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GAME IN 25: Brazil vs. Colombia | Copa America 2024

Jul 03, 2024
2 one and out of that countdown we are ready to go a referee Jesús Valenzuela from Venezuela we are on our way Colombia has been better than Brazil in the two


s Brazil a little inconsistent they break it on the right side Rafia in the middle and it flexes and it is oh Bobble was about to say that he was grabbed by Vargas and hardly Dory B Jr hasn't lost in six


s, his counterpart hasn't lost either, but in 22 games, so something might end tonight since we have a player. down 24 maybe 25 yards away Munos Rodriguez Rodriguez close very close for Hames it's a little fake I don't think anyone really fell for it and Homas Rodriguez just shows up this gives us the best look you can see an explosion there I'm also not so sure about that wall, it broke very easily, but Homus Rodríguez gets under it and tries to make the ball sink well, it looks like it just fell, yeah, getting back to it, Costa Rica wants to do this. interesting and J passes his man Columbia catching VY J on the other side which is cleared by qua in the middle blocked and cleared by Columbia there is a serious hold there while that whistle I thought apparently it didn't blow, he is waving it for Danilo to retrieve it .
game in 25 brazil vs colombia copa america 2024
Danilo towards the area plays crossed that he had too much power in that center Paka after a goal and an assist in the last game zil tries to get numbers in the area it is clear Sánchez is out and out for a throw-in for Brazil Good start Kobe first 10 minutes almost 10 a very good start with ups and downs for both sides both teams willing to commit to the attack and that's any fan who sees this that's what they want to see I don't think the Colombian fans here are going to let their team sit down, now who have been very vocal all the time on that right side Rafia 1 V one on the cut towards the middle shot wide after Vargas corter made the save Brazil does a good job of just returning the ball keeping possession of the POS and I just found ice right at the top of the table of 18, it was a shot a little off speed, drives it with a rebound, it's outside the area, another foul, another free kick in a pretty good spot for Brazil as the fault count. up BS that comes out, it's just a clip of Rodríguez and he has to be careful because you already saw what Jun, the coach of Brazil, called, trying to count on his fingers one, two, three, trying to send a message to the referee.
game in 25 brazil vs colombia copa america 2024

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game in 25 brazil vs colombia copa america 2024...

Six fouls are felt. as more both teams have serious weapons in free kicks rafig is above the ball 26 meters while the barrier is in place rafine is ready he will take it raia one nothing Brazil Rafa enters this match the day begins and this is part of the reason why the one who is there as a free kick specialist, this is almost like the perfect set piece, it is a beautiful thing to see this shot over the wall while the wall jumps, but still has enough power, Pace varus puts a hand on it, but can. Don't leave it out of the back of the net, it's completely stretched, it's a beautiful goal in every way.
game in 25 brazil vs colombia copa america 2024
JP, something beautiful, is his first goal of the Copa América


