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GOLD DIGGER Catches Her Man CHEATING | Dhar Mann Bonus!

Jun 16, 2024
This is nice, isn't it, darling, surely? Actually, honey, I need to go out and make a call. Okay, yeah, sure. Hello, I need help here now. I need this and a size zero and these two Rachel, hey, how have you been? Sarah, you worked here for the last 3 years. How did you used to be the cool girl in our neighborhood? Rich husband. Girl with a luxurious lifestyle. You had it all. What happened? How did you end up working in retail? I know I never would have thought it would be. Working here, but believe it or not, I really enjoy it, it's empowering, yeah, whatever you have to tell yourself, no, I'm serious, this job gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment.
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You can't put a price on that kind of feeling, um, that sounds like it. like something poor people say to feel better about their sad little lives, yeah my man gets me everything I could ever want or need and all I have to do is look good for him and give back, it's so much better than working a lousy 95. Hey, don't judge it until you try it, you'll be surprised how much you like working. No thanks, but are you listening to yourself right now? Call me this before the brokenness rubs off on you. Don't you want to try them?
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First, it's not necessary, if I don't like them I'll just throw them away, it's just money and my man has fallen in love. Well, actually, give me a second. I need to have a quick chat with my employee. Where have you been? 40 minutes late. They have overwhelmed me. I'm here, right? Can I leave myself alone? Wow, okay, we have a lot of customers, so please do something. Mmm, sorry, Rachel, how would you like to pay, honey? I need your card Eric, I'll leave behind who that is, oh just a girl who needed directions, she seemed pretty flirty for someone asking for directions, flirty, what are you talking about, she was all over you, and if she was, I can talk to whoever.
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I want to, I know you can, but if you're giving me the lip now, do you want my card or not, I was just asking, just leave it or I'll cut you off, you got me, oh, you know what? Don't stop it. I'll be right back, well guys, honey, did you order pizza? You're so sweet. I'm starving. I've been thinking about you all day. When are you coming? Who is this Dina? Why are you calling my boyfriend's phone? Hm, hey, sorry, leave me. I'll call you in a moment you're amazing how you could fool me I'm not fooling you don't tell me she asked you to go to her house why would you do this to me why because I want to It's okay and you know what you have no right to complain of course I do, you're my boyfriend, you mean I'm your meal ticket, I pay for everything in your life, so unless you're ready for this gravy train to come to a stop, I suggest you let this go, let it go , you're talking to another woman behind my back, hey, if you're not happy, the door is there because I can find a new girl who's sexier, younger and easier to get along with in a second, what? and I can't have any good luck trying to find a guy who can give you the kind of life that I can or better yet, maybe you can get a job and pay your own way in life, but we both know that will never happen so If I were you, I would shut up and stop making a fuss.
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You're right. I'm sorry. Alright. I forgive you. I tell you. Why don't you go shopping tomorrow? You buy what you want. It will make you feel better. Come. Come on, you're late again, so why are you always bothering me? Because this is your job. You have to be on time and ready to work. You know what, I don't need this job, so I'm quitting. You can't give up. Have. A shipment arrives today. I need help. I feel very sorry for her. She's been giving me problems for months. I didn't expect to see you again so soon.
Is your boyfriend already financing another shopping spree? Hey, it's okay, don't cry, sit here. some tissues, I'll be right back, talk to me, what's going on? I caught Eric


on me oh no that's terrible, then he blamed me for being mad about it, he's got some nerve, he said he'd leave me if I brought it up again and he just Okay I don't know what I'm going to do without Eric I have nothing to do not true you are a great person I am sure you have many options I do what kind of options well for starters you can leave that bum and come work with me I don't know if you heard, but the position just opened no mm- I can't work to make a living, I'm not cut out for that, that's what I thought when I started, do you know my husband?
He cheated on me too he left me for another real woman I always wondered what happened to you. At first it was difficult, very difficult, but over time I realized that Matt left and it was the best thing that happened to me in my life. How did I learn he didn't have one? trust a man to support me, I could do it myself and besides, I discovered that I like to work, I don't know, or you can stay with Eric and turn a blind eye to his


, but do you really think you can? I will be happy with that kind of relationship, sure it is rich, but material things are not what bring happiness, the joy of earning something for yourself, it is much more satisfying, believe me Eric, we are done.
I don't want to be with someone who treats Me the way you do. I'm proud of you. When can you start? Now is a good time. Absolutely, the purchase amount goes here followed by What are you doing here? I missed you. It's so hard to believe after the way you do it. He treated me, yeah, I heard you were working here now and I couldn't believe it. I had to see it for myself. What do you want? Eric. I want you back. I'm willing to do anything to make that happen. Don't know. What I was thinking when I was with that other girl but I promise I will never cheat on you again.
Come on honey, I'll buy you whatever you want. You can quit this job and never have to work again. Is not that what you want? You know what I'm good, what do you mean you're good, what does that mean? I mean, I like working here and the last thing I need in my life is a cheater like you, we're not getting back together, we ever will. You're rejecting me, that's rich, you know what? Enjoy being broke for the rest of your miserable life. That couldn't have been easy. I'm proud of you. It was actually easier than I thought and I meant it.
I love working here, thank you. You for helping me see joy and earn my own path in life. It's such an amazing feeling, isn't it?

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