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GETTING RID OF ALL OF MY MAKEUP COLLECTION | PART 1 + honest talk about makeup.

Jun 03, 2021
Hey guys, what's up? Welcome to my channel today. We're going to do an extreme


cleanse and by extreme I mean I'm


rid of more stuff than I've ever gotten rid of in my life. I'm going to break. I understand why I'm


rid of everything so this video is going to run a little bit, it's going to be really long, I'm nervous about how long it's going to be, but you know, I think it's really cool to make these videos and I hope it inspires you. to clean a small area, perhaps they have been neglecting it.
getting rid of all of my makeup collection part 1 honest talk about makeup
It always feels really good to clean and refresh and reboot, so that's what I feel like I'm doing in the past, when I filmed these videos, I just did them. very fast and with a time lapse but this time I'm going to slow down and explain why I'm getting rid of each item and I have a lot of different reasons so hear me out. I won't drag out the intro, but real quick, I'm doing a massive 10 piece giveaway, 10 winners, I feel boxes full of


, so I hope you're excited about it, be sure to enter. All you have to do to


icipate is subscribe to my channel and leave a comment below.
getting rid of all of my makeup collection part 1 honest talk about makeup

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getting rid of all of my makeup collection part 1 honest talk about makeup...

You can follow me on Instagram for extra entry. My Instagram is Lauralee and I would love to have you there, but if you want that extra entry, be sure to let me know in your comment if you follow me on Instagram or if you do. follow me on Instagram and also leave your handle in your comment um yeah with that said thanks guys for watching make sure to subscribe comment and let's jump to this video check out the pr welcome to my salon guys no it's nice. It's never a pretty room because this is where I do things.
getting rid of all of my makeup collection part 1 honest talk about makeup
I'm still in my bathrobe. I tidied my desk a little. I was drinking Dr. Pepper and this chair is so gross but I don't want to get rid of it because it's so comfortable I love it I love it I love sitting in it and then this is where Erin says most of the time so this is my desk, this is where a lot of my makeup is that I normally use and over there this is something to give as a gift. here in the corner and then oh my gosh this is what we're about to get into it's a mess so my vision for this room let's go over it real quick and then we'll jump in we're going to keep these two tall and thin.
getting rid of all of my makeup collection part 1 honest talk about makeup
The ones on the side I'm going to push over here so it's like boop here full of makeup and whatever I want to keep and then these two bigger ones in the middle are going to go into my garage to store them where we can store the Christmas decorations. tools, you know anything, they're really big, deep drawers, so we're going to really organize my garage because that's a bit of a mess, so these are going to help us and then we're going to bring in a sideboard. table we're going to make a really beautiful background it's going to be a little more lifestyle I'll still have more makeup than I could use don't worry I'm not going to leave the makeup off but some of this has to go because This is more makeup than any being human on earth should have.
It's just ridiculous and


ly I need to donate a lot because it will go to waste, so this is a waste right now. I think, in my opinion, so what? What I'm going to do is I think I'm going to do a two


series so today we're going to clean out the eyeshadow palettes and maybe a couple more drawers so there's going to be a lot to go through so grab a snack . Grab your best friend, grab your dog or your grandma and enjoy the show first. I think it's only fair if we do a little tour, so this is where I have a lot of morph palettes that I'm no longer looking for.
I have many. crazy color palettes some are kind of kitty like I'm never going to use them again anyone else can enjoy them this is my most used drawer it has manny's lunar beauty brand it has my brand and some abh and just some palettes that I really really like in this drawer, so this drawer will probably stay a little bit fuller. This one has unique shades of all kinds. Lots of urban decay. I no longer attract urban decay. I used to be obsessed with them and it's not like me. I don't like them anymore, it's like everything they put out seems to be the same and I'm not trying their tone, it's just how I feel, I feel like everything they put out was something that came out in 2001.
It's that stem that's probably rude , but that's how I feel, so it's like I just can't reach it, so can't anyone else be using this stuff? I think this short is a little less crowded now because it's a highlighter drawer. you can see okay there and then up there oh my gosh there are more eyeshadow palettes and to be


