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Gas or Diesel?! Which Is Better?

Jun 02, 2021
(upbeat rock music) - Oh, oh, spicy, spicy. We've all been through it before, the great debate, the great debate, the old tug of war. I mean, seriously, almost every American in American history has contemplated this at one time or another. I'm Dustin from Custom Offsets and today we're going to sit down and settle the long debate about




, gasoline or


. Before you do that though, I want you to know that if you need wheels, tires, or suspension for your gas truck, your


truck, or even your electric truck, you can find them all at https://www.
gas or diesel which is better
If you need something to save you from the boredom of quarantine, you can find that remedy at gallery, where you can browse 70,000 trucks and find out


one suits your trucks. Check it out. Well, let's get back to that. Not surprisingly, this debate has essentially continued since the invention of both gasoline and diesel internal combustion engines. While somewhat similar, the two engines are as close as they are separate. These differences are only further complicated by the fact that you can get a one-ton truck with a huge gasoline engine, or the fact that in some cases you can get a tiny diesel engine in a mid-size truck.
gas or diesel which is better

More Interesting Facts About,

gas or diesel which is better...

With all of these options and offers, it can be extremely difficult to compare which engine is the best in all aspects. For comparison, we have to set some ground rules because otherwise we'll be here literally all day. Today, when we talk about trucks, we will focus strictly on the three-quarter and one-ton trucks from the big three manufacturers in the industry, which are GM, Ford, and Dodge, and they are listed in no particular order. Plus, I know that literally all of them have had their fair share of problems at one point or another in truck history: head gaskets, injectors, transmission problems, turbo failures, and more have all plagued the big three by Same time. or another in your life. (engine sputters) We know, you know, everything's okay.
gas or diesel which is better
With all that out of the way. Here's how we're going to break it down. We'll look at five main categories and take a quick look at the pros and cons of each. Those five categories are longevity and durability, maintenance and cost of ownership, fuel economy, towing and power, and off-road capabilities will round out the list. At the end of it all, we will assign a winner. Which one do you think will be


? Let us know in the comments section below. The first thing is longevity and durability. Now I know what's going to happen. Inevitably, someone in the comments will tell me that one is better than the other, and honestly, they're probably not lying.
gas or diesel which is better
I mean, this one could literally go either way, if I'm honest. If the engine only runs hard very occasionally or not at all, as in the case of a daily driver, the gasoline engine may be as good and durable as any other option on the market. That said, however, overall a diesel will be a much safer bet when it comes to overall reliability and longevity. As a general rule, diesel engines are manufactured with much stronger engine and transmission components that are designed to withstand the additional compression and torque that these diesel engines produce. This, together with the fact that diesel engines run at a much lower speed, means that critical engine components are less likely to wear out.
All of this combined makes the diesel engine the clear winner in this category. Score one for the diesel. However, all this reliability comes at a cost, so next we have a hot topic: maintenance and cost of ownership. As a rule, gasoline engines are quite simple to own. Change the engine oil every few thousand miles, change the spark plugs when you remember, and maybe flush the coolant once or twice. I'm kidding though, seriously: the maintenance on a gas truck is much less than its diesel-powered counterparts. Most diesel engines consume more oil, need to change fuel filters more frequently, and generally just need more attention to comply with preventive maintenance schedules.
Also, diesel parts are more expensive than gasoline engine parts, which is slightly debatable, but, for the most part, true. This, in turn, means a higher cost of ownership over the life of the truck. For this reason, the gasoline engine takes the cake in category number two. Number three on our list is fuel economy and honestly, this one is pretty tough. 20 years ago, the diesel engine would have been king and number one in this case by far. Years ago, it was common for most diesel engines to achieve over 25 miles per gallon in an everyday scenario. That said, however, in today's market the divide is much closer than before.
Strict EPA emissions regulations and the implementation of diesel exhaust filtration systems have dramatically reduced the overall fuel economy of diesel engines. This, along with advances in fuel injection in gasoline engines, makes this almost neck and neck in today's market. But we didn't come here for the ties, did we? Overall, if you're looking to do a lot of towing or hauling, there's nothing better than a diesel engine. Personally, we've gotten fantastic fuel economy from the K250, even with the huge lift and big tires. And that's why diesel is the winner here. Point another to the diesel. Moving on, our next category is towing and power and this one should be easy for all of us.
Listen, gasoline engines have come a long way in recent years. Huge advances in factory engines mean you can get a production truck with over 700 horsepower with a factory warranty. So if you want to slide a truck under a gooseneck and haul a load that the DOT would probably fine you for, there's no better option than a diesel here either. Additionally, the diesel engine will have significantly more torque at lower RPMs, meaning you'll have the grunt needed to move under heavy loads. For that reason alone the diesel is the winner here. Write down another. Okay, so there's only one category left and this one is spicy and not like spicy mayonnaise, like the spicy ghost pepper chocolate bar challenge.
Last but not least is the ability of each respective engine off the pavement. In general, diesel engines simply cannot compete with their gasoline counterparts off-road. The heavy diesel engines in the front can be detrimental if you find yourself in a difficult situation. Additionally, gasoline engines accelerate faster and rev higher, meaning they have a much greater RPM range in each gear. This is great for cleaning tires or shipping them across the desert. For this reason, the gasoline engine is the best option when it comes to off-road driving. - Whoa, whoa, excuse me. - Excuse me. - Excuse me. - Can I help you? - What did you just say. - Brother, I just said that the gasoline engine is the best off-road option. - Off road? - Off the road, not on the sidewalk. - Don't you think that diesel could outperform this gasser or off-road vehicle? - No absolutely not. - I beg to differ. - Do you want to tell me that giant truck is going to escape from this? - Have you seen his drag race?
That truck is 10 times faster. - Oh boy, here we go. Have you seen the tug of war? You broke your driveshaft. - We have new transmission axles. - Oh here we go. We're ok. Very good guys. Well, I guess we have a little debate here. So let us know if you'd like to see something like this. Let us know in the comments below. And also remember if you need wheels, tires or suspension, on road, off road, whatever, check out, peace. (upbeat music)

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