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Futurama Characters: Good to Evil

May 30, 2021
Futurama may just be Matt Graining's second most famous work, but it's still at the top as one of the best adult cartoons of all time, airing for over a decade the crazy futuristic space adventures of the fry of the century. XX and its friends from the 31st century in a single series. one questionable moral decision after another, so I guess it's up to us to sort these






once and for all. I'm Kyle on


binge eating and this is too


, too bad. Futurama is like a party in my mouth and everyone throws up first. on our list is kif, the painfully anxious lieutenant: Zapp Branigan, the non-objective guy.
futurama characters good to evil
Lee has a lot to deal with considering his boss and his inconvenient lack of underwear or basic decency, but I don't care if the red dirt on your skin isn't somehow Chinese. In the series, he remains almost pitifully passive, dealing with every blow as if he were a bouncer, even as he falls madly in love with Amy. She sleeps with Zapp after his supposed death, which hits him pretty hard and no one can blame him for cheating on his captain. the consequences because let's face it, the guy deserved it a long time ago, how could you?
futurama characters good to evil

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futurama characters good to evil...

My body wasn't even hot, but the poor guy can't ever seem to catch a break, the only character who doesn't seem to submit to you. The beginning is Fry, who is briefly assigned as his assistant, private Fry, from now on you will attend to Kiff's assistant, but again the frustration from years of abuse by Zapp only seemed to lead to a moderately hostile attitude towards Fry and if that's what the guy does when he's angry about power so to speak, so he's definitely a good guy, ultimately


