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Gravitas: Israeli invasion of Lebanon inevitable? Conflict with Hezbollah edging toward all-out war?

Jul 03, 2024
Is an Israeli


of Lebanon


despite US efforts to control the possibility of a war between Israel and Hezbollah? All signs on the ground suggest that Monday is


; in fact, America's top diplomat inadvertently confirmed this possibility. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin admitted that the US sees a push towards a war between Israel and Esbah, speaking at an event in Washington. Blinkin said Israel has effectively lost sovereignty in the northern part of the country due to Hezbollah's persistent crossfire attacks. That is a significant statement and it is a great admission, the question is whether Linkoln admits that Israel has lost control of a part of its territory to Hezbollah.
gravitas israeli invasion of lebanon inevitable conflict with hezbollah edging toward all out war
Will Israel take revenge for this by invading Lebanon, where Hezbollah is based? It is no surprise that the Bon Administration has been working furiously in recent weeks to stop a broader


being seen. Blink's comments come as Israel has signaled a military drawdown in Gaza. Israel has been refocusing its resources toward the northern border, where it has exchanged fire almost daily with the Iranian-backed Hasula group, although the two sides have exchanged fire since the beginning of Tensions in the Gaza war rose to the point that Iran issued a new threat after weeks of remaining silent. Tan warned Israel of a devastating war in a social media post last Friday.
gravitas israeli invasion of lebanon inevitable conflict with hezbollah edging toward all out war

More Interesting Facts About,

gravitas israeli invasion of lebanon inevitable conflict with hezbollah edging toward all out war...

Iran's mission to the United Nations said Thean warned that all options, including full participation of all resistance fronts, are on the table based on data collected by the Armed Conflict Site and Reported and Event Data Project. by Al Jazer. There have been more than 7,000 cross attacks between Israel and Lebanon since October 7, 2023, who observe the


. We are strongly convinced that, in the absence of a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah will break out in the coming weeks, a war that experts fear today will be much more dangerous than the last time The international community, of course, is there.
gravitas israeli invasion of lebanon inevitable conflict with hezbollah edging toward all out war
Concerned this week, escalating tensions on the border between Israel and Lebanon led Germany, the Netherlands and Canada to urge their citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible while commercial flights still operate in the country. Meanwhile, the Lanza group stopped night flights to and from Beut until July 31. Swiss Airlines also moved night flights to daytime ones. The US has been trying to diffuse tensions. It has also issued a travel advisory to US citizens urging them to seriously reconsider travel to Lebanon. Now, blinking he says that the US is determined to prevent conflict, he says that both sides do not want a broader war, but that the analysis has been done based on current conditions.
gravitas israeli invasion of lebanon inevitable conflict with hezbollah edging toward all out war
If the war in Gaza has taught us anything, it is that events in West Asia are very dynamic. Moderation does not mean that Hezbollah and Israel do not want war; rather, it could mean that both Hezbollah and Israel's leadership are currently facing a number of constraints that have put the brakes on the conflict for now, but the point is that these constraints are already being broken as former Israeli War Cabinet member Benny Gans declared last week that Israel can plunge Lebanon completely into darkness. He was serious, it will not be difficult for Israel to plunge Lebanon into darkness.
Lebanon's power grid, already paralyzed by the country's economic collapse, will barely function as is if Israel attacks. will easily finish it off, however, dismantling Hezbollah's military power in days is a much bigger task since its non-inclusive war with the Lebanese, that is, with the Lebanese militant group in 2006. Israel has been planning a rematch and so has made Hezbollah, the Arsenal of Iran's backing group. Includes at least 150,000 missiles and rocks Rockets The sophistication of Hezbollah's attacks surprised even Israeli officials Hezbollah has demonstrated systematic and precise attacks against Israel's surveillance outpost along the border. They have shot down high-flying Israeli drones.
They have attacked Israel's Iron Dome batteries and anti-d defenses with drones and then, last month, left the biggest surprise for Israel when they released a 9-minute drone video of civil and military infrastructure highly sensitive of Israel. Let's not forget that it is said here that it can deploy between 40,000 and 50,000 combatants. Hezbollah chief Hass Nella. They recently said they have more than 100,000 fighters, many of whom have gained combat experience fighting alongside regime forces in Syria's civil war. As a fighting force, it is highly trained and disciplined, ultimately we are talking about the most powerful non-state militia in the world, Hezbollah.
Remember they are much more powerful than Hamas, in the event of a war both sides will be able to inflict significant pain on the other and on the other side are now Israel's top generals. Fearful of war, the generals think their forces need time to recover knowing that a ground war with Hezbollah could take almost nine months of a war that Israel did not plan because their army is being shot with ammunition and this is where the Israeli army and the Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu diverge. Netanyahu, as we know, has opposed a truce that would allow Hamas to survive the war, but Netanyahu is also running out of options.
Israel has publicly said it is prepared for an all-out war with Hezbollah, looking across West Asia. The strategic balance it has long favored appears to be shifting. It is surrounded by a series of non-state actors, from Hezbollah to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Hoodis and militias in Iraq and Syria, all of them begging loyalty to Iran and at all costs. The war could lead to massive civilian deaths in both Lebanon and Israel. It will also see the US drawn into a larger regional conflict perhaps then Netanyahu will risk going to war with Hezbollah. The next few weeks are crucial and will determine a lot about staying up to date with the latest news.
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