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Gen Z vs. Millennial vs. Boomer Cooking Challenge

May 31, 2024
this will be fine. Yes, that's boiling. You already call it the old instant boil technology, everything, I'm going to put this in here, this is going to be the ramen broth, so I'm going to separate that chicken, but I'm going to put this in motion and I'm going to add cream to this and pink sauce , we're going to get some creamy ramen broth with shredded chicken, tomato and rosemary and the eggs are going to go on top, okay, ramen, superior ramen, delicious food, tick-tock dances, shoot, shoot, okay? a nice Tik Tock dance um okay uh um hot to go or h hot to go it's something that hot to go you wouldn't understand Josh because you're not cool Rosemary is going to mix all this whip, whip, whip, all right, look what it happens when you start it that start that soldja, boy, we invented it, so I'm going to salt this real good and you want your hand to be dry, you don't want a wet hand.
gen z vs millennial vs boomer cooking challenge
I'll wash my hands between touching this chicken and tackling the kiwis. I've done the Peppermill first, so you did a good job for me. I bet Patrick has never gotten a Royale win overnight and neither have you. Josh ramen is boiling, that's good. Oh, I wanted to put the pink sauce in there, wait, but first. Use it on my plate. I'm going to go to because they just published an article telling you what ice cream you are based on your zodiac sign and I'm a Leo and I'm really curious to know what it is.
gen z vs millennial vs boomer cooking challenge

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gen z vs millennial vs boomer cooking challenge...

What it means about me because you know people have opinions about Leos. I'm a Leo Cancer cusp, so who knows. Uh, I bet Patrick is putting tapioca on his plate or something. He's like, oh, I'm going to come over and make my favorite dish, tapioca or jello or something, um Josh, I bet Josh is making something stupid, uh, when did Taco Bell come out? She's going to say yes, I'm from the Taco Bell generation. I'm going to put a cue in there. I feel like I'm going to want more blue cheese. Oh God, well, it's solid, so it's good.
gen z vs millennial vs boomer cooking challenge
The butter is foaming. I'm gonna throw. this off the heat is nice and cooked what are we working with here some blue cheese whipped cream? I actually really like this. I'm very proud of it. I'm going to add a lot of salt and give it a good stir. Could I have found a better tool, absolutely not, where is Patrick? Hey Patrick, yeah, we're not the participation trophy generation that you are. Do you think we bought our own trophies when we were seven? You bought them for us. Do you think we ordered them when we had them? seven absolutely not, you yelled at our trainer for not giving us dad, I mean Patrick's recipes have instructions but don't forget how your ear sounds, your ear can tell you if the recipe is working or not and if this chicken breast doesn't Don't start making a little sizzle.
gen z vs millennial vs boomer cooking challenge
I know I'm not starting out very well, oh man, if I do poorly on this


