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Getting Stray Cats High To Stop Them Eating My Pets

Jun 08, 2021
How's it going? I have a problem with chubby


in my yard. You know, I used to have lots of native birds, lizards, frogs, possums and even little monkeys running around my garden, but now they've all been eaten and replaced by fat


. And I tried to solve this problem before by making a pathetic little squirt robot that I hoped would spray water at cats terrifying


so much that they would run away and tell all their mates to stay away from my garden, but who would have guessed? that after I stupidly placed piles of tuna cans in my yard to put the cats where they could spray


and take photos, I created a bigger problem and now more cats keep coming back for all they can eat fish. and buffet shower combo and more and more in total.
getting stray cats high to stop them eating my pets
I've counted about 15 different cats and I probably see them daily now and to make matters worse they often wake me up at night with their domestic arguments, wait, shut up, thank you and I'm dreaming of the day when the native animals return once again to my garden living in a happy symbiotic relationship with everything in it, so today I'm going to try to make that happen, so let's quickly do an unbiased analysis of the pros and cons. List of cats to find out how abusive I can be towards them and first of all, they are kind of attractive.
getting stray cats high to stop them eating my pets

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getting stray cats high to stop them eating my pets...

You know, it's probably the naughtiest animal out there and I'm not being creepy by saying this society thinks about Halloween. and every party is always full of hundreds of cliché girls dressed as naughty cats it's like the default costume for any girl who wants to be attractive why not dogs or fish you know I'm still waiting for the frog woman and we don't know why we think they are so attractive, perhaps it is not actually the inherent characteristics of cats that turn us on, but because throughout history we have associated cats with women in this strange, mysterious and seductive way, like look at the Egyptians , they fetishized cats so much that I wanted to be tied up in eternity with them or maybe it's actually a cat thing, you know, because after hours of scratching you, they still need to feed you, so they seduce you by approaching you and wrapping their tail around them. around your legs, rubbing them up and down while dancing on you, making you feel dirty like a stripper pole and a trucker pole and then you get a little turned on, but you realize it's a cat, so you quickly you feed and then book a session with Your therapist and I have no idea how to feel about this feature, so it goes right in the middle.
getting stray cats high to stop them eating my pets
Very good, next murder they are very good at murder. In fact, I respect how good they are at murder, and of all the


, cats are probably the most evolved killers in the world. They have knives attached to their hands, they do parkour, they see in the dark, and they have a billion-to-one kill ratio. It is estimated that each year cats kill two billion native animals in Australia and at the same time spread deadly parasites. This parasite infects the brains of animals, even humans, and slows them down, making them calmer around cats and the government. have tried many things to


their killing, such as making killing illegal in Australia, installing cat barriers, and paying people to hunt them, but nothing seems to


them. small birds, mammals and reptiles, except for one thing that is very large, which works for large animals in Australia like this emu here and here, so its killer abilities will be a scam as I really don't want Australia to be filled with giant birds.
getting stray cats high to stop them eating my pets
They scare me a little, but maybe you like big birds and feel differently. Well, the next point is that they are owners, you know, with normal