and gives Brazil the advantage. Rodríguez calmed Ríos down with that shot in Colombia. back the other way like Rios towards the middle Munos Sanchez Columbia slowing down the pace a bit trying to find a SC as Brazil at the moment is pretty well organized defensively maybe the long ball will work Colombian fans wanted a decision as it clears towards his top five players in that corner and then a push as the ball goes up called a foul on Colia, yeah you're looking at Brazil defensively, they put him in the two blocks of four just above the 18 and then you have the other two guys . as two forwards, they go to the center, so they are really clogging up the middle, which makes things difficult.
game in 25 brazil vs colombia copa america 2024
Here's another look at that Rafia set piece on the left side. Get into the area. Wow, it was the first direct free kick goal of this tournament. It's a surprise to me with everything that's around now, yes, you'd think so. I like this little play by Thomas Rodríguez, how he tried to get this on the field, Río lost it there, Gómez passed it to the middle, Gan ice over the top. Denny Junior's On The Run has company they both go for the ball Ríos passes to the right side 1 V one Brazil will win that one defensively plays back towards the goal it is deflected Rodríguez will have a throw-in he puts it in quickly Ian Muñoz on that side James tried to cross it and almost went through it.
Inos slashed him back. Columbia's back knocked the ball back. Díaz swings 23 yards. Machado is wide there. Díaz is so good with the ball technically played by Machado. quentes LMA Machado. Luis Díaz almost managed to pass, but. has taken out Danilo he is saying there is no yellow card for me, it's not up to him, let's see what the referee is going to do, let's see, here's a bit of a dance and yes, Deno just keeps that leg out, takes out the card and does the contact. and we're seeing this is a bit of the action before LMA received his yellow card, still trying to catch up with all the yellow cards he was given.
I think Danilo was very lucky not to receive any of that. play that free kick head badly in the middle shoot back in not an easy play for Allison minute 30 I know we only had one goal but several cards several fouls and an intense game yes, a lot of action, you know, it happens within this game and that is to be expected against these two teams, they know each other so well playing each other so many times that Gómez was the other player who had received the yellow card in that previous skirmish and Colombia, their players showed some frustration towards the referee in some of these calls It just has a little contact.
I think he just made a mistake in that one, maybe that's all. K Jun crosses him, resolves there and then delivers to Rodriguez down the wing. Diaz, can you? do a great job defending the time D M and that is blocked offside I will tell you what happens on the field a good job by Colombia simply attracting the three look the Brazilian players were changing the point of attack very quickly long by Sánchez Machado shook after trying to cross that ball from Rodríguez's shot back for a long time who also misses the next game he already had a yellow card before it is easy to sanction Danilo did not think it would be so easy to sanction, but from here, yes, that It's a foul, yes, it's pretty simple to call it natural, since Theo just came in from behind and got a little push, he's going to have to be careful because it has to be in the referee's mind now that he had the tackle. before and then a minute or two later he has that push Thomas Rodríguez The captain of Columbia is waiting he approaches the post he almost scores from that angle Alison thought she was going to cross because look how far away Allison is and then suddenly Thomas Rodríguez has in On Target and forces Allison to save in the humus corner in the middle Allison got a piece Ríos shoots the rejected corner Colombia knocking on the door knocking consistently I mean in each of these set piece plays the quality of the service has been Fantastic and That's what makes set pieces so dangerous.
You have to have the quality that you have, that the receiver has a set of skills and Homas Rodríguez has it. He's hit some great balls. Rodríguez in that corner is ready to swing. Look at it. He headed up and over the curve of that ball from that spectacular corner, there is a good look where you can see that the offside line was close and it took them a while to look at it, but it was ruled that there was no goal for Sánchez, win whoever wins The group faces Panama on Saturday, we will have it for you on FS1.
The team that came in second place is going to be unlucky because they will have to play Uruguay, that doesn't mean they can't beat them because you're talking about Brazil or Colombia. but Uruguay has looked fantastic so far in this tournament, too heavy a move on that touch back to goal, maybe a little recap, possibly from yesterday, people are still talking about the United States and their defeat and elimination in this tournament, also joining Mexico in that category. Canada. and Panama from Advance took it away Diaz saved that was his best opportunity because it didn't seem like Allison was ready but it was an opportunity for Columbia that has to be in the back of the net he with the pass put the flex Allison arrived late go Colia have tied it mouros one1 well the stadium is going crazy you should watch how this play develops the ball enters here excellent play by Cordo to be able to make that turn and play Muno who is in position here and CBA does it, it is so good at attracting three Brazilian defenders who play it wide, duno coming in from the flank on the wing, Allison has to come out, she can't get there in time and Muno puts this one in for the first time so close.
After tying this game one-on-one, that deflection changed everything in terms of Allison's reaction. I thought maybe he hesitated on the second ball, he played long and now he goes wide. It's been a very physically challenging first half, great emotion, lots of files. many yellow cards goals that were taken away from us and two goals that were spectacular tonight a little bit of everything JP you have your controversy and we have another half left let the emotion continue give a good pass that is blond in the middle that goes to Do it, what a first part It has been, Rodrigo is now the deepest of the players, it is for Rafia, shot deflected from a diving goalkeeper, it has been a bit of Fate, oh, that was not far away, just outside that post.
The FIA ​​does not have enough. bending simply pushes him beyond the far post One One V one fights all over the field almost on the hour opening fight of the Euro Cup quarterfinals and fox Germany Spain followed by mbappé and France versus Ronaldo in Portugal coverage begins at 11 :00 a.m. m. this 800 pm. Pacific on fo in great results today Holland achieves a victory over Romania C defeats Austria Muñoz with the goal tying the game at the end of the first half will take this shot for Columbia the film took the players down fans who wanted a decision that shot deflected Aras why not why not why not it has a little bounce it is in a good position the deviation Adas has a little touch you have to take that from there the possession is dead even at the moment almost overturned there are bigger sticks in the world actually played for Dory ball J yes in the area that moves away Mika up the ball remained in play Brazil trying to move it there is not much space there Hass in the middle who was hit too much is still kept alive by Muñoz Jamz retained Sánchez Questa Moika is slowing it down is Columbia and in doing so, she gets the crowd in support throughout the stadium initiating Olay's opportunity. rinia and Muñoz are the goals in this game 1-1 by the winger moika Luis Díaz back outside somehow he freed himself not clear, how Hamas crossed inside the header for sure I tell you that the sending comes from hamus it is a millimeter precision this is a fantastic ball in the area right between two is good to play in the knockout phase he missed the last game due to a small injury not called for seriously so I hope to see him in the next game which is against Ecuador on Thursday on Fox and even if Kobe doesn't play Argentina showed what pressure they have from Brazil and now they only move the ball from one side to the other at will and although it was broken at the top they recover the ball up the middle the short passes are working now they go long for the cleared cross shot stopped by Allison it seems be on the S side when this ball goes over the top only that ball on that that second bounce just kind of moves away and then just one shot is not enough behind you have to try the fifth save for Allison here is Sila in front sure this has to being a goal is a quick loss quick counterattack the ball is beautiful from Díaz and he is thinking about this as he enters the back of what I think goes to the back of the net you can see right there he knows I have to finish that that would have sealed the game Bo plays in Brazil with ianas Al is also a professional in Germany columia supporting the ball Advantage call Aras there to support PR St right in the middle, forward and finally the Tak down no foul was given here is Brazil , they rush towards Vinnie Jr, he fights to recover it, it is missing there in Sánchez V, he tries to go for the quick restart Columbia defends this, Diaz wins, tremendous defensive work there, that is risky, knocked down but recovered by Mika on the wing, Brazil tries to recover it and He is knocked out last Touch of Colombia 86 minute 1-1 The substitutes come for Brazil They want to change this. 18 Douglas Louise comes in, we've seen him in this tournament before, so he'll come in, wend will lead and then Young andri comes in through the middle as well.
Alison is out, she sends a long look at that ball flag. staying down is B down Savio in the middle was looking for Vinnie J headed hard inside the area cleared is not out of danger Columbia climbing for the first time tonight defensively they retreated Brazil with the ball in the box endrick left it out shot received the shot from the bar well, look, this petta is sitting in the middle, he is very open, he has the shot, but like Vargas, who is tested here, he may see that ball a little late, inside the area, headed and then away again for Columbia, he left.
Just five minutes basically.Brazil coach Doral Jr. calls it the surprise.

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