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Get Better Flavor from your Gas Grill

Jun 06, 2021
Wow, it's hot, folks, you know me. I love starting a fire, but I'm looking for something more convenient and I'm going to show you how to get more


out of that gas


, so we don't have a script. Let's not light a fire, come on, so let's get a little more


out of this gas


. Yes, I'm a firewood man, I am, but every once in a while I'd like to get out here and light that fire, I don't have to sit still. or go cut some wood, but I still want that smoky flavor that mesquite or any hardwood brings me, so let's go find it and we'll turn this into I want to give it a little flavor, so I tell myself that a little of mesquite cut them from three quarters to almost an inch thick, they've been soaking in good Creek water for about 30 minutes, so we'll just take them in, we've got this grill on, it's hot, we'll just put them in here, we'll close the cover and we will let them go. to smoke it now, this can take 20 minutes, so all these burners are on high and we'll leave them on high until it gets that smoke flavor, then we'll make some adjustments, it's a meat though, folks.
get better flavor from your gas grill
It's been nine and a half minutes, so let's take a look here and see that there's some smoke coming up and I want to see if this is all called hope. Oh, we've got some things going on, as you can see, that one and that one plus these two here we'll see them in a minute and we'll be ready to go. I always try to have one of these on hand so others can catch up. I'm going to slow down the process a little. Close that lid. I'll be ready to go maybe five more minutes Hi guys, it's been exactly 17 minutes since we first owned you.
get better flavor from your gas grill

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get better flavor from your gas grill...

This thing is hot. The temperature says 625. Oh yeah, you can see we're starting to smoke everywhere. Everything is there. looking good, let's expel this little scoundrel. I hope to see that good smoke, that's what we ask for. Now we're going to turn these outside burgers down to a low level. Move these guys here to the side now if you clean this grill here. a little bit in the middle, this middle burner is still on high and it turns out that the Beagle brought me a steak to throw home, but remember we always grease it before we throw it in there and make the flamethrower, so let's close the cable, but look. we have fire, you say, well, not anymore, I won't smoke, so let's start with the oxygen off, generate that flavor and that's it, here we don't have a steak that has a little bit of a smoke flavor, now we're going to go. go ahead and check the steak has been there for about three minutes and I want to make sure it's on fire so when it gets that far if it's still on fire we're going to go ahead and turn them off because we're just cooking right in the middle oh , you can see they are still fine, but I think this little scoundrel needs to be here, come on, let's go see the smoke that is still generated out there, we are doing it, it belongs to him and it's time to eat meat, well, my belly is growling , no I don't know if you heard, but I'm really hungry, so I think this is ready, yeah, I can say it's ready and say we still have smoke action here, so let's take it out and let it cool.
get better flavor from your gas grill
I'm going to talk to you about some tips on this deal now, if they're on fire again, put them out, they're still hot enough and they're still burning, they'll make smoke, but I think the most important thing is 'Everything is to cut them at least an inch thick, Soak them for at least 30 minutes and then give them time to stick and it's a lean deal to smoke, you just don't want to sit there and get burned, you want to smoke a little. You're looking for that mesquite flavor, but you need more mesquite flavor than people show you a little bit of this mesquite blend.
get better flavor from your gas grill
If you are just cooking on a gas grill, it has a little mesquite flavor, it will help you cut this meat. and try our box, but if you're doing this and you want to get different flavors, it doesn't have to be beef or wild game like that, I'll always try to use like a mesquite or an oak. now, if it has some fins and some feathers, I bet I cooked it over mesquite, no, but if you want to wake up with a really good flavor, try


fruit with peach, apple, cherry if you want a really good rich, hearty smoky flavor and you're smoking some pork or something, they give you some hickory and the people at a still tell you that's all they use.
No, none grow here in southwest Oklahoma, it's mostly mesquite or oak, but it has to be a hard wood to get a flavor. I'm going to go ahead and cut this scoundrel because the big one is waiting right there, he's QC and remember what I always tell you, he died with one hit and I killed him twice if he has a different color than that anywhere else further away. Hey, when I was wrong and just like it came out of old Bertha in a mesquite fire, so friends, you didn't have to cut the wood, if you have something where you can get some wood chips, some of them you should save the coaster or something like this can flavor


gas grill to the point that it's like cooking wood.
Thank you all so much for coming, we appreciate it, we don't take it for granted, hit that little subscribe button at the bottom God bless you all. and each one of us and big let's eat wait, thank you big, wait, wait, I mean, eat, it's good, but you have to wait, man, that looks good, I'm not looking, you didn't wait, wait, okay, good boy. Good boy, was it okay? You need one more.

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