it's really full but I don't use this drawer because I can't get to them they're so far back I would. I have to pull up a little ladder or a stool to make it more practical for the drawers to come up here and then for these to be shelves because I can't get things up here, that was just a bad idea, so yeah, and then I can go through like oh maybe I'll do like this whole row I think I'm going to do that guys so we have blush that's going to happen like how many cheeks do I have highlighter drawer baby I could highlight my face for three lifetimes bronzer drawer really I like this drawer, okay, it's going to be hard for me to get rid of the bronzers.
I love bronzers, but they have to go and that's what we're going to tackle today and next time we're going to use lip primers, powders, all of this, oh my gosh, next time. The video is going to be crazy too, well guys first I think we'll start here with my bronzer drawer because we'll start from the bottom near the floor and then we'll work our way up. I'll give you a little tour. I really have everything organized if you're wondering where these clear trays are, they're really nice because you can take out the sliding dividers, they're from the Impressions dresser, now I bought them a while ago, they've been very useful and very helpful for organizing, I don't know if I still have them You have, although we are going to start here and like I said we will work until the end today, that is our goal, you will see me get rid of a lot of things, but remember that I can't use everything and anything new I will return to you for your incredible support , amazing subscription, thumbs up, the best followers a girl could ask for.
I love you guys, thanks for watching. And? What I want to do is go through everything first, I'll put it in a bag and then I'll throw out everything I reviewed at the end, show it all to you and organize it into what needs to be donated. expired, which is new, that's how I do it, so now we're going to start reviewing bronzers. I will say it's a little hard to get rid of them because they are all limited edition Mac blushes, not now I don't use Mac makeup as much as I used to but these are limited edition so I have a hard time getting rid of them but the thing is I don't I use them, so I'm going to think about these, look at this. never used never used her guys i don't know what my vibe was i might keep her though this is my problem i have to get rid of things i'm not using so i'm getting rid of them we got rid of them our first article really proud of myself this It was terrible, I hated this, this is not my color, I love them, but I don't wear them, I love them, I should keep them, maybe, wow, I really have to cut back on the makeup if we want everything to look good.
Fit, look, we're going to get rid of her. I have to get rid of more makeup if we're going to get everything to fit in those smaller drawers. I have to like it. I have to have to do it. I really love this it's such a bougie brand. but for me it's a little orange, although I like the formula. These Fenty makeup sticks, you know, they're a little bit. I liked them at first, but the more I use them, they're a little hard to blend, so I'm going to get rid of them all. I don't use them at all.
This contour kit from Smashbox is very good. I just don't use it. I have too much. I don't use this much, but I want to start using it. I also love Marc Jacobs bronzers, so I'll stick with this one. I remember buying this abh contour kit when it first came out, it was like 40 bucks and I just remember, I remember being so happy to be able to review this and to have it, that I could finally afford to get it, so sometimes I find it hard to get rid of pieces like this because I want to look back in 20 years and I only have a couple of pieces like this.
I have three cream bronzers from Hudo. Nobody needs three unless you're a makeup artist who works as a presenter, like, uh, why do I have that thing that's too deep for me? These actually work a bit. dark look that's a nice shade and this one is light peach we hear you girl by the way huda gave me a discount code so i'm laura lee if you shop on the huda website you can get a discount with the code, laura lee. I'm going to keep going let me look at the light it's like it's too dark of course that's my color oh that's what I think I'm going to keep going maybe I'll keep two I'll keep two that's so cool but I won't I'm going to use it.
I remember buying it on a trip to Morocco with YSL, so I'll keep it as a souvenir. It's not my color, it's so beautiful, but I don't wear it, but I love it. It's so random, but it has been. one of my favorite bronzers i love how warm it is what are you doing what are you doing what is your mom doing this is by giorgio amani and i don't know what it is this is literally like pewter like gray it says it's a bronzer this is a gray bra I can't use mac bronzing powder it's too deep this is one of my favorite bronzers it's disgusting I've had it forever I should think I'll let it go just because I know it's so expired I don't know how to open this what's wrong oh my god it's so easy it's pretty oh maybe I'll keep this I can't use that love I should use it more this is give me sunshine oh my god this is a classic pop color i I've worn this for a long time because of Terry.
They are so cool I can't really reach for them. It looks a little gray. Look, this is really bright, so I think I'll let them go and this one really looks. beautiful, so I think I'll stick with one of these and not three very pretty, flawless bronzers. Going through all this makeup makes me excited to go back to putting on some more makeup. You guys say you miss makeup videos, but they're my tastes. Less viewed videos, like on my channel, my lifestyle videos, people watch them a lot more, so I'll be honest. I feel like the internet is outgrowing the makeup stage.
