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GOODWILL SPRING HOME DÉCOR THRIFT WITH ME 2024 | Shop with Me + Thrift Haul + Decorating Ideas

May 03, 2024
We're at Goodwill doing some



ping for



decor. Make sure you watch until the end. I'm going to share everything I bought on a secondhand style


. Hello everyone and welcome to another video here on Uniquely Lisa. We're at Goodwill looking for some great


decor to add to our space this


and we're starting here at the baskets. You can see that they had a very good selection on this particular day. This is a great time of year to go through the basket. section for those Easter baskets for your kids or for


, so be sure to visit your local


store to see what they have to offer.
goodwill spring home d cor thrift with me 2024 shop with me thrift haul decorating ideas
There were a lot of clocks on the shelf and I don't know if someone donated their entire collection or if Goodwill gathered them all up and put them out right away, but you'll see here that there were a lot of clocks, wall clocks and desk clocks, alarm clocks , all different varieties, some were in better condition than others, but there was something from every style and genre of decor, so if you needed a clock, you definitely could have found one here at Goodwill today. You'll probably notice that I have different shirt sleeves throughout the video. I'm in and out of Goodwill several times a week, some days I don't even record.
goodwill spring home d cor thrift with me 2024 shop with me thrift haul decorating ideas

More Interesting Facts About,

goodwill spring home d cor thrift with me 2024 shop with me thrift haul decorating ideas...

I'm just there to explore other days. I record a lot. Some days there just isn't anything at the thrift store to record, so I collect a lot from the same week. This is quite a bit of


. I do not do it. I have a lot of saving options where I am so in order to get enough images for all of you I have to do it like this, sometimes I get lucky and the saving fairies are on my side and there is a lot to choose from and record on an entire trip but I just wanted to make that clear by being transparent about how these thrift videos come together and what I share here on my channel, it's not always a jackpot at the thrift store, you can see there's a lot. lots of cool decor.
goodwill spring home d cor thrift with me 2024 shop with me thrift haul decorating ideas
I liked this candle holder and there is still some Christmas decor left on the shelves and these angels were part of that. A super cute little find, but I left this treasure for someone else to try to figure out what was in this bag. I wasn't sure, I think they were ties or maybe karate belts, if you know what they are, leave me a comment and tell everyone below because I'm sure I couldn't understand anything else if you know what it is, leave it in the comments and Share it , it looked like a tissue holder, but it clearly wasn't and it had a big, tall holder on top.
goodwill spring home d cor thrift with me 2024 shop with me thrift haul decorating ideas
I couldn't figure out what it was, but it's been in the thrift store for a while and the last time I was in it. It's still there so clearly that I'm not the only one who doesn't know what this is and what it's used for. I love small ceramic pieces like this, signed and personalized. I can imagine the story that accompanies pieces like This Is Still Some Fall Decor and many other small chot keys and home decor. This was a really nice, heavy piece. This tray had a very intricate design. It was $3.99 and I realized it came from the antique mall. that a stall was probably closing and they donated what was not sold and again I thought I would feature this baby blue relief plate here with the birds so cute and fun for next season as well as the baskets, frames, pictures and wall hangings.
It's another section I try to check out every time I'm at the thrift store, you never know what you're going to find here and I always try to keep an open mind. The color can be changed. Images can be exchanged. You can totally redo a photo frame and give it a new look and reinvent it into something that really suits your space, but this is a decor item that is very expensive to buy new, so if you can find something in the store second hand that works for your decor then that is definitely the way to go as winter begins to slowly wind down towards early spring.
I thought these images would have been pretty for spring. Decorating aesthetic and colors are not exactly what goes in my house, but they were very attractive and I can just saw them so beautiful hanging in someone's house and they loved this photo of the bunny. It looked older and older. I don't know if it was or if it was just a recreation. It's never too early to start searching for those thrifted finds for spring. and Easter will be here before we know it. Easter is early this year, it's March 31st, so I'll be starting all my spring


