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Gemini - A Blessed Event Arrives! July 2024. Channeled Psychic Tarot General

Jun 29, 2024
Sometimes things happen in a way that we want to call it a



and Gemini, that's what I see coming for you during the month of July. This is really important for those of you who have been through a lot and I'm talking about changing every aspect of your little world around you your life your lifestyle relocating new careers new directions finishing careers all these different things happened where you had to go through a lot to overcome this but this has actually been a blessing for you and in the month of July you are going to see what is coming so welcome to my channel I hear it, I see it, I feel it, I know it.
gemini   a blessed event arrives july 2024 channeled psychic tarot general
I am a medium


remote viewer. I jump energetically into the energy of the group and listen. For my guides today, my guide is Archangel Michael and my personal guide, Ally, is with me to do the reading for him. Now, this has been a long journey for many of you, okay, a very long process, a very slow process of change, is what I'm seeing. because some of you are a little stubborn, aren't we okay?, but it's like this change that I see that came and took you by surprise, it unbalanced you Gemini and that change is actually what is promoting this


, this opportunity, this It's what we want. to call a blessing and disguise to come for you because of the change that changed the energy around you if we do nothing nothing will change, so if we do exactly the same thing every day we will have the EXA Exactly the same results all the time, except if we are on a spiritual journey where we must let go of that old cycle, release old negativity and especially karma, so this has been a very, very long process for our Geminis and like I said.
gemini   a blessed event arrives july 2024 channeled psychic tarot general

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gemini a blessed event arrives july 2024 channeled psychic tarot general...

I understand that there is a sense of knowledge that I see coming to Gemini and I mean real knowledge, like you need more knowledge because you are one of the zodiac signs that really connects well with the Akashic records to just know things and you were born that way where you just know things, but there is something very big, it is not a cloud, it is like an orb that surrounds the symbol of the zodiac of Gemini, it is what I am seeing in this vision and that makes me know that every Gemini himself has an opportunity that It will lead you to good, it will be different and unique for all of you, obviously, and it all has to do with your destiny, what you were meant to do here on Earth, some of you have achieved. and you are moving forward, some of you are just getting into this right now and others are about to see it and there is a small group that will never see it, they will never understand, they will not see things from that angle and that is okay too, each group is individually well, that is your own choice it has nothing to do directly with Gemini, but it does have to do with each person's Destiny, so you have chosen A New Path and this New Path will truly guide you, you need to finish. your healing and real spiritual growth and I'm talking about ascending to a whole new level.
gemini   a blessed event arrives july 2024 channeled psychic tarot general


card that came up for you is the sun card and I love the sun card that was before I started the reading when I call my guides. That's what they want me to base the reading on, so the solar cards mean there's nothing better than this, it's one of the best cards in the


, the other one would be the Ace of Pentacles, so there's a huge amount of healing, rejuvenation, exploration and exploit explode and I feel like explode is creativity in Gemini you guys are really creative whatever you have that you've been working on for 3 to 4 3-4 years, you're saying it's time for you to do something with Yes You don't want it, let it go and find something to replace it, but it's time to move in that direction.
gemini   a blessed event arrives july 2024 channeled psychic tarot general
Whatever it is now, you may already be doing it and that's your only purpose, that's what we're talking about. You need help with that, go to my website. I just posted a link there. I will start a program for you. It's coming, but you can read it on the website. On the home page, there is a beautiful change for Gemini. I've had it on pause I feel like it's getting ready, you've got the Five of Pentacles right there. I was going to say something that you have on pause, it's getting ready to open and that may be what we're talking about 3 or 4 years ago and for others, this may be something completely separate, but there's an open opening, it's like the seed of the plant finally appears in the ground, but it's a little bigger, it's not the little baby seed, it's a little bigger, so this is something you've been doing. feeding something you've been working on, whatever it is, you've definitely made a change in your overall opinion about your life about yourself and about the people around you, where this Clarity that you hear about from so many of us, the healers, talk about Clarity meaning you can see the truth in front of you you know if someone is lying you know if they are telling the truth you know if you should go this path if you should go it's like all these things really jump out at you when you're preparing to ascend and have ascended too, but it just depends on you starting new cycles, everyone is different, but you will stay in that ascending stage for a while and you will feel really, really good.
Gemini, it will feel amazing, so let's go. take a look right now at your uh your energy let's look at your professional education projects if you're not working if you're retired hired those would be your projects whatever remember this is a


