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GAME-CHANGING Chinese Cars at 2024 Beijing Auto Show!

Jun 28, 2024
Jacob and I are here at the Beijing Auto Show, say hello to Jacob, shit it's crazy, it's the biggest



I've ever seen in my life, they have the craziest


I've ever seen in my life, we have smartphone manufacturers like Xiaomi that make


now, so we're. I'm going to go over all the craziest cars we've seen here at the



and I think you'll agree with us, they're bunkers, this place is crazy, okay let's go see it, okay let's do it right, so this is crazy. this is the xiaomi su7 I think this is the maximum true yes it is now it comes with a 400 volt or 800 volt architecture this is the top of the range it costs $415,000 almost 500 KW of power 500 newm of torque we will do it 0 100 2.75 Seconds has one of the craziest interiors I've ever seen.
game changing chinese cars at 2024 beijing auto show
You have Arrow active. It's Wilder. The fact that we don't have this in Australia. I think it's a great shame. I think it's a rallying cry, frankly. It's War Drive. If you'd like to learn more about this car, we have a full review coming up or it's already available, so we'll link to it below or subscribe. Be sure to see when that one comes out. Let's see the next one. This is the j03 or iar 03 it's a new brand from Cherry and we're getting J in Australia and I really hope we see this because this starts around $15,000 with a 140KW rear motor or if you go for all wheel drive It costs around 200 KW, the most powerful battery is only 70 KW hour, but it's not a very big car, it's a very boxy car and I think it will do very well in Australia.
game changing chinese cars at 2024 beijing auto show

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game changing chinese cars at 2024 beijing auto show...

