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Greg Davies and Alex Horne Reveal How They Decided Who Got to be the Taskmaster (Extended)

Apr 20, 2024
-Our next guests are very funny comedians who host the hit British comedy show "Taskmaster". Season 17 premieres in the United States on March 29 on the "Taskmaster" YouTube channel. We'll see. -Well, I just can't believe it's that time of year again. -Oh! - -Oh! -Oh. - - -Hello, my old friend. -Let's do it. -Yeah! -Do you want to see my sausage? -You have dad's attention. -I'm a riot. -Was that? -Go! -Ah! -Good good good. -Are you ready? -Oh! -Chaos! What's that? -That was incredible. - -And I approve this message. -Welcome everyone to the show, Greg Davies and Alex Horne. ♪♪ ♪♪ Gentlemen, welcome to the show. -Thank you Seth. -I am a big, big fan of your program.
greg davies and alex horne reveal how they decided who got to be the taskmaster extended
Congratulations. Season 17, series 17, I guess, as you'd call it in the UK. That is an incredible achievement. And this is a very novel idea for a show. And real quick for people who might not know, could you explain the premise? -Yeah. So, very briefly, we have five comedians each season. They're in every episode, so 10 episodes, and


get to a special place, and


compete against each other doing tasks that I set to impress a giant. Is that how it works. -I am the giant. -Yeah. But the thing is, they come in isolation and don't see how each other is doing until they get to the studio, and then they realize they've been mostly idiots and take it very seriously.
greg davies and alex horne reveal how they decided who got to be the taskmaster extended

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greg davies and alex horne reveal how they decided who got to be the taskmaster extended...

But the tasks are pretty ridiculous. So, they could open a garage, find a rock, and open an envelope. It's unplanned and unwritten and it says, "Move this rock as far away from here as possible in one hour. Your time starts now." Then they leave and that's it. And we follow them. -And the rock is one of my favorites because someone tried to put it on a train. Yes. It's an iconic comic in the UK, Frank Skinner. And he put the rock on a train, and he was headed to the airport with the rock. And what I like most is that we weren't filming it. -No. -Because that's all... -I could have just lied. -Yeah.
greg davies and alex horne reveal how they decided who got to be the taskmaster extended
Everything happens genuinely. So we didn't have permission to film on the train. So it's just me and Frank and a rock on the train and people are like, "What? Why does he have a rock on the train?" -The rock is about six feet, right? It's huge. -And he did it just to get... he gets five points from Greg. And comics take it very, very seriously. -Well, I will say that it is the pleasure of seeing them, when in reality you are judging them in the end. For example, they may be heartbroken if you feel like they didn't accomplish the task. -I know, and the strange thing about the show is that Alex and I always laugh because some of these people are our friends, but there's something about the show that once you enter the world of "Taskmaster", people do see me as This despotic lunatic in charge, and I...
greg davies and alex horne reveal how they decided who got to be the taskmaster extended
And it goes to my head. I'm like... -I keep thinking, but you're also sitting on a giant throne. Is that maybe... -Oh, it all plays with my ego. Yeah, in my personal life... it's ruined my personal life because... because I'm starting to believe that I have this incredible power. -In a way you do. For example, we got visas to come to the United States for this. And we went to the American embassy and there were soldiers outside with guns. And they saw Greg and they put their guns down and said, "Can we take a selfie? Because you're Taskmaster." -They said something like: "Sorry, we have weapons." -Yes Yes. -Now, this was an idea you came up with for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. -Yeah. -And how did you come up with the idea for this and how did it work as a stage show? -Yes, well, the Edinburgh Fringe is the best place to generate ideas and nurture things.
And I had a baby... my wife actually had a baby 15 years ago. And I was at home thinking: What do we do now? We have to pay for this baby. And then I


to assign a task to 20 comedians every month. And the first was to put some money in my bank account. Most of the money he makes, and he paid for that. So, every month they did a task for me, like finding the hedgehog that earns the fastest. And it was something unique in Edinburgh. It was going to be a one-hour show and that was 15 years ago.
And now it's this weird thing on TV. So, it wasn't meant to be a television thing. -But you came up with the idea and yet you


