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GABE HOMERS OFF A PITCH THROWN AT HIS HEAD! | On-Season Softball Series | Game 24

Jun 29, 2024



at his Noggin on his


and that could have come back like a fireball if he had swung at the next


to speak of, it barely left. it may not come out of the fence, the ball was dying, he didn't hit it in the sweet spot and it's just a


tied at 15, not that, that's KZ, it'll be two outs, no, that was a horrible comment, but i think the camera work was really decent great job we're up 17 to 15 good confrontational job Andy the home runs over K's


are always confrontational that bubble ball yes that ball was pissing me off the ball made him angry so he had to hit it to the luna Alright, confrontational Andy is fun and that's a good job.
gabe homers off a pitch thrown at his head on season softball series game 24
She does it with humor. He's not as funny as me, but he's fun. Allan imitates how your sister directs. Yeah, that's nice.close now do your Gabe do your impersonation of how I run now change it to me yeah that's pretty cool except I'm a lot slower but that was pretty accurate yeah no one ever taught me how to run Gabe had a good impersonation there and that's running man that's falling he can't get there yeah he don't care ah and Alexa saves okay that's the limit and that's a good job and Alexa saves now trying to H her second Homer, ah, let it go, no, it's not that I hate Daniel right now, okay.
gabe homers off a pitch thrown at his head on season softball series game 24

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gabe homers off a pitch thrown at his head on season softball series game 24...

Come on please, that's right for Andy, he's got it, it's a first out in the top six. I'm up 1715 Big Five, he's a fast hitter and I can't get there, it's probably a single, he could go two and goes. two sure goes three goes four it's not nice to stand up three pop a cap oh please not on the tip and that hurts I think it came off his wrist damn, that's painful race scores and Javi oh no oh that hurts bad race scored on that 17- 16 uhoh, please, yes, okay, it's Daniel and Allen, there's no second pitch for Daniel and I come in three outs in the bottom six.
gabe homers off a pitch thrown at his head on season softball series game 24
I'm up 176 Derek solid single on middle, good work by Derek Captain M Fone for Bobby's bet, it's just one. -running