read so I'm giving you general descriptions to give you a idea so you can reflect on your own life and of course you can book your own reading with me, they haven't closed yet so let's take a look at family and friends because some of you I feel what you let go was family and friends or the idea of something with other people who left, but we're going to take a look at family friends, we'll take a look at the romance of the month of July and at the end I'll get a message out. um from the Archangel, a


message from Archangel Michael, okay, you guys definitely have communication right now.
I feel like some of you, when it comes to the job itself, you put your resume out there, out there, out there, and it's taken me a long time to get a call, get an appointment, get the job. There is something that you forgot, you forgot one of the things that you requested for this group of you and when you realize that you have requested it, you are I will contact you and make plans to move forward. This will be very, very productive, a very good journey for those of you who are getting this job at that time.
It's going to lead them to feel really good and I feel like it's with an organization that's going to be around for a while, not necessarily a government entity that's been around for a hundred years or so, but that could be around a hundred years. They are very good company and I feel that you will be very, very happy there. you can go through your list of resumes and take a look but if I were you I would just say it's on its way and have faith and keep doing it keep sending your resumes don't stop you can't stop that flow with the Divine some of you They have a project that I feel like they want to work on.
It's in a different place, it almost looks like Africa, which I remember saying not too long ago might have been for your zodiac sign, like June. or something like that, Gemini, but it seems to look like Africa. Maybe you are thinking about going to a different country and starting something that has to do with animal habitats. I see a lot of children and I see animals, so maybe it's a way of merging children with animals for an educational purpose - there's something back there that feels very educational. This could be training people how to work with animals, but it sounds like it's in a different place than where you are.
This is going to be a really good opportunity for those of you looking to do that and I think if you've gone to a local bank or had to get a personal loan if you're in the United States, that would be a personal loan to cover the debt and I feel like they are going to say yes for you to make this effort now, it could be a business loan, but I see it more as a personal loan where you will get that money that will grant you whatever you want. We are asking for that opportunity that will become real, it will come true and that is even better just when our dreams come true now for another group of you.
I just see them changing like in a completely different direction than they could have been. working for a for profit organization and now you're working for a non profit organization work and retirement it's like I see this energy day and night for Gemini and I don't mean that because your personality comes and goes I'm talking about this particular situation where you have changed a course of direction, you have entered a completely different field, you are learning all new things or you have learned it recently, most likely it will be a practical experience, this is also going to be very good it will bring a lot of joy into your life and open your heart to allow abundance in Love Is Love Gemini, so when we talk about love, I love my job, I love doing this for you.
Guys I really do, it takes a lot of time but I love doing this for you and the only thing I ask in return is approval, likes, comments and shares that way we stay in touch with each other so it's like when you love . what you do doesn't feel like a chore doesn't mean you don't need breaks do you need breaks? I get tired I need breaks but we love what we do so much that we can be there again and we can do it, we have that passion inside us and this is what I feel.
Some of you have moved on to a new position in your lives, whatever the area, but it is as if there is a lot of passion behind you. I'm going out. I'm going to start new groups in the community, I'm going to do this, I'm going to contribute, I'm going to take some time off, whatever it is for you, I'm seeing it, it's part of this, it's what you're showing me, it's part of the launch of this letter. solar, it's being cleansed, releasing a rejuvenating, re-energizing energy shift, coming in and starting a new beginning, that's how powerful this particular


