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Game Grumps - The Best of SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS

May 12, 2024
I knew yeah oh my girlfriend is still dead yeah still dead still dead dead will she ever still be dead hey, what are these things? bad news, your girlfriend is dead, bro, you took too long, bro, she's so super dead now anyway, hey, next time on the ropes of the


, what, oh, what did you do, what did you do, yeah girl, That's what I'm talking about, oh God. Dude, aggro is kicking ass, whoa, that was fantastic, man, I feel uncomfortable, oh dude, when the mailbox comes, you know shit is real, you know it's time to grab your balls, oh my god, oh my god , what's that?
game grumps   the best of shadow of the colossus
What is it? I don't see it, uh, it's because it's underground, okay, it'll try to attack you, okay, okay. Your first impulse when a giant sandworm was chasing you was to stop like its stupid eyes, I shoot it in the eyes, I don't know, yeah , God it's like from now on he talks to aggro directly and then he says he hated that oh oh no oh damn oh okay it feels so good to see someone else in pain oh yeah okay there's another one oh, There's another one, oh, he's lifting you up, stick him in the eye again, my boner won't go down, whatever the man is, I don't want to kill him, I want to party with him, but it's too much. late, they're dead, yeah, the party wouldn't have been the afterlife, oh yeah, where are the heinekens in aaron, would you do this with a krang voice, oh, a guardian loose, keep the flames going, oh lord, no one else, oh god My, what is this? a puma beetle oh, it's like a bull, oh oh, well, it's a little colossal, yeah, it's just a little one, it's a tiny


and it's going to lift you up.
game grumps   the best of shadow of the colossus

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game grumps the best of shadow of the colossus...

Should I climb into the flames? I don't know what I do and why not. Don't you find out by going with them? Well, maybe I know it might be difficult because there is something waiting for you. Yes, the fatal, but sometimes you just have to take risks in life. Do you want to sit there forever? looking at what could be or do you want to create a destiny for yourself oh no oh I endorse it oh I don't endorse it in the review my face hurts a little oh motherfucker oh yes yes yes yes oh God and uh it's okay, grab, grab, I'm in, I'm in sword, sword, sword, please, oh, snap, stop moving, look at me, go, move, move, oh, it's got that alligator moving, oh, it does, it definitely has alligators, but now it's dead Oh, this is the worst. kind of fever have oh I'll never ask Cindy oh al oh Aaron don't make me sad please damn what the hell there's a dead girlfriend she's okay dude what if she likes to rot in the sun and then comes back to life? and she's like she has worms and it's never been fully established that she's dead like she never was, what if she was a super deep sleeper and I went that crazy because she just popped some nyquil and said I was right?
game grumps   the best of shadow of the colossus
Now she could say: Hey, oh, I'm so rested while risking my life, oh well, she hoped she could paddle frantically like a doggy. Wow, oh man, I'm getting nowhere with that. Can I scale it? Don't worry. For now, buddy, how do I get to the top of this? Just look at what he does. Good. I will serve you. I am looking. You won't just stand there and be pretty sure that's exactly what's happening. Well, he'll try. and then he's going to say, I don't know what's going on man, I'm not going to hit him, it's okay, I'll take it easy, it's okay, go easy on her, just let him, let him do his thing, God, I hate it when you come. spicy with me I don't deserve the sauce this


is super hard okay I'm just going for it I'm just going for his back oh damn I could get there I can get there oh I gotta put him on his back go go. wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, he's turning gray too this you can do it you can do that jump look what happens oh oh oh you're a pizza oh yeah this is awesome dude right on his ribcage and it's disgusting you can get to the outside edge don't you do it I have to go to the pink, oh I always go to the pig, oh God I'm trying to stop him, don't go under the water, bring him, catch him, go where he goes , before you go, before you go, yeah, yeah, okay, hate to die, oh God.
game grumps   the best of shadow of the colossus
God, he looks so amazing, this


is amazing, yes, you're going to like this so much, oh oh, it's like Jack and the Beanstalk, except the beanstalk is alive and the things from nightmares, oh wow , I missed it, yeah, yeah, nice, okay, oh you. You're stabbing me anyway, yeah, he doesn't really care what you're doing, he doesn't seem to be shaking much, oh, there he goes, oh yeah, he doesn't love it now, he's pretty upset, my god, oh god, I'm going to fart Don't mind me, oh my god, oh, it's okay, dude, I know, dude, I know, there's not much at stake intentionally, this is new, oh dude, yeah, he just wanted to get you out, oh, and not in he, oh, this is so majestic that there was a thing there there is a column there you go up it for it aggro is not going to help you I always do that he likes it comes like a cape and like oh, it's like a little dog where is oh, piss him off, piss him off, catch him? angry oh he's already angry angry oh my god it's okay I don't think you're angry enough how dare you oh I love this guy oh go ok okay oh snap oh snap oh that was an awkward fall whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn't mean for that to happen oh, he's all hairy now ow, ow, I'm naked oh please don't make me do all this again, jump, no, there you go, you have a good jump, okay, I'm not dead.
I think you're doing great, okay, okay, great job, it's a pleasure to watch, yeah, on the other hand, I'm completely entertained, shut up man, I'm doing my


