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Game Theory: Red vs Blue, The SECRET Color Strategy

Jun 01, 2021
I win the reload (sexy pose you got, Earl) Okay, you get it, but you got lucky with the reload, just call me back. Kid reloads Kukuku Killer combo two


winning streak (sexy intro music) Hello Internet! Welcome to Game Theory, where today we show you how to win the battle before it even begins using psychological cheat codes. Kind of like the Konami code up up down down left brain right brain left brain right brain home hey Remember that time we talked about Team Fortress 2 or League of Legends. No, are you just here for FNAF theories? wow uh Okay then (bastard, you made matpat sad! 1v1 me m8!) Well, today I'm excited because I've wanted to make a


about those


s for a long time and today is that day?
game theory red vs blue the secret color strategy
No matter how long you ask, I just put it in the script, so it flows better, so I've gotten a lot of requests to do a


on those games and the mind is super exciting. What we're going to talk about today is Drum roll please (Donkey Kong drum roll...) Colors, we're going to talk about


s, which doesn't seem exciting enough to you. Hey, listen, not all theories are about The main character is dead and/or evil and/or his own father is fine, and also, this is one that you might find useful while playing with your friends, because what would happen?
game theory red vs blue the secret color strategy

More Interesting Facts About,

game theory red vs blue the secret color strategy...

If I told you that in competitive multiplayer? Games, whether FPS games like TF2 Halo or Cod or mobas like League of Legends Smite Dota or Heroes of the Storm? Even though the mechanics of team battles are practically identical for both sides, there is an inherent imbalance (sorry, but no one likes it) that exists and it's hard to believe, right? These games are all about being as balanced as possible! Ensuring that winning and losing is based on the player's skill,


and reflexes rather than simply exploiting some unfair advantage of the game and with these esports games with literally millions of dollars in prizes up for grabs, one would hope that would be fair , TRUE? ?
game theory red vs blue the secret color strategy
But what if I told you that it wasn't and that it wasn't the fault of the game designers that your chances of winning or losing the match were partially determined before you were even thrown into the fields of justice? The real reason behind everything is you. Did you guess the


s? (SHEAR OF FUCK!!!! hold me mamapat) Now they don't sound so stupid, do they? Let me explain. The relationship between colors and competitions goes back a long time, when you think of competitions between people or teams or anything, you usually think of each team having a color, like when you think of chess, you think of a black side fighting a white side. and No, not those black and white sides you see.
game theory red vs blue the secret color strategy
They're just the two most common colors for chess pieces, okay? That being said, although chess is a game of white supremacy, as the white side actually has a statistical advantage over the black side #CHESSRACISM which says that the imbalance that exists in most video games is different from racism in chess . The white side in chess is the favorite because it moves first, but in competitive multiplayer games everyone enters the field at the same time, so the first-mover advantage doesn't really apply. No. It actually has to do with your team color. It is common in most competitive team games for the team colors to be red and


unless, of course, you are playing Splatoon.
And it's magenta and electric yellow. Now I know, we are all rational minded theorists who don't believe in superstition and magic, but I also know that when given the option to choose between two colors, everyone has a preference, believe it or not, the color of your team actually has a significant impact on your chances of winning or losing. Let me give you some statistics. In 2008, there was a study published in the journal Cyber ​​Psychology and Behavior, which in addition to sounding like a Battlestar Galactica journal also analyzed data from 1,347 matches of the classic Red Vs. Blue Video Game Unreal Tournament 2004, all games were Team Deathmatch where the team with the most deaths was the winner and all were played by evenly matched players, so that the skill level of the players involved had the least possible impact on the final results of the study after three months of results.
It was undeniable that red teams consistently won 54.9% of the time over