has a lot worse than talking to kif note when i tell you, disgusting worm in a hard second, it's Zoidberg because this guy really doesn't want to do any kind of harm.
futurama characters good to evil
Zoidberg doesn't deserve any respect, but he doesn't deserve contempt either, he is extremely poor and Hermes often treats him like a slave while other teammates and society in general treat him like some kind of outcast that you don't understand. He was the only one who cared enough to insult me ​​when it comes to guys who can't catch a break. Zoidberg is up there, if anything, he's just pure bad luck and unfortunate consequences of his actions, that's responsible for any negativity, he's responsible for a number of disasters, sure, but it's always unintentional, for example, the chain of events that led to Dean's enslaving land of dekappa occurred due to a massive overreaction when Zoidberg ate it.
futurama characters good to evil
Later, a flag was sentenced to death for this. His appetite causes more problems when he almost allows Momcorp to spoil Planet Express after exchanging all of his shares for a sandwich, so my shares right now for a sandwich are supposedly also made by the people of Earth. never had the Omni crow nyan recipe due to him overreacting on a cooking show, he's also supposedly the alien in Roswell, it's hard to blame him for most of this, however, since it seems to be a series of bad luck, The next thing we have to do is briefly mention Lord Nibbler at the beginning, apparently just a cute, helpless little pet that Lila adopts.
Nibbler is revealed to be much smarter and more powerful than everyone thought. Nibbler may have hidden his intelligence from the crew, but his intentions were always good and although he likes being Leela's schnookums, the poor little guy often craves intelligent conversation and the approval of humanity, but even a single use could destroy the universe. Next is Ami, the rich daughter of authoritarian parents. She may be a little ditsy, but for the most part she seems to have it. a decent moral compass, similarly, she herself seems to have a bit of bad luck in every relationship she's ever had, even with Fry and Bender, being considered nothing more than a casual fling for the other party.
She finds it difficult to be taken seriously when she finds love with Kif even that has her fair share of disasters with her apparent death resulting in Zapp manipulating her into having sex in her grief, an action Kif wants to bring back to life. He finds her almost unforgivable if she is prone to making bad decisions, but in no way does that make her a bad person through and through? She has a good sense of justice in what is right and what is wrong and she even stands up to her parents when they want to destroy a large part of the Milky Way to build an interspatial golf course.
She is definitely a good person for the total cost. Let's demolish this entire arm into a milky way. Next up is Leela, the captain of Planet Express, she is considered the female lead of the series and no one could really claim that she was, but inherently she is a good one. She is an empathetic, sensitive and loyal person. She is also stubborn and has a no-nonsense attitude. She's probably the only reason anything gets done at Planet Express. She takes her job much more seriously than anyone else does, although she is not considered impulsive. point at which she cooks meals months in advance and freezes them.
She has been known to waste the success of a mission if she has the opportunity to learn more about her past. Hey, this is my chance to spend time with mom until she learns in later seasons. that she was a mutant whose parents abandoned her so she could have a better life. She believes that she is the last of her alien race and is desperate to discover something about herself to the point that it is actually harmful to herself and others, in no way malicious. but she has put the team in difficult situations more than once.
Leela also has a tendency to resolve things with violence, but nothing that she doesn't often well deserve. Next up is the protagonist of the series and next on our list in many ways. can be seen as a fairly neutral character, he is the audience's point of view as we learn about all the crazy and interesting things about the 31st century. He is full of advertisements, therefore, he is quite silly, immature and often ends in extravagant situations you need. To be saved, he is very lazy and is very capable of being rude due to his somewhat childish personality.
Heart attack. The best way to describe Fry is that he is a good person, but in reality he is very lazy and for that reason he comes off as very lazy. neutral, but the truth is that Fry is capable of doing a lot of good, he is tremendously sentimental and shows great empathy for the old dog of his who waited forever for him after he was cryogenically frozen. He would also do anything to save and protect his friends and shows deep loyalty to his teammates, which really takes away a couple of points, although it's probably obvious to fans of the Futurama season due to some antics in time, Fry is his own grandfather because he had sexual relations with his own grandmother and fathered his father, of course, she is a grandmother, no.
We know he's a mouthful and there's a lot to take in, ultimately we feel that sleeping with your own grandmother is enough of a moral and ethical issue to land this low on the list, leave me alone and move on. We have Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth. He is the CEO of Planet Express and is known for the strange and outlandish experiments of his. our equipment is replaceable. his package is not a clear parody of the typical mad scientist. the guy has some pretty crazy ideas and is probably pretty senile for the duration of the show. However, in the timeline, since he was in a mental institution and is young for 25 years, it is possible that this is who he is, although it is difficult to call him evil since his antics are largely a product of his deranged mind. instead of malicious intentions, it is impossible.
To ignore the amount of disaster this guy can cause, the missions he sends his crew on are often suicidal death missions and each and every one receives an exciting exclamation of good news for everyone as he proceeds to present what are probably bad news, good news. Everyone, he takes on jobs that other delivery companies don't carry, often putting the end result on the lives of his crew and seems to care very little about this. His previous crew appears to have died under mysterious circumstances and he has little faith in his new crews. Chances are, he'll start interviewing new candidates before they even return and be completely surprised when they return safely.
He doesn't even seem relieved that they haven't died, showing a sincere lack of empathy for other human lives just because I'm stupider than them, they think they're smarter than me, Hermes is next and you may have guessed why we put him in so low on our list. If you thought it was because of his unjustified harassment of Zoidberg, then you would be right. Dr. Zoidberg, his hatred sometimes seems to arise from quite normal grievances. Zoidberg is certainly a bad doctor to humans, as he never studied human medicine despite being an excellent doctor to other alien races.
Careful Leela, she knows less about human anatomy than me and supports Hermes. archenemy Barbados Slim who bested him in the Olympic limbo contest on other occasions, although he seems a bit mean, he has a habit of eating things he shouldn't and he smells bad, what's that horrible stench most of the time? It seems Hermes just hates him. for being in Cap Odeon, he disparages the species over democratic government, which is fair, but he also calls it a disgusting crab, which could probably be seen as a racial slur in the context of the show. Listen to him sadly throughout all of this.
Zoidberg believes that they are friends and that Hermes simply has a cruel sense of humor, something that makes this harassment even more cruel in Herman's Park. What do you mean by comments and hits that were just friend jokes if this doesn't convince you that this is it? However, where Hermes belongs, remember that he also takes pride in his work as a bureaucrat, even when he involved setting up a slave labor camp in Spa 5. Just think of that poor Australian if you doubt our assessment of Hermes and his lack of morals just think of that guy condemned to be a slave in every recurring episode he appears in, it's probably no surprise to anyone that Bender is so low in our list, everyone who has seen Futurama knows that everyone's favorite robot has a chronic lack of morals and is a perpetual criminal, even his battle cry of bite my shiny metal ass is provocative and uncaring, bite my shiny metal ass , is selfish and is always coming up with new criminal plans and rarely shows remorse for anything he does, mainly what his crimes relate to. petty theft, often stealing wallets and often Amy's, since she and her family are very rich.
However, she is not above more serious crimes, such as kidnapping Jay Leno's head. Some of his downsides are even stranger, like swindling his way into Fry's power of attorney. you already have my power of attorney, he is also a serial womanizer, he even left Amy when she expects him to be monogamous for her, however, Bender also has his softer side, he is a sincere defender of robot rights and , although the cause is selfish. He believes that robots have the same rights as humans, with which he can hardly disagree. He cares deeply for Fry despite any protests.
He proclaims the opposite at Fry's funeral when he said that he would kill all the humans he was actually referring to, except for one. He saved Fry's life on numerous occasions. Despite supposedly hating humans, he also shows genuine regret for having unknowingly participated in the construction of suicide cabins, the act worrying him enough to the point where he ironically attempted to take his own life in one of the cabins he built. Well, ultimately, Bender isn't all bad. he's okay, you know, he's mostly bad, now let's go over some quick ones. Richard Nixon is next, known for his political corruption and abuse of power.
Nixon scams his way to becoming president again and promises to be even more psychotic and murderous than his critics have teased. about the corridor of our children's organs to zoos for meat, it is also mentioned that Nixon continues to lie, cheat, kill and Star Wars, in addition to using corrupt