What do you think at that price? We should 100% check it out. the interior, let's get it right, so it's literally impossible to get into some of these cars, but look at this interior, you have a huge screen that responds relatively well, but I don't know a ton of technology in there, it looks really cool, cool design, man , what do you think? I think it doesn't really matter what we think. For $15,000 you get an electric vehicle with a 70 KW battery, that's crazy, and look at this tailgate, you know it's my favorite, it's the Barn Door style that opens wide. and you actually have quite a bit of space inside, look, so it's a five seater, so enough space it looks a lot like a 300 tank, but in some ways it's more compact and in others I think it looks better, does it? what do you think?
game changing chinese cars at 2024 beijing auto show
Think buddy, once again, crazy 15,000 USD, this is one of the craziest things. We made a video about this, but we haven't seen it in person until now. This is the Fang M hero 9917 dong, it has BR, do you know what it can do? Rescue me, it weighs around 3 tons and is one of the craziest luxury SUVs you'll ever see. Dwayne The Rock Johnson looks like he was a car. Look at this inside look there, Jacob, you have screen on screen on screen. Look. Look at that, look at those things, what am I looking at? The gear selectors.
game changing chinese cars at 2024 beijing auto show
It's like a cabin. This is crazy. And then look at the back seats too. First of all, everything is extremely tense. It's so heavy. It's so heavy. Look inside this one. What's opulent, what's opulent, what's crazy, it may be a five-seater, but here it is in the luxury four-seater version, although all you have to do is lift the center armrest and you'll get a seat that's also heavy . and you get things like look at this look at this you have a tray table made of wood just don't have an unreal accident these things can reach over 1,000 newm of torque and you can also get it with a range extender bong Fang How about you enter the market Australian?
Yes, do us a favor, look at the back. Oh my god, look at this. OMG, it's your favorite. You actually don't have a lot of space here. Yes, there is not a lot of space. I guess that's the tradeoff of having a huge battery underneath, but what a wild car, okay, it's got some pretty crazy stats too, so with 1.88 horsepower, you've got these extremely tough beaded wheels here, it's only got about 500km range for the all-electric and that's CLC I think, or whatever, so you know, okay, with a real world range, you'll get a maximum of 250km out of this thing, but they'll be the 250 most incredible km of your life. 1.88 horsepower, damn crazy, let's keep going, ladies and gentlemen, the daddies, we have the long tires Ling, that's right, we're here in byd, we're here with the seag now we don't know if we're going to make it.
Australia byd Australia has actually patented the seagull name, but whether we are going to get it or not depends somewhat, it comes with a 30 or 38 KW per hour battery and starts at about 30 thousand Australian dollars in other markets as well which if we get this it would be the cheapest EV you can get in Australia with a wtp of about 320km which is crazy for the price ok this is one of the most exciting cars to ever come out of China , it's the Yang Wang u8, not only do you get like the sovi style headlights, it's crazy exposed carbon, this thing has 1200 1,200 brake horsepower, which is almost as much as your oh BL, which has a 2 turbocharged engine L but also an 800 KW motor inside.
I was going to say there's no way that can make 12,200. This thing has something called tank spin where it can turn 180°, not to be confused with the GWM tank spin which is different, which is different, if you want to learn more about that check out our GWM Take 500 video, but This thing is like the pinnacle of Byd Yang Wang is like the luxury bread of Byd, I guess, man, honestly, and it looks amazing, it looks amazing and let's see more, okay, now inside the interior of the Yang Wang u8. It's absolutely crazy. I have my friend here.
The steering wheel feels incredibly soft to the touch absolutely everywhere. You have a 24-inch screen in front of you. You have this square aspect ratio screen, by the way, everything is touched. Absolutely everything. Look, we have another screen here. for your passenger you have two 50 KW wireless charges here you have your mode selected here it's amazing. I have to say that the seats look really comfortable. Are good. They feel extremely comfortable. The hood is simply huge and you also have an impressive view. Pretty good design with the air vents too, I love it and you also have the start and stop button here, it's pretty, red and feels so good, it sounds like a byd, okay let's take a look at the u9, this is the one Yang Wang u9. built by byd it has four motors one in each corner it also has independent suspension that can be raised to 75 mm and can support up to a ton that is why it can do what is called the Yang Wang jump un9 it has 960 KW of power 1600 newm of torque, battery of 80 KW lfp and has a range of about 450 km it's absolutely crazy and we have a whole standalone video on this or it's already out crazy crazy man bro let's see the rest okay now many of you will . look at this and think it's just a Mazda 6 but let me tell you it's much more than that because technically it's not a ma car, it's not like the mx30 EV which was not a good EV, this is really the first good EV from Mazda, but it is not a Mazda Under the Skin, it is based on the sl3 accord, which is a Chinese brand.
It has two battery sizes, 58.9 and 66.8, and apparently the all-electric version should be able to cover 600 km of range, who knows what cycle that is. based on, but based on the battery sizes, that's definitely not a real world range, no, no, it's not far from that and it comes with rear wheel drive. 160 KW of power through 320 new M of torque, you can get a higher power version which is 190 KW. power 320 new M of torque for 100 approximately 6.2 seconds otherwise it looks like a Mazda man. I mean, it looks a bit like a grandpa spec, but it's a very attractive Mazda 6, I hope they bring it to Australia. but they don't have any plans at the moment, which is a shame, I think it's a shame, I think it would be fine, I think it would be fine, let's check the interior, let's do it, apparently no Australians are allowed inside the car, so let's take a look brief glance through the window, oh, look D, that, oh, look at that 15-inch screen.
MDA could learn a thing or two from their partners there, the steering wheel looks pretty good and seats man, take a look at the ones they have. looks comfortable and actually this car is 5m long so just under 4.9m, a little longer than the car it's technically based on, it's that active arrow, bro, it's that active arrow in a Mazda All the Rage these days, well, we have another car to show you. Okay so this one is crazy to me, this is a Huawei, it's called Lux ​​Seed, it's built in partnership with Cherry and the really interesting thing about Huawei is that they partner with different manufacturers to create their cars, so this one is The S7 is its first sedan. or sedan, it's absolutely wild, it has like 19 different cameras or something or at least 19 different ways to make sure this car stays on the road above you and like the xiaoi car it's actually really affordable with really cool stats. great variety, in fact we have a video we made about the Dyson car and in it we mentioned it as one of the only brands out there, like consumer electronics, that have made a really good car, so be sure to check out that video below , crazy kids.
