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GIANT EGG SURPRISE: Cars 3 Edition @TRexRanch | Jurassic TV | Dinosaur Videos

May 12, 2024
he's just tuning in watching all this happening, get out of here, come on, hey, you know what, maybe master


won't be so bad later, oh no, wait, let's see what we are. saying oh yeah, oh man, let's go for your eyes, come on, let's find out, okay, let's go have breakfast, you'll be so excited when I show them our latest addition to the


park. I wonder where the park is, right? drill b where are you man, hey, hey, okay, let's see, we can find the park ranger ob, okay, we'll get you out of there, okay, hey, the park ranger will be, where are you, man, I have a big


, buddy, he's here, are you?
giant egg surprise cars 3 edition trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos
Stay here, I'll be right back, okay, I can't wait to show you off. Well, I almost have all my Easter eggs hidden. Mark Ranger Air. Hey, what's that? Oh, I'm just playing with this. Oh, you found the big


. she's going to be the new pet here for dino hq yes amazing friend, let's get her out of here you opened it wait where is she she's not there wait oh no oh she didn't let go we have to find her okay okay, let's go that way no we're not going, no, this is it white, let's go find you, come on, go find my way, stop, okay, bob, it's, we'll just call her bob, let's go find her, okay, okay, bob, where are you, bob, come here, bob, wait I know, go check under the couch yeah, that's dangerous, are you sure? okay, come on, keep looking bob, i know you have to be around here somewhere, come on, bob, okay, she's not here, maybe she's up front, come on, let's look for bob, bob, come here, what is? that oh it's a lump it's moving it's moving yes I think we found her come on let's go look for her bob come here come on bob come on let's do this let's do this let's go no no no no no she's coming back she ran away there, she's going fast, chase her, I'm going to catch her mom , I don't know mom, oh, okay, this way, okay, bob, okay, we have to find the raptor and get him outside before the raptor finds Bob and eats the ball.
giant egg surprise cars 3 edition trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos

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giant egg surprise cars 3 edition trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos...

Oh, I am. I'm going to do what we're going to do, that's a great idea, dinosaur treats, where are they? um, let's go back and look for the dinosaur dreams, okay, we'll go back, okay, let's grab some dinosaur treats, we'll make a little trail and take it to get the raptor out of the house, okay, get some out, give me a couple, the I'll put it back here, okay, wait, oh wow, look at those, eh, yeah, they're cool, eh, okay, I'll put them in, they're too close together, man, not the director. I don't need that many treats, okay, yeah, that's good, you know, they look like mini hot dogs, they do look like hot dogs, that's why birds of prey like them, okay, wait, where are you going with that? eh, going to the pool, oh, I'm going to go to the pool, leave your wrapper in the pool then okay, leave it there okay, okay, we've got it all, oh yeah, that'll work, okay, let's go hide between the bushes, but let's wait for the raptor to come.
giant egg surprise cars 3 edition trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos
Okay, come on, hello, pretty calm, okay. put the raptor here, do you know what this reminds me of? What is it the other day when we were at the animal park? Remember we were holding food trying to feed the animals. Hey, look Parker, I hope he's in Austria. Why, Mr. Oxford, will you? some food, yeah, look at it, yeah, yeah, you can't eat it out of my hand, I'll put it there for you, okay, yeah, I know it here, Parker Ranger, take the food, okay, oh, he doesn't want it, Alright. Well, we're here at Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch and we're going to practice feeding the animals food because we didn't do very well feeding the dinosaurs recently.
giant egg surprise cars 3 edition trexranch jurassic tv dinosaur videos
I had a tough time there with the food, yeah, and we've done that. I haven't been to an animal park in a while, yeah, we're not good, are you ready to get in the car and go on the tour, do the tour, yeah, come on, okay, bye, Mr. Ostrich, we'll come back and catch up day. one fine day, so what do you think is out there? Parker and Joe B. It looks kind of like a dollar from now on, what's that park ranger? Jay tells you that, yeah, okay, that's an African animal, right, okay, cool, oh my dad, hey, you, hello, oh.
Oh my god, wait, wait, wait, wait, where's the food? Here, there, you go, no, no, don't take it out of my hand, I'm trying to put it on the ground, okay, you're going to ram my ramp, oh, I'm not on a battering ram. This time I'm in a Mazda, okay, see if you can get his attention here, okay, buddy, food, oh no, let's go to sleep, let's take a nap, we don't need food, okay, park, green , jeremy. Now you are entering the Kilimanjaro viewpoint Hey, do you know what Kilimanjaro is? It is a mountain in Africa.
You know who climbed it. Who is despicable? Yes, he really did. I don't know how man got that out of here. around here don't eat the grass the hay oh he prefers hay to pellets look here I think it's a buffalo and a longhorn a couple of long horses oh look park ranger it will be an ostrich yes yes yes I think it's coming here, go look the food for us oh wait, here's one coming up oh look at that amazing one coming down, it's coming right for us I have food oh wow that thing is huge oh oh it's coming in the car uh oh oh oh wait wait, come back, come back, amazing man, that It was great, huh, oh, hey, what's this here on the right?
Hey ostrich, do you want some food, oh yeah, come here, come here, come on, I think there is, we'll see more ostriches, I can't. Say it, I think there are more ostriches, ostriches, ostriches, I think we'll see, I think we'll see another ostrich up here, yeah, there you go, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, here it comes, no, you won't take that away from me hand. no, he wants some food, I'm not going to give it to him here, there you go, oh look, the park ranger will be the giraffe, yes, look at that, it's great, it's like bending down to pick up a small blade of grass, ooh, this It tastes good, so watch. parker angel b they moved their legs together they both moved in the same direction on the left side and they both moved in the same direction on the right side if you look at a horse it's different I think giraffes are the only ones that walk this way oh look , it's a white rhino, huh, I think it's huge, right?
Yes, exactly, and there is another one behind him. There are some babies on the mountain. Are there babies up there? Oh, I see them running. Yeah, cool, look at this emu coming up. here you want some food there emu I hope I'm right I hope it's really a movement and you think it is yes oh look there's a little baby wait is it a duck or is it an emu are you taking it out of the bathroom yes there you go oh oh oh it's taking out the bag oh here maybe you should give something here you go oh look they're eating it off the floor but there's a little baby right there you have to move baby I'm going to run you finish, oh, it's gone, bye baby, hello, it's okay, parker, Andrew B, back to the main section, okay, okay, you want to go see the petting zoo, yeah, yeah, I think we'll go see what they have there.
Oh, here's another one. hungry, okay, try this one, no, they just want the bag here, eat the pebbles, eat the food, yeah, hey, oh, oh, he doesn't want food, he wants the high fiber stuff, eh, yeah, that was great and cousin bk showed up and helped see the animals. Totally, they just wanted the paper barrels though, yeah, did you hear that? Yeah, something's happening, we gotta get in there, quick, hurry up buddy, something big is happening in there, wait a minute, there he goes, raptor Bob scared him away, yeah.

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