I don't know, although I consider it. I'll get rid of both of them and then, to have a great hula, I'll get rid of Laura's special hula. I'm getting rid of this super bougie Burberry bronzer, but I don't need it, I don't need light hula, these are blushing, why are these here? lilac b. This is too shiny for me, so I'm ditching this Dior bronzer. Likewise, here are both of Victoria Beckham's. This used to be one of my favorite bronzers. Oh, I think I will. keep one and then these are the cream tanners that I'm going to keep.
What I'm going to do now is put back the tanners that I'm saving here and at the end, when I've cleaned both sides, we'll put them on. everything transferred over but in the meantime I'm going to put everything I'm saving here, I'm going to get rid of it, okay guys this is everything I'm saving and yeah this was full so this is what I'm getting rid of all of them these monsters, I think I did very well. Next step we are going to deal with my highlighter drawer oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun for us guys you are going to be shocked this is my fullest drawer so I am going to get rid of a lot of them like I would go crazy.
You don't need that many highlighters. You may think we need them, but we don't. So, let's get started. Is this highlighter super pink? So this would be more of an eyeshadow so I'm going to get rid of it oh these are body highlighters this one is really pretty but still very shimmery and I will say I'm over shimmer and iridescent I want a beautiful shimmer that no I don't want shine on my cheeks, I no longer want blue, or green, or iridescent on my cheeks, so I will get rid of everything that is like that. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, if you like it, it's important that you do it because it's your life?
But it's not for me anymore, so I'm getting rid of some of these guys too. Look, that's really nice. I just have a lot of body highlights like I have a whole section for them. I don't need this, I don't need you anymore, what the hell happened here? It was her base, which is so disgusting, look, it's a very pretty highlight, let me see, it's just shiny, that's what I want, I don't want glitter, so keep it close. look, this is more hmm, i think this one is a little light for me, i don't know, they look like the same color, so i'm going to get rid of this one, okay, look, this looks very bright, oh, it's pretty, but It's very pink. shimmer very pretty but not for me I have so many gummies I don't need that many these are the mac highlighters um this one is too deep for me this one is too light for me there is nothing in between so this is one of my favorite body glow this is the shimmer jouer fusion you guys can use code laura lee for a discount this is one of my favorite highlighters on earth see are you kidding me?
That's why it's one of my favorite highlighters so I'll keep both because I love them so much they sell out all the time and I don't even know if they're in stock but if you can get the cast glitter fromjouer, get it because it is very big and you can use it all over your body and cheeks. This Mac strobe cream is so expired this is the brightest one, really don't use it. I don't use it because it looks stale. These used to be the best in the world in makeup. Mine is almost empty. I'm going to get rid of him.
Makeup trends move so fast. I won't get rid of any lunar beauty because this is mine. my best friend's brand and I would feel like I was getting rid of things from my own brand and I would never do that. I will always stick with Manny's brand because I love him and I love his makeup. I really love it. This is a cream highlighter, but. she's a little dusty miss karen's collab it's hard for me to part with another brand because this is a very sweet person's collab oh that's nice they don't even make or sell this anymore but i'll keep it we support our friends, oh my god, this is a throwback for me, so I'm going to save it as a throwback.
This is a cream highlighter from Mac. I used to buy it all the time because you couldn't really understand it. This was like before highlighters were highlighters, okay? You can really get that glow on the tip of your nose and stuff like that without using eyeshadow, so everyone just bought Shell for Mac. You knew it, if you knew it, you knew it, and if you didn't, you didn't know it, so I'm going to Save it, let's move on, I'm going to clean up our palette, guys, I finally bought a battery for my camera. Honey, do you remember this?
Learn this if you remember golden honey. I don't think I can get rid of her. It's a classic shiseido this is a little weird I'm going to get rid of it I'm going to get rid of all my nars makeup let it go let it go let it go I love Oprah's highlighters they're so disgusting let me show you hello yo I mean, they're like a baked highlighter, so you get crazy pigment. Look at these three, they are all really pretty. I'm going to keep this game. He has explosive reflexes like it's crazy, I can't get rid of it, I won't. good guys I'm not doing well in this short this is broken and if you don't believe me let me show you this used to be one of my favorite highlights but I broke it so I have a back oh my god they're both broken hi estee lauder come come with a broken highlighter I'll stick with a broken one and you know it's true love this is too light this is a little bright for me but I might keep it because it's so bright this Kylie Bonita these are the champagne showers right Does that mean that if someone pees on you in the shower, Morphy will let them age, expired, I'm pretty sure they sent this to me in PR so long ago, I inspired the house, don't I? use these, but they're pretty, they're really pretty.
See this pink one? This is what I'm


