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Funniest Moments That Made Judges Laugh on X Factor | Top Talent

Apr 27, 2020
What's your name? My neighbor, so tell me a little about yourself. Dawn. I was an apprentice jockey. What an apprentice hockey player. No, a racing jockey. What's funny? It's just different. I just can't see that you are fixing errors. I'm sorry, can I just look at his words? Yes, absolutely, and you can, will you come in so tired of having your hearts broken and losing this game? Sorry, I'm going to leave Louie knowing that he just go and go, oh, this is not going. Well, don't just turn up the volume a little, you're so tired of heartbreak and losing Sharon Louie, leave the table please, because Madonna is trying to say, you know what you two should go to the door next door and let this girl sing like she means it, leave the table, she's fine, okay, you judge the power line, how would we know?
funniest moments that made judges laugh on x factor top talent
It's better, thank you, we should go to the choir. I don't think we'll get there, cherish the strength, the power, make me feel good, oh baby. leave the thought here no, it's exactly this time Danny, you should go too, so try again oh no Hey, look at your eyeshadow oh thanks, what's your name? My name is viola viola and what brings you here today. Be cocky oh I like that way of thinking, you mean you want to be on the show forever. Yes, Larry too. Good luck. Just the introduction. Thank you and tell me something about yourself.
funniest moments that made judges laugh on x factor top talent

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funniest moments that made judges laugh on x factor top talent...

Can I say I'm a famous guy? What were you famous? for that big package I just can't get you out of my head voice anymore than I died to think about my friends a friend Seth Mayfair sup my friend that man will stay forever fabulous hello everyone what's your name mooch Aneta but my stage? the name will be lady or favor lady a favor yes how to do it is a favor no how I am favored I am special I am a queen oh cute okay yes and how old are you? I'm 30 okay, yes, yes, okay, thank you very much another Simon I felt like I was being scolded for all the shit what's not a baby what are you going to sing today a horse that's like busted good luck I'm waiting for stairs I like the way you dress you know I hate flattening but a few much better I prepare my Milan and you a love letter I dirty my pants H to O to the end to the e to the whites the G is honey G H to the O to the N to the e to the Y to the G is liquid G when I say honey, you say geez, honey, honey, okay, when I say honey, you say face, honey, honey, look, it's a disaster, let's start the party at the house, if you do it nails, get a pedicure, comb your hair, buddy, yeah, would you do that too?
funniest moments that made judges laugh on x factor top talent
Say guys, I don't believe it. Does your mom think about this? Some of my songs have bad words. My mom doesn't like that, but other than that, she's down with me. She make her stop. You know, I'm having a nervous breakdown there. It's so awkward, that shouldn't happen, they shouldn't be doing that, come on guys, they have filming, did they say we have to feel them? Yes, they don't want to feel them. I felt them and I don't want to feel them again. Nicole, did you enjoy Ewan? Yes, I was really feeling it. He was feeling it thank you.
funniest moments that made judges laugh on x factor top talent
I love it please, please just end. Oh, let's vote. Whether it's yes or no, honey. I'm going to say yes, thank you very much, Simon, I'm not included. well make up your own mind honey Jean because I love him so much would you say I'm going to say yes, yes I see you've become a CEO tomboy oh my god bless us. Awesome with the sound deep inside you, you're the best of friends, Lisa said. shocking and embarrassing, you actually didn't even try, you didn't try to sing, you hadn't learned the word, yeah, but your attitude is so bad, I actually quite like you girls, I mean, if you weren't totally prepared to audition, like they just left. street really needs me because of something wrong with my hearing.
I wasn't hearing anything good, trust me, Cheryl, what do you think? and cheese for a


, seriously, girls embouchure, I think this is a joke, honey, okay, we're going to have to do it. vote here I think Louis yes or no fun and cheese it seems like he said yes then I can do where he found us I think there is nothing to thank thank you thank you you came in your name was champagne you sounded like house wine I mean that kind of sums up the performance, there you are, that's the problem. Could you raise your glasses so we can see what it is?
That is better. You know there's no point in sitting here pretending that someone who sounds bad will still do well. that is the reality it is a shame because the image is very good it seems that he works in a poultry


y he has two pairs of sunglasses and a plastic microphone how can you say English in which one is good is what is different what he does looks like the deli counter is saying happy wait no no honestly champagne not good enough champagne champagne champagne if we're going to say no ok Louis yes or no ok you're not going to change your mind champagne champagne Oh en boa oh and boy Owen boin boin boin boin boin boin boin boin window goes and enters my window enters the window and looks at me with a window in a window in a window a window with Joey we know it for him but with the window with the window with a window in a window Yeah, yeah, you'd rather I guess you're not very busy, so is it popular?
There are currently 45 members on the website. How have you been running just for yourself? Yes that's for money, yes guys you have to get help. in this poem it's for you Louie no one can understand I look at you on a Saturday I long to touch your hand I want to caress your Irish smile I want to comb your hair I'm screaming at the TV but you don't know I'm there, okay? So what are you going to sing? Louie, I'm going to sing, my heart will go on for Celine Dion, this is just for you, look, okay, well, we'll take a step back from this, I think we'll really let it go.
Louie heavy you just say you go every night in my dreams I see you I feel you that's how I know you carry on one more time you open the door and you're here in my heart and my heart will carry on then Oh Vicki that was very very good a very difficult song of singing and you did two very, very well I think you sign from the heart I don't know where my fellow


