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Going Down A Slide 100,000 TIMES!

Jun 04, 2021
Today we're


to go down this




, let's go right now, yeah, good job guys, well, that was twice, now we just have to go down the


ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight more


, are you good? You need to? bad, you know what you need, since you're in pain, you need some slide training, let's put James through slide training, ah, Mr. James, here for slide training, here's your slide, now we're


to take it very slowly, okay, so all you have to do. it's going up the steps like on the big slide, we have steps that go up to the slide and then let me give you an example, we will go up the steps, sit down and then we will slide, good job. use a slap band, okay, sorry, if you successfully go down the slide, you will get some merch.
going down a slide 100 000 times
I'm going to be step one with the stairs, yes, stairs, sit, slide, it's the three s, sit, slide, go ahead, I'm judging your performance, amazing step. Up, now, have a seat, here we go, swipe, swipe, a little stuck, James you're getting a five out of ten right now, you can fail, this is a bad performance, does he deserve it? You did great, slap him, give him a softie. toy too, there you go, oh, now you need to slap it hello youtube, we're ready to go to the slide three two one six times more something like that, okay, I'm going head first, go, go, go, yeah, it doesn't sound like that. and it gets stuck, should I go check it out?
going down a slide 100 000 times

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going down a slide 100 000 times...

No, maybe not, not anymore. He finally advanced from sliding training. I'm afraid. Yeah, there you go, Gabe, I bought you a sled. Okay, let's do it. Imagine your chest. Yes, go ahead. You got this, bye. see you later, oh my god, oh I'm telling you it's that yellow, bro, the yellow, that one right there, the yellow is pink first, you, the yellow, this is where it landed lightly there, no way, yeah , it wasn't in it, but this. This is where it landed here let's go I'm going to try to go down the slide with the slide are you ready?
going down a slide 100 000 times
I'm not ready you probably don't think he'll leave me it's not okay bye here we go bye are you alive? the slide was made Okay, okay, I'm going to use the stairs um, okay, okay, let's see, we have to position ourselves real quick, too big for this, oh my God, it's like a whole, oh, it's like a rocking chair, come on, I think you're going to kick me, you have part of the yellow slide on your knee, are you okay? That sounded painful, man, oh no, he's still in it. You go a lot faster with this and you're closer to the ground, so you're like me.
going down a slide 100 000 times
I'm going backwards it's so much fun give me a push okay ready yeah oh I'm on the floor the worst part of this video isn't the slide he's climbing these stairs to get back on the slide we should have kept this one video 100 thousand. times going up the stairs well I lost my headband because it's not fun there are too many stairs warm water warm it's cold I'm oh okay yeah I like it here I brought you a bottle yeah thank you all here we go guys let's keep going . Do it, everyone carries me to make us go faster down the slide.
This is taking too long, so we have the best idea. I have Hailey if you're going to be the test subject for our first session because I have all the padding. Yes, you have the least amount of filler, so I thought you could be our test sub. I have zero padding. Go ahead, should I try it guys? A wise man once told me to send it. A wise man once told me to buy products and click. that subscribe button because what we're about to do could break bones and we're doing it for your entertainment, okay, I'm going to go again, good luck, no, that wasn't so bad.
Wow, it's my turn at least. Your wheels were lit, lit, lit, cartoonists, lit, lit, cartoonists, hey bro, how was that? Honestly, it wasn't bad for the person who always gets hurt in vlogs. I'm afraid to do this. I hit him. You look like a transformer. the autobots launch I think we're setting a record time going down the slide oh yeah I'm definitely going to go wish me luck james wish me luck sure what you mean I'm going to go headfirst yeah totally bad , bro, I broke down, okay, then, uh. Gabe is in the corner and he's not feeling well.
He is very dizzy because we have gone down the slide so many times and we gave him a bucket to throw up in. Are you OK? Yes I'm fine. He will behave well. He will do it. I hate it. I hate this slide so much, ah, what if instead of going up the stairs so many times we just ran up the slide genius, you're making the counter go up, you're reversing the side, stop, it's never right, I need to get to the top go down here now go down here the video is literally going down a slide 100,000 times not going up a slide probably as many stairs if we complete this we should do a second part called going up a slide one hundred thousand times why?
Don't we turn the video upside down so it looks like we're going down the slide when we go up the slide? It's not a bad idea. go get stuck i thought he was right behind me there you are nathan buddy come on come on we gotta finish this video what happened and this is our fool be free good job bro I'm celebrating because this is slide number 10 000. wow oh this is the worst video ever oh here we go awesome you're okay thanks for visiting the Unspeakable first aid station you're ready to go back on the slide okay wait what if You need an ice bag, come back later because I don't have ice right now.
Maybe you need the ice pack. Do you need a band-aid? um, I'm not sure if the band-aid was fixed fancy. Some nausea. Nathan needs a band-aid. He hurt himself going up the stairs. I found yours. arm sew it sew it no you don't know what his name was john yes that's a strong table all it needs is water you really have to open your eyes you have to see the future breathe I love you okay so since uh james has We we hurt and everyone is getting sick and this is a terrible video we decided to wrap ourselves in bubble wrap to protect ourselves yeah that's a little song oh my god one giant step for the unspeakable don't fart what's not The best part of this is listening to you.