ing about. No, ma'am, no more, no more, we won't have pink highlighters anymore. That's fairy dust and I don't need it. no pixie dust, it's really crazy how much it changes my opinion on makeup, it really changes, oh that's pretty, it just makes it, um, wait a minute, I'm like obsessed with something, I wear it every day and I can't live without him. and I'm buying several and then one day I thought, "you know what." I'm changing the way I do makeup, so I don't use it anymore. I don't like this product anymore, like I would never use it, so it's really crazy, my style changes and what I like changes, I feel like I'm continually evolving with makeup, which I think is a good thing, you know, oh , that's cool, but I won't use it.
Very pretty, very pink. This is like a pillow a silk pillow miss bobbi brown I don't need it that's pink everything is pink person she has very nice highlighters this one is very tan so for me it would be more of an eyeshadow shade like this every time you have a Highlighter too dark don't let it go to waste use it as a beautiful nude mineral bronze eyeshadow oh why did I save a broken highlighter? It can be repaired but I'll donate it ok I have like 8704 highlighters I'll have to get rid of one even though I love them oh my gosh I can't open it oh honey that's pink this is a really pretty highlighter from Dior oh , that's nice, that's not my color, that's nice, that's really nice, look now, I remember when they came out.
I liked them, but they are so bright and pink. I will never use this and I have it twice. Why watch? This is the best. This was the best. The scammer. Okay guys, these are the highlighters I keep. It's not a ton, but that's all I mean, I literally couldn't use them in five years yet, so I have a bunch of loose bags and then I'm going to get rid of this bag, so we'll look into this a little more later. but oh my god, another bag down why is my McDonald's cup in every shot? I swear to God, come back there look at this one trying to escape no, you're leaving bye-bye okay, we'll keep going okay, we have foundations everywhere Did the blushing shore get more crowded or is it my imagination?
Don't know. Okay, should we dive in? By the way, I only have another new bag, but I wanted to say that the tour of my house is going to end, my goal is to get it. until the end of February I keep changing things in my house and I'm kind of drawing the line like once you, I think all my furniture will be ready by February, so sister, I said that's your time limit because you keep changing things. the house tour is coming up in february btw i removed the old one because that's not how my house looks anymore so wait remember when i bought an expensive blush and then broke it and fixed it with a kit i had ?
Testing well, I'm going to get rid of this now because I'm pretty sure it's really old, but I used it a few times after fixing it. I love this damn blush. Erin and I tried this in the video and I'm going to keep it, um, this is so bougie and oh my gosh, I'm going to do it? I'm not going to keep it. Check out some of these KVDs. I think I have duos like I have the same color twice. Peony Peony. We don't need it anymore, this one is a little too deep for me for Mac Plum, bye, so I'm going to get rid of these two colors that I can't really reach for.
I like this one, but I need to clean the Z palette. I'm also going to keep the palette because I can always use a magnetic palette. This palette, by the way, is from when I liked my first imat in 2014. I mean it's six years old. This is to make it look like six. years when I look at you jouer blue jouer has such pretty blushes that I'm going to keep, I'll stick with Manny's moon prism blush palette it's always sold out in a place that's pretty, that one is a little deep and then that one is a little orange , so I'll stick with this one.
It's cool, but it's old, but I'll keep it. It's a very nice palette, but I don't use it anymore. It's hard for me to get rid of blush because I'll be honest, I love blush, I do it well, these are Armani blushes, oh it's such a pretty color, this is 506. It's pretty too, they're so pretty, why I haven't been using them? What's happening to me? Okay, this is my oldest son. product that I own and have, this is the Mac Minerals mineralized leather finish. I think it's called blonde and I bought it when I lived in Alabama.
He was like 22 years old or something like that. I don't remember it, but it's old anyway, I just know I'll keep it. I'm going to let this guy go who is such a pretty color. It's called mocha. These are from Mariah Carey. I'll only keep one. I'll only keep one. I'll let him go. Ever? I do not do it. I really see people


