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GOLDEN BUZZER for Taryn Charles' SENSATIONAL Aretha Franklin cover | Auditions | BGT 2024

May 10, 2024
hello hello what's your name Taran Taran where are you from uh egum in Sor I Sal UL angle green F green is where I live yeah omg um Taran why have you decided to come to Britain's Got Talent? I love making people smile and I believe My voice is fine, so Taran, did you bring anyone with you? Yes, I do. I bought one of my students, Lexi Ray, she's there and she's with her mom, so she works with special needs kids. um, to use Music if you won Britain's Got Talent. How would that change your life?
golden buzzer for taryn charles sensational aretha franklin cover auditions bgt 2024
It would mean everything, honey, listen, you have two minutes, take a deep breath, good luck, thank you. Okay, looking down at the M. I used to feel so uninspired and when I knew I had to face another day, Lord. It made me feel so tired before the day I met you, kind life, you are the key to my PR for M, you are my, she is good and Che, you are natural, woman, what you did to me, you make me feel so good inside and I just want to be close to you because you make me feel more loving, oh my god, I feel natural.
golden buzzer for taryn charles sensational aretha franklin cover auditions bgt 2024

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golden buzzer for taryn charles sensational aretha franklin cover auditions bgt 2024...

I keep fighting, voices in my mind say that I am each of my selves. I will never do it. That was incredible. Now that's talent. that's Talent oh she's getting another evion get up again you say it's me I'm when I thank you so much that was amazing oh no thank you thank you that was amazing it was thank you Lea you have one of those amazing tones and harshness you know the old saying, you could sing the phone book I feel like you have that classic voice, but beyond that, honey, you're special, honestly, from the moment you step foot, you just chat, you're so down. to the earth so sweet so humble and then you hit it out of the park but I can see how much that moment meant to you, you are physically shaking now and I am thrilled, absolutely thrilled, you have this opportunity, thank you so much.
golden buzzer for taryn charles sensational aretha franklin cover auditions bgt 2024
CU I know I'm not bragging here but I had the honor of meeting Car, she stayed at my house and when you started this song while she was going, how was she going to do this? You made me forget the version of her, you made so much of your own with so much feeling and the color of your voice is unique and you are a very, very, very special person, honey, you are, thank you very much, you sold us a complete doll, didn't you? ? I mean, yeah, me. I'm fine, yeah, I could do fine. I could see that you were nervous and I was thinking this is probably going to be really good and U and then you started singing and this is how people should sing.
golden buzzer for taryn charles sensational aretha franklin cover auditions bgt 2024
This is the right song, has anyone ever told you that? that you couldn't do this, yeah, okay, I could see that you were nervous and I was thinking, yeah, I bet someone at some point has told you that you don't have a great voice or that nothing is ever going to happen and, wow, did you? you did it? prove that person wrong and that's what the Golden Buzzer is all about and brilliant Bruno and you are a little star thank you so much get the gold so good yes excellent very good excellent absolutely magnificent that was great you are the best how did you feel?
I don't even know what to say, I think I got wet.

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