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Going From POOR To RICH In 24 Hours In Brookhaven! (Roblox)

Jun 05, 2021
make sure to use the starter code im santa if you are purchasing robux and of course make sure to leave a thumbs up on this video and subscribe to my channel hello swag hello santa it's been an amazing night I feel like I've slept out five star hotel, how did you sleep horrible? This terrain is very hard. In fact, I'm getting quite used to this house. I think I could live forever. I see myself raising children here, raising a big family, growing old and dying here, what about you, yeah? And what happens if it floods and then we don't have a house?
going from poor to rich in 24 hours in brookhaven roblox
Know what it is? Maybe we should try to get a real house in Brookhaven today. Oh yeah I'm gonna grab all my stuff right here and we gotta go on an adventure oh we forgot to pee and take out the bucket no it's too late he's gone forever okay I guess we won't bring him with us today, then maybe we'll come back another day, I mean, it needs to be emptied. Anyway, it's been a couple of days, oh that's gross, why haven't you been emptying your bucket? I have emptied mine because I haven't drunk as much water.
going from poor to rich in 24 hours in brookhaven roblox

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going from poor to rich in 24 hours in brookhaven roblox...

I don't know, so it hasn't filled up as fast, okay, so today we're


to try to get some money so we can get a house in Brookhaven. Oh my God, please, I can't, I have the green light. Do you ever feel so stressed when you drive? You're heading towards the green light and you just want to be on time. Oh yeah, I go super speed all the time. What could we do? I did a little searching on the Internet in Interwebs Explorer or whatever it's called. That's nowadays and apparently you can rob banks and stuff in Brookhaven and we can get money real quick that way.
going from poor to rich in 24 hours in brookhaven roblox
I mean, it sounds like a terrible idea because we can get arrested but we don't need money. I mean, this is what prison cells do. anyway it seems a little cozier than what we have today and I'll be on the top bunk oh no no no I don't want to get arrested how about we get a regular job at a grocery store or something but it's