ing about Sephora's makeup brand. How are you doing? Do you have products from there that you love? I don't hear a peep. They are Crickets Smith and Colt. They have great makeup. I admit it.
I enjoy it, but. I'm going to let them go because I have too many. I'm going to get rid of my bare minerals. Very pink. I'm getting rid of them because I have the Jouer palette so I don't need both. It's such a dull color, it's actually Nicole's and she told me to keep it so I'll pass it on to someone else who can use it. It's nice, I'll get rid of these, oh okay, I'll keep it. that one to get rid of these this is used and loved but it's time to let her go oh I remember getting these so long ago I really loved them they were like they put a blush on your cheek I thought okay? get rid of it now I'm going to let go of this one from patrick tall very pretty let's see very pink I'm going to let go of that one that's pretty that's very me now I love it more I love yours oh this is such a pretty color this is like one of my favorite colors to use I love it okay I clearly have so many beneficial blushes here.
I really think it would be crazy not to get rid of a girl like this, she's new, she's very pretty, but come on, we don't. I need so many I feel like I'm having a harder time with the blush than anything else that's nice I like the benefit I feel like the brand has changed a lot I feel like I used to be more involved with them and I don't know I feel like I know a lot of the same people already They don't work there, but many do and I don't know. I feel distant from them somehow, it's that strange, oh that's goodbye, whereas before I didn't.
I don't know, I just love it, I was kind of obsessed, but maybe that will change in the future. I don't know, but I don't know. I used to have a sweet spot for them, like my heart for them, but times change. People change. I'm going to let them go, it's pretty good, they all look so similar it would be crazy to keep them all, so I'll keep these two and get rid of them too, but I'll also keep the honeysuckle. I really like honeysuckle. It's like a nude, okay, so I won't wear it, I don't think I've ever worn it, it's pretty, but I'm not going to wear it, I'm doing fine, no and no, let's see what's on these little young men, very pretty , very oh.
Oh my god, these are so beautiful, that's ridiculous, oh I have to go on, let's see here. I'm going to let these two little ones go. Very good. They are both very pretty, but I think I'll let them go. I have to let things go. Now I've had this luminous palette forever because it's so pretty, but I actually think it belongs in another drawer. This is a pretty blush palette, but I think I'll pass on it. Dare we review all my Mac blushes? just do it like you're never going to wear those peaches it's a classic it's cute but too deep too pretty pinch me ugh I can't do it oh I have two peaches so I'll let one go I don't know why I bought this it's pretty it's cream I'm going to let that go it's pretty mocha it's so pretty this color that I never used I really don't save it it's this warm soul oh my god this is warm soul this is so old but it used to be my favorite blush Planet Earth like there's nothing better than a warm soul.
I'm going to get rid of all of these. I'll keep that one on that one. I'm going to get rid of these. I like these. The blushing girl buried her finger there. and I tore it up well I'm going to leave this one and then I told you I have my jouer blush palette so I got rid of some of the other jouer blushes but these are really pretty I'm just going to keep this one. one and then this oops and then this and then this and then that and there's another jouer blush palette this is old school this is so pretty to me I'm going to keep it in makeup forever and then we have polka dot beauties this is cool guys I love it this palette, okay, that's the blush, this is what we got rid of.
I'm going to wipe this off and I had to leave it because guys my knees hurt so much but I'm going to wipe that off and that's goodbye we'll go over this pretty quick and move on this is the morphe eyeshadow palette it's a couple of makeup geek and mac there too, now this one will take some soul searching to finish, okay let's get started, are we okay here? Go dive into Morphe's crate. The thing about Morphe is that they like to throw something and then two seconds later you can never get it back, so it's hard to talk about their composition and I've also become quite disconnected from Morphe.
In recent years, they know that my brand is no longer in their stores and honestly, the brand does not support me. I don't support the brand, so I think you better really like me and Morphe if you haven't seen us. We've gone our separate ways, so with that I'll get rid of a lot of morphing stuff. I'm not a very dramatic person and I don't feel like upsetting them or I don't like saying nasty things so I'm not going to do that here today but you know I respect myself enough to not continually support them day after day on my channel like I used to. do it because I used to have a great relationship with them.