like a turtle fish or a dog, you get them and it is very clear to the pet and to you that you are the boss, you know that you feed them, you provide them shelter and love in exchange for a small amount of daily animal affection that keeps you going in your depressing life, but with cats that is not really the case, they are hunters who straddle the line between domestic and wild, at one point they entertain you by playing with one stupid toy and the next they are wandering around at night committing genocide, you can't really tell them what to do In a study on the emotional bond between owner and pet, scientists drew lines on the ground and tested the response pets had to be left without their owners.
The lines showed that cats don't really feel much emotional attachment and don't really care about their owner, which makes me wonder why people actually like them as pets. As you know, there are other options like ants, they are cheap, they fit in abundance in your pocket and can actually provide great emotional support. Thanks okay I'm out of jokes so let's go catch these big boys when I tried this before. In my last video I received a lot of comments calling me a monster for scaring cats and I understand caring for cats. I feel bad for them and after all it's not their fault, they're just doing what they were born to do, murdering everything. and actually we are the ones who were the idiots because we introduced them to the environment in the first place, but I still feel that scaring them is justified since scaring them a little could prevent them from coming into my garden which could save lives and if One option. between scaring a cat a little or letting cute animals get torn apart, the only logical choice is to scare some cats and if you think otherwise, your brain is definitely being controlled by one of these guys now, before you resort to scaring them completely , I'm going to Try a Less Traumatic Deterrent to see if they do anything and some of you suggested that all I have to do is plug the holes in my fence but I tried this and plugged all of them except the ones I use regularly but like I said. before cats knew parkour and while watching and chasing cats in my yard, I saw them jump this six foot fence in a single bound.
It's crazy. I'm so jealous of his skills, so fixing the gaps alone won't help. I close that one, they just find another way into my yard and then they usually come back up too and at least when this gap is open I know the exact point at which they will enter my yard which allows me to set some traps. My first trap will be some cucumbers and I'm sure you've all seen these videos where cats get scared by cucumbers in funny ways and some people think it's because they're snake-shaped, scaring the cats and stressing them out and then tests.
Human first, I think this might work, so I put three under the door in front of Rattus Rattus' house and left them there overnight to scare some cats. The first to appear is this chubby black guy who seems a little hesitant but still manages to squeeze his stomach under the door and crosses the front line of cucumbers before the camera cuts away and then this ragged girl who doesn't think about it twice and walks over and, to no one's surprise, the cucumbers don't seem to do anything. I also decided to try putting them in a snake shape, but no, that didn't work either.
Now I'm starting to realize that this probably only works on dumb cats who have never seen snakes, not Australian cats, they don't care at all and in fact, I don't even know why I've been playing with the plant version . I should try the real version and I chose this guy because I thought he looked pretty similar to this thick guy, the native death adder, and I think he has a better chance of working if they can't see the snake at first and are surprised, so that I'll leave her behind this wall and nothing, maybe it's too dark and rainy, but the chubby cat seemed to look at her and I didn't care and it's probably because the cats in my garden are too calm, you know they need to be nervous and super anxious, so I thought, what makes me paranoid is that catnip will make them really calm or really aggressive, either one.
It's funny and while researching catnip I discovered that apparently not even big cats like lions can resist it, so I got sidetracked for a moment and approached my local zoo to ask if I could drug their big cats and they still They are about to contact me again, but they haven't said no, so I hope that in a couple of weeks everyone will see a news article titled YouTuber mauled to death by stoned lions, but in the meantime I managed to find a friend who was happy to leave it. He drags his cat to watch YouTube and see what catnip does.
Thanks Maddie. Catnip belongs to the mint family and when inhaled by cats, it acts as a sedative. Once cats are calm they will usually roll and spin with it in a playful manner, however in some cats it has an LSD-like effect producing hallucinations and can cause some cats to become quite paranoid, especially when mixed together. , which is why you never mix your children with catnip and these paranoid properties, as well as the fact that it is an appetite suppressant, are exactly what I am looking for. because hopefully my yard cats will be stumbling around so hard and hungry that they won't have a chance of catching my animals and ignore all the things I said before about cats as pets, this guy was actually really cute and very funny. to play with milos milosh milos so let's see if the cats in my garden have a similar reaction so I just set up a little bowl in their path and left it overnight and the first one to arrive was this funny little chubby guy who didn't It seems I care and it goes twice as long without smelling it and then the same for this spotty girl and I don't really care and that might be because my suburb has quite a


recreational use of catnip so the cats in my garden have developed tolerance. and they are used to stronger,


er quality things, but it could also be because they can't smell them properly, so I built this cat tunnel that will force anything that crawls through it to get very close to the cat's bite. and get a big smell and The first cat that shows up is this pure white girl who probably recognizes the old catnip tunnel trap and refuses to go in, and the same with this scared old guy who just runs away and then this girl irregular that almost has the courage to enter. wonderful catnip tunnel, but then he backs away, but then this big, chubby guy shows up and judging by his size, he's not the best at self-control and he goes straight through the tunnel to get a good sniff of the catnip and it must have taken him a while. little to arrive. catnip to hit him when he comes back a little later to sniff again and then he really gets into it, dropping his fat butt right in front of the camera, then rolls on top of it covering his entire body and face and this is probably the first time taking a dose of catnip because he loves it.
Look at those pupils, he's a tall kitten who will hopefully be too far apart to touch any of my animals, but he seems to be the only one who really enjoys it. So I'll have to think of something else to stop the other cats and I thought, what do dogs hate the most? So I bought this dog pee product that's meant to help you potty train dogs, so you word it either way. you want them to be and I just put a thick line of stuff under the door and the first one to show up was this old guy who I noticed he's very skittish and quite cautious and he took a good sniff before deciding not to.
I didn't want anything to do with dog pee, but it didn't stop these other guys who apparently love dog pee from walking under the door rubbing it all over me, including this fat guy and my brother, and that didn't work. , so let's move on to a Commercial Product that looks a bit like a landmine, but unfortunately it's not. It's a kind of motion sensor disco light for cats, so I just hope my cats don't like disco and the first one is the shy old guy from before, which I think he must do. has served in Nam as he seems quite suspicious of the landmine and knows what's going on, but he still can't resist and gets too close, causing him to go crazy and run to never be seen again that night, then this irregular girl walks right in front. she sees it without hesitation and gets scared, but then she comes back just four minutes later and does some sweet Catwoman moves and discovers that she can just walk around the sensor in the bushes avoiding the smart laser girl and this just shows that she's scared. she once she doesn't really mind them and they will just find another way into my garden, so I thought I would give it one last chance by putting together all the obstacles in my garden cr


