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Go Buster - Wheels On The Bus! | Baby Cartoons - Toddler Sing Alongs | Moonbug

May 16, 2024


s the fire truck's lights flash and the ice cream truck hits its beaches soon we'll all have ice cream the ice cream chuck touches happy chins when iggy is on the way the train is heading towards it it's blue with a shiny gold star here's the car the local police is otis on the way the bulldozer will take his time lifting loads he's doing well the bulldozer will take his time bulldozers on the way yes jesse is on the way look at the bridge it's falling falling falling we can't get out of it can you fix it he doesn't can fix it without a doubt help him fix it build it and make it strong make it strong make it strong as a team it won't take long you can fix it look at the bridges wow a hero yes indeed if you are in trouble then who will help you best?
go buster   wheels on the bus baby cartoons   toddler sing alongs moonbug
Pirate, super bastard, without a doubt, you will return to save the day. Super, he'll be there, it can be a lot of fun to use laser beams that pierce the bandit. super destroyer, he is a super bandit, he can't defeat him before he is super strong and if you are the loser, super bastard, super help me, let me help you wipe your tears so you feel better again, it was just a spray. You feel good, don't worry, everything is fine. Did you hit your bumper on that curve? It may hurt now, but don't worry, you'll be fine.
go buster   wheels on the bus baby cartoons   toddler sing alongs moonbug

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go buster wheels on the bus baby cartoons toddler sing alongs moonbug...

Everything is fine again. Look, it's jessie, the jeep, he has a cake. Wow, it looks delicious, but here. the bandit bus is coming he looks naughty oh no he's eating jesse's cake that's not fair poor jesse there's


the bus and there's a bandit driving too fast look buster has gone to play with the scout he's given him a soccer ball as a gift look at the scout go look That's where Digly is building a colorful tower but here comes the bandit I wonder what that horrible bully is doing oh no, he has knocked down Digly's tower The bandit is a menace uh oh, have you seen fall to the scouts The bandit is stealing the ball for himself What a bully wants to do something the poor scout is very upset buster wants to help his friend he is going to confront bandit and get the ball back I don't think bandit will listen Buster is going to bully him instead it's not fair but wait jesse is standing next to buster scout is also here to help everyone is sick of the bandit being a bully there is otis the police car enjoying an ice cream he read who has regressed towards otis otis looks crazy he surfs well being mean to everyone now buster scout and jesse can play football in peace it's fall and he breaks the bus and his friends are outside playing look at all the leaves falling from the trees what is this ?
go buster   wheels on the bus baby cartoons   toddler sing alongs moonbug
I think the explorer has an idea for a game. Oh, the explorer wants to play hide and seek. How wonderful! idea, you tell buster while everyone else goes and hides tony the truck hides in the barn jessie the jeep hides under that box diggly the digger is going to dig a hole behind those bushes explore quickly you need to find a place to hide before buster arrives I'm done counting, but where are three, two, one, ready or not? Where are all the Busters going to look? Is someone hiding in that barn? Yes, you found Tony the Truck Buster.
go buster   wheels on the bus baby cartoons   toddler sing alongs moonbug
What's wrong with these boxes? Is there someone hiding here? I guess don't wait a minute. Is that box following you? Buster that must mean yes you found jesse the jeep good job what's up with those bushes? Is someone hiding there? Look, there's Robin, did you see that? I wonder if it's true, you found Digly the digger, hooray, she just came out, explorer, I wonder where she could be hiding, she waits. notice something funny in that pile of leaves there well done explorer buster you found all your friends hiding it wasn't so fun now it's time to tidy up buster before you leave you will clean up no no there are no toys and games everywhere Buster's friends Yes , cleaning can be a lot of fun when you're not the only one who's faster You'll clean up this mess with the help of your friend Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes You look very cheerful today Buster What's that you saw oh wow? a kitten is adorable, watch out, buster, you're too big and the cat is too small, gosh, I think you scared her, buster, I wonder where she's going, you're too big to get under the fence, you'll have to go around, where is she? that? the kitten came to uh oh, she is trapped in that tall tree, you have to rescue her.
Break a trampoline, what a good idea. It will be a nice soft landing for the kitty to bounce on. Oh no, the kitten bounced right on the way back to the tree, let's try something else, annette, good idea, buster, careful now, gently, gently, oh look, a bee, stay still, buster, I don't think I mean to do no damage but jeez the net is broken too back to the drawing board wait i think buster has another idea. of course buster brought ashley the fire truck she will be able to reach the kitten with her tall ladder here we go the kitten will be safe now oh no i don't think the kitten is too scared to go down the ladder i wonder what buster has planned oh yeah , the kitten's ball of wool that she will come down to play with that look how happy the kitten is here she comes down the ladder there safe and sound good job buster hello buster whoa look at all that creepy slime you're splashing everywhere look, it's terry the tractor, I don't think he wants to get covered in slime, look how careful he's been, wait, watch out, buster, you're heading straight for terry, who was close, watch out, buster, oh my, you splashed terry with slime, I don't.
I don't think he'll be very impressed. Buster has fun in the green slime again. Watch out, oh no Buster is stuck in the sticky slime. Well look everyone, it's Terry Tractor, he's come to save the day. Terry doesn't seem too happy about that, though please help Buster Terry. He just needs a big push. Can he do it? One, two, here we go. Hurrah! Thank you Terry, oh Buster, thank God, Terry Tractor. was there to save Buster from the sticky green slime bye terry bye buster oh wow buster has turned into a rocket and is going to space five four three two one take off look at buster go well you did it buster you're in outer space what a cool place to be be, I think Buster wants to go explore space, look it's a red planet, let's go take a closer look, hey little space buddy, I bet that alien has never seen a bus before, where are you going now, Buster Oh, a yellow?
The planet is so beautiful with that huge ring around it. Look, that buster is going to do a lap around the ring. Let's see how fast you can go. Wow, that was fun. What is the Buster scene? It's a purple planet now, isn't it huge? Go, twist and turn. The planet destroyer revolves around the purple planet, the yellow planet and the red planet, but wait, oh no, a blue planet destroyer is going too fast, I think it's going to hit it, oh thank god, it was just a dream , you're okay, the planet destroyer is u