I'm going to get rid of a lot of This I just don't use it anymore, but honestly, like I said, I don't like having any of this in stock anymore, since it's kind of old and needs to go anyway, whether I work with more food or No. Also, they've changed so much that now it's not the same brand, it's a completely different brand, so they're not even the same people that I used to be friends and close with, so everything is very different to me now. I can happily move on I used to be obsessed with this palette this palette was so pretty to me but like these do you remember when every palette that came out was like warm fiery tones and everyone wore red on their eyes every day because I know that I did it? but I'll let it go.
I remember when I was Morphe. I like it. I promoted this palette with them at a photo shoot and it's all a really fun moment, I remember when they were like all the beauty gurus, beauty guru, beauty guru, and now they're like ticking, which is well because they're going to where they're going to get rid of their money and they're going to follow the paper trail and they're going to get their money, um, but it's interesting to see how much they've changed, but fromafter dark I don't wear that it was really pretty I just don't need it I thought this was super pretty too I'm going to get rid of this these colors that gold is the only one I have I would wear it I loved this one, oddly enough I think I'll keep it.
This is from Kristen Leanne. I really liked this palette. This is my first nude palette. I showed you this before. It's so old. It's like such a small palette. but I loved the color so I'll keep it nude heat oh my god when the warm tone everything was just fire red heat why I don't know smoky no thanks nude two oh she's as old as one nude we I'll leave her with three we'll leave her go, there's so many nudes, okay, I'll keep a mini naked heat, no, I'll get rid of this, I'll get rid of both, I think this is from person. mini palette this is very gold I'm going to get rid of it this is pretty but I don't use them so I'm going to let them go just think of it this way it can go to a new home where someone will really enjoy this makeup and it will get used they are great but I'm leaving to get rid of it, it's so cool, in fact I'll keep it, I don't have many palettes that have those colors, it's pretty, but this.
It's a blush, why are you here? it's pretty but I don't use it so oh maybe I'll keep this one no I'm going to get rid of these I don't use them okay so this area here has simple shadows so we'll dive in a little bit and see what we want to keep. I need a bag. Here we are, so I've considered these to stay fresh. This is a wild heart. This is paradise found. I'm sure don't sell them anymore they're old do it forever like I don't need them I don't need them in my life if I find a unique color that I don't think I have much or don't have much of then I'll save it so that's what I'm making, but like many of these neutral colors, I have so many that there is no need.
Mac's eyeshadows were great, but a little gimmicky. I used to appreciate the free samples, but I don't need it, it's a waste, it was really nice. By the way, I'm getting inspired to use some of these things. As I look through it, I think: wow, this is so pretty. I need to use this, some of these old ones. Geek makeup eyeshadows are literally five six years old like that liquid gold. I'll keep them, but God, she's so old she probably shouldn't appear on my eyelid ever again. It's not pretty, I don't love it, I just don't.
I don't love it, no no, these are cute and super expensive, but they have a boxy charm to them now, so maybe they've lowered their prices. I don't know, I could be wrong. They don't need Max Selena, how could I get rid of them? that I can't do that, okay, now we have these Marc Jacobs shadows. I don't think he's ever been able to use them, let's open some of them he probably wouldn't use them. It is so beautiful. I love it. It's nice. But I have one. a bunch of that, keep getting rid of them, that's cool, but I'm not going to use that, oh man, remember guys, the more organized part of this video will start in the next part where we'll move the drawer system around these.
They're all Mac singles, obviously, and I don't need most of these anymore, so that's great, but it's just not, oh my god, my hands are so dry. I like good basic Mac ringtones. They have many good basic products like. this rice paper this is a really good classic color this color is so extravagant and like I don't have much so I'll keep something like this okay guys look at all the individual shadows we got rid of oh girl I'm just going to put them here until we get to the organization phase. Okay, guys, this is our top drawer, our main makeup haul.
