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Ghost Hunting at Haunted Driskill Hotel (ft. Sturniolo Triplets)

Apr 20, 2024
clear we want a nice message about what your goal is in speaking saying I'm like she's trying to let us know we're listening upset she's upset because we don't know and we can't read her message yeah could you please Nick Nick, This is crazy, bro, yeah, this is it? It's hard, there's so much going on, how many people are here, she said three before, um, you did it. Is there anyone else we can talk to who can give us a clear message? I want to know a little more about the


. I am perfect. OK. What makes this place so


ghost hunting at haunted driskill hotel ft sturniolo triplets
Hello, do you like to stay here? Are you afraid of dying? Are you afraid to move forward? 250 250 is just a room number I don't know die please go give me they are like they are like the craziest it is they are for each other they are they are like me he is telling me he is telling me it seems like they They are like arguing or something like that , yeah, so you don't want to die, that's why you stay here, it doesn't feel like you're dead, no, okay, last question, what's the message you want to spread?
ghost hunting at haunted driskill hotel ft sturniolo triplets

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ghost hunting at haunted driskill hotel ft sturniolo triplets...

Time doesn't go away, oh God, you love us. to get out of here you tap it you know that's a sick question okay we moved to the bathroom and there's a specific person with us does anyone want to talk sigh like oh choking we've been talking to you all night that's why you're here love the


um and many similar breaths and then wait wait wait said wait I thought you were telling us it's hard to breathe here dizzy dizzy you were all feeling dizzy down diamonds hey wedding ring do you hear me? Do you hear, oh we hear you, what else do you have, you have to say friend, friend, it's good, you have to say here tonight, we are your friends, let us go, you have a message for us in the afterlife, that's what They said, the same thing you said, maybe you don't make it to the afterlife that's why you're here safe in the afterlife it's safe with friends do you have a message about the afterlife love is deep is it about love?
ghost hunting at haunted driskill hotel ft sturniolo triplets
I feel like we've gotten it four times, three times CRA it's very true question question tell us more about love say everything say everything tell us more about love tell us it doesn't matter tell us everything about your various there are a lot of people who want to talk about love here tonight love we love each other like several


s here Tricky Tricky Tricky it's complicated it's complicated love is what you're trying to say keep my girlfriends with their husband someone maybe someone is being deceitful Samantha crazy do you love all your friends this is where you are you staying or not?
ghost hunting at haunted driskill hotel ft sturniolo triplets
I just love Dr. School in general, sure, okay, sure, so they make you feel safe, literally what they say, you can tell us you don't have to debate it. Applause, applause, thanks for sharing, you're doing a great job. we everything you want to get during the sixth grade I had the courage tell us more about what happened to you Eternal Eternal oh the Eternal continues is eating is eating is invisaline tell us more about what happened in sixth grade we have peed on you you peaked sixth grade dammit that's 12 years old that's so sad that's kinda unfortunate best of all time two men oh the two husbands expand expand do you have any message for the living breathe are you mad because we're in your bathroom never drink oh never drink oh okay oh did they drink before them? died oh never talk back Dr. never talk back never drink don't talk back what they did is that it's evidence that don't do what I did is that what they say maybe never drink you don't want anyone to follow in your footsteps a little advice a little advice no retorts don't destroy maybe they feel like they destroyed their perfectly perfect life so they were drinking too much they don't want us to do it they want us to live in the moment a long time ago A long time ago, do you regret what you did?
What you're saying, why would I? Oh that was crazy, yeah we don't know, it just sounds like you were telling people not to do what you did. More breaths, like many breaths. What happens with love? What did you learn about love? Computers and stuff. New computers and stuff. Do you like computers and those things replace? They replace love. I like you, thank you, I like it, stop talking, okay, I'll stop. I just started at a goh school. Is there anything you want to tell us about Driscoll before we go? Maybe I'll find what you want to find, think you'll find or maybe you'll find me.
They asked me on January 19 what that is in 5 days. right, I drank, she died on the 19th, she said something about March, oh, I'm ready, last chance, anything you want to say to the living, it's not allowed, it's not allowed to tell us, oh, that's what they said before, It's like this isn't the time for an impermissible message so whatever the hell I don't like that that's scary Angels like us that's cool, thank you for talking to us tonight yeah, I appreciate that message, I appreciate anything else, we'll hear more about that, we'll hear more about the devil and the angel in the morning oh my god wait blue skies brutally brutally okay, maybe we should get out of that.
One thing we can confirm is that I feel like there were a lot of different people speaking today, it wasn't like one person. I think we were like 12 different people, at least at least even in that room it was like five again, we may not have received a specific deep message, but it seems like everyone was happy here, feel safe, there is no malicious intent in any from them. It's a good vibe, I'm sure glad we didn't do so much in the dark, the dark is what scares me the most, next time let's do it again if the Stow triplet and Samy Kobby fans really wanted this.
I enjoyed the video Thor, I'm ready to I know a lot of our fans want us to do this. I hope everyone who really wants it to happen is more satisfied than I thought. Yes, you crushed yourself, you did very well, we studied. I watched 30 30 hour videos, so maybe if we do the second part we'll go somewhere more evil, that was a lot of fun, although the way I see it on my TV is very similar to what happens here. I am satisfied as a spectator experience. I feel like I came in as a Kobe fan because of how much we watch his guys' videos, that's how I feel when a fan wins like a toss-up and they don't get literal confirmation to reduce or increase their belief in the Paranormal in everything they do.
I feel like I have always been a believer. I think the most revealing thing for me today was the lanterns on top of that, that was perfect. I was going to, I was going to say also, going into it, I thought the Ence method was It's going to be the most eye-opening thing for me, oh, that's real, but it was literally everything else, like being in that dark room, the number which matches the number of names that were called and yes, I still firmly believe it was solid, 10 out of 10 going in. I was eight like 99 right now thank you all for subscribing, subscribing, until the next peace.

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