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Getting Revenge in Among Us

Apr 17, 2024
plant it now. Wait, I'm going to poison Zud, stop blowing up Zud, you're a monster, so now I sabotage this, right? There we go, that's sabotaged. Now Biff's SK wants to get


on me and win, so I'm going to try hard because if he wins, he dies. I can't, I can't prove that I'm the imposter until he's about to die. like in Gary, go again, I'm going to destroy you again, you're going to fall, look at this 20 EAS, you don't want this noise, you don't want this, you want to go again, huh, you want to go again?
getting revenge in among us
You know what I'm going to maximize I'm maximizing I have 25 do you want a piece of these apples do you want to go again brother do you want to go again do you want to go wait why am I on fire, what a Sunny, why am I on fire, help me, remember that time you made fun about me in high school and you tied my shoes and then you're a loser you said my mom is so stupid she climbed a glass wall to see what was on the other side you remember that bble I do remember that I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, it's too late Biffle, you die and we hit him with a quick dance, there we go and wait, wait. just zud and I left let me go look oh there's zud let me go talk to zud I'm not going to say anything ah Sunday is this Sunday real or Sunday in disguise wait I'm going to try something I'm going to leave the body I can't say with who was talking I'm going to disguise it okay I think it was Sunday I think it was actually Sunday you're not talking to me I'm pretty sure it's Biffle inside your bag because I was talking to him a moment ago it's me inside the bag great friend great yeah so that's Biff uh if I put if I put this here right here that's the last one that's the last one right there let me alone I'm I'm just going to just go here I don't care I'm just going to CW wait what's the piñata Not the party, I said no, don't worry about it oh oh, you're in a pile of candy now why what is it? wrong with you let me out you're out of candy I don't want you're not in you're in a pile of candy remember that time Z remember that time in high school remember remember that time in high school when you took my homework and peed on it and then pooped in it and you gave it to the teacher and you said I'm ugly, do you remember that, uh, and that other time when you literally said my mom was so fat she takes pictures. in panoramic view you remember that Z I'm sorry Z It wasn't my intention I was I was an angsty teenager I'm sorry, it's time to take it back sun, it's time zud, it's time for the atomic wedgie what I'm sorry, what atom what's happening hello oh God let go my underwear help me janitor help me what is that Sunny no no what is this the atomic don't worry Z don't worry Z it's a fake bomb Z it's a fake bomb don't worry it's a fake bomb Z it's a fake bomb um, what we did, hit the like button, hit the subscribe button.
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