Many of these are. I laugh because it's ridiculous, but some of these are highlighter palettes. Many of these are eyeshadows. This is too high, I can't access these and I would actually like to use some of these, so I want to apologize for the angle, this drawer is so high that I have practically nowhere to put the camera except on the top shelf. and this is our best view set up so close to finishing well, what can I start? I don't even know, I know I'm going to get rid of this. I've had it for a long time, so nice, bye, oh, I'm broken.
I'm going to get rid of this one. I don't love color history. This is the mothership. I think it's the first. I'm going to get rid of that. Oh, I think I'll get rid of it. Wow that's cool. I'm going to keep that pass, okay, I think this is rose gold, rose gold, I think this is the same palette, yeah, I'm just going to keep a cool palette, but I'm going to let it go, I'm going to let it go, I'm going to keep it That's it pretty, I love the nude palettes of course, stunning, but I kept a mint hip point, she has some pretty palettes like that one, that's really pretty, that's cool, that one is pretty.
I'm going to let that pretty one go, but I did this like I won a million. sometimes these are Natasha Denona's palettes, they really aren't again with the warm tones, they are very well made, they are very expensive, this one, since I never use it, I'm going to get rid of it, okay, let's see these Marc Jacob palettes, oh, I'm going to get rid of it. this one, it's really pretty, I have this, I have this though, maybe I'll keep it, get rid of it, get rid of that, it's such a pretty color story to me, I love it, I'm going to get it. get rid of all these some things you just don't need these are as small as no I feel like I was aggressive on the shore and got rid of a lot so we're almost done let's recap the drawers real quick I mean they were completely full I think that I still have too much oh my gosh I didn't check this drawer I missed a drawer oh this is a drawer let's go back okay I thought I missed my highlighter palette drawer because I was like where I did it?
You also move your highlighter palettes around, so I put this in my other drawer. Wow, that shows you I have to finish soon. I'm losing brain capacity. This was very nice for me because of Becca. There are two. This one was like I liked it. but I've never heard another human being talk about it and I don't use it anymore so this is so pretty but I think I'll let it go I'll get rid of these all of these I'll get rid of all my Huda palettes too I'll get rid of these you want see how they look.
It's too blue. They are all the same color. This is Jaclyn's palette. I'll keep this kind of palette. a little this one is broken now that we have these beneficial blush books sorry I'm moving the camera it's on a pole but I don't need that many so we have this really good stuff so this is a deeper one so I I'm getting rid of this one, this one is really pretty, I think I'll keep that one and not that one, boom baby, and I need to put them in my blush drawer too, so that's our highlighter drawer, that's it.
I keep highlight palettes that are so light, look how easy it moves, okay, that's what I'm getting rid of and highlighter palettes and then I have eyeshadow palettes that I'm getting rid of right there and then all that . I'm also getting rid of them, so let me show you the drawers real quick, this is the first one, the top drawer, this is my highlighter palette drawer, it's very, very sad and lonely, this is my only shadow drawer and then I just have random nude palettes. This one is still muscular and I knew it would be because I use a lot of these colors and a lot of things from this drawer.
This one still has a lot, but nothing like what it used to have. Oh girl, this sure is sad. Well, my blush, I'm sure I still have a lot. I move these down here. Honestly, I still have too much and I might need to get rid of a little more, but that's all I could get rid of for today. The highlighter drawer, I literally undid. I like everything, except all this, in the back we have my bronzer drawer. I still have a lot of bronzers, but I'd say half of them are gone, so some serious work got done today.
I'm very glad to have finished this. I've been dreading doing it, I'm so happy to do it, I feel so much better, so next time we'll do all this, it's my pharmacy section and it's just as full, so we'll tackle this, it'll be lips and all. these things if you're wondering what's in here look at the foundations look at the color pop these are lashes and this is some new makeup I need to check out oh my gosh and then we'll have to check this out too they're all lip products creams and liners , it's going to be intense guys, okay guys, the lighting is really gross, but I just wanted to close this video by showing you what we got rid of, it's a little stacked up still, but you're watching.
This is what we got rid of. Yoshi is very interested. I need to sweep my floors. Oh my God, I can't believe it. This is just, yeah, this is just one of our rows. two so make sure you tune in for the second video make sure you sign up for the giveaway and I'll see you in the next video bye guys.

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