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Greediest Game Company Ever

May 18, 2024
Escape from Tarov is more like escape from the video


industry because your new greedy decision is to make you run out of town with people chasing you with pitchforks and abandoning your


en masse. escape from tarov probably needs no introduction, it's a hugely popular game and you've just made a huge mistake that's catastrophic for your


. They're releasing a new PVE game mode for $250 which is so much hell it makes me want to spit for $250. I hope to download this new mode and then have the CEO of Battle State Games come up to me and tell me that it's stupid to charge for DLC, but even aside from that crazy price, it commits


y unforgivable atrocity that could happen to a video game, breaks


y rules, commit all the sins that not even the Lord can forgive, it pays to win the Wazoo and this is something they actually doubled down on today and I'll cover it soon.
greediest game company ever
This is a story that has been developing for the past 24 hours and continues to get worse. it's like they're trying to find every possible electrical outlet to stick a fork in until it finally ruins the


that they're so focused on burying their fist as far up their own asses as possible to make it profitable to win in the very literal sense of pay to win, but the worst part is that they broke a promise to their community who had purchased a previous edition they offered. It was misleading their entire community, which is why they offered something called The Edge of Darkness Edition for $100 back in the day and one of the perks of buying that $100 Edge of Darkness edition is that you would have access to all the subsequent DLC in the game. future for free, so $100 is a lot of money for a DLC, but it was like a long-term investment in the game.
greediest game company ever

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greediest game company ever...

