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Funny side of serious snooker (Part 11)

May 14, 2024
Now can Ken somehow pop that red and put on the pink? Would it be possible? I'm not too sure he has the angle to do it, so maybe he has to have some kind of controlled hidden hope. Somehow, here, well, if someone can, can, can, do something like that. I think he was trying to say if someone can, can, can, and he did, if Willie Thorn does as bad tonight as he did last, you, he's in trouble, 68, a nice little push in the black, too , the naughty Welshman and, as I say, never. settle until you get your first frame and he's done it in St.
funny side of serious snooker part 11
I'll move the black, yeah. You'll be able to get this and even Mark smiles at that, but make sure you get the black, yeah, in a way to get your first frame. The marker failed to go up and failed to return. Miss Anthony Mcil, because he has two options. He can take the shot himself and it looks like he's going to do it. Can he play it a little better than CWE? That's a brilliant exchange. in a moment of so much tension between Mill and C we out there could have replaced him could have declared from where he was hey Anything you can do I can do too 15 Mark just won the dance competition Alexandra P don Don't move, Don't move, don't move, don't move, don't move, what I can't, no, what are we looking at here?
funny side of serious snooker part 11

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funny side of serious snooker part 11...

This is stopping the well, we are getting the word that we may have to make a change. of the referee that's why John Higgins is taking the balls out of his pocket so that when we have the new referee he doesn't have much to do apparently our referee with Humphrey is not feeling very well he gave him a WRA up Alan Chamberlain replacing Colin humph, not when you decide black, yeah, black, okay, black ball,


, he did good, but red is in two, okay, okay, I lost my mind, you were getting excited, obviously, you weren't used to seeing the way it was Tiny because he's normally quick and he was taking a lot of time very measured sorry all sorry all the time but he was getting the results that's yeah that's perfect you only have one job Rob well thank you oh you can.
funny side of serious snooker part 11
I got a fresh air shot at the bass, thanks, so, yeah, I fouled myself, he's going to put it back in there, he asked if this was it, see, touching the ball would solve this, oh, that's it a f. Marken for enous put it. Back, can we check if he has it in the right place? When he put it there, where do you think he was? Can't. Mark, I just need the brown one. It goes? I just turned around and said: Do you think he's going? He says, don't you think that's good? he asks, he says yes, he is playing mind games.
funny side of serious snooker part 11
I think Graham says yes. Graham gets involved. I'm not sure all the players in the tournament or all the players I've met are as interactive with Mark Selby. one of the two could leave it blank. I should think that kangaroo jump we saw there worked, can you talk to your balls now? Well, I think I tried it myself, I think if he helps me during my career, but I don't know. what he does need, yeah, I completely forgot, I completely forgot, just completely, an admission from Brandon Mo, completely forgotten now was hindered by the brown Brandon, there you go, there you go, I know where he is now and the good news is that Brendan will go to the finals this year. what they say only me for you a little more I played it well very well look what happened he has the brown in his pocket but he has covered it and he has a very difficult t I tell you that it never ceases to surprise you what is this game Really, what You can pass?
Let's have a shiny plant. Red covered the BR. Turn around now. Look at Mark Selby. Well, he would like it, but he doesn't eat it. He's not going anywhere. Mark, he's just going to stand there and take a good spin. but hey, there you go, good line F A I miss you, it was a tenth of a millimeter Too short, just useful to have been useful, you don't normally see them used these days, but they certainly were useful, okay Corin? He says: Can I borrow that little gadget you played with a few frames ago? You can use it.
You can use it because you are 5 to zero but it was the last frame and you didn't get it. There's no chance, so this is it. one of the tricky ones out of the way, here comes the Q ball, not Jack Jack, to get the sentinel. What do you want? A maximum or 100 bricks? He will get up from a cushion and try to hit it with FL as hard as you. It can and by chance, we've all taken a 100 break. It could be the last shot Cjan plays of the year this year. Well, he was about to shake her hand.
He was laughing a lot. He was going to shake her hand there, but now he decided against it. Still not strange, wasn't the fact that he couldn't avoid the wrong chair a self-inflicted problem? I don't think I've seen that before, you know why he wouldn't have sat on it if he'd been there. I had forgotten the table, well, it has a bit of a past for being a little scattered like Neil and uh, there's another true example, he looks up and smiles, that's one of the best pots he's ever played, he was just playing a shot of security and blocked it. in the pocket, no, it was always difficult, is he going to leave it while he covered it with the black, covered it with the black and that was always doubtful, believe it or not, he played the pot there, oh, the blue came to his rescue, well, he has, he's going to make the turn, he's going to try to cut the red on the left


while we look, he understood it too much.
Now Mark needs some attention. Is pink going to come to his rescue? Okay he deserved that little bit of what to say play this with a lot of left


catch the thin red three cushion back to Bor and you couldn't play it better than that wonderful shot again you played well the boys were joking with themselves Mark He says at least you played one yeah he likes that one the red could meet the black here oh look at this it's got a little look again hey have some of that how do you like those? Not me.
I don't know it depends on who you are W that's awesome it's Allan's 7th tournament century it's a joke so in exchange for centuries yeah thanks that's not so


thanks when I said it came out to The Crucible twice when our competitor. Rob Walker introduced the referees, Lang came out with him, thought he'd been introduced and, well, he had to come back and the crowd loved it and also, wasn't that fantastic? John, I think you'll see. more of this style of play from this man, I'm sure he was hurt yesterday by the way the session went, now he says the pressure is on him because it looked like he was going to win a frame 68, good laugh between the pounds here, even St Maguire saw the funny side. of that good, but he needs the red one, yes, a little exaggerated, it entertains the crow, he just had to make sure he didn't take out the black one by mistake, he almost fell around the table.
Mark, of course, if he was going to appear now he would be replaced by the referee there is no real time with that it's Rie stomping there is no real time limit it's common sense more than anything it's like yeah an appreciable pause oh he got away with that again I think Mike will stay in his seat he looks he's looking at Barry and head I'm not going back to the table what are you doing to me Barry? Oh that's fantastic, well I didn't know about that. one anyway, that's what I mean, you couldn't make up for it, could you?
Alan, no, the only good news is that he will be a pretty easy replacement.

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