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Jun 09, 2021
Doctor, I don't understand why you're trying so hard to get it. I think you're missing out by not taking it. I think you're missing out by not taking me out. I've seen your medical history and it's STD City, there are no things you can do. Don't ask your


so well, this is one of the ten reasons why we'll look at in this video, but they know your medical history and if you have a problem with STDs, what did you think? You thought they weren't. I'll know they would look at your records, they checked you out,


funny doctor   patient texts
I have a very unpleasant situation. I need to get an appointment. I don't normally deal with those things, but I can refer you to a specialist. Cost, I mean, cost like, damn, this is uncomfortable. we always go back to this autocorrection it's the worst and also the best but above all the worst like how many times does it do you good never how many times does it do you bad always like this doctor I don't want to be direct but I know we both felt something when you held my hand at dinner in the office. I was taking your pulse.
funny doctor   patient texts

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funny doctor patient texts...

A married woman as if she were a doctor. That's what she does. She's not trying to hold your hand. I mean, romantic. She's trying to make sure she's alive. he's like taking your pulse and you're like oh my god my hand is easy easy you just never never flirt with professionals you know professionals should never flirt you should ever flirt with them you know it's just inappropriate you're ten minutes of life. question mark explanation with question mark explanation imagine getting this from your doctor like I believe anything my doctor says Oh my gosh, my doctor tells me I'm going to die in ten minutes I think I'm going to die in ten minutes JK April Fool's kind of okay it's not


I agree it's not


I like it I said I believed everything my doctor says so this would uh start legitimately like writing a will at this point like giving all my money to the loan sharks azzy, now they're going to murder me, okay doctor?
funny doctor   patient texts
Nick, can you write me a note for school? Why are you sick? No, but the new game Dragon Ball Z just came out. Okay, two days, but don't tell anyone, the best doctor ever, where was this doctor when he was in school? What I always had. actually, being almost dying to get a medical network like I couldn't just walk in and go like a few days without tests, know that I would never fly, I would have to crawl and have a huge fever. dying a lot and they would say he is faking it and I say: see? and they say: okay, are you sure you're not faking? rash on my butt can I text you please don't do that why not because I'm your dentist dentist fix your teeth we don't want to look at your butt rashes send it to your butt doctor your doctor your butt doctor, but not your dentist, they They try hard enough, since it's a play on words.
funny doctor   patient texts
I'm going to need to schedule you for two erections tomorrow. What can I get a second opinion? I don't think I want them. Oh, I mean, injections are still difficult, let's move on. I'm talking about erections again because injections are horrible, dr. Alan, I think I got a girl pregnant, can you test me? I'll give you a test to see what doesn't work so Jake no, the girl needs to get tested, oh poor Jake. I mean, if you don't understand how pregnancy works, I guess you do. You're too young to get people pregnant, what are you doing?
At least know the basics before you start doing things like that damn Robert, you need to lose some weight, your cholesterol is dangerously high, don't worry, I just lost a hundred and something. thirty pounds, how did I just leave my wife? Damn, he doesn't seem bothered by it either, it seems like he's very happy about it, maybe she wasn't a good person, that's what we can assume she wasn't a good person and he was. Like, yeah, yeah, hey doctor, I have a terrible cup key, okay, have you tried giving him bananas? What does your last text message look like?
Oh my God, I have a migraine. Now this is a doctor with a sense of humor. It's like you know I'm just going to guess he meant the monkey and I'm going to tell him to give the monkey bananas because monkeys like bananas. How good do my x-rays look? You have a broken rib, but you'll be fine. You can fix it? Yes, with Photoshop apart from that. I'll just need time to heal Why are my doctors never this funny? My doctors say, "Okay, what's wrong?" and then you try to make a joke and they tell you that they look at you very seriously and you say no, I feel stupid.
I'm the one trying to make jokes and they tell me no you're not funny go back to your YouTube channel doctor I can't pay this bill it's crazy you showed up to the ER drunk and then they put oxygen tanks on your back and you pretended they were jet packs the air is free although you're lucky we didn't call the police do this i mean if you do this you should expect to pay the bill i want to know what the bill is for tying the oxygen tanks to your back and pretending they are there jetpacks like what's the cost of that bill? we need to know the answers.
I'm trying to be very strict with you, you need to start losing weight, it's for your health, yes, but big bones run our family. oh no, no, the problem is that no one is hereditary in your family. Couldn't he have found a better way to say that was too much, that was too much? I really feel like I could have been nicer about that, I guess him. he was nice here he was like it's for his health let's do this it was a little unnecessary he definitely has an upper respiratory infection I know, stop telling me doctor oh you're talking to this person can I get a second opinion?
Sure, sure, ugly a little too. well doctor, humor, this person is not impressed, imagine you are a doctor, that allows you. I would be devastated for the rest of my life. I can handle people calling me ugly, but if my doctor called me ugly, I would say, but you really are. Smart, does that mean it's true like I'm devastated forever? It goes back to what I said earlier about how I believe everything my doctor tells me. Besides, I'm used to it anyway from the comments I get this every day. so I'm wondering if I at least have a good personality oh man guys hey I need a reference for John do you know James?
Wow, no universities or however you spell it, the bacon doctor, sorry, the vagina doctor, not the bacon. I don't need a bacon doctor, bacon doctor, it's one thing, what do they do, they just give us bacon, they're like curing us with bacon, curing with bacon, oh man, that's got to be something you imagine could do you like instead of going to Go to the doctor and take all those disgusting pills. You could eat bacon and you say, I feel so much better. I think you could. It would simply be a placebo effect. I'm prescribing you anti-inflammatories.
You just seriously injured your horse. Okay, dolls. I'm sorry. this just sounds like the person is abusive what doctor you just turned him into a criminal it's good that you corrected yourself because I was like what's going on okay dolls the person hurt their wrists oh wait they're still okay Although, true friend, you're okay, you're not You're not bruised, you're okay, how are you feeling? Are you continuing with your antibiotics? Yes, thank you, it's terrible. I never understand it now. That's a completely different conversation. I mean, sick. I never get sick. I mean, personally, I hope people never uninstall it. autocorrect because then we would never have these awesome text messages to watch on the shed, then we would never have these awesome text messages to watch on this channel.
This is very funny, imagine accessing this year, doctor, the shame, this is to confirm that your appointment. with dr. Barnes is scheduled for February 12 at 10:00 a.m. m., so this is not a computer generated message, we have to send confirmations through our personal phones, this person thought they were receiving one of those automatic messages that a computer sends that no one sends and they responded with this rudeness and then they and then they criticized them. This is so embarrassing at this point that you practically have to get a new doctor like you can never go back to that clinic.
You have to change cities. change name new doctor everything I feel terrible do you have the flu? I'm not sure. I was tested for the flu last week. Do you have pressure in your anus? WTF. I have sinus pressure. I'm sorry for the embarrassment. Well, I don't know, guys. I am very sick right now. I have sinus pressure. I'm sobbing and coughing but it's okay, I'm just trying to keep my morale up during my days and you know I'll get better. eventually just trying to try to make this happen, there you have it guys text messages for


s and doctors.
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