They loved it, so they paid that $100 under the impression that in the future, if more DLC content came, they would have access to it without needing to pay more, but now, fast forwarding to the Unheard of Edition for $250, they don't allow Edge of Darkness. buyers access that DLC for free, they would still have to buy it now initially, they would have to pay the extra 150, but with all the backlash that understandably came from this, they decided to dive into a compromise. where they would offer EOD buyers 6 months access to the Unheard Edition to get a free trial like a drug dealer giving them their first hit for free is ridiculously pathetic.
greediest game company ever
I don't even think Mr. Krabs would do something like this. because even he would recognize that this would ruin his business. This is incomprehensible greed. I found out about all of this last night on the broadcast, so I'm going to play all those clips to catch you up on the story and exactly what's been going on. here and how bad everything is and then I'm going to come in to give you the latest updates on what's been happening today just a couple of hours ago because it continues to get worse and worse to escape tarov somehow earlier today.
greediest game company ever
An unprecedented edition of Escape from Tarov was announced as part of the latest patch that promises a new player versus environment mode and other bonuses. Yippee, now that the addition is released, fans are not happy with the bonus it offers and the huge price tag of $250 which is a big change that even EA and Ubisoft are doing this right now, which is why this DLC alone cost 250 dollars. The first problem fans have is that the player versus environment mode for Tarov is exclusive to those who purchase the new addition, this despite the fact that anyone who purchased the old Edge of Darkness Edition was promised all the content.
Future DLC as part of the season pass you would think would include this new mode so this is false advertising and that is they are coming after Tarov because I am saying you will get all the future DLC with this and now they won't give you all the DLC futures. Many fans who have the Edge Darkness Edition are, rightly, very upset that they now have to upgrade from EOD, which costs $100 to play. However, some posts on the official Discord have tried to explain why BSG believes this is not DLC. No, please don't tell me that they are trying to fight their battle well, in fact, they push up their glasses, it is not DLC according to technical terminology. is not the correct nomenclature, this is a new single player experience, so they didn't get around any laws, now not only is there a clip from the Landmark channel of them changing the wording on their live website to hide what they did.
I'll check. from Landmark, it's not DLC, it's a unique feature of the new edition added, said Discord user appor, who is the lead community manager on Battle State escape from tarov games. DLC means additional downloadable content. PVE is a feature and game mode just because you all want it to become a DLC, it wouldn't mean it is. It is a featured game mode for the new addition to the game. Hey buddy, you just flew in from the stupid city. What kind of weak argument is it? Huh, that's a lot worse than I thought. That was going to be the other major issue that fans have been complaining about: the big in-game bonuses, the big in-game bonuses that players with the new addition will get, while other in-game additions grant some bonuses, up to now none have been a major factor. when they're on the map fighting other players, the closest thing is the extra loot they get at the start of a clear;
However, this addition includes more space to store loot when on the map, improved skills at the beginning of a cleanup, and a bonus where the AI ​​breaks down. won't shoot them if they have more than six levels of fenced reputation, so that's what the Pay to Win article was about, which is a completely separate topic. These, along with some other bonuses, have led to the addition being labeled pay-to-win with players expected to have a big advantage over those who don't, the reaction to the new addition has been so negative that all but three channels in the official Tarov Discord escape have been muted and users cannot post on them game moderators. the subreddit is also waving the rule preventing multiple posts on the same topic saying they are just as angry about the situation as you know things are reaching deep Defcon levels if even the subreddit mods are like no we are angry about this too That's when you know you're really in battle.
State Games did not respond to my request for comment. Battle State Games has yet to officially comment on the backlash with pressure mounting from fans and some even considering legal action. They would be expected to do so. Sooner rather than later, the move also comes at a very bad time given that Gray Zone Warfare, a game that many see as a competitor, Tarov has just concluded its first public streaming test, which has gone incredibly well among fans with a feeling audience towards Tarov very low. Fans are hoping to get their hands on Gray Zone Warfare sooner rather than later.
Here's an update at 8:15. The official Escape from Tarov account has posted a statement that seems to suggest that Battle State Game has no plans to make the new mod available to anyone. who doesn't buy the new addition Hey guys, listen, we hear your outrage. PVE mode is a unique feature that is available only to Unheard Edition owners. We'll keep you posted on new features exclusive to EOD owners, the new G and then they even got The community noted that new game modes are generally accepted as DLC if placed behind a paid battle. The state sold EOD with the promise that they would receive free access to all subsequent DLC, so even Twitter is getting them excited.
Community Notes Not only that there is a radio where you can call your friends during the raid to help you as a PMC, which has never been a feature, it's very loud, you're still going to buy it, right? bro, I don't play Tarov and you would never catch me spending. 250 for a DLC I don't even buy DLC when it's like five dollars you think I'm going to spend 250 clams on this who do you think you are? I am or I am not. I wouldn't do that. That's crazy. Tarov. The developers are also in the competition game on Twitter, that just means they're a little desperate.
I imagine this is what you're talking about on their stream, they just changed what you get retroactively to prevent people from calling them out. I have spoken. withc National Agency for Customer Protection against Jesus again, the only way we can resolve this is if we file formal complaints to BSG about this, they remain unresolved for 30 days, we can continue with the lawsuit, no problem, if they respond negatively , we can continue. I suggest Everyone should file a formal complaint since BSG forces them to have a thousand lawsuits at once. This is available for Europe. The 30 days. The very underpaid social media man for BSG will have the worst 30 days of his life in the meantime, all the big ones. the wigs are just going to be counting the money for the whales who won't be able to contain themselves scratching their necks and turning the 250 I've been playing tar COV for like eight years this hurts man yeah I don't even play tarov and this is pretty painful just from read.
I don't know how they thought this would go well. That's something I just can't understand like it's 2024. These companies hire tech-savvy people. They have social media experts. They have these think tanks and focus groups and yet somehow these kinds of decisions are still being made, there really must be this epidemic of people spending money no matter what and saying that nothing like this has to be somehow profitable for them because it happens too often. The big problem is them changing the promise, oh and that's not even what I mean, it's a big problem, but to me the biggest problem is this outrageous price that they thought was going to work even if there were no broken promises.
I still feel it. like most people would look at 250 for some DLC and scoff at Star Wars Outlaws for example since you get a lot more out of this for two 50s than you get Star Wars Outlaws for 130, but still those prices are crazy style and I want to know what else is ridiculous and pathetic, your social media guy who is fighting for his life right now on Twitter, so escape from tarov is by far the biggest in the genre; However, there are a couple of competitors and this lone warrior with Twitter access from bsg, the company behind escape from tarov is doing everything he can to try to play hard Fight Fire With Fire, but he didn't realize he was bringing pees into a poop fight and ended up covered in dirt, he desperately tried to plant his feet here. and make a public display of slapping, there was another game that was taking advantage of all the commotion here, recognizing that Tarov fumbled the ball and that a lot of players were leaving, so they made an announcement that said, "Hey guys, you're welcome to our game and BSG." The social media champion tried this little maneuver, had a nice 20-minute adventure in the shameless game of plagiarism in and out and then was even applauded by Twitter.
The community pointed out that hey, it's not plagiarism, they need to prove that the assets were taken from EFT, so even Twitter is making fun of BSG now let's start with the most recent developments here, the most important by far is an alleged unpublished interview with BSG. I'm not going to be too specific about it because I don't know if I can really talk about it. I'm pretty sure I can't show it because again it hasn't been published, but basically the interview was as bad as you could have imagined. The interview begins with him saying that all of this is not a mistake and that he is not forcing anyone to buy it. his game so he basically hangs in there and then another question that was asked point blank was are you contemplating any solution as this has been very poorly received and he responded with one word no so there doesn't seem to be any signs of What are they changing? their minds with this direction here the whole interview was him basically throwing everything at it and saying deal with it 250 Fork it is what it is, we're not going to change this and then this one blew me away, they made a slight update to all of this where, in Instead of addressing the price issue or the lies about what EOD owners will get in the future or the shady and disgusting attempt to hide things on their website, instead of addressing any of the complaints they double down on Pay for Winning in response to all of this, everything that's been going on, they basically come out and say, Hey guys, look, we've heard you, we see what's going on here, we're listening, so we're going to give you more pay to earn pearl features. just look at this list, one of these is high priority matchmaking, they are getting priority queue for 6 months, it's not even lifetime, note that they are not giving you lifetime access to the unknown edition, pay for win, it's six months. try to try to get you hooked and hopefully get the whales to buy the 250's in the future, here's their solution to all this,shows how disconnected and greedy they are, this is greed on a scale I don't think so.
I've seen it before in the games industry. This is making EA sweat. EA is now taking notes. They say: How are you doing this? For EFT players, I never got very deep into Tarov. I've tried it a few times but to be honest I'm not a huge fan of the pull genre but man this must suck as a huge fan of the game this is so unacceptable. At best, here comes another game and does what EFT does best and isn't run by the


and stupidest people in the industry. That's the best case scenario, but who knows how long something like that will take the fools at Battle State Games.
I really did something impactful here in an industry that is overwhelmed by greed in the Battle of Wazoo in some ways. State Games just found something new that is awesome, really awesome anyway, although I wish the best for the EFT Community during this time because Jesus, that's horrible, yeah, I just want to talk a little about this, that's all, we we see.

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