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Golden Ratio Composition Secret!

May 09, 2024
Place the horizon, right there, one is two. 1.618 The same is true for the opposite side of the


where that house is placed in the distance and this creates a really beautiful visual harmony within this image. It just works now over the years. I've had reproductions from a couple of other artists that were in my studio and again I wasn't quite sure why I loved these photographs so much, but I carried them with me everywhere and then I realized, you guessed it, they also have the proportion there now here in this corner of the studio. I have this impression from Claude Lorrain and this one from the agent and again these guys used the



, so here in In this painting by Claude Lorrain you can see that the trees have their center of mass at that is two 1.618 but also that horizon line there in the distance is that one is two 1.618 too and here in the John Constable painting look at this.
golden ratio composition secret
The tree there lands right at one is two 1.618 and that's exactly where it placed the horizon and also the perfect balance, so if you want to transform your paintings and you want to use a really cool mathematical proportion that appears everywhere, then try giving it a try . I guarantee you will love the result. Employ this design technique and see where your paintings take you. Many thanks to the sponsor of this video, Skillshare. If you want to learn more about how to share skills and take your skills further, be sure to click on that. link in the description below now it's just a short little video from this week.
golden ratio composition secret

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golden ratio composition secret

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