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GCSE Pupils Open Their Exam Results Live On Air | Good Morning Britain

Mar 06, 2024
God I'm so nervous about people this


, my nephew too, he's waiting for his homework, really, oh Darcy, the stressed wait right now, the wait is over for thousands of teenagers getting






Good luck to all of you, the first to sit in public.


s since 2019. Yeah, I mean, they've gone through


career at dcsc, if you like, yeah, without that, they sat the


s at a time when they probably wouldn't have been in school learning properly, you know, do it online, yeah, yeah, that was it. all around very, yes, very disturbing, but they have done it, the


are in and students have been told to prepare for disappointment, I'm afraid because the government is trying this time to combat grade inflation, which means there could be a drop. in the higher grades, yes, now, in case you need to remember, I always do the new grading system since 2018, which means the numbers from nine to one replace the old star with g, the highest grade now is nine , while one is the lowest and four is a standard. pass i got a lot of fours in my time to do it now a level seven is the same as the old grade a and the higher level eight or nine will only go to the highest achievements let's go to crown hill community college in leicester where nikki is with some very nervous


students oh god I don't know why I'm asking this how are you feeling this year how are you feeling feeling very very nervous abdil they've had a very long


as you can Imagine waiting for these envelopes and the moment of truth has arrived Hamza, you haven't slept all night, I'm right, no I haven't, but this is the moment you


the envelope, go, I'm not going to come between you and your results now, so this can take some time, hold on tight, oh no, here we come, lots of support, what are you waiting for?
gcse pupils open their exam results live on air good morning britain
So I'm hoping for just some qualifications that can help me move on to my next steps, okay, tell us to move on, so hit it. we something cool I wanted I got a ninth grade in math fantasy an eighth grade wow, if you tell people at home look you have a lot of nines and eights, then there are a and stars fantastic and that means we can do what you want to do it Yes of course excellent excellent congratulations thank you it's your business now you've been very calm but I feel a slight feeling of nerves um what are you waiting for um a pass and everything is fine and I'm going to do an interview immediately after this, right?
gcse pupils open their exam results live on air good morning britain

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gcse pupils open their exam results live on air good morning britain...

So it's a busy morning for you. Keep telling us what you have. They are not going to come out. They don't want to go out. I thought this long wait. they don't want to go out here come on um fantastic tell us what you have um I can't even read them english literature eight geography six oh uh um french eight brilliant that's very high a and a stars and and a b There's that you were hoping for yeah congratulations brilliant it's Matt and all the best for your interview. I don't know if I could do that


gcse pupils open their exam results live on air good morning britain
The results of the exam and an interview. Heber, you are next. Yes, many smiles, but I imagine myself hiding. What do you want to do after this university? The university got the grades for the university and what do you need now to be on that page? Just one pass would be enough for me, so there are four of us, yeah, oh, is it a four? What's there? Yeah. I think I got through four, eight, six and five right, I think your mom's watching at home, isn't she? I think so, happy daughter, happy mother, excellent,


job, okay, almost to the last two envelopes, how are you? you feel good stress stressed okay I don't blame you I don't blame you you did very well fantastic what were you hoping to get tell me quickly before you tell us what you really got you have exactly what you wanted get everything you wanted so you have an eight, six, seven and more eights, that's fantastic.
gcse pupils open their exam results live on air good morning britain
Hello stars and well done, well done. Well, I will continue with your friend Mohamed, we have left you the last, but definitely not the least. Yes, and tell us what you hope to get. Only qualifications. I can be satisfied with that. Okay, and you want to continue with engineering. Something like that. Yeah, okay, it's changed since we last chatted. a look at the results in that document oh, I don't want to go out this morning, are they the results? oh yeah, I got a nine in math, nine in math, yeah, so I'm ready, great, hello, stars and a.
I would be more than relatively satisfied. Well done. Excellent work. I'm going to talk to your teacher. This has been an excellent, incredibly difficult year for all of these students. Have they done impressively well? Stars and what is your message to them. This is a recognition to all the students across the country, not just here at Crown Hills Community College, it's about the commitment that they put into these last two years, they have probably been the most difficult for the students, for the staff. Some of these students have lost family members. I have grandparents, some of them lost their moms and dads.
Some of our staff have lost their moms and dads, but they came back, they worked very hard and today is a celebration for that moment where they put in all their effort, whether online. it's at home, whether it's at school and we are very proud of them and as a principal I couldn't be more proud of all the staff and all the students and what they have absolutely done so they should stay away thank you . There are a lot of nerves here, Adele, but as you can see, it ended with a lot of smiles. Absolutely fabulous.
It was such a difficult time for people in that period as well. Well, when I left this morning, which is really early, Darcy woke up saying things like, "I think I made a mistake, Mom, I think I might fail English because I think I thought this and I think it's really too late, you know." You have a few hours before you find out I love what you said earlier when you say look it doesn't really matter what happens it's okay and she turned around and said oh so you think I'm going to fail yeah. You know exactly when your mother is being positive like that that you're in trouble.

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