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GOLF: How to Square the Club Face on a Driver (DO THIS!)

Jun 08, 2021
Hi Adam Bazzlejet Founder of Scratch Golf Academy, today's topic, how to





on a


, I'm going to show you some different thoughts, ideas and exercises, we'll look at how to leave the


open and close it too close, and also I'll give you I give you a couple of mental tips that I think will really help you do


and not only help you do it, but anything that you're working on in


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golf how to square the club face on a driver do this
That helps us build momentum. Provide you free content. Hit the bell there and get notified every time a new video arrives. So, what is squaring the face of the


is closing it. is making it go back to the


position now in


video we will focus more on people who have difficulty cutting, certainly at the beginning of the video they do not close their face enough towards the end we will see Some people, less frequently, close it too much and they hook him a lot. Grip is important. Without a doubt, it is important. The way you hold it affects your ability to square up.
golf how to square the club face on a driver do this

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golf how to square the club face on a driver do this...

It's not about grip, but in general, the more you grip it around here, towards the back. side of the shaft, the easier it will be to close it, let's take a quick look at a pro, two other factors that would be very, very important to square the face, then we'll go out and do a drill, there's rory mcilroy about to hit the ball out there, Certainly one of the things he does both of you notice is that if you look at the width of the swing, as judged from the shaft of the club to the hat, you look at it at the point where his left arm is. and you look at it early in the downswing oh we'll call it probably right there I mean it's just amazing how much more load on the shaft and how much narrower the downswing is in the backswing and of course corresponding to being able to load the shaft is being able to release the shaft, so what you'll see is your body gets a nice dynamic start there and then it starts to firm up.
golf how to square the club face on a driver do this
Look at his lower body, particularly his front leg, at this point he almost seems to stop by just one part. The swing I'm not saying has stopped but it slows the body down around the ball and snaps the whip and when you snap the whip like that it's a lot easier to snap those hands now we're talking about squaring up the club. up with the


, my driver is there, grab a hybrid, that's the first club I want you to look at and before you do that, just hold the club in front of you, get familiar with the feeling of closing it, how do you feel? the grip you have here is the exercise once you get that feeling it will help you feel what we saw the pro do there a minute ago transfer energy and break that club I'm going to take my right foot, put it almost behind my left foot balance quite a bit precarious like finding my distance from the ball and just hitting a nice smooth shot, feeling the soft wrists and what you'll find is it really freezes your body to keep your balance, you'll have a greater sense of how that club goes quickly through your hands, they're transferring energy, let's try it again now, if your balance isn't that good, hey, you could widen it a little more, stagger it back, something like that, if you're really a star, you can almost do it. leave it behind, I'm not going to put myself in that category, we'll continue here again, let the wrists be soft and notice the release of the


club there, a great way to start feeling good, mental tips, a couple of them here are the Number one, if you want to develop a subconscious skill, you want this thing, like squaring the clubface, to be pretty much at a subconscious level.
golf how to square the club face on a driver do this
Now let me start if you've gone out of bounds or out of water or something. On the way to the right side you have to feel a little bit, you have to fight that thing, you can't just swing and hope not to hit it there, but generally what you want is subconscious skill. and to achieve that you have to play with things a little exaggerated, do it, don't always try neutral, that's a mistake. I see what most players make, they are always trying to hit a neutral shot, there is not enough experimentation and joy there to give them the kind of feeling that allows them to feel neutral unconsciously great book written by a former pga master of the year one true star in the industry in the teaching hall of fame.
I'm lucky to count him as a friend and a mentor mike hebron plays golf to learn golf you might like that book second mental key and this is a trap that I still fall into that I certainly have fallen into many over the years a Once you've rehearsed something a little bit of what you're trying to feel like you're familiar with what you're working on, don't make the dreaded mistake that I think most people make, when they swing the conscious mind jumps in and reminds you that it says : Don't forget to do it once. you start speeding up the swing with these little conscious mental reminders overthinking your timing won't be good so rehearse to get the feel you need hey i'm aware of what i'm doing your subconscious isn't going to forget what i just told it to do in three seconds just quiet your mind about what your mind should be doing your conscious mind should have already given the command for whatever you are working on you should just be quiet and notice what actually appears receiving feedback In other words, you get these two mental keys right, not just squaring the face, all the different skills in golf, it will be easier for you to just give a quick warning before you go ahead and talk about players who hook the ball too much. your problems with squaring the clubface at impact and that's if you're struggling with solid contact, good balance, that kind of thing, if it's just a mix-up and you miss, don't worry about direction and squaring the face so much that have. to get them reasonably in place, decent balance, decent flow and contact, then you're ready to go back to this look at the pros for example, they certainly nailed it solidly almost every time and nailed it very far for them, those are so in place, they're always working on direction, that's what goes wrong for them when they don't play well, but the rest of us have to make sure we're doing it right before we start this, which was pretty good. one, actually, then let's look at the person who hooks the ball.
Normally, this is his low handicap. They have a lot of distance, but throwing a couple of these big, fast hooks every once in a while gets them in trouble and usually what happens with the hips. in reality they become so active and fly so far in front of the arms that they have to slow down excessively and there is too much release, too much hand action, let's look at a professional, the one I least believe, my personal opinion exemplifies the solution for this. I love this golf swing, show you what we're trying to do, then we'll go out and do a little drill.
The incomparable Sam Snead, winner of 82 PGA Tour events, seven Majors, just one of the great players of all time, so come on. Take a look, what is he doing so well other than almost everything he certainly conducts with his lower body? It is very dynamic, it loads the axle. I mean, that axis is here in the backswing and it's obviously much closer to it in the downswing, but what? he does it very well, I think he really keeps that right side supported, pushes the weight towards the ground, gives him that characteristic squat a little bit, but despite all the dynamics, he keeps his lower body quite well supporting the upper part of the body while running over his hips. don't go completely flying off and once those arms are down in the slot, look at, say, your belt buckle, now look, you can really give it a little bit of spring and a little bit of oomph, certainly the stick is coming loose, but It has enough oomph right where you need it to really give you some control over your release.
Well, here are a couple of clues that will help you feel some of what Sam Snead was demonstrating there again. If you're in this category, go to the top and do some exercises where you take this trail arm or both arms if you like to pump down and put those hands here further in front of your body now I'm certainly not suggesting that the hands lead the downswing, you'll see as I do it that there's some grip on the ground and squeezing down a little bit is dynamic, but you're the type of golfer that, if you're in this category, you want to get your hands down more and then you can really make that body to move and explode through a lot of little drills like that pump pump swing would be a big thing you're looking for, you want the overall feeling that it's your lowered body at the bottom that's squaring the club, not so much your hand, I think if you do these things correctly if you get your arms down and then your body can actually activate a little bit better through the ball.
You will also find that you have a slightly rounder arm swing in the follow through. You don't want a big high finish if you're fighting hooks. Give us the thumbs up if you like the video. I hope you find it useful. We appreciate all your support.

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