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Goat Simulator 3 is the best new game available

Mar 31, 2024
Goat Simulator 3 finally released a




s literally so intense that they had to skip the second edition of the


. It literally doesn't exist anymore. If you are not familiar with this game, let me quickly introduce it to you. Goat Simulator is a game where you do this oh god oh god oh or this pop in and even this stop sir stop oh I need to say more so I have to ask you if you enjoy this video on Goat Simulator 3 and you want to see more. content, please leave a like on this video and also if you are new to the channel or come back regularly and you are not subscribed, why don't you come back anyway?
goat simulator 3 is the best new game available
Thank you so much for watching the video in the first place and I hope you enjoy the rest damn, they just throw you right into it. I love this, hey, wait a minute, wait, I invite you all, you like this game that he just made for us. It seemed like why this kind of appearance looks like the Fortnite lobby screen. I am a little crazy. How do you dance by default? If I see a


. Dance by default. I'm losing it. I'll check the settings for that. Wait, wait. you got an opening scene, hell yeah, look at this guy I'm carrying, I got a scene, man, when you wake up, no, I gotta carry a white gold, I'm watching the scene, this is like, wait, this it's something like this. oh scene bro i literally just got skyrimmed are you kidding me you're finally awake oh i think i skipped the scene by accident it's just that you're there Matt did you just bully someone?
goat simulator 3 is the best new game available

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goat simulator 3 is the best new game available...

