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FULL VIDEO: Police chase vehicle near South LA

Apr 16, 2024
108 uh and we continue heading east, now weaving away from oncoming traffic and now coming back the right way now and coming back the wrong way again running through this intersection it looks like it was green there now we're going north on McKinley Again, this is one of those searches that seems to be circling a particular area that we have stayed in the South La Watts area throughout these searches. We approach in an approaching work truck. Another


was approaching right there and this guy was just doing these evasive maneuvers. Now one of the passengers there looked like he had his hands sticking out the window again and still on his phone, so some very erratic driving and some very interesting behavior on the part of these Pursuit suspects.
full video police chase vehicle near south la
Now that the LAPD continues this


through South Los Angeles, it's interesting to say the least, but it's more dangerous and it looked like that guy was doing a selfie job in that car. I think that's what he was doing because he was on the phone and you. I could also see the driver, so I think this is, I mean, they seem to be enjoying this moment, but this is extremely difficult because the first few surface streets are a very busy neighborhood and they go on the wrong side of the street. road like you said chat there are no officers chasing them directly behind them maybe they are aware of a helicopter maybe not however this is a danger to this community yes definitely in danger to the community due to wrong way driving and stop running. lights and red lights and things of that nature, driving around traffic very radically if you see this


in the area, just try to keep your distance if you're in the neighborhood, close your doors and windows, we've heard the LAPD is dealing with this as a possibly armed suspect, so that increases the danger level and so, you see this driver going the wrong way on Central Avenue in Watson, now back on the right side of the road, continuing


, it looks like he's the left, the driver.
full video police chase vehicle near south la

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full video police chase vehicle near south la...

The side window is now up. I don't remember if this side of the window was rolled down before or if it was just those windows on the right side, but we continued this erratic driving. It's getting closer, let's see what it looks like. like we're still on Central Avenue and uh he's in that left turn lane, this could be a red light, run a red light, turn right and now continue on 114th Street, there's a lot of traffic on the area, rush hour is approaching now, but we. We're still doing these circles in the air and you can see those right side windows there, both the right side passenger and the rear passenger.
full video police chase vehicle near south la
They have their windows down, so it looks like they are enjoying this joyous ride. Continue making almost circles around the Watson South La area. We're going to try to get uh air7 HD a little closer to this vehicle as it maneuvers through LAX airspace, but we'll continue to keep an eye on this, the worst! type of


s that we don't want to see on the surface streets driving erratically like that and especially at this time of day when children may be on the street and it is very dangerous to see this, we have already seen it.
full video police chase vehicle near south la
There are so many people on the streets and at least it's okay, there are some garbage containers on the road. Heit one of the garbage containers, fortunately it did not hit that other vehicle. You can see there now, some LAPD vehicles are possibly coming back, at least doing so. His presence is known. I haven't heard if they are actively returning to an active pursuit mode. They're keeping a little distance right now in hopes of at least curbing some of the erratic driving we've seen in this. driver, but even going into follow or follow mode, as the LAPD calls it, does not seem to alter the behavior of this driver's input as we continue, it appears that we are going


on Avalon, as we continue with this chase.
Gabe according to your information. The damage to this car could possibly have occurred as a result of this pursuit or at least at the beginning of this Pursuit. We heard that the vehicle possibly had an accident earlier in this Pursuit, but we don't believe it was over a well or anything of that nature. We heard the LAPD ask for permission to dig holes earlier in this chase, they also asked for permission for spike strips, which They were previously denied and you can see that there are several LAPD units, it looks like five LAPD. Units continue to maintain a close distance, or at least keep a good distance from this vehicle to keep an eye on where it is, but not stay too close behind it to put additional pressure on this vehicle.
We are learning something. additional information now that this is a vehicle reported stolen which makes it a little difficult for LAPD to figure out exactly who might be driving this vehicle and that could be why LAPD is keeping a close eye on this and making sure no they do it. Losing sight of him without putting too much pressure on the driver now that we're heading east on the street Looks like they're flashing signs out the window, that's what it looked like the guy in the back seat was flashing some kind of sign when they rounded that curve. , you're right, David, um, so we know this is what we know, at least three people are in the car, it's called a stolen vehicle pursuit, but there's also a concern that they believe that at least one of these guys could be armed It's a dangerous situation not only because of his driving, but also because of what will happen when we get to the end of this chase, which will eventually end, and as they continue to go through all these tight places in the neighborhood, it seems that an ice cream truck or a food truck there possibly making contact with that car continuing west on 106, sure looked like we saw it go through all those stop signs back and forth, maybe they can put in a spike strip.
Find out if they keep hanging around that area, well, Gabe said they were denied at first. I'm not sure I know what the contemplation is when it comes to spike strips and hole maneuvers, although they're doing a lot of thinking, maybe they'll decide eventually. put a spike strip on this guy, uh, because he is, he's very dangerous and they have to stop this guy, especially when he's going on the wrong side of the road, no joke, yeah, he's there, blink, he's blinking, they need to enjoy. this last joyful ride before yes, wow and it almost seems as if the passenger in the front seat is laughing.
He was talking on the phone earlier. They are definitely enjoying their 15 minutes of fame while driving completely dangerously. They seem to make a uh. Turn right heading east on Sentry uh and uh like you said David, there's one of the passengers watching us in the helicopter, they have to keep an eye out for us down here and we heard the LAPD helicopter uh asking the ground units. back up a bit to hope