this beautiful walkway obstacle tunnel.
It's amazing, so the plan is that they'll come in here to get a good sniff of the catnip, hopefully it will space them out, then they'll go through the dog urine, which makes them nervous, then they'll get to the snake that's hiding behind this block, hopefully they'll scrub them and then if they make it. until theAt the end the disco ball plays and they have a party and the first to arrive is this pair of demonic eyes that belong to a chubby body and at first he hesitates a little but walks straight through the tunnel ignoring everything before the camera stops working.
The old man arrives and wants nothing to do with the tunnel, so the ragged girl enters and walks quite cautiously through the tunnel ignoring the catnip and the snake before popping the disco ball and running towards my garden, then the chubby guy. he comes back again and must have remembered that the alarm went off as he walks to the end of the tunnel and drops down right in front of the nightclub's alarm sensor, sitting there and just watching before the camera stops working again and finally this. The white girl enters the tunnel ignoring the catnip and dog urine before


the fish while completely ignoring the snake and then the camera glitches once again, so even with all the obstacles placed together that scared the cats, they keep coming back if they don't pass. this door through another one and if I cover that up they just come another way, I would literally have to put a dome over my entire garden to keep them out which means I will have to do what I have done.
I have regretted it the most and have some type of social interaction with my neighbors who own cats and I awkwardly ask them if they can keep their cats locked up and stop killing my animals. How are you? Hey, hey, yeah, well, okay, how is it? He's going uh yeah he's doing well what can I do for you I just want to check on you? out of your mouth oh thank you thank you yes thank you oh actually I have the time here I also have your email there you are this is just a receipt with a um with an ant yeah and after looking at the pictures I again realized that many of the cats They don't seem to have collars so I think my only option is to use this trap I bought to catch and relocate them, so I put this in with some tuna in it and came back to check the next morning.
Okay, something has happened here. This is terrifying. Whatever I caught escaped from the cage. What kind of tangled cats do I have in my yard that are capable of bending metal? And after seeing the pictures, you can see that this. The white girl seems quite reluctant to enter the cage and rightly so after what I've been doing in my garden for the past week, but then she enters the trap and starts eating the tuna and the camera doesn't just capture the moment when that the trap closes. Moments later and this cat is very, very angry and I'm actually very impressed by these cats, not only can they dodge laser sensors like Catwoman, but they can also read the Chinese instruction manual for this cage, allowing them to escape from the interior and me.
I'm almost relieved that it escaped, like it escaped from the cage while I was picking it up in the morning and I realized I'm a bit dumb about what I should have done instead of just using tuna. Should I have put catnip in the cage like that? You would have been super relaxed and just accepted your circumstances as if you knew there was no point in spending your entire life breaking cages over and over again. My house is a cage. My car is a cage bro it's the same but you better relax yeah I hope that happens so I'm going to reinforce the cage with some of these L brackets which should hopefully keep the cage from bending towards up and release the door, and then I will use catnip with fish as bait, so I left it outside overnight in a different place and in the morning the cage broke once again, literally again, oh is this the other side?
Now I need to buy a new cage, so it's actually folded, but this time the other side. and unfortunately this cheap game camera didn't work and captured anything and I was able to reinforce this side and try again but I decided to throw in the towel because first of all I'm wasting all my family's tuna and it also seems pretty traumatic for the cats. and I can imagine that they probably got hurt trying to escape from the metal cage and I also can't imagine that this would be effective in the long term since I would have to capture all the cats in my garden and even if I managed to do it.
To do that more people would come and take their place, so I'm hoping that these experiments were stressful enough that they remained free for at least a while and it's probably just a coincidence, but for the first time in a year the magpie has returned to my garden and judging by how friendly and fearless he is, I'm pretty sure he's one of the babies I trained before in a previous video and now he's back with a shiny new coat. She also had a beautiful kookaburra and Carawang take a dip in my pool, but as the cats are still around this is probably not a good thing as they look very delicious and I have no idea what I should do now.
If you have any suggestions, I would. I love it, how am I supposed to stop these cats? The Australian government has proposed a plan to dump millions of poisoned sausages into the bush to kill cats, but cats aren't the only ones who enjoy a good sausage sizzle and that could simply result in the extinction of all men older than 40 years. Or perhaps you could follow the government's classic solution for the cane beetle and cane toad. Actually, yes, that could work, so be sure to tune in next week when I introduce wolves to my yard to take care of my cat. problem, but for now you win, cats, use sexy, sexy cats.
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