif, it's strange, fades into an ode to Star Wars, Amputees paddle that cliff that protects them from accidents.
The sacrifice inspires them all to give their lives like Adam Warlock. Groot forms the cocoon that turns all these misfits into a team, a team officially named by Ronan. Here your guardians of the galaxy eat things along the broken ribbon. get easier, you champion, things get brighter, five steps, Oh, Geoff, it's Meredith's last message of strength to her son in times of turmoil, Peter grabs the stone and in this cosmic chaos, Gamora, who moments before rejected Peter's call, now extends his hand, we reject the hand of his dying mother. and her entire life since then she has been listening to her mother connect with others in a dance to save the universe and again Meredith's surroundings reflect the colors of nowhere, if you think about it, it was nowhere, it's the coordinates that those clever discord decoders translated the name. and Meredith, now Peter could presumably hold the power stone because his father's ego was heavenly, but again, what about his mother?
Nova's primary identifications are as Terran and Earthling, but what if that was just a form she took? I think Meredith Quill herself might have done it. been one of the cosmic entities of that art of Morag watching over her son infinite eternity perhaps even lady death Peter and Gamora deceived fell in love in the eye of the ego as she contemplated the surrounding eternity enshrining how Peter's parents deceived and fell in love of the same playlist in volume to the ego helps Peter see his mother Peters dance with death at this moment may be literal perhaps this is not a real translation that the weapon classified correctly could mean that Peter's reality is within his mother's boundaries, which is why his music continues to guide him why ego's brain tumor was an eternity why cancer and why Peters Savior's mentality encompasses all of existence what the galaxy does for you why you would want save her because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it, see if Meredith is the same as the space goddess or not, it's legit.
His secret message is the one that protects the galaxy. Misfits can redeem us all if they learn to dance together. kragle inand yondu even echo this. on the level of ego importance, yes, that guy was an idiot, it's not always easy to keep these daily doses of distraction coming at you from the blue dungeon, time is imaginary here and sometimes I see shapes and the shapes become like friends the best way to wake up from this delirium is an energy boost from bang energy thanks to bang energy for sponsoring this video each type of bang is 16 ounces that's right there are no weak 12 ounce cans here it contains 300 milligrams of caffeine, it has no sugar and it has zero calories but it tastes great with over twenty different flavors to choose from one of those grape flavors is cotton candy one sip of this same juice and your whole life becomes a circus look bang on Instagram you can get 25% off your order at bang - calm the energy and use the code and new rock stars 25 there you can buy the kids a burst of energy including their sweet tea, Kato coffee flavors and cotton candy.
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