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Jun 09, 2021
Friend Caleb? Yeah. What if I hope he doesn't really like coming to life? Do you believe that? Caleb hello, okay, okay, you know, our new animatronic, we'll show you at the end of the video, you have to stay until the end and then you'll see the super cool animatronic surprise. Next fan mail, this one from Canada, what? are you kidding? Yeah, I'm not kidding. Oh, look at the stars. Oh, that's great. Wait when it opens. I'll show you guys. Aubrey saves all of his stickers. She's like a sticker. box loves your stickers I've been a crazy kid I love her channel I think it's so cute I love Dolly What's up?
gremlins rewind gremlins the movie attack of the villains
Okay, I want you to stay back and make sure he doesn't try to sneak into the house. okay, okay, okay, it's going to be an envelope this one, oh, this one is already open, wait, the ones that are already open, this is not this one, okay, who is this this one is from the US and is from Texas, oh Texas, who lives in Texas, I can't wait to see what's here, yeah, I think we already opened this one, so I think it's okay, we'll pick a new one. Caleb found one, let's see, and it has some Frozen stickers on the back.
gremlins rewind gremlins the movie attack of the villains

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gremlins rewind gremlins the movie attack of the villains...

Great, I found this. one is from New Jersey, so thank you if you sent it, who's yours? This one is also from Texas. Texas great. Wow, I just got a flat tire. Oh look guys, there's a sticker on this one too. Look how cool. a donut, okay, that's cool, if you sent this letter, give it a thumbs up so we know you saw it, we hope you saw it, oh, because love is everywhere, oh, that's cool, everyone, They are so cute, it says Dear Aubrey here. I love all your videos and everything related. I live in texas.
gremlins rewind gremlins the movie attack of the villains
I'm seven years old. My B-days in March are the same Aubreices and Mark is also Caleb. This is mine. Oh, that's close to Caleb. I watch your videos all day non-stop. Thank you. thank you and put it in your next video I love your Sofia number one okay Caleb let's open Caleb's look at this someone drew a really cool smiling fish from Las Vegas and some flowers. I love Caleb he has some really cool handwriting this sweater is of Courtney in Las Vegas look how cool that photo is she's so cute and sloppy she's looking over there okay so now I think here you go Caleb you can look at your letters .
gremlins rewind gremlins the movie attack of the villains
I think now is the time to open our special Sparkle girls because Gremlin is over. Here you see, he has an eye on him. I know he's going to steal it. Okay, I have no idea what's here. So let's take a moment to see how pretty this box is. It is so cool. What's that? What's that? A plane. Heaven I don't know where he is but I hope he doesn't come looking for Sam because he's creepy maybe they discovered him no they can't discover Gremlins here Gremlin, did you do something? Yes, he is acting creepy, let's take a moment to look. how beautiful is this, look at this, so this is from the zoo or from Sparkle Girls, oh no, it's going to open from the side, it's not supposed to, okay, oh, you're supposed to open it, yeah, it's well, there's a lot to do, oh my god, this, what, in the what in the world oh my god they're like little fairies there's a lot of things in there oh my god there's a note that says hello hello bright girl I hope you find it like these gifts we have prepared for you there are some for you and some for you to share with your friends sending you lots of love and Sparkle Brittany from you she is so cool you should give one to the neighborhood let's do it here which one should you give to her hmm, I don't know there are so many there are so many boys okay, there is one oh, that one is nice, give this one, why don't you go give them those?
There is also a unicorn one. I think Caleb says yes this one and then maybe another one that he can share with his friends. Yeah, sure, okay, Aubry and Kayla are going to the neighbor's house, they're going to give him one of the shiny girls, but I'm staying back here, how did it go? Hello, Caleb, I said. about Sam oh you did the right thing oh yeah Aubrey has a channel for fun games and crazy kids games so this is so cool it's full on the top channel with zuru sparkle world so yeah , I know we just give them at random.
I know so now we're going to open a new oh there's daddy he's got Lola so we're going to open all the fan mail and Lola's pretty popular say hello Lola tell all your friends guys tell all your friends, hello, okay? We'll also open up the gremlin, one more lucky fan, and then we'll show you the creepy thing you've been waiting for until the end, so it's almost here, very pink, very pink, very pink, very good, look at that pretty look. And that, the stickers, guys, they're cool, he's looking at you, Aubry, he's super high on you, creepy, so here I can't wait to see what this is like.
She says hi I'm Ellie I'm five years old oh I live in the UK with UK Wells My teeth are shaking I love your YouTube channel Thank you so much Can you draw a picture? Let's look at the drawing he made. Wow, that's great. No wonder he was trying to get to him. I know. Alright. gremlin Do you think it's okay here with Sam? I think we're going to leave all this stuff here. Yes, you have waited. Now we're going to show you this creepy thing, the creepiest thing that ever existed. Okay, here we go, okay, Sam, stay. right there and don't move the door is open okay wait for me don't leave me with Sam okay wow guys if you're ready like this video and five four three two one because it's pretty crazy .
It's Caleb, we're about to show The Fan Fest, okay, Ari is freaking out, ready, you gotta he was just starting here, he's ready, that's the scariest thing ever. I was throwing things because I don't want to get close to him. so guys, this is Krampus, he's not real, he's an animatries, halloween decoration, animatronics, he's 6.5 feet tall, he's super tall, here's the box, can't you look at this, Aubry, what happened there, What happened there, did he do that? Seriously, seriously, did he do that? do that I don't know it seems okay come on that's Krampus hurry up hurry up guys okay subscribe and I'll see you later okay so I hope Krampus doesn't come back bye guys oh god mine.

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