y take some of the pressure off this driver, and as far as the spike strips go, the driver is circling the same general area but not staying exactly on the same road, so It's still a little hard to predict. exactly where this driver will go and where he will turn making a left turn now in Clovis, we have been in Clovis before so he is definitely traveling the same streets, probably staying in an area he is familiar with, yes, but no in a specific pattern, so it's hard to predict exactly continuing northbound now in Clovis.
At least this street is a little more open. Yeah, what was that about David? At least this street is a little more open. It's not a hard squeeze and there is some room for them. to move exactly, you know you don't know what the end goal is here and what the way they eventually decide to do it is, but I'm not sure if Law Enforcement will let these guys go considering what they know now, yeah, one of the uh a little bit. A little more open road in the area as we make some sort of aggressive left turn, going the wrong way, possibly making contact with an SUV that is now on the right side of the road, it looks like we are going west. along 922nd Street, uh, some of the roads in this area provide a little bit safer crossing, although at these speeds with this erratic behavior you can see that they are using the center median to avoid traffic.
Any of these ways of driving are not safe at this speed and at this magnitude it looks like we're making a north turn on McKinley, left turn on 91st Street, staying in these residential areas, like you notice that some of these streets residential areas are a little more open and a little easier for this suspect to get through. You can see some pedestrians that are on these roads and as we said, it's close to rush hour, school let out about an hour ago, a couple of hours ago, so you see possibly young people on the street as we go, it looks like a Turn east onto Avalon and now continue to speed and swerve other vehicles.
It appears that three suspects in a Hyundai continue their journey through South Los Angeles and continue down 89th Street, now heading west and LAPD is still considering this as a form of tailgating. situation right now they have their LAPD helicopter hovering overhead but they keep the units on the ground keeping them at a distance as they follow so they have a lot of units in the area once they see the uh pattern of If a suspect stays in the same area of ​​the diary , they will begin positioning units in various parts of the area, so if the suspect had to post bail, if he got out and fled, it wouldn't just be the pursuing units in the area. that are actually following that, they will have to deal with the fact that they have other units that can join in and begin to assist with the apprehension of these suspects.
It looks like that vehicle almost has some air in there as we continue at a high speed on 88th Street heading west, uh, coming to another intersection here, it looks like there's a red light, there's oncoming traffic, so which is suspicious, very smartly slow down and turn right there heading north on Main Street and we've been on this street before seeing what this suspect is doing. Hope