card is and that's what you have overall, so it's very good, now let's take a look. look at the family and friends and then we will see the romance and of course Archangel Michael's message to everyone at the end, but there is something here that is very strange about the family, like someone is lying, some kind of deception , some kind of fraudulent um oh, I'm hearing a fraudulent notification, let us know if someone, a friend or a family member, sent a fraudulent notification like they had to move and it wasn't actually something that wasn't very good.
I feel like it was a very low level. type of energy vibration now let's take a look. I picked up the one that flew across the floor. Yes, you have the Five of Cups and you have the Five of Cups that came out before. This Five of Cups plus this anxiety card means that you have I have definitely been dealing with some of you, literally, you have separated yourself from every person you know, every person you know, you no longer talk to your family, your friends, you give up. Realize that they cause so much stress and anxiety in your life that you didn't see things directly.
Mind you, they may have fought quite a bit and just couldn't get on the same page, there's this disharmony, like they even felt undervalued, ignored, unwanted, they didn't fit in with this group of people. Now there's a reason why everyone. Those people were around you and that may be that bit of karma at the beginning of the reading when I said, "Make sure you get all your kagon," which may very well have something to do with these two cards here with whoever it is. . this is someone who is not coming back this is someone who is done he is full of regret but there is absolutely no way to fix what was said or done to someone else if you cause someone pain this will be your karma if someone causes you this type of pain, this will be their karma, but each person has theirs to pay and we are entering that period of time right now, starting in the month of July, it has already been happening, but you are really going to see.
It will start coming to Forefront in the month of July throughout next year, so for those of you who have been with me for a long time I told you not to worry. Karma will come, it will happen in this life, here we go, it's the roller. karma rollercoaster, so make sure you have cleansed yourself, make sure you have forgiven yourself, this is also a bit of guilt and shame, it's okay, it's okay to not be around people who cause you harm, it's healthy to disconnect from people, people that they hurt you it is not healthy to be around those unhealthy people so you have to give yourself a break you are not like them it has nothing to do with love to the extent that I love you you love me it has to do with self love and self preservation , self honor and self respect and that's what I feel like some of you are facing in this situation right now, it may not even be you, this could be your daughter in law that you're watching walk by. through this or a friend next door that you're seeing go through this type of situation, but there's a lot of valid validation around Gemini that it's definitely part of Gemini, whoever you see as your family now, which is What's going on with this is I feel like you guys are going to go through a healing period, but that's not the case yet.
It may start in the latter part of this year.for theMost of you will probably be in the year 2025 or 2026 a reunion that will come. If some of you had a child or a grandchild, you may feel that you have been blocked from having a grandchild. I don't think it's yours, but you can call it after your baby, right, our grandchildren are our babies, um, but I feel like someone did someone, someone did something dirty to someone in this situation, that's all I can say, it's well I'm trying to find a new one, they keep pulling at me.
Coming back to this, it had to do with children, it had to do with family, someone hurt the family, it caused a lot of anxiety and I feel like the family was torn apart maybe even being a victim, okay, I feel sorry for me, this makes me happened to me. You've seen those people who do that, we've all met them and they're very good at it and I feel like this would have caused a split in the family, but I still know that you're supposed to turn around and come back. it will be, so it's not necessarily unhealthy, the only thing I really see here that I would worry about Gemini for those of you where you have guilt, you want to let go of that guilt and if you have Karma, you want to let go of that.
Karma, so guys, let's take a look at romance real quick. I'm going to see what's going on because this could be a romantic match for some of you and I'll take a look at potential new people coming in the month of July. Well, Gemini, by the way, those of you, happy birthday, are Geminis. I'm so happy for you because it's a time to celebrate, it's definitely a time to celebrate, so if you didn't do this at the beginning of July, June or May, then do it. Now, at the end of June, as I post this video, okay guys, something is happening here with a situation where you may have moved on and ended a relationship and this may have been the relationship that was very unhealthy. uh, a relationship based on fear, they may have been afraid to try new things, to do different things, afraid to go to therapy because what will that person think of me instead of considering what you, your partner, would think of them, so it's like a very dysfunctional way of thinking is what I'm getting from this particular situation.
Justice is going to come in right, so I feel like they caused the difficulties, they may have been the ones who played the victim, by the way, oh look at me, I feel so bad. to me, um, there's this really heavy narcissistic energy that comes from this reading, um, from whoever this group is, so I have a feeling there are some of you who are involved in relationships like that, leave a comment, no They have to go into details. If you don't want to, but make that energy move around you, Gemini, just make that energy move, there is Justice and there will be a transformation in your life and I love this because you have the beautiful Empress, she is standing in your natural form.
