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GIANT T-REX at Family Visit! @TRexRanch | Jurassic TV | Dinosaur Videos

Apr 10, 2024


s to make sure everyone stays safe and the doctors are asking everyone to stay home so they don't catch it or spread it, how long will we be locked in Dino Hq? Well, we still don't know how long we'll be here because there are all these scientists that are doing research to try to beat this bug, but it might take a little while, so we just have to hang out here, I guess, oh yeah, so, what? What can we do to prevent it from recovering now that you mention it? a couple of really important things we can do, like using proper sneezing and coughing procedures.
giant t rex at family visit trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos
I bet you didn't even know there was a procedure for sneezing and coughing. Oh, no, okay, it says like this one, two, three like this, let me try. yeah, that's perfect, like that man, okay, great, you've got it figured out and then the other thing you can do is make sure you wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds 20 seconds yeah, you're going to turn on the water, a little bit. of soap and you will count. to twenty or you could just sing the happy birthday song twice okay, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birth, what's wrong with that?
giant t rex at family visit trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos

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giant t rex at family visit trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos...

I have a much better idea, you have a better idea, what are we going to do? What if we have to do it? Do


things, so let's sing the T-Rex ramp song, oh yeah. I bet part of that will be 20 seconds, yeah, okay, once you come here and wash your hands and how small, it's okay, on your mark, go to the T-rex ranch it's the place where I want all creatures to run free, join me. my ranch t-rex has a mighty dinosaur roar from our favorite dinosaur join me now you're getting it join me join me hey that was right at 20 seconds yeah okay there you go all good, so now you know how to practice good hygiene, okay, yeah, okay, man, let's sit here, what to do, okay, that was a good job, practice good hygiene there, okay, yeah, but what happens if we still get sick?
giant t rex at family visit trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos
You know it could happen I guess, but the doctors say that most people who get it don't get very sick, okay, they'll be fine, but you know, we have to be careful because older people can get very sick, which means we have to Be careful with dinosaurs because they are about 65 million years old. that's really old, okay, we don't want you to get sick now, yeah, okay, so let's just keep washing our hands, we'll be fine, the important thing is not to panic, so what are we going to do? That's a good question I had. I really didn't think it was that far away oh I know what came out of here let's look at it over here look at this right here let's use this right there okay I have a little bag there okay and then you need these shish kebab sticks here yeah yeah , come on, hot dogs or something, no, no, okay, and then pick a color here, one of these food colorings, there, okay, cool, okay, that'll work, let's try this experiment, eh, okay, we're going to need some. water for this experiment, so let's use this water hose here, okay, yeah, here we go, watch out for that thing, man, yeah, oh, yeah, I gotta put the water in the bag, okay, here we go , it's okay, I think. now you have the food coloring there, eh, yeah, keep spinning, be careful that things get stained, yeah, okay here, put about two drops in there, okay, here we go, okay, now great, yeah, there Come on, it seems that grape juice is not available now.
giant t rex at family visit trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos
But you gotta shake it good, here we go, there we go, okay, okay, are you ready for this, yeah, what are you going to do? I'm going to stick this stick through this bag and it's not going to leak, no, it's not look at this here. Let's go all the way, okay, yeah, you want to try one, look at that, okay, you have one more left here, okay, oh wait, now you're in the atmosphere, okay, yeah, here we go, let's go, amazing eh, cool, okay. Do you want to know why that doesn't leak? Because this bag is made of what is called a polymer.
Well, that's what this plastic is. They are like molecules that are all connected to each other in a long chain. If you could, it would look like spaghetti. Look at it, you would be like a bunch of spaghetti and then you put the sticks in between all the spaghetti like this, okay, like this and seal around it so it doesn't drip. Oh yeah, the problem is we made a hole. so we take it out see what happens, let's go over here I don't want to put this in the yard, okay, you want to take out one of those bad boys, okay, yeah, the water is coming out now because it's because you left a hole. between the last spaghetti here we go, okay, it's a great experiment, isn't it?, yes, but for some reason it's making me hungry, yes, oh, don't worry, I'm taking care of it there, in the pantry, in the kitchen , oh, let's take this inside and go eat something, okay, look at this, look here, the whole pantry full of beans, right there, okay, we're going to have all the beans we need to weigh this out here at the ranch T -Rex, okay, oh this.
It's going to be a stinky time at the T-Rex ranch, yeah, I guess it could be stinky, oh look, it's tiny, the baby apatosaurus, yeah, I forgot to feed the baby dinosaurs today, you know, this could be a problem to feed them while this is all. Come on, we better go outside and think of a plan, okay, come on, come on, come on, okay, park, green drill, let's feed these baby dinosaurs, let them take care of us, wait a minute, what, what, what, I thought. that we shouldn't go. close to the dinosaurs because we could give them the germ yeah you're right that could be bad I don't think we have the germ but you're right we don't want to give it to them so you know what we do what we stay six feet away of them, okay, this is like from the tip of my fingers to the other tip, which is about six feet, so you want to stay away from the babies when you feed them and that way, even if they did, they didn't they'll catch it, so okay, wait, that would make feeding a lot harder.
Oh yes, you are right. It will make feeding them quite difficult. You can't get close to dinosaurs. I have an idea how about we feed. the baby dinosaurs here, oh, here they go, yeah, okay, yeah, oh, I know we'll take these buckets here, we've got the food in them, we'll just put them here like this, make like a feeding station and then we'll go up. We're just cubes here, here we go, okay, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, how are we going to get it back to the testbed headquarters? Oh, I haven't thought about that yet.
Oh, here we go, here we go, look. here are the dinosaur lures we've been working on, but get out there and you know how they love to respond to shiny things, yeah, okay, let's get out there and see if we can lure them back, okay, yeah, come on, let's go see some dinosaur. anywhere, oh man, okay, I think there's a storm coming, you better hurry and get these babies uh-oh huh, the fork in the road, huh, we do it now, huh, what do you think Is the storm coming? We better hurry up, find these babies and lure them back. to Dino's headquarters before the storm hits, yeah, I'll never find him after the rain, there's only one thing we can do: you have to go that way and I have to go that way, okay, let's see if we can find a baby dinosaur here.
Come on, okay, let's get ready, okay, baby dinosaur, come here, come here, I know you're out here, look, it's a raptor, oh, come on, raptor, oh yeah, I know you want it, yeah, we gotta get you inside and Feed yourself before the storm comes. yeah, look, it'll almost be here any second, okay, I'm going to start raining hard, look, it's a baby triceratops, okay, triceratops, a raptor later, oh, look what I have here, come on, you know you want to follow me back to Dyno HQ, okay, okay, here we go. here we go oh yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, no, don't lose, don't lose your attention on the shiny little thing, there, okay, come on, triceratops, come on, you're going fast, oh, come on, stay with me, triceratops not available.

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