, I'm going to claim that I've spent most of my time exposed to the internet, from a very young age. It's rotten my brain, uh, because I think that's really what happened and I think I really think I'm getting dumber and I think it's happening exponentially. I'm a lot dumber than I used to be, but that's okay because I have a lot. from Victory Royals in fortnite my Trevor's Ramen um very, very ironic, very of the moment Patrick, I am so many new things that we hardly have anything to discover in the world anymore, so I love that you are very excited about what I consider to be an incredibly fruit vulgar.
I'm going to assume it will be something like seared chicken breast. I hope he makes an airplane chicken breast, uh, where you keep the wing on because that's what they taught in all the culinary schools, um, between 1958 and now, because the only people who teach in culinary schools are from that generation um and not a single person has had that in a long time, so those chicken breasts I hear them, I hear that nice sizzle that means the skin is starting to crackle, I don't want to turn it, I don't want to touch it, people touch the food too much in the pants, it's doing what it's supposed to do and we're going to put it in the oven, here we go, okay, so this is the Moment of Truth, can I turn a Kiwi turning is a very own technique From the 70s and 80s, you had to turn everything, you had to turn every carrot, you had to turn every couple, but, hey, I've never turned a kiwi.
Trevor is going to make a Takis crusted iPad and show the judge one of those infinite loop video game clips to keep them entertained woman woman woman woman okay this is a good looking file type I'm going to Nestle , this is going to be beautiful, I'm going to be a chicken, I want to. more chicken than that, I have to grab it though, that's one thing about Josh and Patrick is they've never grabbed a chicken like me, kids these days are grabbing chicken differently, you know what I mean? very nervous inside the knife is not as sharp as I would like, but let's see, we're making excuses, we're rationalizing very Boomer Boomer, so this is too big, okay, so now I'm just picking it up, okay, kale Crunchy, kale is too. everywhere next to big and inexplicably, but that's the duality that we sort of lived up to a very good, beautiful chicken burger, right there I'm going to have some of this whipped cream, this goes right on top of that , it's going to melt, it's going to be.
Beautiful and sumptuous tomatoes The artistic options will be that there are a lot of tomatoes. Rosemary will continue at the end. Everything here is hot. Okay. Egg. Egg. Sweet yolk cream. It's time to make the sauce and a little bit, I've got some nice caramelized juices in there, so the steps are degrease, deglaze, add butter, so I'm going to degrease, I'm going to deglaze, there's a nice sound, get that little bit of juice from reduced orange. like I said, a little nod to the duck laange, I'm just going to scale it back for a second. Top it off with the top bun, there you have it, you have your rosemary chicken burger with bacon and bourbon jam, then you have the blue cheese whipped cream.
Heart Out, old and young, I'm sitting here in the middle trying to figure out what a Roth IRA is, okay what's a victory song, oh we've got Spongebob and it's a sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, an ingredient real that emerged. Coming of age in the 70s and 80s, we again take arugula for granted, which will add a little vibrancy there and now, for the real creative moment of adding the kiwis, heating them up and adding that to the garnish, this is something innovative. I'm going to quickly boil them, there they are and now it's time to really represent the


generation with a couple of converted kiwis with a leftover braised chicken bun and voila, that's my overdose dish for Zuni Cafe, hello everyone , I'm Today's Judge, um, I'm judging three different dishes, all from different generations, and I need to guess which generation cooked them, so let me dig deeper.
I'll go here first. There are kiwis here. I don't know why it's very confusing um, but it sounds like culinary school like vomiting. I see some turret attempts here there's like slices of tomato and onion let me try this it's pretty good it looks really disappointing but it's good and then this is a chicken breast and I think some kind of sauce on the bottom I'm sure you are eating with an M okay weird like really weird not bad though okay I'm just going to use my cool sprite cereal palette cleanser okay this one's interesting. The rosemary sprig is puzzling me.
I feel like I would see this from a


, but it also contains ramen noodles. This dish seems a little confusing. It looks like a little kid did it. I didn't know what, why? raw tomatoes diced randomly weird also weird there's tomato it's like tomato soup Creamy vibes it's good though there's like a good boiled egg right here let me try the egg it's good and Jammy's okay yeah the rosemary sprig is confusing me let me clean the palette and then eat this burger, it could be chicken or turkey, there's something like jam or marmalade on the bottom and then there's the kale, it looks like a gastro pub, it's like trying to do too much, okay, blue cheese, okay, that's good, this one really likes it.
Looks like not, this one is really weird with kiwis, but on this one I really wasn't sure what the flavors would be, but it looks like it's a chicken burger and it's super sweet and salty and all the flavors come together really well, so believe. I have what it takes to guess who is who. I think this is the Boomer. They are simply very culinary schools. I learned many of these techniques during culinary school. I think this is Generation Z. It just seems like they are too. Young people like to know how to cook, but they like it, it's a little confusing and then I think this is the


and my favorite is this one, yeah, that's the thing, fellow Millennial, okay, I was right about the others, You absolutely were. this is our gen z chef test and trevor and then our brave and sacrificial boom great analysis I love it completely on point The U Patrick this is amazing Trevor you did amazing buddy you want to hit the gitty on the way there goes I feel like We broke some generational boundaries here and really, Patrick, thank you so much for coming, it's my pleasure, thank you so much and thank you all so much for stopping by the mythical kitchen comment about which Boomer you want to see cook here next Jay- Z.
I think it's a boom now, I see, yeah, we're tied. I was, yes. DM ice cream flavors are the new signs of the zodiac. Find out which ice cream flavor you are at

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