to make Greg the foreman and you will only be the assistant. Why did you give the role of power to your friend here? -Because he is a fundamentally weak human being. -Very poor... Yes, he is right. -That could be it. -Is creative. I won't accept that. -That is very noble. -Yeah. No, my personality is terrible. Just very... Well, I should point out that, you know, again, meeting you in person, which I'm lucky enough to do for the first time tonight, you refer to him as little Alex Horne on the show.
You're taller than Alex now. But Alex is a tall gentleman. -Great guy. -It is not. The guy is 5'5" at most. And I dare you to prove otherwise. -Yeah. That's annoying. My kids call me little Alex Horne. -Do you have any other favorite insults you've had for Alex over the years? the years on the show? -I don't really know where it comes from, but there are some. I have a theory that Alex irritates me on purpose because it suits the character of the show, because, you know, I'm quite nice, of course. true, but he needs me to get angry on the show.
So, he tells me indirect things that bother me and I don't find them funny and I find myself being mean to him. -And your mother-in-law. He really hates me, doesn't he? -Well, he recently said... He recently said, "This is Alex, and he recently told me in confidence that he is sexually attracted to his next-door neighbor's wife. "And they had just moved into the house next door. -But that was true. -It's not true. -He told me. He told me. And he also told me in confidence that if you get on a plane and there is a female pilot , leaves immediately.
He said that. -I don't believe that- -He said because- -I feel like you don't understand in confidence. -Yes, I was telling you that. -But I think it's good character to let people know. Who is he really? -Whose character is he being constructed? -He said that women don't have the character for that. -I'm worried that they don't know if this is a joke or not. -It's always difficult to be ironic in the United States. United. -You know, I write these little insults, and it's my favorite part of the whole show. Every season, I sit back and say, "Oh yeah!" -You mentioned Edinburgh, a big one? place to generate new ideas, and from that place many triumphs have come.
And yet, I know many people who have had triumphs there and who have also had failures. Did you have shows in Edinburgh that didn't go so well? -Of course. I mean, you've done Edinburgh. I see the whole city as a place of PTSD for me. I found it very stressful. -Yeah. -That's... you know. -Well, every comedian, there are so many comedians that you respect that do shows every night. So, it's not... you're never the only show in town. And I find that part to be both exciting but very stressful. -And what is the smallest audience you have?
I have played two. -Yeah. -One of which was critical. -Yeah. I once played against nine, and seven of them were blood relatives. -Wow, that's a difficult job. - Yes, it's a difficult job. -The biggest concert I've ever had that was reviewed, my door let in a bachelor party of 10 people, and they were all dressed like animals. And I had all the critics in town... -Are you guys also doing shows on your own right now? Is yours a band, Alex? -Yes, curiously, I am a singer in a band called The Horne Section, and I can't... -Are you a fan of the band? -Yeah. -Actually? -Well. -I'm a fan.
I'm a fan of the band. I mean, I think a singer should have a certain level of skill, but they're so much fun. I'm a big fan of The Horne Section. -And then you're doing a stand-up tour. -Yeah. -Here's yours, right there. -There he is. -That's a good photo. -A friend of mine accused me that that photo was a thirst trap. I said, "If you think that looks good..." -You guys also have a virtual reality version of the show coming out. -Yeah. -So, this is for other people to play at home, I guess. -Yeah. They have versions of us.
We had to use things on the face and we've done all the voices for it. So you can come and be at Taskmaster's house and get rid of them, right? -Yeah. If you want me to insult you personally, you can put on virtual reality glasses. Yes. -Gentlemen, I'm so happy you're here. You should know real quick, and I'm not saying this or being honest at all, that the staff at this show was more excited to have you two come here than anyone else we've ever had. And I think now when people ask, what's your staff like?
I'll say, "His favorite show is 'Taskmaster.'" That's... -Honestly... - -I mean, genuinely, we were impressed by the greeting we had in New York. It's been incredible. We can't believe people know who we are. Last night we did a show and met so many wonderful people, and we got free cheesecake. -In a restaurant. -Free? That never happens here. -You don't get free stuff in the UK. -They are... when you leave JFK airport, they are going to charge you for that. That's how they catch you. -But I brought you a gift because we are in New York. -What did you bring me? -Well, it took us years to find it. -There are incredible stores where you get all these things from New York.
We get you a personalized license plate for your car. -Not really? -With your name... well, we couldn't get your name, so we got Steve. -Oh my God. -They didn't have, they didn't have Seth today. But that's for you. -That means the world. That means the world. Thanks sir. -It's a pleasure. -Only from us to you. -Yeah. -Whenever. -Guys, Greg Davies, Alex Horne! The 17th season of "Taskmaster" premieres in the United States on March 29 on the "Taskmaster" YouTube channel. We'll be back soon with more "Late Night".

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