think oh I thought you were very very good thank you yes or no oh absolutely yes sermon shown any comment any comment no, no, it's your decision, little baby this is on your shoulders because this is for you Louie we wouldn't want to steal it from you well Vicki you


it to the next round congratulations stand on the X please your name is.
Debbie Stephens and Debbie, why are you here today? Because I have the X Factor. I know I can win and I really do. Yeah, how good are you? I'm amazing, so Debra, what are you going to sing? Sing When You Believe by Whitney, You're Something Like Mariah Carey, Okay, Great Song, There Can Be Miracles When You Believe, Though Hope is Fragile, It's Hard to Kill, Who Knows What Miracles We Can Achieve When You Believe, Somehow, You Will , when you believe. Thanks, Debra, what. she was so good um your voice is ok you have no star qualities no charisma no charisma yes I agree with Sharon a bit like a pub singer I thought really yes I felt your confidence was a bit deceived Debra the reality you are You're not very good now you know what you were the whiny person I didn't want to see today because I really want to slap you now but you're not a good suit I'm not a good singer that's why I've been a singer since I was six and all the people that I've met, people who don't even like me, have come up to me and told me I have an amazing voice, you can't see me.
I want to be something I really don't care what you think you can't sing you have no way of knowing go well Louis yes or no absolutely 100% rubbish she has a very bad attitude I think she will never be a star in the music I know I like never I'll be a star I'm already a star Sharon decides to take her out of the room but Deb isn't done yet Debbie returns furious Louise sees what's coming I saw it coming yes before her you did it to me you're supposed to do that you can't throw water on him singer she was doing it to me you weren't sure about her she turned to me you know dreams are hard to follow but so many 100's and there will be a tomorrow in time, you'll find out I'm going to stop this, it's far away, far away, Mariah Carey, it's my voice, no, you need to help, Lima, no, so when trouble comes, I'm Steve, you. lift me up so I can stand in the mountains you lift me up to walk in stormy seas I'm strong when I'm on your show lift me up so I can stand in the mountains you lift me up to walk in stormy seas I'm stronger than I can be, lift me up so I can stand up, lift me up even more than no, no, no, no, selling you is an aid to sleep.
I've never heard anything more boring in my life, okay, from the look in your eyes. I can tell you're going to cry for me, if so, save your tears because I'm not worth it, you see, I'm the kind of guy that's always, oh no, wherever I put my hat, that's my home. I'm telling you that's my house, well that's the worst we've had today. A question. David, who was the person who told you you could sing? You're Jule oh this is your daughter-in-law oh don't you think oh nothing oh no and who's Lorraine this is me oh why are you with her I'm just supportive oh yes it's her just good well I think it's all very well just stay there okay then Lorraine, do you have the X Factor?
I have why you are going to say that I am going to sing, the beguine begins, go, thank you, under the stars and by the shore, and the orchestras are even playing. The palms seem to sway when they begin the beguine. Thank you so much. Land. What did you think was lifeless? What did you think I liked it all? Would you buy it well, guys? Yes, a little biased. Well, look, I've been concentrating on singing. creepy I mean there are other problems I mean you know lack of personality performance all those things he was just it was terrible okay let's sum this up I'm saying no I'm going to have to say no and I mean Simon yeah, I know absolutely, I'm afraid I'll have to say no, Lorraine, the competition is over for Lorraine, but mother-in-law Edna is not happy with Simon if this is not because he


ed, he laughed in this room, he left, Edna didn't can. holding back, shattered dreams around the world, but this time Mr.
Nasty has gone too far one of the most powerful men in music is about to meet his partner Edna What have I done? What have you done? Keep laughing you know you don't know you don't know no I apologize oh no Simon you love everything he uses listen listen I remember this is really embarrassing listen okay you think you're better than anyone else I think you were very ignorant yes you were ignorant Simon I'm sorry how are you? Thank you very much well what is your name sir J star Valentine is my stage is a star, my name is J star Valentine, I am 19 years old and I am from west London.
The J stands for jr. and under the star it will have a star quality. I am a part-time model. I'm going to leave a hard mark on that room, so when I leave they're going to be talking about me, he was that guy. Oh J star, I think. It could be the next big thing and when did you get started in music? I was about 16 years old. I started doing concerts and you think you can win. I'm sure, I'm sure, let's do it. Okay, what are you going to sing for us? My own version of Arizona Berk hallelujah oh great okay good luck okay good voice easy the older package the boy barafu composing hallelujah yes hallelujah ooh ah you to a kitchen chair she broke a keychain and cuts your hair I'm from it's not so you see the light it's a call it's a runner hello yes, yes, I've heard many versions of that song, but nothing.
A stranger has died. You sang that song like a ghost screams. I couldn't understand if it was weird or I mean it's really weird, were you serious no just nervous yeah we're not connecting the dots it's not as musical as maybe you're hearing it inside your head okay let's vote right now, you need three yeses, it will have to be a no from me. it's a no family it has to be a no from me when you're four you know thank you for coming it was in itself and even when I walked into UPS it wasn't me yeah we didn't expect that Percy, the two year old Spanish Penelope has been living in Ireland for the last nine years very nervous what's your name another rubbery piece you Spanish I'm yes, from Bologna, okay Penelope and what are you going to do for us today Oh, a rainbow, it's better with that about the rainbow, oh, okay Okay, okay, just sing, sing, fields, are you ready?
You remember me because there are ways we move over the barley fields. You would forget the sun in its jealous sky as we welcome you. I'll be back with Sharon Louie, yeah, yeah, she's so funny. different she entertained me it was very fun very very fun same I'm going to say no I'm going to say yes

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