Bobby looks to increase add some insurance with the argument that it's for Fernando 543 double play after that double play Team Bobby doesn't seem enthusiastic, but Bahav is falling to the right and gets P Dallas, it looks like he slipped there, it is chasing him. It's a race between Javi and the home game, the jav are running, no shots, another one comes in inside the Parker for jav, that's Allen, yeah, that could be a triple and a good catch, three outs, we're up 186 heading to the seventh top seven.
gabe homers off a pitch thrown at his head on season softball series game 24
I'm up 1816 Dallas. oh please throw him in the safe quickly and I murdered him and that's a success, good job, bad camera work. I was caught off guard Regina now Runners on first and second uhoh oh please, well, well, runners get a single back for the cycle for Kenz and that's it. a triple, two runs, triple Pro, maybe just a double, yeah, at home, sure, sure, tie, game 18, everything, uh-oh, no, no, he's fast, even if he gets home, cut, hit your cut, man, house, house, house, no, we're down 20 to 8, now that's over. I think it's down from 21 to 18 good job Fernando, we have to take out the big five and that's me, no, it's not me, there's no one there, I'm fine and yes, please, come on, of course, that's what worse than it bothers me.
I'm only down three games, it's not over yet, oh no, not a good try, that would have been an epic catch and the runner advances to the third Uncle slam. Now we need something, change it, not get the easy out somewhere, okay, a good run scores for four. okay, we have to get this out and we didn't, we're down 22 to 18 runners on first and second Dallas always gets hit to right center and not this time, yeah, three outs in the last seven, we're down four shots in marker. give us the lead oh no don't run he might miss that and good catch Again by Daniel Andy wearing his patented sandals how about a double that's a single we'll take it maybe two and he's running hard staying right there.
Alexa's brother Allen is stuck running for her she's a little injured and that's going down, yeah, a good out for Kersey, maybe off the fence, off the fence, yeah, that's a triple, come on, yes two run score and no get out of this jam please no we have two runs. We're down two, two outs, okay, that's the limit, no, that could be a foul. He didn't touch it. Correct. Foul ball if he did not touch it. Nice try. Nice try. Gabe. I was going to get on base anyway we didn't need to cheat good job limit Dean let's make this run, run, run, ah, he's good out there, three outs in the top of the eighth, I'm down by two, bring it on, catch him, save, we're down. for two we need a double play here oh no, everyone safe, good hit Regina KZ has two home runs, a triple and a double in the game and that's a foul.
Gabe might have a chance, oh my gosh, well that would have been amazing. Wow, she was trying. a second Spider-Man catch second pitch gone three-run homer I'm down 25-20 that's painful what happened 25 Fireball please Derek one out Fernando uh-oh please oh no oh house house cut house house house oh house or 2620 uh five grand now uhoh please yes, now he caught the fly Well, oh, Pap, a cap hit, it'll be a double, oh, good hit, Pap, a cap, solid, a double. Uncle slam, what can he do well? That's it for Dean, three outs, last eight. I'm down 26 to 20 Derek no, don't hit that man but he hit him so hard it's a triple he went oh from the top stay three stay three good triple oh yeah Captain America fell in love with Bobby's at bat nice triple like Bobby hits it to the left side moving trying to move the runner home and collision, but there's a sack, the sack fly run scores with damn collision, they're good, they're good and I'm down by five and uh, that's it Well. single by Javi, that's Allen, no, Daniel is good, but he just had a collision, he's wow, that was crazy.
Javi comes back juggling, caught by Daniel Gabe, yes, beautiful, yes, on highway three. Running game 2623. Andy, now, how about a shot on the scoreboard? No, he tried. He could fall. KZ made a late jump, it doesn't matter, it's right for him, he didn't have to make a jump to the three in the top nine. I'm down three ground balls against Javi, who was injured, yeah, we're going to win this game, Dallas now. always goes to right center and two outs analyze now with two outs hit it will be three outs we had the back nine down by three looks like team Bobby has some strategy meetings they are really huddled trying to figure out what to do he won't let Regina be here she's trying to butt in and listen Regina bad jav good nine down this is down by three Alexa uhoh she made her brother run to her he's fast she hurt OU Kersey yeah off the fence or she's gone I think gone two Run game, good job Kersey, his hair blows in the three hour wind M here in the sun, majestically beautiful work from a straight-haired Kersch, that cap needs baserunners, yes, that's a beautiful work of a beautiful cap Dean, please, please, no, don't save. until our last out, Derek could now tie the game with Homer, but we were left with our last out, he was murdered, yes we are down by one, now 2625 on Derek's double, yes, Captain America here at Phil bar who bet just one time. the game breaks it to the left that's RNA drop twin Fields it twin throws throws next play TI game RBI single by Bobby ties the game-winning run in the first Dean pinch-running for me Javi for the win please no, come on Extra innings 10th inning happening Regina been on the ball well, 10th inning tied up Derek cap, yeah, nice try, Regina single for the cycle for KZ and that was another home run for KZ, hit it a mile and they're up 2726, good job , Kenz Fireball in and he has two. out uh, that's Fernando, please, not two.
And he doesn't, oh, it's four, he'll probably save the timeout, the big five now has a bad knee from before and oh no, okay, run score two points I couldn't get there. He was afraid of a collision. limit pop please, three outs, bottom 10, we're down by Two Allen, no run, in case the Big Five come out. Gabe's marker would finish it. this game I'm so excited I'm going to win okay she thinks she's going to win here we go Andy yeah one winning run coming to the plate and I think it might be Alexa double with a tie it's Alexa uhoh run , Allen pinches. run running to be safe and now Kersey hits the second home run of the year for him Kersey, you're about to hit your second home run of the


, how are you going to feel when you hit it with your toes down? let's do it toes down let's do it let's get Homer away kersi well no he's out of the oh if he catches him they win no and Ayn Victorioso great game good job Ann team Benes now up 16 games in the



, player of the game is stepen kenz great job KZ hit a lot of home runs press the like button subscribe tell your friends about these videos make a comment listen to your five favorite players to vote for the game of stars that will be released very soon and you know what we are going to To see you analyze the game Victorious Manager 25, yes.

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