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GARLIC PEPPER FISH | Delicious Fish Recipe

Jun 03, 2024
On today's menu there is a



that is aromatic and extremely


. Hello everyone nomoshkar and welcome to curry with Bumbi. Okay, the first thing we need to do is prepare the aromatics. Today I will use my mortar and pestle because I am looking for a coarse grind is




so we need a good amount of


along with a green chili that looks all wrinkled and sad, I don't know what happened but the green chilis that I bought this time are going crinkling and then ginger. It's followed by a quarter teaspoon of salt and about half a teaspoon of black


corns now bash bash bash and we're looking for a situation like this that has a clear look, then it comes to the fish.
garlic pepper fish delicious fish recipe
I have used boneless, skinless tilapia fillets. I can use cottage cheese halibut or any firm fish and as you can see I have made medium sized pieces so each person can get a nice solid piece. First I'm going to add 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice, about a heaping teaspoon of that ground garlic and ginger, then here comes 4 tablespoons of cornstarch and two tablespoons of all-purpose flour, add less flour and more cornstarch or else the layer will become too wet, then two eggs and about half a teaspoon of salt, if you are allergic to eggs, add a tablespoon of baking powder now mix well, if you see that everything looks a little runny, add more cornstarch, but remember Guys, don't add more flour.
garlic pepper fish delicious fish recipe

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garlic pepper fish delicious fish recipe...

I added another tablespoon of cornstarch, let this sit while you do the rest of the prep work. First I will make the sauce - take out one tablespoon of regular soy sauce - one tablespoon of dark soy sauce if you don't have dark soy sauce - add 2 more teaspoons of regular soy sauce - one tablespoon of mushroom sauce - you can use oyster sauce - instead of mushroom sauce, it's just that. I can't have anything related to oysters, so I always use mushroom sauce, a tablespoon of sweet chili sauce, a tablespoon of hot sauce and finally 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce.
garlic pepper fish delicious fish recipe
You can replace the tomato sauce with a tablespoon of tomato paste and then a teaspoon of sugar, which is totally optional, but I love to add it and about half a cup of water, mix everything together and also add about a teaspoon of sesame oil to the sauce to give it that extra flavor. If you don't have sesame oil, you can leave it out, it will happily still be Next,


, I will make a cornstarch mixture in a bowl, I will add about a tablespoon and a half of cornstarch along with 3 tablespoons of room temperature water, mix very well until all the cornstarch is dissolved and then make a tasty pan powder with spices over medium low heat. an inch of cinnamon stick, this is star anise.
garlic pepper fish delicious fish recipe
I will use only two petals of this or it will be too strong if I use that whole and a teaspoon of fennel seeds, stir the spices continuously on medium low heat until they become fragrant. I can also use two cloves here, but I don't like the taste of cloves in stir-fried dishes. Please make sure the fennel doesn't turn too dark brown, as that means they are about to burn and you are not. I don't want that because burnt spices ruin a dish, take them out once you get those bits of Aroma and grind them to a fine powder.
Well, time to fry. I like to shallow fry the fish, but you can definitely fry it once the oil is hot, lower the temperature. Heat over medium heat and add the fish, the oil should not be extremely hot because then the outer layer will immediately turn dark brown and that is misleading because although it will look brown on top, the fish is not cooked inside yet, so while you add the fish, the oil. It should be hot but not smoking and the heat should be medium at the same time if the oil is not hot enough then the fish will become too oily.
Don't overfill the pan because then the fish will stick together and it can be difficult to turn and then it will be a mess, so leave a little space between each piece of fish and fry in batches. Let the fish fry for a few minutes before turning it over. Don't be in a hurry to turn the fish immediately. after a few seconds, but please give it a few minutes for the coating to sit on the fish and then flip it, if you rush and flip it too soon the coating will stay, goodbye fish, it will go into the oil and the entire scene will disappear.
Be like a fish without a cape and all that cape dancing happily in the oil enjoying the freedom floating around the fish. Look how that light brown color starts to appear on the sides that is like a green turn signal. I usually put up a splatter screen. on top to prevent the oil from splashing on me but never cover it completely with a lid because then the entire layer of the fish will fall off. Turn the fish from time to time and once it reaches this beautiful golden brown color, remove it from the heat. like putting them on a rack instead of a paper towel so they don't get soggy now guys I still have some of that dough left and I hate to waste it so what I did was I grabbed some chopped bell


s that I'm going to use.
I will use later in the


and added them to the dough. All of these will join the fish in the sauce. Lots of bell peppers will be added later, so why not use the dough this way instead of wasting it? Is it okay after frying? I do with the oil, I throw it away, no, I pass it through a tree strainer and once the oil cools I put it in the refrigerator and then I use it to cook fish the next day, it keeps well in the refrigerator for about two to three days no more than that and please do not use that oil to cook vegetables or pasta or make an omelet.
I mean, who wants to eat a fishy omelette? Ok I took two tablespoons of that oil over medium high heat and the chopped onions stir for a minute then add the minced garlic and ginger stir again for a minute then the peppers fall gloriously with all the beautiful colors a pinch of salt black pepper freshly ground heat over high heat and stir the peppers for a few minutes (you don't have to use them) different colored peppers, any color will work at the same time, you don't have to use as many peppers. I'm crazy about peppers, that doesn't mean you have to follow the crazy boombi.
Do what you think will be best for you or your family, I'll tell you what happens to me in the end, once served, I see that all the fish is gone and all those beautiful peppers looking at me like, now what's good, so fry it peppers until they begin to soften, but not too much. They will wilt and lose all their beautiful colors, they should still have a little bit of crunch at this point add some onions, note that I have cut the onions the same way I cut the peppers, fry onions for another 2 minutes and then it is time for that delicious sauce to bring everything together, remember guys, the heat should be medium high at this point and let the sauce bubble as you can see the sauce still has a thin consistency.
Now goes that aromatic toasted spice powder. which we had made before, my family is always looking for a little sauce, so I added another third of a cup of water, then comes the cornstarch mixture, but I'm not going to add all of it and I'll leave this all up to you. Decide how thick you want the sauce to be. I added just a tablespoon and the sauce thickened enough to get the desired consistency. I actually loosened it up a little again with a splash of water and let it bubble after adding the cornstarch. Everything looks fine. so finally the fish joins the party, then mix well and turn off the heat.
I added some chopped fresh green chillies along with my beloved coriander leaves. You can also add green onions. Serve this with rice or noodles or hot steamed pasta. Try this recipe and Send me your feedback and please don't forget to hit the like button, bye.

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