Guys, can you help me, well, I'm going to try to go down the slide, here I go, are you going in? I don't know, I'm just going to dive in, give me a push, why do you have a big bubble? wrapper and I literally have it I can't tell you hello oh oh it's making you burst uh you need help okay safety first I'm going to go down oh the bubble wrap isn't like that we're still going to get hurt either way hey I guess what am I going to climb up the slide? No, don't do that thing you talked about.
Don't walk down the slide. James. I'm fine. I can't see myself. Are you ready to go down the slide? Yes, your first slide. Yeah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, come on mom for Instagram, hurry up, oh up, my God, come on, oh, be careful, baby, one step at a time, wait, look at the clock, look, that's blue, Oh well, up there, what's the line for slime, honey? I'm so proud of you look, smile at the slide, can you hurry up? I want to go down the slide. No, I don't have skin, darling, don't be afraid. Look, I will light your path.
It's better, okay, are you ready? I'm ready, we're done, open it, what do we have? What do we have bouncy balls? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, so here's the deal. I'm going to jump on the slide and you guys are going to throw all the bouncy balls at me while I go. down, okay, deal, a bouncing ball counts as a slide, yeah, well, um, oh, there goes one, there's like 300 bouncing balls there, so that's 300 slide points, okay, okay, you're ready, I'm ready, okay, okay, three four men two one let's go, that's the full container, yes, you said, put it in, come on, no, you have to throw them away, what are you laughing at?, there are so many of them to half done, halfway done, come on, indescribable, you've come this far, come on, okay. a hot dog and this is my ketchup and this is my mustard uh open ketchup and open mustard here we go now we're ready to go down the slide hopefully we don't make a mess are you ready to get splashed there no brother, you're missing your numbers to go down the slide, so you need to catch up.
Hey, you want to know how cool I am, bro, you come from tomatoes, just slide, the slide starts with me, bro, where should apples even come from? Whoa whoa I'm doing this for him I'm a hot dog I'm going for the height if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here because I'm the dog but he eats hamburgers yes, he goes in the eggs the hot dog comes first the hot dog cooks first and then they take you out of the refrigerator wait wait for the hot dog you are already cooked who eats a hot dog without ketchup and mustard is not wrong the hot dogs are already cooked but who comes out of the refrigerator first do you take out the ketchup then the hot dogs or do you take out the ketchup for hot dog who puts mustard and ketchup in the refrigerator you don't put it in the pantry that's a wild hot dog going to lizzy Quick, now we present to you an incredible act in which James and Gabe go down the slide using sliders with sliders, eating sliders and blowing sliders.
Okay, let's get this show started. I have never seen so many slides in my life. Could you do me a favor and slide over to the subscribe button. That would be great. It was just rude. I found another one. Take a bite. Choose a big one. Yes. Look how this is missing. I'm about to slide down a slide with sliders. Eating a slider What's up with the slide? How about I blow up your slides or something? I don't know if I can eat and do that at the same time. Wait, we can only solve this one way.
You have to slide on the sliders while from my slide. gone, I'll slide on the sliders while I wear your sliders, here we go, I didn't know he put Lizzie's sliders on my shirt, okay, here we go, oh, you're afraid it sounds like I have a flat slider, okay, you want to ride go ahead and I'll go back oh, we'll do it together, well you go like this, then you want the slide, okay, you take the slide and I'll take your only slide, okay, how am I going to do this right? I don't think I'm going to survive this God slime, guys, it's okay, I'm doing it, push me, the cameraman, push me, I'm going in, not 75,000.
Don't throw up, you've got this. throw up I think I'm going to throw it away I'm not going to stop for sorry here we go down the slide with my nachos I made it safely and successfully so I bought you some rods you got this bro this is really good enjoy you want one rib um okay I've had my main now it's time for my ginger oh my god I got it oh I don't have it oh it was close I had my main now I'm rooting for the side dish here we go oh oh god rice chicken strip someone spilled rice on the slide dessert is over now it's time for some potato soup oh no oh it's empty everything is full of slime I have my juice bag oh what just happened how's my back looks good, great, you look beautiful, it's so disgusting there are beans on this slide, you've got to be kidding me, I've got my chicken wings here, oh oh, look at all the peas, that's absolutely disgusting, okay, I've got some pasta and chicken, that's a good one garlic bread do it do it first pasta is so gross oh I feel so gross today today today today today tomorrow tomorrow I'm eating kellogg let me transition let me convert this you know it's a little weird he has cereal but he forgot the milk You forgot the Milk, I'm not going down that slide bro, I'm not going down that fast no, you forgot your waffle and the chicken and corn on top, are you ready?
Oh, there's still some milk, yeah, go for the last three. slides guys, we have to do this together the three of us have to go down at the same time these are the last three thank God because man, I've had this food on me for hours, okay, come on, oh oh, wait, oh oh. Sorry, okay, come on, come on, come on, last one, last one, come on, come on, come on, let's group up and subscribe, this is disgusting, so I'm going to put a hole in the wall.

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