to take? They always won't pay us enough. It will be years before we can afford a house. If I go to jail, I definitely won't be in the same bunk as you.
going from poor to rich in 24 hours in brookhaven roblox
We'll see about that Brookhaven bank. So how do you rub? In this place you think you knock on the door politely knock knock and ask for money give us money can you please give us some money please money for ice cream please oh what about the ATM? Can we try to get money from the ATM somehow? don't believe it oh we can open an account okay oh uh I guess I have this card oh did you just get a card what is this card for? I don't know what it's for. I don't know what's up there. uh oh my god it's my card that just opened the door is this the safe here is where the money is here is where we need to go okay, get your ax out, get your ax out, in a bad mood, we have to open this thing Okay, I have my ax and I'm getting it right, I'm going to try to hit it and hit it, what happens if I hit the padlock?
What's up with this one? The shovel. Maybe a hammer could work. Yeah, I don't know what else we have. in our backpack a little lawnmower brake that won't open it, um, we can water it, make it grow, oh, make it grow, don't you want to make the money grow, that's a good plan for after we get the money, Should we try this? yeah, do it, okay, give yourself some space, let's see, it's not working, oh my god, do you see that, oh, there's money, there's money, I've got a pooch bag, are you really trying to set it up?
Just let it sit. Fire, I think we have to get out of here anyway, oh, in a bad mood, I can't get out again. Did you drop your card? I don't know, let's just go through this vent or something. Oh, uh, in a bad mood, can we really stop by? I guess so. oh my god, where are we? We're walking doo doo right now. I feel that way too. Okay, let's try to get out of here. I feel like, uh, oh, look, we went out, we got it, we got our money and now everything we got.
What we have to do is get our house. Oh yes, we have our first house. Where should we put our house? Because there is a house there by the beach. There's no water. I do not like water. Do we want something a little more private or in a neighborhood because I think there is a large piece of land on the other side to the right, otherwise there are some houses here as well. I mean, we can get some private land so no one knows we stole this money. That's true, it doesn't seem. Like someone is in this place anyway I don't know if there was a zombie apocalypse or something but there are no people here we are like the last people in the holy land can you see with that bag covering your face oh no? cover my face oh there you go, I better be sorry, okay, you're making me nervous, I'm sorry, I'm driving bad, you know, I don't know Brookhaven very well yet, but I think it must be on this hill, what do you think? um, I guess we can have a house here, okay, I'm going to choose the house, okay, okay, I'm going to choose the best one with a bedroom and a bed, I'm kidding, okay, let me try to do this, can I? stay here while you do this let me see what house I want ooh elegant elegant oh this one looks good you know what I think I'm going to choose for this one oh it moved me sorry in a bad mood eh okay, let's go elegant Do you like it?
Yes, do you have more than one bedroom? Please tell me. Ooh, of course we need to add the little baby furniture. Oh, you know what I guess, I mean, we live here together. That's what we buy with money. Oh look. this crib here we need to bring some babies I'm sleeping in it oh a fireplace what happens when you turn it on and off like many times I got stuck in the crib oh my god, booty, what are you doing, let's turn it on Turn on the TV and see if There's something interesting about Brookhaven. Oh, that's so cute.
What's that? What do you think it is? It's like a golden sheep. Don't know. Actually, the hospital nine one one. No, thanks. Just turn it on again. It's a little raccoon, baby, I don't like this, I think I'm going to make a baby in your crib, don't look at this surprised, look at this surprised, look for, oh my God, what's here? Oh wait, it's your room. Here, in a bad mood, isn't this my room? I'm claiming the first room. I want this. I want this. Okay, you go for that one and I'll go for this one.
I'll take the biggest one and the biggest view. You can really see a lot because stop making these fake babies two of them in a good mood I can't believe you um we already washed your hands oh I'm going to poop I'm sorry it's out now yeah it's out now I have to wash my hands now I'm sorry, okay, wash your hands and I'm going to brush your teeth, okay, brush your teeth, yeah, actually, no, I can't brush your teeth, I can brush your hair, you're going to brush my hair, okay, I'm there you go, oh, sorry.
I'm there, do you like it? Does it smell like pizza sauce a little? Okay, yeah, I'm done, go to sleep, good night, that's my bed, oh man, I'll be watching you while you sleep, oh no, I'll go to my room, sorry, oh. Oh my gosh, well now that we have a really fancy house, oh okay, are you okay? Yes, what else could we buy now? Maybe a new car because I don't know buses. Where did my bus go? It's gone, it probably exploded, that means. We'll probably have to buy a new car anyway, how about a fire truck and an ambulance?
Hmm, elegant, I like this one. I don't know if I like this one. Yeah, well, you don't have a choice. I'm the one with the money bag okay you want to be happy at least we're not holding hands just be happy about that oh yeah I'm holding my kneecaps bye cats it's so cute look at us staring at each other that's creepy now that we have our house, I think we need to fill the refrigerator with some food and stuff, we definitely need to join together as a public servant or something to meet some people because I mean, we are amazing people and a lot of people would be happy to be friends. with us, right, I don't know, we're a little crazy, right, let's park the car real quick, okay, come on, we have to do it quickly, let's get in and get out, we don't have any cash to pay, we just steal, okay? okay, oh, pizza, and let's go eat some pizza, I'll bring you, oh, I'm going to eat this pizza, thanks for pushing me, you're welcome, what else should we eat?
I'm farting a little, oh, sorry, oh my god. Did you eat beans again last night? Yeah, and then you put some beans on this pizza. We're really oh no, sorry, it's a shame, oh yeah, it smells a little, isn't it okay? I think we just took everything. oh, you're farting in the chocolate and my sandwich right there, you're literally sitting in my sandwich, sorry, uh, and some ice cream, some ice cream, here we go, anything else we can use, no, I think we're fine, yeah, you. You're definitely going to need to go to the bathroom or something because it doesn't smell good.
Oh, excuse me, I just stepped over you, I just paid for everything, okay, let's go home, in fact, I brought the cart with me. Do you want to participate for me? That's perfect. I like having strollers at home, so let's bring that home. By the way, I like being close to the city. I think we have a good plot, oh yes, a plot that goes unnoticed. is that the word I don't know I don't know well our big brains are working together oh wait, there could be a possible fire detected in our house no, I don't think so um let me open the door real quick and park the car here we go and close it again Do you want to sleep in the car tonight or not?
I'll sleep in the bed don't worry oh okay well I didn't pay for this stroller uh hey I'm I'm a little heavy yeah oh no we're going to have to sleep downstairs these cats look adorable anyway though I take this place, okay, I'll take this one, I guess I'll eat my banana right here. That panda was adorable. anything else on TV oh that raccoon anything else I feel like he's gaining pounds oh look at him I'm going to go sleep on the fire oh okay guys thank you so much for watching we love you so much guys let's see you soon with another video goodbye

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