This is crazy. We are trying to see as many cars as possible, so bear with us if we can't get everything about the car, but we will still show you some really interesting things, so let's see the next car now. I've seen this before at the Munich Motor Show when we did our A to Z review, but this is the mg cybera, this one specifically drives from the UK to China, which is pretty crazy, it's got 400 kilowatts of power in approximately 80 KW hour. battery this thing will last 103.2 seconds and it will be one of the only sports cars you can get like this sub 100K in Australia when it arrives so soon and Jacob look at this oh my god that's crazy and then the interior is just magnificent. we sat inside it before mate you're telling me this is under 100K oh look at these seats here man they're like alcatara leather it's going to be a wild car when it arrives hopefully sometime this year and again .
Be sure to subscribe so you can see it as soon as we review that. I also didn't mention that it's obviously a convertible, bro, can you tell me what we are? I couldn't tell you, but let me tell you something called hongi, which is one of the most recognized brands in China, it's obviously a concept car, it's an extremely luxurious brand, it's meant to compete with things like Rollsroyce, as we've seen a lot . I can't tell you how many Maybugs there are here. This thing looks amazing and really cool. the handwriting on the back which is actually their logo and which is hongi in Chinese apparently written by Mao himself, so his original handwriting is very cool, is something you probably didn't realize. um, it has a raptor, yeah, this is a very chaotic show, this is the havl. dragon series and the havl Raptor and Jacob guess how much in US dollars this car is going to cost.
I'm going to pretend you didn't tell me before and just from the looks of it I'd say you probably didn't tell me before. I don't know 50,000 us $28,000 is a plug-in hybrid that we will have in Australia. I'm not sure because I recently saw them try out the big dog look, which looks a lot like this. To be honest, I'm really confused with The hav Branding. but whatever it is it's amazing it looks great guys look at this interior we need to see it in more places in Australia please they have a truss rod there and a very off road Focus especially for a plug in hybrid it will looks really cool. almost quite Defender esque yes, I can see that, yes, very good, let's see other HS now on our channel, you would have seen tank 300, tank 500, well this is tank 400, it's exactly the middle point and um I'm going to go I'm not going to lie to you man this one has the most modern look, it's funny how they don't look the same at all but it looks really cool. 300 KW of power, a very capable off-road system and it will also be the ladder in the frame with three locking differentials inside also look at this interior it also gets crazier and crazier man okay let me let me through I can't look at this you have red lipstick red interior you have the same tank 300 vents that feel amazing a bigger screen, you have that cyborg look, unrealistic dual wireless chargers, so definitely some familiar looking design components, but you know what's crazy, and I have another tank to show you .
Let's do it, let's do it. If you want the ultimate, the ultimate tank, you're going to buy this one, the 700 tank, look at the front of this thing now, this only comes at the moment with a twin-turbo V6 converted to a 380+ KW plug-in hybrid system. of power 800 new meters of torque but it will only start in Australia if it arrives and we think it could start only around $100,000 okay and that will blow your mind when you check out the interior but this is the flagship of this is the best thing that you can buy and you will see it when we go inside exactly why can I just say it looks unreal guys look at this inside firstthan nothing?
It's Lux, it has a suede leather roof absolutely everywhere and also handles everywhere. The shifter is Crystal, you have this huge screen here, it's like 23 inches or something and then in front of you you have another screen, that seat looks so comfortable, it feels so comfortable and look at the back seat, I think you scared the passengers. On this good night, you have captain's chairs in the back that you can recline. You have fans everywhere. Leather here. Metal absolutely everywhere. Also Harmon carbon sound system. You have a third climate control zone. Interesting, it is not a quad zone but rather heated seats. well and a screen in the center this is like axus like meI can't tell you this is crazy if it comes to Australia as rip lc300 that will be our title.
I promise you that rip lc300 and behind us here is the havl H9. Now in Australia we have the havl H6 which we also have. the H6 GT, which you know we didn't love, but it looks crazy, it looks very different from the other HSs we have and it is huge and although it looks like that Dragon or Raptor that we just saw, it is actually bigger, so it's nice. a lot, Raptor 1.5 timing is crazy, literally timing 1.5, let's take a look inside if you take a look inside here again, it has less of that. I guess, oh gosh, dude, this is almost completely the same, but no, it's literally like 1. it's the Same thing but more luxury I guess more fancy orange seats, gosh, look, I guess less off-road focus.
You know, the crazy thing too is that Chinese cars usually have a lifespan of about 2 years. 2 years, think about a Toyota, it's like 15. years 2 years they replace these cars like brand new bro you're sweating I feel like I'm sweating I'm glowing right now okay let's move on you know we had to film with this one we couldn't no uh L Cruiser pra this is the first time I've seen it in person it's not as big as I thought but it's good that's good for the proportion it's very square very cool this is the type of headlights we have Unfortunately we won't make it to Australia unfortunately They are not the cool Circle.
I love Circle. I love them too, but it's still a very, very cool car, very boxy, we'll be reviewing it very soon, so be sure to subscribe below to say it now. This one is crazy so behind us is the century and if you don't know what century it is it's Toyota's luxury brand so this is probably the most reliable luxury car you can get it it's around $170,000 and is intended to compete with the Rolls-Royce. Cinin and as you can see it looks like a Rolls-Royce Colin but it looks amazing man I love the look of this car it's so amazing it's one of the best looking cars of all time and reliable we'll probably see we'll see. and last but definitely not least this is the J j7.
It is now a plug-in hybrid. We're not going to get the plug-in hybrid at least not yet in Australia, but it's coming to Australia and it's coming to Australia in the second half. This year it will have a 1.6L turbocharged engine with all-wheel drive, it will make 145KW of power and 290 newm of torque, so it's actually quite healthy and supposed to be a more luxurious Cherry. Let's take a look inside. First impressions are. There are actually very nice, soft-touch materials everywhere. You have your 50W wireless charger. The seats are really nice. The steering wheel is really nice and you hear, you just hear this, which is orgasmic.
First impressions are really good. I can't wait to review this. thing very very soon me too okay let's get into our final thoughts man what a day guys um final thoughts on this whole experience we've seen so many cars and I think we've only been able to see like 20% of the show probably less men on the day we were here, what an absolutely wild ride, let us know in the comments section which car you preferred more, was it the Yang Wang or was it the jaku. You are curious to know what. you guys think and make sure to subscribe so you can see more content like this we're going to more car shows this year it's going to be awesome bye.

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