like Zapp Brannigan as advisors, we decided to include more BOEs in the list to below, although he is not. Tremendously important to the series, he is a recurring character with questionable morals, to say the least, the very angry alien news anchor is mainly guilty of anti-human hate speech that often calls humans weak and inferior and calls for their extinction. .
Insignificant Earthlings, his goal seems to be to destroy humanity, that's what he said, since no one takes him seriously, many speculate that he may just be insecure about how pathetic his own species is. At the bottom of our list is Carol Miller, better known as Mom, the 99.7% evil CEO who owns Mom Corps. Can you tell about her? She isdownright horrible, sure she maintains her corporate image of a sweet old lady, but in reality she is a cold-hearted, manipulative, malicious woman. A great example of this comes from the killer attack episode when mom releases the new iPhone. her and she convinces everyone to put them in their heads so she can record everything.
The new iPhone is wonderful. She also created Twitter so she could use information against consumers, not to mention a virus to turn her followers into zombies so they would buy the iPhone 2.0. In addition to that, it is also known that Mom abused her own children. You dumb bastards are almost last on our nice list. Evil may surprise some people, but most people know that Zapp Brannigan is horrible. What do you and I say? Many people consider him a great military hero. Anyone who has met him knows that he is a pirate with no redeeming qualities. Whatever you can say about Bender making some decent decisions in his life, you can't say the same about Zapp making a decision.
Look at his military career first, the man has no regard for a soldier's life or their lives, he treats them as cannon fodder and instead of coming up with real plans or tactics he sends them to death and the herds.until the enemy is overwhelmed or simply gives up, some might argue that Zapp is actually crazy like the professor, as we discussed in our previous Dark Theories About Futurama video, but frankly, his actions still have to do with his disdain for the other people's lives, also shown when he takes the Titanic on a more exciting and dangerous route before cowardly abandoning the ship and leaving kif in charge when his actions led the ship into a black hole from now on you are in command, congratulations , captain, speaking of kif, he treats his lieutenant with even less respect, if possible, using him as a slave and blaming him every time something goes wrong, like when he laser cuts the deep space station in half, plus it was mostly his fault.
Kip even takes advantage of Amy while she is mourning Kif's death and sleeps with her even though she has been married to his supposed only friend in the matter, he is also predatory towards Leela, manipulating her into having having sex with him out of pity in the first season, something he never lets her forget and his name is Zapp Brannigan, then he tries to trick her into falling asleep. with him making her believe that they are the last two people on a planet where her ship crashed, she even goes so far as to pin her under a tree and pretend that she is trapped in a dehydrator so that she becomes delusional.
Zapp is a narcissist with absolutely no regard for anyone but himself, overall Bender may be a criminal but at least he is a criminal with redeeming qualities and like we said Zapp has none of those, but what we will say about Zapp is that he is responsible for some of the best quotes and cartoons. story you are now officially my wife congratulations, I can't say that I don't envy you, but who is the most evil character in all of Futurama? Well, that title is for robots. Anna is easily one of the most over-the-top and ridiculous characters you meet.
I got my hands on this mechanical version of old St. Nick, he's pure evil, I mean, sure he was created by man, but he's basically set up at the highest level of evil, with vicious, cruel, brutal robots. Anna shows up every Christmas to wreak havoc on innocent people. I mean, he's literally a mass murderer who kills as many as he can. because they all meet her criteria for naughty, well everyone except the Zoidberg robots Anna, you're really evil, thank goodness, you only show up once a year, but what do you think? Do you agree with us that the robot Santa is the most evil character in Futurama or do you think so?
If someone else deserves the title, be sure to let us know in the comments section below and also tell us which cartoons you'd like to see next about good and evil. Don't forget to like this video, subscribe and hit the notification valve but most importantly stay evil

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