Gloria, this is fullness and empowerment of what you believe in the way you believe it, you are no longer influenced by your partner, you are no longer looking for direction to be validated by that person or anyone else because you have enough self-esteem. validation without the ego that you stand out from the crowd and the beautiful thing about this particular card is that it says that you have completed everything you were supposed to complete, so if you are wondering about Karma, they tell you to make sure you clear that up. Karma. Make sure you forgive and let go of situations because this will be the last time, it will really suck you back as you move forward.
July is a big month of change, in fact the entire summer sun season is a big month of change that we have. the two moons in Capricorn, one after the other, this moment right now is huge, it is very, very important that we take action and you may even find yourself with your partner being stopped, like stopping to get divorced, stopping to go to therapy, there is a beginning. stop, start, stop, start, stop, like someone is doing that to you on purpose and you feel like a doll, you know, and yes, that's exactly what happens because as we try to free ourselves and move forward, there will be obstacles that will arise, some of them come from your unconsciousness.
Gemini and some of this comes from the universe and from many other different directions, maybe even from your current partner or your family around you because for some of you this is a family matter, okay this is your partner and your family . I feel won by you. you're saying they pinned you down to get answers, they pinned you down to get answers, so they may have pinned you down where you felt trapped and until you told them what you were going to do or they it's like I feel like they punished you. You got into trouble like you were a little child, but again you have the justice card, so this is beautiful, this is rising, this is growing, this is growing into the greater spiritual person that you are meant to be and through this beautiful Ascension. process Gemini you are walking towards a new light that new light will show Beyond you now you can change change that light whenever you want you want the white light to get darker you can do it you can go in the direction you want but right now for Those Geminis who want to go further high, this is definitely moving you to a higher frequency, a higher vibration, they say when it comes to trying to make peace with your partner, try using Music In the Mix, put music on in the background, that has to do with it. with frequencies uh and the HTS that you need for specific areas that have to do with you and your partner um very low, it doesn't have to be a long time, but put it in the background where it plays every day at 5:30 when you get home from work or whatever, but this music will help eliminate the invisible within you and your partner and that is when you will start to feel very, very good again, okay, then there is a chance to revive. this relationship for those of you who have been feeling very stressed about your partner, now there is a group of you that your partner doesn't, they just don't, they're done and that's okay too, it will help you if you turn on that music. move to a better place within yourself and that is equally important now for those of you who are single.
I feel like they are getting ready to come out and start getting attention. Now you might be out there looking or talking to people, but you're getting the burnout card, you might be tired of choosing the same type of people, it's like there's someone on the same page as me and the answer is yes, but people have to deal with broken people. hearts have to deal with their problems, it hurts when you can't find someone you are on the same page with and many times it can make us feel like we are going back two or three years to the beginning of this journey we embarked on and some of It was in 2012 and on many other dates, but I feel like you have a way to go.
They're tired of these people breaking their hearts, but don't worry. someone is coming, this is someone I feel and I said at the beginning of your reading, I feel that some of you are traveling and if I didn't, that's what I'm seeing, some of you are traveling and it seems to me that it's the month of August , if you travel in the month of August, then you will prepare to meet someone. August goes into September and it will be really good, it will be a balanced relationship, so you will both laugh equally. They both have the same amount of intelligence, it's like a very balanced relationship where neither party feels, what are those things you know?, like one of those children's toys where you slide here and the bottom hits, you don't know. will feel like this. where one Sid is above and the other below, this will be a balanced relationship and it will be very very good for you, okay, let me give you the last message U and then I will give you the message of Archangel Michael, you are a spiritual teacher, you have the ability to counsel others and help them through their Awakening and obtain their spiritual gifts.
This is a mission of the Divine Life for some of you and you know it and that is why you say it is time to move in that direction. It's time to get out there and start giving back to the universe, it doesn't have to be what I do, it doesn't have to be anything full time, as long as you do your sole purpose, so here we go with Archangel Michael, ah Gemini. It is your time to walk in glory It is your time to feel the brilliance around you that we are placing there not because we like you more than anyone else because we love you because you loved yourself enough to achieve your goals to achieve the dreams that you set out to achieve you are moving forward and although there are times when it hurts, you call us and ask us to lift you up enough so you can move forward, continue to do this as you move forward in the coming months.
These are very vital months of your soul's life, this will be a great moment and time for many, be attentive to the synchronicities, especially the white birds and BL, the blue birds. Thanks guys, thanks so much for joining, please leave a comment and lots of love

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