competitors. That's a 55/45 split in a game that should look 50/50, that's crazy and sure may seem like a small margin. But the conclusion they came to was that this color difference actually mattered more when the two teams were evenly matched in skill. Think about the implications for tournaments where each team is the best in its field. This is a definite difference. We're gamers and we want every statistical advantage possible, so if I pulled out my Hewlett-Packard 1.1 Gigahertz desktop computer and loaded something unreal today, you can bet I'd probably be waiting in a matchmaking lobby for one.
Although there aren't many other people who play nowadays, but if they did, you can bet your life I want to be on that red team like white on rice or red on my team banner, you get the idea and this trend is not exclusive. In addition to the unreal tournaments, in another more recent study by the website, the skeptical Statistician examined the rich statistics that choose not to mix with the poor statistics provided by Halo 4 and saw that after 30 totals, the Slayer team played against the Red 21 times, while Blue only won 9. Granted the sample size is much, much smaller, so maybe sprinkle a grain or two of salt, but that's a big deviation based solely on team color in a game where color shouldn't matter at all and it's not just in A 2011 video games.
A paper from the Association of Psychological Sciences Researchers analyzed the results of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, and found that, In general, athletes dressed in red performed better than athletes dressed in blue. Especially in aggressive hand events like boxing and wrestling, and in a similar study on taekwondo, 42 referees were shown two sets of videos of red and blue opponents training and then asked to award them points based on their performance. . Now understand this; The second set of videos was identical to the first, except that the wrestlers' colors were digitally inverted, so that the wrestler who was previously wearing blue was later wearing red and vice versa.
In both cases, the wrestler in red received an average of 13% more points than the wrestler in blue, isn't that crazy? It's almost exactly like the games. But in real life, should we all start boycotting the blue teams now, going back to the tournament hosts and demanding recounts? Well, maybe it's not as bad as all that. Let's take a look at mobas, the most popular mobile in the world, in fact, League of Legends and, well, that's statistically speaking, don't make it difficult for me to judge that in a study. Last year for the daily point with a sample of 224 games, a team with 34 victories over the other was Wait for the blue team and why buy as much as the article indicates?
That's like the blue team wins four games for every three the red team wins, so we need more statistics here. Another good example was in the 2014 North American Summer Playoffs, where the blue team had a seventy-nine percent win rate over the team. red side That's huge. So what is it really? What happens in the games Taking our League of Legends example, in addition to surveys and capture points, there are also a handful of secondary objectives that can grant your team various buffs and resource benefits. At the time of our example, where blue teams dominated the blue players in the study tended to go directly to the red team's defensive towers early in the game.
Where the red team generally went into the jungle at that point in the game's evolution killing jungle monsters? Resources in the form of gold, but did not directly impact the players' skills, knocking down Towers also gave gold. But unlike the jungle, it also served to weaken the area in which they represented the red team, which helped the blue team during the most crucial end of the game. why blue red and league, but then red blue in FPS. Well, the problem isn't the game, it's us. In reality, it is a persistent quirk in our psychology left over from evolution.
Neuroscientist Gerald D. Kralik led a study at Dartmouth to investigate the effects of various colors on the psyche of primates. The male and female experimenters approached the monkeys. in pairs wearing various combinations of solid red, green, and blue shirts and hats and then simultaneously presented apple slices before stepping back. They then record which slice of apple the monkey would choose, as you may have guessed from the way I decided to include the results in this video the results were mind-blowing. The monkeys responded exactly the same across the board, regardless of virtually any variable: whether the experimenter was male or female had no effect on the choice of the apple slice, nor did experimenters wearing the color green or even the experimenters who wore the color blue, however, in almost all cases.
The person dressed in red was definitely completely avoided, which according to the researchers indicates that primates and humans avoid the color red. We see it as aggressive, which arises from an evolutionary adaptation in which we perceive it as stronger and more dangerous than other colors. That's why stop signs work so well because they provoke a primary fear response. At least outside of California and apparently in Arkansas as well, if Gaijin Goombah's Twitter account is to be believed. Primates, including humans, are inspired by what we see around us, such as the redness of someone's skin, their lips or even their ears, children and nuns.
Your Dingleberries can inspire all kinds of aggressive and submissive actions in us because in the past we didn't have a language in Context to do that job for us. Red was the color of blood, it meant intense emotion, it meant danger and it meant power and according to Dartmouth scientists, this effect is strong enough to affect competitions to this day. So much so that, after their study with primates, they warned everyone who organizes a competition that this color can be used "in a way that can be unfair." influence people" basically, it's easier to win if you wear red because it makes you unconsciously more aggressive and it makes your opponents unconsciously more afraid of you, and there's nothing we can really do about it.
It's in our evolutionary background, so which the research goes a long way toward explaining the results in Unreal Team Fortress Halo, but it leaves big gaps, especially when it comes to all the opposing evidence coming from League of Legends. There? Surprise surprise! Is it more evolutionary psychology? In another study from the University of British Columbia, 600 subjects were asked to perform cognitive tasks on screens that were red, blue or white, and they found that while red increased our state of mind. alertness, concentration and attention. Instead, blue encouraged people to be creative, think long-term and relax, because instead of blood and sex, blue makes us think of the sky, of cool, calm water, in natural elements of the world around us in the example of League of Legends, while the red team accumulates kills.
Against giant wild beasts in the jungle, immediate rewards, the blue team tended to look more long term. Their