, okay, everyone's like this guy , well all that's left is morty and jingleheimer wake up oh come on are you serious? that thing is huge, even the cameraman is like, oh what do I do?, that thing is like a mile wide, what do I do?, what's your


feature?, my eyes, oh, I'm going to hurt you so much. . I think you can do it now and here we go I thought you were going to miss it for a second me too yeah, I did it too I had no faith in myself let me stop, let me do it oh, stop, can't you feel it it's electric boogie woogie wow, Come on dude, oh you're screwed, this is impossible, snap, I don't want to hear anyone's comments like, oh, I made this when I was dead and like I was two years old and my feet weren't. work, this is hard, bars and vitals or something, I know, Jesus Christ, hurry up, I had too much coffee, I'm going to throw up, yeah, I'll die, high five, yeah, I'll have fun, oh, I've been defeated, oh, Please don't ever let me do it.
Fighting that guy again was like a nightmare, nightmare on Elm Street, what else does your family have? I walked many miles and experienced these trials just to reach the sixteenth colossus. I followed the signs and died 80 times. Aaron would do it. please he touch my sweet yes aaron could you please touch my sweet? I love that girl too. She is such a sweet horse, isn't she? She's a tough guy. She's a good guy. If you pull her head to any side, she says: yes, yes, yes, aggressive man. He's a good horse, I think you need to start running so you can, well, him, so you can jump here, yeah, dude, really, yeah, he gets tough and says, yeah, wow, that's scary, oh, God. mine, I grew, I grew, no.
Do it, no, please, no, oh no, no, this, oh God, what happened you never told me what happened. Aggro oh that sucks, oh oh God, don't touch me. I'm not in the mood to be touched right now. here for you then that sucks damn why did we just have a conversation? Did you just have that conversation about why we love him? to catch me all like yeah I love him oh damn no yeah we're trying to do it. save my dead girlfriend like maybe my horse will show up but you still have his corpse and it's intact you're not going to find him like a fucking ass like a messy aggro what else are you going to do with, I don't know, this feels like. too far why you did that I don't know, you told me I didn't tell you anything oh, hey, aggro, yeah, that's a building, yeah, with feet, uh-huh, oh, Jesus Christ, okay, okay, let's hang out in the stairs for a second you should crouch down a little can I get to the next more health?
I think oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, look at it so we're swinging oh, that's no good, that's no good, so close but so far, come on, just come on. Just go, oh yeah, this is bad, I just have to take a break, uh, I think it'll probably break you before that happens, oh damn, dude, I know this is so much shenanigans, I think you might be able to . to do this one i have faith in you buddy this is cathartic right now for you or me for both of us oh right and for the 10 people who stayed okay try hitting the attack button oh dad no I like it, dad I don't like it, now run. my arm boy yeah, it's okay, everything's okay, everything's okay, everything's in the process of being okay, yeah, this is pretty stressful, you're really high, dude, yeah, char, what, yeah, yeah, oh my god , I have it, oh my God, right in his head, oh yes, oh, of course. oh wonderful, this is for aggro, oh my god, yes, he finally thinks to grab you at this point, yes, oh, I should have done this at the beginning, that was bad foresight, oh, oh, going around, you've killed them all , I did it, how? it makes you feel it feels like oh yeah oh there you are oh when did that happen i think that's your sword by the way thanks erica i'm starting to think this was a different kind of resurrection ceremony you know what i'm saying have i been the bad guy all this time oh oh oh he stabbed me right in the face oh no it doesn't matter oh in the heart thank god now I'm super hot you have black goo he shouldn't have aimed for the shoulder I Guess, Dan, what do you think is going?
I don't know, damn, uh, damn, what's going on right now, what's going on now, what's grabbing that controller, dude, what's even more games, are you serious, what's going on, uh, so now you're inactive, yeah, sure, what? to complete your task of destroying all these little guys, they are going to seal you in the temple, they are very slippery and fast, so bring them in, oh friend, now I realize how annoying I have been to all the colossus guys, wait. Do you misunderstand? Yes, I just want to talk. No, no, no, oh God, after all that work. wow oh no this is so sad what are you doing?
I'm not going to do anything to deliver you to your destiny tomorrow, so what you did was in vain, huh or was it Aaron, stop with the cliffhangers? Guys travel very fast, yes we don't. I don't want another aggressive situation. What is happening now? Did I do this game well? I got up? I do not know what happened. You did everything you were supposed to do. Oh, I have to defeat 16 colossi like his aggression? Are you serious, stop playing with what? Oh, limp, no, oh, I don't want to see hurt aggression, oh, are you serious, buddy, in fact, I'm going to cry right now, oh my god, I can't take it anymore. emotionally totally exhausted I wasn't a bad guy I was just blinded by love and doing something terribly wrong in the process or was it Aaron I'm going to open my hand to slap you in the eyes yeah, that's you, that's you I've been reduced to a baby, yes, you were reborn, I'll leave you too, oh, I'm so glad they put in giant winding stairs.
I think I need a couple of weeks off to really process what the hell just happened in each game, yes, this really. man took a lot from me

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