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Game Theory: Dream is my SON? (Dream Face Reveal)

May 02, 2024
children inherit from their partner and sons tend to inherit more traits from their mother, daughters tend to show a more balanced heritability and the parts of the


that are most inherited are the tip of the nose, as well as the area just beneath it, known as the philtrum, and wouldn't you know it? Dream nose and Phil fit Mom Shane well, here daddy matpat would be giving him. the strongest jaw and Chin, he also has his mother's eye color and the shape of my eyes, so yes, it seems that Dream is my perfect son, the ideal cross between Shane Dawson and me, which is ironic since Much of its content also focuses on


. and he also


ed about his entire unsolved Minecraft Mysteries series hmm I guess it's all part of the family business or it would be if it hadn't been for one thing the


can't be my son there's one thing that ruins it you see the whole dream in the video Face Reveal is speaking to us at an angle showing his good side, but also showing us his ear.
game theory dream is my son dream face reveal
Let's notice something interesting about it. His earlobes are joined together. I mean, the bottom of the lobe doesn't hang down. His ears do not hang or wobble. As for it my friends being a recessive trait, it only happens if you have two recessive alleles and considering that Shane and I both have hanging lobes as well as parents with hanging lobes, it's highly unlikely that we'll both have a child like Clay here, so considering my recessive nature. lobes, darker eyes and a more angular


, it seems that I have to be the one to emerge from the genetic pool, but if it is not me, then who can intervene to provide all the genetic traits we need light eyes angular face shape brown hair and the most important, earlobes attached well let me tell you I searched video after video, image after image to compile my list and I think I have it, I have narrowed it down to a list of three candidates who, when combined with Shane, could mix to create a child that looks like a dream.
game theory dream is my son dream face reveal

More Interesting Facts About,

game theory dream is my son dream face reveal...

Interestingly, Shane's fiancé, Ryland Adams, fits the attached earlobe criteria quite well and also matches the eye and hair color, but as much as I would love to say that they could just blend together to create the ear line Rylan and Chin's jaw just don't match, so Ryland will have to settle for an honorable mention here next. Above is actor RJ Midi famous for playing Walter Jr on the TV show Breaking Bad, what's stopping him, nothing really, he's actually a near perfect candidate, but concluding this episode with him is a bit boring as some me They say that people interested in dreams are sent.
game theory dream is my son dream face reveal
His parents don't really like Prestige TV circa 2008, so how about another famous ninja


r? He has green eyes and close-set earlobes, and if you can spot the color of his hair among the dyes, it's dark brown, he even has a jawline and chin. ready to rock, so who knows, maybe pro gaming runs in the family. The only thing that really stops Ninja from keeping me second is the shape of his face. He's still a little too angular with his diamond-shaped face, so for me he's number one. The best choice for the dream The real father has to be ready for this face


game theory dream is my son dream face reveal
Drop that mask. YouTube comedian-turned-filmmaker Bo Burnham, the man who created the inside and then inspired every other online creator to want to create the inside under that covetable, scruffy beard, is this. face, he has blue eyes, light brown hair, attached earlobes and a square face that can be rounded when intersected with Shane's oval and while that alone might be enough to sell you on the connection, I can do you one better, so It's how it looked in 2008. Before YouTube I was just a skinny white kid who thought I was funnier and cooler than I really was and now well, not much has changed, but I have money, notice the resemblance, in short, Bo Burnham, it looks like you really are the father, welcome to the Internet. welcome to the internet indeed Bo Burnham welcome indeed and with that I'm done here if you'll excuse me I'll go wait on the corner for corpse husband or how to do the basics but hey that's just a


a theory of


s, thank you. to watch and if you want to continue watching more ridiculous dream related content click on the video on the left where I dream and I break down the warden's appearance or if you want to see more mysterious kinship click on the video on the right my everything - time favorite theory about how Rosalina is secretly Peach's daughter, the Subscribe button is there if you haven't taken advantage of it and as always I'll see you next week.
I'm so sorry, Bo Burnham.

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