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Funniest Celebrity Send To All Replies! | Michael McIntyre

Jun 09, 2020
Let's hear it from Joe, what a great sport I have in my possession, so let's remember what the text was. Hello, I am doing a massage course for all different body shapes. I really think it would be perfect, are you up for it? My God. He's a classic farmer, yeah, how do you know the farmer crashes? Because I was at this party, yes, and in the field, and I was going to surprise my husband and buy him some sheep. Yes, surprise blow, sir. machine, yes we chatted so I took his number, it was about possibly purchasing some sheep, yes he's a farmer, his name is clive, he's on your phone, I'm permanently in the lambing shed at the moment so it would have to be on. a bale of straw, let's remember the text message we sent to Bradley's phone.
funniest celebrity send to all replies michael mcintyre
I just woke up from a nap and had the strangest dream. He was lying on a beach between the chasing beasts and a Dalek being stabbed. Zayn Malik cocktails under you massaging. Sun cream on my thighs hugging me, your highness, what do you think it means? Brad, well, we'll continue with this, okay, Matt up yard, what is Matt up yard, who is he? Matt up the yard, he lives at the end of your yard, this is it. It's just a question of the yard, it's just a yard, a yard is like, you know, workshops and stuff, yeah, yeah, a mechanic's yard, well, yeah, but he does it, he even wraps cars, yeah, I don't mean I wrapped the boys up, Matt, so Matt picks you up.
funniest celebrity send to all replies michael mcintyre

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Seriously though, it probably means you need to take a moment to connect and have some quiet time. Try some meditation. Let me know if you need help with that. Matt orders meditation crystals. Anything Mac has tried. Can you do it on Tuesday? Two o'clock from the text I sent to Holly's phone earlier, as you know I'm a global style icon, this morning I'm doing a feature where I help people with no dress sense at all and I immediately thought of you, What was that horrible thing you were? using the emoji from last time i saw you throwing up i hope you're not offended but could you come with some of your outfits for the filler line for a laugh in return you'll get a whole new wardrobe what do you say i need to know ASAP possible?
funniest celebrity send to all replies michael mcintyre
I love Holly 300. She's an old school friend who had a victim. Yes, it's good to know that the last time I saw you was on my wedding day. the shake and that burst that I love and I think people started responding to that even before I said this. The second text message, sorry, that text wasn't for you. I need you to promise me in capital letters that you won't tell anyone. about that let me know im panicking alfie yeah vlogger blogger alfie deyes people know about alpha day on my way to deliver it to you wait just 12 nuggets last time you smashed 24 dexter fletcher yeah what did he say?
funniest celebrity send to all replies michael mcintyre
What's going on? Jake who? I'm coming, I've got you. I knew it well. I will keep your secret, but you have to promise to come in the week and cook my Nana curry. Let's remember the text message I sent earlier tonight to Cheryl's phone. Hello baby, I'm receiving. Private art lessons and my assignment this week is to draw life. Could you come and pose naked for me? It will only take us a few hours. We can take a nice nap and don't worry, I'll turn up the heat if you. I'd rather we could put fruit grape emojis and stuff like that in front of your naughty bits please let me know tonight so the text goes out and the texts have been flying and I thought I'd start with daddy where's , where is he, where is dad, he's in New Castle, is he? in New Castle I have to say that's a really brilliant text message, he's just a text message, it's cold up here, I'll just need a grape, I'm VB Victoria Beckham Victoria Beckham, what's a word and a question mark, sorry, you should have it on your phone and I sent it with the text of an official letter from Downing Street inviting you on behalf of the Queen to become a knight of the realm and with that photograph was this text this has just arrived special delivery arise Mr.
Danny this is Totally spam to me, it's an order but it will damage my tough man image. I trust your opinion, maluf, should I accept or tell him to run in front of the camera? It's amazing, are you sure it's not a sale? no one's having you, you've gotta try, boy, that's the crazy one, damn it, the first brexit now dies, he's getting a knighthood. Feeling a little insecure, do you think I am? It's still hot, I mean Harry Styles Bieber, that guy who plays Paul Doc, can I still compete with these guys? Who is Amanda Abbington?
The actress he just texted is that guy from Westlife. I think she deserves the tanks. Yes, you dare a lot. Who is Russell? Look, that's Russell. Crowe Russell Crowe ta-dah my name is Maximus Aurelius Maximus father murdered sons were murdered father will receive my revenge Revathy I really didn't want him to answer anything come up crow does anyone have your phone buddy yes I have his phone and my name is Maximus so I told him that was going to happen to Russell Crowe like something awkward, she smiled at me on the subway, she just texted me, yeah, I was standing here, just come by, I just want to hold this phone all night, okay, jail, Ronan de Unser, you are the king, everyone is simply. cheap imitations of you you always will it's not finished you will always be number one PS we should be together this is the text we sent earlier wonderful news that Bev enjoys they have announced through a dog whisperer that they want to get married in a civil association Adele has agreed to give Joyce away and we would be honored if you would walk Bev down the aisle in parentheses, don't worry we will provide poop bags for guests to eat in dog bowls and there will be a DJ set from Snoop Dogg .
Let me know if you're up for it and if you have any other ideas to make this the wedding of the century in parentheses, don't hold back, okay, magazine, okay, who is Andreas Wild? Oh, German hairdresser, toast, Isis, a German hairdresser named Andrea, I know. who is the forty, yes, Vava, okay, so it started with my God, Isis under the earth of God. I'm already planning my outfit, yes, I will do their hair and Sebastian is the best. You, this is partly positive. Dear Johnny Sebastian, he is making a sausage pie, another test. This is so exciting.
I just told everyone in Germany. I just told everyone in Germany where I am at the moment. Well, no one knows who you are, but they are very happy for you anyway. Brilliant from Chris Moyles, this one from Chris Mars just says