the explorer. his telescope to look at the night sky take a look, buster, there's the purple planet, the yellow planet and the red planet, hello little space friend, hello buster, what's that sign?
A fire truck sure looks exciting, doesn't it? It's Ashley, the fire truck. I think Buster wants to join the fire brigade, go to Buster to get ready for your first day on the job, just a few small changes and look, that Buster really is a fire truck, he has a ladder, a siren and a fire hose. water. oh the fire alarm there's a fire somewhere ashley has to go and take care of it you stay here buddy hey it's tony the truck watch out for that puddle oh no that dropped box started a fire at the station Firefighters, what are we going to do quickly?
Buster the fire truck puts out the fire uh oh the fire has spread to the roof keep shooting water buster hooray robin is here to help and ashley is back too you can do it if you work together two fire trucks are better than one phew the fire is there! finally it came out good job buster and ashley look it's that poster again now it's buster on the poster whoa you really are a hero boss buster hey jump rainbow sun train umbrella x-ray yo-yo sick hmm spider climbed the water jet came down the the rain spider came up the pipe again splashing in the mud it's time to clean up he had a great day look he's wrecking the bus on a bright new morning what's he going to do today what's that seed whoa buster is going to grow some fruits and Vegetables Buster heads to his garden and takes a look at the instructions.
He first needs to dig a hole to plant the seeds. Buster starts digging. Oh my god, this could take a long time, but look, there's Ziggly. He will be able to help Digly. He is the best. to dig and is always happy to help his friends ziggly will have holes for the seeds doug in no time no problem now pop all the seeds in the holes and watch step two sunlight the seeds need sunlight to grow but uh -oh it's a cloudy day but look there's monty the hot air balloon maybe he can help there monty pushed the cloud away now the seeds are growing now step three the rain looks like another job for monty he's jumping in the cloud and perfect now alone they have to wait for the seeds to grow many days go by the plants grow and then one bright morning buster checks his calendar today is the day look at red tomatoes orange pumpkins yellow sweet corn green beans and purple eggplants well done buster look at all the colorful fruits and vegetables that has grown now you can share them with your friends it's a very windy day on the farm look i think terry has something he wants to show buster hey it's monty the hot air balloon he's an old friend of terry's say hi to buster it must be a lot of fun to be around there Able to float in the air like a balloon, but uh, oh, the wind is picking up, I hope Monty doesn't get blown away, oh no, the rope broke and now the wind is blowing Monty away, quick, you have to chase him or who. he knows where they're going to take him flying monty he's so high how they're going to bring him down look at a rope i wonder what buster has in mind hurry up guys you have to get ahead of monty what's buster going to do oh of course a lasso tie them cowboy ah so close but monty still he's floating there has to be some way to rescue monty what's buster's scene now it's iggy the ice cream truck with lots of balloons i think i know buster's plan look buster tied all the balloons to himself and now he's floating in the sky , go on, buster, you can do it, grab monty almost almost almost, you got it right, buster, you saved the day.
Monty looks very grateful. Ah, Monty is safely tied up again. He now he's not going to do it. He floats like that balloon, good job, he'll tear you apart

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