I jumped for you, what was that? Oh, let me out. okay, okay, let's work on this together, everyone, calm down, everyone, everyone, everyone, take a seat, everyone, take a seat, okay, how do I do that envy and press the seat? oh oh wait bro look at my nut sack oh cute look at my tits look at the nuts this is definitely age restricted here you go guys I hate it I have it all right do you want to play this soccer game? This looks fun. We are playing, how do we play? Gods come on, why hit, why join and why join, quick hit, why hit, why hit, why and why, yeah, you're lost, let's get the ball out of here, oh wait, we've got a new ball, wait, them.
goat simulator 3 is the best new game available
I have a new ball, yeah, put it in that huge one. I'm not even in the game, stop hitting me. I'm taking it by taking that. Oh, the Jukes, don't just stand there, selfie, you guys just stood there and let Matt. write down what you're talking about bro I'm literally dead guys I've got my balls stuck in the ground wait let me take it wait let me take a bite okay let's grab them all by a limb and spread them apart get a limb . that's his chest i have a leg i have legs too oh my god let me go let me hit and yeah alright we didn't even count it back you guys just dropped it wait let me take a quarter leg take your corner take His corner, you grabbed him, you grabbed his tape, smoker, we let him go, okay, three, two, one, that sucks, oh, you got it, you got it, what's bad?
goat simulator 3 is the best new game available
Puffer, get that out of here, buddy, I'm making like a comment in my heart or something I don't even know what's waiting, look at me, please look at me, thank you like three, I'm sneaking into the kitchen, oh God, oh God , oh oh oh, wait, I'm going to hit you, I'm going to hit that kid. I have a clue. I just realized that, yes. guys we need to go find a puppet I got it hello friends hello welcome to everything this is where I live now I literally have it oh I have a ring in my head wait you got it that's on fire Uh, yeah, I'm on fire, on fire. we die oh man I'm dead emojis uh the firemen are here I'm so far away it's me I'm the fireman for some reason the ring needs to be taken deep into the Mount Inferno Chasm where it came from we literally have to be surprised We're actually just doing Lord of the Rings , okay, stop, sir, stop, go this way, okay, hold, right click, no, just hold it, hold it, no, it's not working, oh God, this Uber is crazy, wait, okay, I'm going to get mine. car brother my balls itch oh there it is and I'm not really going to read this yeah I know you say you don't need to tell us why oh no head and head and I did it I'm in oh it's free for all what and there's a car police there so they have a head start police car and then I mean that's your network yeah whatever they showed I wish that wasn't legal no no I've been here later great dubs , get out of here, oh. man I'm just going to take this dub I hope you don't mind checking your hours checking your hours checking your hours I can't even stand Torre come on gesture on your legs I'll take this one again oh my god this is actually great dubs where is the volcano?
I don't know why I'm just picturing little John, we got distracted, we need to find that volcano, what is this? We're in a whole different world, bro, it's New York, holy shit, I'm going to be Spider. -Man, wait, oh guys, oh my god, I'm not always good with no, it's crazy, this is wait, this is literally Times Square, wait, look, oh yeah, except there's just one big banana name and four goats waiting, oh my God, oh God. God, I did seven front flips now I'm on a roof, oh my God, I found my favorite sign store.
Oh my god wait he only sells monkey posters Matt oh no I fell Matt get in here where are you? This place only sells monkeys. art I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm calm, monkey art, dude, they're actually posters of monkeys, that's all, but you have to buy them in real life, oh my god, can we throw someone? I don't care if it's me from the top of this building I absolutely volunteer tribute how I do it this is really amazing no against okay we're teleported now um personal moment Jesus there's a diving board get out of here okay I'll stay there, do you want?
I won't be hit by one person, one, three people, I want, I want a hit with all the power, friend, you're going to go so far, hard, but you just killed my family, you're part of my house, all the way to the ground, spaghetti legs, wait, right? no again no no no greedy so I'll get out of your way you're like a road pig oh wait I think we all fell here I'm up here don't take me don't lick me oh my god I just hit a rock everything was like a crack of bone 620 meters I marked it someone hit me there look at me this way I have you Smitty do you see what I marked with something wait everyone get on top of each other yes water park yes no double bounces guys no double bounces oh I have what wait wait do you buy the shark all I've been waiting for is a skateboard oh we have to get it here yeah we have to see everyone coming let's destroy that ring this is the most unlikely place for a shark I have to be honest I know I'm fine did you have the ring ?
I'm in The Matrix, wait, oh I have to have it on. I don't know, I have it, yeah, I guess you have to have it on. I love it. that you're wearing it around your shark neck, let's see a little, though holy, please, okay, I'm here, I don't know something, oh, what the hell, that was, um, holy, it kind of leaked, though pilgore the grey, am I too big? I feel like I'm too big, yeah you guys aren't big, am I too big? I think it might be too big, you can't get my friends to me that fast, oh sorry, wait, let me lay down for you, I don't.
I think I can, I can lean in, okay, oh God, I'm Justin Trudeau, wait, I got hit with oil and I'm coming to save you, buddy, what's up buddy, I'm dying, come on little piggy, come on, I don't want to be he. choose to save your life stop shooting Rockets come on man hey bye damn oh my god there's an explosive barrel here come on go on a road trip someone wants to go on a road trip oh I thought we were using the road you laid. a firework over me, you know what you did, you waited, what is that, it's not me, Superman, oh, paraglider, oh what is it, I have a paraglider, oh my god, this is wonderful, I should have told you, hey man yeah oh I'm losing control Chrissy Chrissy oh wait what happened to me.
I feel like I'm playing Tony Hawk oh my god wait I see it wait for doing Furniture guys holy is that Summit Onedry laughs Matt I have a goal so you see the guy over there trying to balance oh. Wait Wow, wait, he's very composed for someone with four goats trying to kill him, let me see you back, he's not dancing with me, yeah, oh, no, oh, yeah, he's off the top. Jesus Christ, foreigner, please don't hit me good, oh. Come on man, okay, last tower and then we're done. I'm really curious what's inside now, we should at least check that everything is okay, everyone inside real quick, let's see what's going on.
My legs are broken, oh it looks like we can use them. this one okay guys and the final sacrifice to go God I'm rooting for it baby oh oh oh damn damn we've gotten better yeah damn why don't we have this little boy running around here ah what's his name that kind of goat, huh? oh oh God, don't leave here where Jeffrey Epstein's goat is, no, definitely, this is the cult brother of Jeffrey Epstein's goat, perfect through this door, wait, it's so beautiful here, how do you want ? I just want to add the fireworks in my butt, that's enough for this wait, let's end on a good note.
I'm about to play ping pong on this. I'm on your walls, come on, goodbye.

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