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Gov. Kristi Noem on removing Kim Jong Un meeting claim from book, criticism of dog killing story

May 14, 2024
Two weeks ago, South Dakota Governor Christine Gome was considered a leading contender to be elected Donald Trump's vice president, but that all changed after the release of excerpts from her new


titled "There's No Going Back." , which includes lessons from her time as governor and congresswoman but also stories that have drawn


, one about her


a hunting dog and another about her encounter with the dictator government of North Korea. The gnome governor is with us at the table. Good morning to you, Governor, good morning, good morning, thank you for having me here in person, um. let's talk first, we don't want to talk about a lot of topics that you address in the


, but the book is called no turning back, but it seems like the publisher Center Street is backtracking on a couple of details in the book, no.
gov kristi noem on removing kim jong un meeting claim from book criticism of dog killing story
I don't think so specifically when you write in the book. I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. I'm sure he underestimated me. As I understand it, he will now be removed from the book at your request. Yes, when I realized that we changed the content and future additions will be adjusted and you know, I appreciate that I have met with many world leaders. I have traveled all over the world. I shouldn't have put that anecdote in the book and, at my request, that specific thing didn't happen. Oh, I'm saying I'm not talking about that


gov kristi noem on removing kim jong un meeting claim from book criticism of dog killing story

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gov kristi noem on removing kim jong un meeting claim from book criticism of dog killing story...

I'm not talking about my


s with world leaders. There are some that are B readers. There are some that are in the book and then there is something that is not in the book why are there two specific mentions of meeting Kim Jong-un and talking about him and one specific memory? I'm sure he underestimated me by having no idea of ​​my experience looking at the little tyrants. tell your ghost riter: I have worked specifically in policy for over 30 years and during that time I have traveled around the world and met with leaders around the world uh and and that anecdote I asked them to change the content and it will be deleted It's a simple question, did you do it or not?
gov kristi noem on removing kim jong un meeting claim from book criticism of dog killing story
That's the answer I have for you is that I will adjust it and as soon as I realized it, the content was removed. What's up with this alleged call between former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and you? Her team says a phone call was made, but it was made during 2020, during the pandemic, to offer support to you and the state of South Dakota, yet you describe it as a threat. phone call, what can you tell us? Well, you know, I think certainly her retelling of the


makes sense because that's what Nikki Haley knows, she says whatever works for her at the time, so we had conversations in 2020.
gov kristi noem on removing kim jong un meeting claim from book criticism of dog killing story
I had conversations in 2021, so That


is absolutely true. You know, I felt very threatened after that phone call. It was clear that she was the lone wolf and that there was no place for another Republican woman in politics and governor. I'm curious though. about why you felt threatened just because she says I'm calling from one governor to another I just want to offer my mentorship she says you said she said I offer I want to offer my mentorship I've heard wonderful things about you and if I heard something bad about you, I'll tell you. I will make to know.
I read it and didn't think of it as a threat. I actually thought she was getting close to you. What's up with that? It was a threat to you. Well, words matter and she repeated it to me twice. with long pauses that when she heard bad things she made sure I knew and she said let me be clear, I'll make sure you know when I hear bad things and there was never another phone call, why is that a bad thing? because I had a friend who was someone who said, "I want to be your mentor" and if I hear bad things about you I'll let you know that she would do it.
I would not do it. I would appreciate it and they would be friendly. I'll probably call you again, see if you remember if you remember that during that time it was during Covid. I was the only state in the entire country that remained open and was widely criticized by Republicans and Democrats. I didn't have a friend. uh there weren't people calling me and saying, Christe, you're right, you're making the right decisions for your people, you're following the Constitution and usually when I mentor people and I want to be friendly, I check on them. call them, there was never a Reach and we were in many meetings after that where she was not friendly, I was not friendly and her words were not kind, so you two are not in character and I think that is quite typical Nikki Haley, though, you know she's the person who said, "I'm never going to run against Donald Trump" and then runs against Donald Trump and says one thing and then does another.
It is quite consistent to call politics governing, okay, it has no being and that is why I wrote this book, right, I wrote this book because politics does not have to be like that, yes, politics can be just normal human beings who want to serve each other. to others, you always say, you say, forget about fixing, fix politics, chaos sets in and moving the nation forward what you want to do is very bad. I think people are afraid to run for office these days. I think they're afraid to even support people publicly because of the chaos and the desire to FYI, actually serving can lead to people coming after you and your family and your business and your finances, and that tends to lead to chaos, so I think that worries a lot of people in the United States.
This is a practical guide for the average citizen for an American that you know here it is here is some history here is my experience I say the people have the power have the power here is my story here is my experience and we want to talk about one of those experiences you've gotten a lot of backlash about for your story about


your 14 month old Cricket puppy I think it was because he was aggressive or she was aggressive or excuse me um untrainable do you regret writing about that in your book? The book is full of painful and vulnerable stories, you know, and this story, people.
I have known for years that my political opponents have tried to use a story against me in previous campaigns. I wanted people to know the truth and that's why I put that in this book. uh, you know, this was a dog that was at Second Chance, he had come. for me from a family who had found her to be too aggressive I was a dog trainer I raised dogs um and she was killing Liv oh I love dogs yes I have a darling dog called Foster at the moment who goes everywhere with me I would say why would you Don't you just give the dog to someone else you know, let it be on a farm or at least if you think the dog is really aggressive have it put down in a humane way?
I think number one when we hear he's a puppy, he's not. a puppy, it's an adult working dog, it was an adult working dog and, uh, this is a humane way according to the American Veterinary Society, every state in the country has a law that allows what I did and I'm meant to tell you the way to do it. Purpose Yes, the purpose of telling the story was to let people know that I don't pass on my responsibilities to anyone else. It was extremely difficult for me and when you read the story it is clear that it was a difficult decision for me, but when you have an animal that you, as a mom, have to decide: Do I choose the safety of my children over an aggressive animal that attacks people?
Know? I chose as a mother for my children, a governor so hard so that people can overcome the coming story. I think the media has turned on me and I understand that I think that's the part of being honest and genuine. I think the American people want someone who is real and doesn't pretend to be something they're not. I have never said that I am perfect. I have never said that I have made every decision is perfect, but I am honest about it and the reason I told this story is because most politicians run from the truth and hide from the truth.
You were doubling down. You know, the book is full of many antidotes. about your life, about your family and your children, you grew up in a family of ranchers where there was no distinction between the tasks of boys and girls, right? So how do you want history to remember you? I know your career is still, still in the making. true, but you talk about history, how do you want to be remembered? I want history to remember me as someone who tried, who got up every day and recognized that my purpose in being created was to serve people, was to serve people and do good things. for them and to help them and I think it's part of almost every speech that I give to remind people that they are the ones who can make a difference in someone's life and that we were created to serve other people and if we have that mentality which is really what would fix this country, what you said, you said, to be honest, I never dreamed of being in politics, politics actually sucks, but it is, but it's energizing and rewarding because every day I get stories from people whose lives we help the veteran, we help them meet their health care needs, you know a person who maybe had a tree branch fall on their house and we were able to bring a couple of people from my office to help them to get it out and maybe we can relieve someone of a financial burden who was actually dealing with something they were struggling with with their family, I think that's it, and train people to take a job that they always wanted, you know, that's the one thing about being Governors Governors are CEOs, we have the opportunity to wake up every day and make a decision that helps people and that's the mindset we need to have if we really want to have the right leaders in the places where we need them today. the governor's residence that says uh, underestimate me, it'll be fun, yeah, well, I've spent my whole life being underestimated, thank you, we appreciate you, there's no turning back, it goes on sale tomorrow.

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