was based on thinking ahead and strategically weighing which points of attack would be most rewarding early on and also later in the game. Theirs was a playstyle based on calm strategy and active resistance to the temptation to rush into the jungle for some quick, aggressive wins. So you know, it doesn't end there because the influence of color doesn't affect your game, but literally everything you do in the world and that includes everything you buy in advertising, the color red has the same impact on your brain. which in the context of the game Red Triggers, urgency approach, quick decision making, also known as the red sign.
It is telling you to buy this now because otherwise it will disappear focusing your instinctive attention. The red sign tells you to buy now because otherwise it will disappear by focusing your instinctive attention and telling you to act now, think later. Blue, on the other hand. It triggers our creativity and long-term planning in the real world. Advertisers sometimes use blue and stores designed for budget or wholesale buyers. They feel comfortable with what they just bought and what they spent on it. Think about Target versus Walmart, two large retail chains. They feel comfortable with what they just bought and what they spend on it, think Targetcompared to the large Walmart store chains.
Target is a bit, but Walmart works the opposite way with blue signs greeting you at the door. A little, but it works the opposite way with Blue turn-back signs greet you at the door. Larger bulk purchases. Everything tells you that you can feel comfortable exploring the store. Filling your cart calmly. Each model is designed in its own way so that your customers want the products they are buying and then come. it goes back further, and it works, whether we realize it or not. Cities in some countries with higher suicide rates, like Japan or the Nordic countries, which are all dark with really long winters.
Cities in some countries with higher suicide rates, such as Japan or the Nordic countries. which are all dark with winters that are really long. They have started using blue-tinted lights in public places as subtle ways to make people feel calmer. Reduce crime and reduce suicide rates. Some airports use blue light capsules to help people adjust for jet lag because the blue light makes your head feel clearer and helps you stay clearer. Do you ever wonder why you can stay awake and clear-headed longer when you look at your phone or tablet in bed? All your mobile devices emit light because light receptors In that sense, it has nothing to do with vision.
Red light, on the other hand, has its own effects that science is beginning to understand according to NASA. Devices, red light, on the other hand. The hand has its own effects that science is beginning to understand according to the devices they have been testing and that emit light even within the red spectrum. In fact, it can help your cells heal, so the next time you get into a round of serious competitive gaming or even that unreal casual weekend, the next time you get into a round of serious competitive gaming or even on that unreal casual weekend.
Competition on that old Gateway desktop computer with the cow print on it. Make sure you choose your side carefully, it can make all the difference. Knowing how to use the power of color to your advantage is serious business, or at least knowing how to use the power of color to your advantage. A serious matter or at least I gave you a new excuse to lose besides the delay theory. Thanks for watching Using color to optimize your life is a strategy, but it has developed in recent weeks. I've been learning a lot from the brains behind Minecraft Notch, not from mental speaking, hell no.
I wish that was as cool. not from his biography Minecraft Knotch not from mental speaking, hell. I wish that was as cool. from his biography Minecraft, the improbable story of Markus Notch Sure, the title is absurdly long, like seriously choosing a title and sticking with it, but listening to it Sure, the title is absurdly long, like seriously choosing a title and sticking with it, but from Listening to it, I heard a lot of details about the beginnings of his career and the consequences of the success of Minecraft that have really inspired me to download another 180,000 titles from if you find the book interesting or if you are just a fan. of game theory and want to help support the program, visit M-A-T-P-A-T and get a free book while helping us deliver more videos to those who watch.
I have even included a link in the description for you to click to get Free Book and support us to get more videos, not bad. It's super easy. There are no excuses for not knowing it. Supporting us to get more videos is not bad, really. very easy. There are no excuses for not knowing why else I'm listening to Paper Towns? Nerdfighter John Green because he's a fellow YouTube creator I want to support. I do this kind of thing too. I launched it a couple of weeks ago. It might be good to get familiar with that. Anyway, the Notch bio I released a couple of weeks ago might be good. familiar with that bio anyway and I honestly think it's a message that can apply to all of us so I think they're both worth checking out.
That's Remember that your support makes all the difference now, if you'll excuse me. There are some scantily clad women who need deep investigation if you understand what I mean, which is exactly what I just said, some scantily clad women need to be investigated for scientific purposes. But you know what? It doesn't end there because the influence of color not only affects your game but literally

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