. My love to Michael, so he obviously knows what's going on. I guess you're on his show because you haven't texted me since 2013. Sebastian is that bobsledder Andreas, he's the one who baked the Frankfurt cake. Oh, brilliant, very funny, happy to love, but. I feel sorry for Bev's downwind bridesmaid. Excellent outdoor news. A ship arrived.
It was terrifying. First bonus. You should invite Sir Kenneth. The dog Lee. Match of the day together naked, what do you think it means? F Flintoff, who I guess is the big Englishman he has with the weirdest part, but it's not me or being naked, it's actually you presenting the match of the day, whose squawk is my best friend. from Wales one of your best friends in Wales hello geese trust family a good companion interesting dreaming about a close friend can mean you miss him there are several meanings to being naked obviously googled this let me look it up and do some research on it y'all you are the match of the day.
I can understand that this is unbelievable to me, uh, anyone, which makes it intriguing. Let me take a look at it. Have you dreamed about me or being naked before texting the keys? Some research suggests, but we are naked it's a thing of insecurity and you feel like you have no control, everything is fine with family and work, a watch out of him Rocco is a thief, I bought him a watch, yes, he just said something hard, oh, and it started with cool thinking person emojis going for five hard thoughts with this I think it means you're possibly working too hard.
I just asked my missus what she thinks it means and she was even more devastated because it wasn't her performance day, yes we totally were. We naked wear watches, she has three words, do you like me, possibly the most awkward text message I've ever had to write if it were me, I'd like to know that you have really bad breath, please tell me I did the right thing by telling me. You, Zomba, now we come across tapestry Jane, why does she show, yes, yes, so what did the pasta do to you? Oh, she said acrobatics on some chairs, bark, not chess, yeah, Xander, probably the most awkward text I've ever responded to, especially since I haven't spoken. for at least two years is that you forgot to pick up your chair, oh, and of course, you have the right to tell me, Jane, that's why she didn't pick up Cygnus in the chair that you never picked up, you never picked up this J, she is currently .
Sitting at home, this is a hoax, she knows it. Church that is not safe, that safe, in fact, she was the one who pushed the whore out of the church. I am very sorry to assume that she was a Welsh singer. She okay, she robbed the plumber. I guess it's the plumber if the plan is called I don't care if my breath smells as long as you pay my bill events delivered from the party conference so I'm having my own party Anton de Becque is here Delia is making canapes and storms he comes in parentheses imitates the guy with a glass tip, get down here Gangnam style, the best jug with points.
Rinder texted ed. Have you been drinking? food lover be loved as a radio host yes yes oh she's good simple phrase how we all wish you had become Chancellor three waingro is the person who used to live next door to us he's a Methodist vicar he's really good so the Methodist vicar who lives next door to you who has been invited to join you in a hot tub with Anton de Becque and Delia Smith because he answered: I'll finish writing my sermon and then I'll grab my towel you you

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