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GRAFFITI SKETCH real time painting | RAW & UNCUT

Apr 23, 2024
eight, number nine, number ten and 110 special black, they are allAlmost the same color, they are all extremely dark gray, so I will change. I will switch to these three copies later. alien alien this is exactly black this is not a dark gray oh man okay I'll take a little bit lighter gray and somehow I'll have worked this out so let's take number six maybe number six let's see how dark It's number six. This is a dark gray and it looks exactly the same on the camera, yes, but it is a dark gray, a very, very beautiful dark. gray and I didn't want to make it black because I wanted to have the option to do some block effects with black on the block, so it's always good to have a little bit of contrast between the black of the outlines or the block effects and the fill color of the block, so if you are already drawing for about 52 minutes and you are just listening to my beautiful voice while you draw, feel free to put your Instagram in the comments section so that I can see who is watching my videos because I am always curious to know more about my friends and followers and I enjoy being silent and completing the block for some


beautiful foreign foreign foreign yes foreign thank you by the way yes Do you want information about the role?
graffiti sketch real time painting raw uncut
The paper I'm using is um, it's the perfect paper, that's right, my wife was laughing smoking foreign jibe. I think it weighs 350 grams per square meter. Okay, foreigner. Okay, I was lying, it's only 300 grams per square meter. not 350, but it's Monk and Polar, a little more up here, a handy black third, okay, so I said she only knows about paper because she studied graphic designs and ordinary people don't care at all about foreign paper and we ordered several boxes of this paper, to have them in stock and now they are no longer available in the online store where we bought the mungenpola paper, but it is a very good paper, it is light resistant and does not turn yellow in the sun.
graffiti sketch real time painting raw uncut

More Interesting Facts About,

graffiti sketch real time painting raw uncut...

It's shiny and you can paint on it very well. It doesn't feel like plastic. It has a


ly good feel. It's a good paper and what I love about this paper too is that it's so thick that when you're


. in it, it doesn't go up or down because every


we go, Nova, stop talking, please, yes, yes, yes, please, I love you. What I also love about um the thicker thicker paper is when you're


on it and of course your hands are a little bit sweaty and of course the paper suffers a little bit and when you have cheap paper it starts to wobble just because you're painting over it because, um, you apply paint to it and it wobbles and then it always goes up and down, up and down, up and down when you're painting and I hate this, it's so annoying when you don't know exactly when the tip of your marker plays the role because it is everywhere in a different way. height because it wobbles on this paper it stays like a flat surface all the time even if you paint it with markers it doesn't leave us it just doesn't wobble and this is what I


ly love and the markers don't bleed if you have very cheap paper It often happens that you are making diagrams and at the end of the diagrams there is always a line that gets a little thicker and bleeds because the paper is getting too soaked.
graffiti sketch real time painting raw uncut
I don't like it. I really don't like painting on bad paper anymore. I have painted for so long on regular copy paper for the printer. 80 grams per square meter. The cheapest paper, but you will see the difference if you paint. On quality paper this looks well constructed, so I won't take the five now. I'll take the four for the crackles because otherwise there would be no difference. Foreign coffee in my coffee cup. I hate it. Foreign. Foreign. Foreign. Some more crackling. Crackle oh yeah Oh dad there's the cell Crackle oh the crackle at the top I forgot foreign foreign okay then and next step we add a little shadow here Shadow there uh Shadow there oh no this doesn't make sense this was wrong Well, Ship Happens should have been white there, but yeah, I was too fast, I was first, oh, maybe this nice guy, the E needs some Shadow and also blocks the snow.
graffiti sketch real time painting raw uncut
Shadow and the block you painted, a block creates a shadow. a shadow, if I use it as usual, I make the outlines on the outside of the piece or the outside of the


a little thicker, this increases the contrast between the letters and the paper or background and it looks better. In my opinion it looks better, make it blacker and don't make all the outlines thicker just here and there. I always wonder if it makes sense here, if it helps the overall look here and then I'll make it thicker. Thank you. foreign foreign foreign spit more Poison spit you know the black smoke from the snow like here right here going there here thanks dad oh come on 1.0 and I draw all the gray crackle effect in the background and this will give the


such a nice effect You can see it in a second because I decided not to fill this little smoke only in pure black.
I wanted to do this cross hatch effect. Thank you. I don't think I want to make it black exactly. Will I make it black? No no. I won't, I'll make it black, no, no, I'm not sure, I'll do the stripes, yes this is so beautiful, I'm so in love with these foreign cross stripes and this is what I was talking about. I make these stripes everywhere where there is no gray, um, fill in the foreign crackles, oh yeah, this is cool, foreigner, okay, maybe add a little bit there too, well, okay, foreigner, foreigner, foreigner, ERS and, as usual, when we slowly get to the end, the style already seems close to a kind of perfection, it's time to say a big thank you to my followers on Patreon.
Thank you so much to the healthy gang, um, for supporting me with just five dollars every month and yes, you've already seen this video. November, um, yeah, that will work on a few more videos that will be exclusive to sponsors, but mainly these good people that you see on the right side are just people that want to support me to make it possible to make these videos that you can watch properly. Now and I'm already looking forward to doing more this year, thank you, oh and if you want to see your name at the end of the video, the Patreon link is in the description.
Foreign Foreign Beautiful, so now we add a little bit of tiny. black details here and there of course my Halo broken heart is missing and I don't want to put it in the middle there and recently I'm always putting it a little more towards the right side. I'll do it here too. So we have the heart flying around and some black pieces here and there adding some more movement to the piece. I also want some gray designs inside the letters. Oh, and you're obviously still here after 79 minutes of intense sketching. I want to tell you that the smoke class is available again, the smokeless class can be found on spanova.te, this is my website and it is an online class with 26 pre-recorded videos and it is in combination of the videos and the group chat where you can upload all your sketches and you will receive my comments and also the comments of the other classes.
I call them that so you can become a stylish one too. And recently we are 35 classes um in the small class and if you want. Learn all the tips, tricks and things I've learned over the last 24 years of drawing. Take a look at I think this might be interesting for you. You will find the link in the video description and in the pinned comment. scam, scam, if you want to learn how to paint like I pay, check it out, billing 22, we're down, oh age, what a beauty, what a beauty, these are the final detail shots, boom, see you on the next project, please do not do it.
Forget to like the subscribe button and I hope it entertained you a little and I make some strange movements with my hand bye bye

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