very soon and then adding my Easter decorating a little closer to current.
To date, here are a couple of other spring images that would be wonderful to decorate with and the price here at this particular Goodwill is pretty decent and not too expensive. I did some research on this after many of the comments on my previous savings videos. and each store has different pricing policies, they are locally run and I wouldn't necessarily say they are owned but each store can set their own prices which is why you might see such a huge fluctuation between what I share and what you see on your store. I know when I've traveled there are a couple of stores in a city I go to frequently and one store is outrageous and ridiculous and the other is priced fair and square, so that's what I learned from the research I did recently.
I mentioned quite a bit that my son just got married and is moving into a new house with his new girlfriend and I found these dividers at Goodwill and they were such a good price, one is even the hom edit um, I bought it for them. They cleaned them at home and were able to use them when they moved into their new space to organize and set it up. A great find, keep an eye out for those clear storage containers. I see them from time to time, especially this time of year. Since everyone is purging, cleaning out, and donating their old stuff and feels the need to get new stuff, you can get what they got rid of this landscape oil painting that cost $39.99 at Goodwill.
I bought it for a recent makeover decorating in my husband's office like the On the side of the den where we casually sat and just hung out so I found this and it was actually the inspiration for the whole makeover project image, so if you haven't seen it, I will have the video linked below, you can see how. A second-hand piece can become a completely new room design. I also found a few other secondhand items that I put in that room, one of them being this little pedestal cocktail table. I bought it at an estate sale for $5, it has a faux leather top and when I styled it on the end of my couch it looks so elegant and pretty and goes with that traditional style that I like and love with a newer modern style as well and transitional, so it works well and looks great in that space I had recently seen. this Hearth and a handwoven lie box at Target for $12, so when I saw this little wicker coaster in this light up box, it immediately made me think of that Target find, but it was only $1.99, so I bought it because that's how you can recreate that. look, but on a budget and second hand items like this are great because then you don't feel like you have to keep them forever, you can donate them and change your look more often.
I think it was a great design trick. It's not in perfect condition, but the little damage there was can be reversed and isn't a big deal to me. I think it's probably old, but I can't say with 100% certainty, but it is. a great little addition here in our new Office Den space and we now have coasters so we don't have to put our mugs on that glass coffee table. I ended up purchasing that peeter tray that I shared in the


ping portion of this thrifting video. for $33.99 as I couldn't pass up the intricate Rose design, it was dirty and needed a little TLC with some Dawn dish soap and it looks like new.
I'm styling it here on my bathroom counter so it will hold up to a bit of washing. rags and just creates a very elegant spa feel. These are the little touches you can add to your home that make it look elegant and high-quality without spending a lot of money. Another great find that I couldn't pass up was this vintage handle. Wooden Bowl I thought it was so unique and pretty it was $33.99. It also came from a booth at the antique mall. I'm sure it's the same place as that tray of Peeter's. I'm going to lay it out here on my little table in my family room. many of the items I'm using here were second hand, like these brass candle holders, the book they sit on was a good second hand find and then my favorite battery operated candle holders from Amazon are not second hand but they are an amazing little find, and then I had some Spanish. moss, so I'm going to use that to fill the container, breaking up that brown color and just adding that touch of spring.
I'm also thinking I might want to remove this stain and be done with it, it's a little orange for my taste. I have more cherry wood stain on all the trim in my house so I don't know if I should do it or not. Let me know in the comments what you think if I should remove it and repaint it. I loved the slim profile of this mirror for $2.99, it was a great price, but again it looks a little dated with that stain, it looks more 80s/early 90s and not exactly the look I'm going for in my home, so nothing a little rubbing and polishing can't fix, just take it. a p sized portion on a gloved finger, rub it onto the wooden frame after you have cleaned it, it can be as heavy or as light as you like.
I wanted a little bit of that wood grain to show through and then it will be the perfect little size. layered mirror to hang in a small space and give style to your home along with the brass chandeliers. Wooden chandeliers are my favorites. This one had a very pretty and unique shape. This is another article I made. You may end up refinishing or painting it. or just removing it as I use it throughout my home, but for now I've added it to my mantel and Valentine's decor, just a wonderful staple piece to add to your spring home decor collection.
Baskets like this are very expensive, so I found this one. at the thrift store for such a good price, I was excited because it's a little warped as soon as the weather gets warmer. I'm going to wet it and then give it another shape. You can do it by folding it back on itself like this and then when I take it out again it will be the correct, uniform shape, it's obviously not here because I haven't wet it yet. You can also fold it back on itself and use it as a shorter white basket, so I can use it for multiple uses. put blankets and blankets, you can put an arch-shaped potted plant on this.
I'm actually going to use this in an organizing project. I'm sure you'll see this basket later in future videos. I love buying second-hand lamps and making them based on this one. It's a really nice shape, it's a little miniature lamp, it just needs a new shade and a new finish. I hope to work on another video showing DIY second hand lamps and giving you all kinds of techniques and


on how to update and make them. They look elegant and modern. I told them how much I loved this unique signed ceramic plate, so I bought it for fall.
I know that's a long way off, but it will be the perfect color to decorate with when it's time for spring decorating. I love using little birds, so I couldn't pass up this bird dish. It was very pretty and only $3.99. The color is very pretty and just says spring. I have this second-hand wooden stool. I bought it early summer last year and it didn't look like that, I took it apart and repainted it with a very simple DIY. I'll link to that video so you can watch it, so this is where I'm going to set up my new bird feeder, these flowers.
Picked up before Christmas at Goodwi, there were 9 for a group, they had two, so I grabbed them both, washed them well to remove the dust and now I can style them here with this glass face along with that one really. Nice bird feeder simple but pretty spring decoration. Thank you so much for joining me today before I give you the total of everything I spent on today's video. Don't forget to hit the thumbs up, subscribe if you haven't come back for the next video I would love to have you here. My grand total for thrift stores today was $798 before taxes. $40 of that was that big framed canvas.
Thank you very much for being here until I see you in the next video. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day and happy saving.

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