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GIANT MUD CRAB Catch And Cook Camp Fire (Rock Knife And Flint) - Ep 90

Jun 02, 2021
Hey guys, welcome back to another episode, me, Jack Oh, twice and we're up really early, we're going out


bing and these guys remember Tosh and Yoji's followers from their young friends' fishing days. He has some secret little honey holes for


s. So, I have no idea where our eyes take us on this track, but look what happens, little Mayo, good boy, he sure isn't very aggressive, okay, here we go, Jack. I just found one hidden under this overhanging tree. Right there looking at it, I don't know where they go because of the clips or the back, hey, I got some good money, beautiful, beautiful, craft fair, big rope on it, super hard when there's not much compression there, that means she's full of couple and super healthy. beautiful crowd you wait, sausage, fresh out, I got a hole up here, that's crab there, we can see it, we got a tickler embroidery, it's trying to get me out, hey, I'm nipa, well go get the boy, it ain't fresh , good job.
giant mud crab catch and cook camp fire rock knife and flint   ep 90
High five us, these little fellas are kinda stuck, baby, while we'll put a mask on somewhere else, look at it, yeah, wow, oh damn big sky, just look, these fate brought something. Watch, yes, geez, now we're going to do it, look here, look what it is. ready, he's spinning this, that's a monster, that's a big crab, guys, big mile, it was very hard to get it, oh yeah, so I look very solid, full of mate, that's a good crab, that's the crab we come for the big monster we start coming back to. the car and get in and


these guys hey Strider and yeah money probably where it comes from he got a big body man that's a lot of money wait dude what are we all I run there I say I'm gonna do that . trade Trump just walked into the crowd he's a male and a female and they're putting him on strike he's filming oh that's it we got what we ended up with four good sized mud crabs we


ed a big meal later it was a lot of fun Jack and I we go back to the beach and we have a couple of those crabs to move and we're going to cook them right on the


, right over the coals, nothing shiny, just traditional and yeah, we're starving, so what are we going to do?
giant mud crab catch and cook camp fire rock knife and flint   ep 90

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giant mud crab catch and cook camp fire rock knife and flint ep 90...

What I have to do is go right to it, gather some wood, make a


, heat up those embers and yeah, we're like on the mango system on the beach, here, these crazy red


s in the background. The northern country is so incredibly unique. Where is your step? Hi, we just dug a little hole here, let's make the fire right now. There has been an advance of


s because there is a fairly strong breeze over that whale. I'm completely protected here, we don't need to make a big fire and we just want you to know that there are some very hot embers in there, but the crab has no barrier legs, embers on them that cook the ground and after we have cooked it whole, we we will break up open it up, clean it up a little bit and then walk right in, like back in the day when we used grommets so we just collected our little wooden sticks made from sticks, big sticks, you know how it is and we.
giant mud crab catch and cook camp fire rock knife and flint   ep 90
You've got some tinder lying around, a lighter, try the Flint first, but it's not exactly the best. I take out the tip of the handle. The stuff I have involves here on the old $20


that you're just trying to stop getting. a little spark coming down here oh oh no why haha ​​we have fire baby I didn't think it was going to work but I can't believe Jack me a little more I'm very surprised yes Oh God I went and checked here There's a weird mountain go check it out. I left the GoPro's straighter puffs taking advantage of them on the way back to mom and dad's house.
giant mud crab catch and cook camp fire rock knife and flint   ep 90
Sorry guys, I'll do it. I'll remember that next time. I promise that my evil will gather some embers and then the fire will get smaller. and getting smaller, I'll keep a little five on the side and keep putting hot coals on that crab when we throw it in there so it's fucking hot right now. Holy hard work, Jason, there were all those lizards on the hill. It's a mountain goat hey I need you this is bad Estrada I guess if I push all this aha now let's put the fire department in Office yeah it should be upstairs oh here we go Jack I, the old crab, try not to fill this in Here we go, grandma, okay, Oh, Brody, oh, it's already starting to turn pink, yeah boy, how good is that, okay, now up close with these eggs there that are already starting to cook, that's really something nice and hot, man, lunch starts.
So there you have it, all you have to do is dig a little hole for the charcoal because on top and put more coals on top and it's literally like in a big oven and it's cooking just in the shell, that's why we don't open it. and cleaner, so we'll cook it first, let it cool and then we'll open it up and show you how to clean the mess and what you can't eat for those of you who don't know. rolling on the fish no, is this, what is that, hey, what is that, where are you going?, oh, you're, we're coming in.
Oh guys, look at my DS boy, you haven't noticed him yet. A bit of a sample. We've tasted fire, baby. I tried the Youngbloodz shorts. but we still want to be more elastic in them, so we were a little sad about the man, they come, come on, Pat's shirt pants practically only make a call to the scotch in the food, she is right below, yeah, hello , honey, yes, she is jeca shells. cracked, which is a good sign pretty good, okay, right on the ice, oh here we go five minutes there and get right into it, ha ha, that's good enough to grab it, now we practically put it in a to be able to handle it well. so look oh I just took some of this rock off it has very sharp edges and it's a great tool for here just pulling one of these out so beauty I'll rip off the tongs first oh it's a really nice board that It's cooked, good man, it's cooked. really good Oh sis, bundled up in your jacket, here we go, okay, open the lid, there's the head, we'll get rid of that in a minute, oh, look at that look, how well we cooked it, man, a popsicle, look , Matt, that's absolutely it.
Beautiful, now we're going to go down to the tide pool right down there and just clean out the guts and clean out the rest. This crab comes back up talking to the rest of this. Don't eat anything. A wave that works. Good man. How is that? for a


, yeah, perfect man, just put it on everything, oh fat man, where's the kitchen? That's already packed, so what we're going to do is just pack up


, make sure everything is exactly how we found it, get rid of all that trash, get rid of all the leftover trash, cover that fire and put it out and I'll see you. in a couple of days Jackson and I were talking earlier and we're thinking about going and staying stranded on an island for the night and see what happens see you soon yeah I want to start Ally for me

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