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GREEDY HUSBAND Misses CHILD'S BIRTH For Money | Dhar Mann Bonus!

May 16, 2024
here's your half M this looks delicious it's cute H this ooh here we go oh I like it What's up with this? Yeah, there you go, it's all yours, baby, what about you? You see something? What about this? What is that science for? I mean, look at them. They are happy because they are rich, they can buy whatever they want whenever they want. Meanwhile, we're here splitting half a sub because we can't afford a full sub. I'm sick of being broke, baby, I don't need to. those fancy things all I need is your


doesn't bring happiness well being broke doesn't bring happiness either I think we're pretty happy okay perfect another phone here we go okay don't worry I'm leaving to get us out of the Poor House I promise you that our daughter will have everything she could ever want.
greedy husband misses child s birth for money dhar mann bonus
The only thing our daughter needs is our love and affection. Plus, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Yes, we'll see. Mr. Hampton, I'm Armont. I would like to officially throw my hat in the ring for the open management position at the company. Are you sure about this? Because I need someone I can trust 24/7, and that's me, sir, from now on, where? Work is my number one priority. I show you that I am the right man for the job. Yes sir. Yes sir. Thank you. What an arm in love. It's time for my water to break.
greedy husband misses child s birth for money dhar mann bonus

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greedy husband misses child s birth for money dhar mann bonus...

I'm going into labor. What's okay, stay still? I'm coming home and I'll take him to the hospital okay hurry up I love you I need you to go over these purchase orders before the end of the day please sir my wife just went into labor and well she needs a ride to hospital. What are ambulances for, sir, look, you were the one who said you were going to make work your number one priority, you were lying, no, but my wife needs me, it's the


of our first


, I need it, so This is an opportunity for you. to show me how much you want this promotion or I can always find someone else wait I'll do it I'll be great are you on your way?
greedy husband misses child s birth for money dhar mann bonus
I'm sorry, I can't leave which will jeopardize my chances of getting this promotion, you know how hard I've been working for this, are you kidding me? I will call your sister, everything will be fine, I promise you that everything will not be fine if you are not with me to meet our daughter, honey, trust me. everything is going to be okay I need you with me Arman please are you okay you got it hey how is the patient doing she's great she's having a damn protection she's actually having one now she's fully dilated ready to go Okay, time to start pushing, where's Armon?
greedy husband misses child s birth for money dhar mann bonus
I've been calling for hours and the voicemail keeps coming up. Sorry, I won't do this without Arman. You do not have another option. This baby is coming whether you are ready or not. Now she doesn't push, isn't she perfect? Well, look who decided. to show up look what we did what we did you mean look what I did darling I'm so sorry it couldn't be helped would you give us a minute please? I needed you, we needed you, and you weren't here, not working, this is difficult for me, I do it for our family. Look, once I get this promotion, we won't have to worry about


Listen to yourself, your priorities are out of control, we don't need to be rich to be happy, honey. Be realistic Money is important to me, not all I need, all we need is for you to be present in our lives. Hello, we are working on your registration procedures and we need some signatures on the invoice. Would you mind giving us a minute? That's why we need more than each other to get ahead. I know it's been hard, but I need to focus on work a little more. It will all be worth it. You see, there is a lot of work coming in this Armon.
I did not think. you had it in you and I have never been happier to be proven wrong the promotion is yours along with this check this is amazing thank you Mr. Hampton I won't let you down baby I have good news I got promotion and a signing


. So go get your things because we're going shopping, honey, and you're going home, Arman, I've been patient waiting for the man I married to come back, but with each passing day it's clear that you value money more than family. and that breaks my heart. Not being married to a man with those priorities.
I have taken the baby to my sisters to think about our future. Please she respects my space. Melissa she leaves me and after everything I did for her, wow, you're sorry you don't know me at all, obviously. I saw you a year ago at the mall, you were shopping half of the electronics store with your wife and daughter, in fact, seeing how happy that made your family, it changed my life, it motivated me to focus more on myself. career to be able to give my family everything like you my family is not happy wait seriously oh what do you mean you literally bought them what they wanted yes and I used to think that was what mattered but I was wrong I realized a little late that it What my family really needed It wasn't money, they needed me.
I was so busy with work. I lost virtually every moment of my daughter's


hood. No matter how many expensive things I bought her, she hates me. My wife left me 3 months ago and now she took my daughter. What I have is a big empty house and a family that wants nothing to do with me. Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. Really yes, if I were you, I wouldn't use myself as a role model, it will only lead you to be alone. everything is going to be okay let me see she doesn't want to see you please please just give me 2 minutes didn't you hurt her enough please Melissa just listen to me if you don't like what I have to say then I will do it? go away, I got the promotion and look, it came with a Signum


that doesn't change anything, Arman, I can't believe you still don't understand that I don't care about the money I never had, I know that and you're right.
I'm not going to accept a promotion. I thought having money would make us happy, but I was wrong and I let it blind me to what mattered most. No promotion, no amount of money can replace what you and our daughter really need and what am I? and I need you too, you were right about the grass not always being greener on the other side

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