y, there isn't too much traffic on the street that this suspect has to deal with. And we're going to move Air7 to see if we can figure out where. the suspect turns around after that yeah keep in mind that at home if you have friends or loved ones that live in this general area they all have to lock their doors because we don't know some of these times they get out of the car and try stealing someone else's car or racing into some neighborhood, um, but again driving this so erratically and dangerously, this is one of those scary chases that makes your palm sweat when you watch it, yeah, we've seen this before where it is so erratic. and it's so dangerous that you think for sure that he's going to have an accident, but many times it will end in a surprising way, but you definitely don't want something tragic to happen at the end of this chase.
They're clearly not taking their behavior seriously and, um, I just hope we get lucky here and somehow this comes to an end without anyone getting hurt, especially with these narrow streets. I'm just a Gass right now because of how relaxed the driver and suspect look. You can see the driver with just one. with my hand on the wheel before, I was just going for, you know, an afternoon Joy Ride like any other as we approach other oncoming traffic, there's some oncoming cross traffic heading in the direction west on San Pedro Street now and you can see that the driver is there.
The passenger, the passenger, makes some gestures, makes a sharp right turn now on 89th Street and from the damage to this vehicle, you can see that this driver does not care about damaging the vehicle and continuing because This vehicle has been in accidents before we've seen him hit other things, possibly hit other vehicles, it's hard to tell because those things happen so quickly, but as we go through these neighborhoods that are possibly a little tight, you have to wonder. if this suspect is going to hit something or how this will end properly and we still don't know for sure if there is a fourth person in this vehicle, the windows are covered so it's hard to look in and they have been climbing up the entire time in the driver's side of the vehicle, on the passenger side, they've been down and it's very clear that there are at least three people, we don't know if that fourth person is there, yeah, we've only been. able to confirm the three people in the vehicle, the LAPD units and the air unit have only been able to confirm three people as well because, like you said, those windows are tinted and that's something the LAPD as we go through a stop sign there at 89th and Wadsworth, uh, that's something the LAPD often has to deal with when, uh, draggingscene looking for ring camera


s and things of that nature to see if they can get better images of who this suspect was.
We believe the suspects are in this pink color. uh, apartment complex, so to speak, Jay, I'm, I'm watching, copy YouTube, if you're keeping track at home. I know a lot of people like to monitor scanner frequencies, they seem to have changed. southeast of Simplex, so we're going to monitor that and see what else we can learn about this. We are hearing from other sources that a weapon may have been found in the vehicle, which goes along with the previous suspicion that the LAPD was working with that these suspects were possibly armed. Did you see LAPD enter that building?
A Why do I now think they are dealing with something on the street because they are talking about a possible arrest? a couple of people, that's the chase vehicle, it looks like they've cleaned the vehicle and taken those items out, put them on the roof, copy J and this was the original chase vehicle. LAPD conducted a search of that vehicle now St they ran into what else oh wow the copy really got this was the one we saw leaving the apartment so they stopped these three or is it because they were coming this way but were we us on the other side?
I know where that other accident was, yes, because that is the Nissan Ultima 63 Zu or ugc 063, which one is it? Oh, that's 94. Okay, so it's different, yeah, from the one that's live or the one that's on tape, uh 063. Yeah, it looks like he said three in custody and there they are, oh, there's no delay in this, we're trying to figure out, uh, if you're still with us on one of our broadcasts, we're trying to figure out who those individuals are that have been detained. against the back wall, what relationship do they have with this whole scene.
The LAPD has detained those individuals and we were in contact with the air unit, who informed us that those individuals did have a weapon and the air unit also informed us. that they found a gun in the suspect vehicle from the original Pursuit, so there's a lot to gather here as the LAPD still has their eyes on this pink house where we believe the suspects from the original Pursuit are now on a perimeter. the area with the LAPD air unit and ground units to ensure that no one enters or leaves the area without being seen or noticed and the next step will be for the LAPD to make the decision on how to proceed if they move into the house or wait, They have the time factor on their side.
The LAPD can wait here all day and all night. They could have other units that will start reporting to work later that day and they can take over this scene and relieve the officers that are already on this scene and they can wait for these suspects to come out if they have to go where is this layer of Marines, wasn't it sunny before? I'm in the Simplex I still think it's just them. They're talking to each other right now, yeah, no, it's been, it's been great, thanks for, oh, they said where was that, why is it just the search copy, we're calling this Sur, laj, you said TW uh 28 Rob, thanks 30, yeah, um?
We'll see they have


too, so okay, yeah, David and Javana, uh, this is the 2800 block of Willow Street, you can see their LAPD officers with their guns drawn in this apartment building there, which is where they think What do these think, uh, a couple of the suspects have run after this wild chase, let's take a look at a video here and see what this chase looked like before, we stayed in the South Los Angeles area, we weren't actually going on highways, but we drove erratically a lot. driving the wrong way down the street many uh possibly sideswiping other vehicles uh looking at the live footage now uh LAPD has Willow closed just north of Long Beach Boulevard now they've arrested three additional suspects uh it's unknown what their connection is.
It's with this whole scene, but they're going to talk to them and try to gather that information. A gun was also discovered in the original Pursuit suspect's vehicle. We will keep an eye on this and provide you with an update. This confrontation continues in South Los Angeles for now live on air7hd gab Santos ABC7 Eyewitness News

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