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May 11, 2024
Yes, RCTI spectators wherever you are and of course national team fans, we will see the Japan lineup, coach Hajiiasu, make several changes, Bung Wesli. Yes, the changes are really cool. The goalkeeper remains, then the midfielder Endo in the middle and his attacking midfielder, Takevu Sakbo, the rest is replaced by Bungo so behind there is no longer Sugawara Taniguchi Itira Hito, all replaced by Timikuma Tomiasu Machida and Nakayama with a 42 31 The formation, of course, as the only striker is Ueda up front and this will be very interesting because, in fact, they have learned a lot after the defeat, which was a big blow for Japan, this time Uweda is now the starter and substitute in the previous one.
full match indonesia vs japan afc asian cup qatar 2023
Two games. This is an opportunity for you to prove it. And I hope it fails and Indonesia takes advantage. Whoever wins will surely qualify, even if there is a draw, of course they will still have to wait for the


in another group where Bahrain. We also have chances and also Oman being kgistan still has chances in tomorrow's


. Our rival is also Omanistan, yes, the Garuda national team is still defending and seeing the current situation, I expect many surprises in defense. Because for me the defense is quite well united and solid. In terms of communication, the entry of Rizki Rid is not too problematic, the change is no longer Asnawi on the right side, Joni Ahmad and Sadi WS are the three pillars.
full match indonesia vs japan afc asian cup qatar 2023

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full match indonesia vs japan afc asian cup qatar 2023...

Ernando Ari, we hope he plays well tonight. Good prayers, our spectators will immediately head to the stadium to watch the first round of the Japan vs Indonesia match, it will be hosted by Bung Hadi Ahai Kudawan accompanied by Bung Wesle H. Enjoy watching please. , Bung Ahai, thank you, Bung, good evening, sporting greetings, RCTI viewers wherever they are around the world Nusantara will soon be Qatar referee Khamis Muhammad Almi who will sound the FL signal at the start of the first round . The last game at the top of Group D of the 20023 Asian Cup between Japan and Indonesia at the Tumama Stadium, which saw the elimination of Portugal with a goal from Moroccan Yusuf Alnasi, is just a sign that Indonesia is capable of achieving this. miracles in this stadium, Bung Wesley, nothing is impossible, Bung Hadi, we hope our players concentrate, concentrate, do not be afraid, okay, do not feel inferior with the big names of Japan, yes, Japan for With almost everyone the players who do not appear, yes, European players who did not appear as central players when they faced Vietnam and Iraq, there are eight changes in the central position, while Indonesia has Rizk Rido who will play in the central position.
full match indonesia vs japan afc asian cup qatar 2023
This will indicate that Japan really wants to surprise Indonesia and also Indonesia should be careful with what happened to the Japanese national team, brother Wesle, that's right, I compared it to a sick lion and they realized that they were no longer playing. What they did against Iraq was a great lesson and they meant that they immediately finished off Indonesia. I hope we can do this Laden. Well, Bung Hadi, it seems that in the match we just saw a violation by Indonesia, that is, Hajim Moriasu, who really. They had a surprise in this Asian Cup where they lost 2-1 against Iraq Yes, after winning 4-2 against Vietnam, meanwhile Indonesia lost 1-3 against Iraq and won 1-0 against Vietnam, of course the match.
full match indonesia vs japan afc asian cup qatar 2023
The competition will be even tighter because it depends on other groups for Indonesia to advance to the next round, Bung Wesli. Yes, I hope we don't have to wait for tomorrow's game because we have confirmed it. Hope


y Amin, Arsenal's Iya Tomasu. , who was playing for the Sudan ball, put the ball directly into the penalty area and was closely watched by Jodi Amad. Before we saw Ayc Ueda. With luck, the Indonesian defenders attacked. , who are 4-time Asian Cup champions Yes, but don't forget that Sintayung has the experience of beating Japan in the East Asian Championship, Brother Adi, so we hope Sinto still has some of that magic dust left.
This time we face Japan in Galasia, Wasid of Qatar. There must be a check long after we saw the incident of Jodi Ahmad holding his body from a different h. I hope our players are very careful, we have to be careful in this crucial match. There are situations that can be burdensome for us, hope


y it seems very dangerous. What Jordi Ahmad did, especially at the beginning of the game, I hope we can see what happened again. Is it worth debating that it is very dangerous? What Jordi did was very dangerous. Ee Ueda, who had control of the ball, would have made that very dangerous and moderate shot aiming at the goal, yes, aiming at the goal and scoring the ball.
It would be better to just close with the body, Bung Hadi. Yes, not by tensing the hands, but by closing with the body. Yes, it is risky, yes, it is very risky. What Jordi Ahmad did was have total control. His hug was very strong before and very disturbing. What did Ueda do? Ueda was about to run towards the goal, yes, and he knew when to fall, yes, look at his feet, they both fell, yes, that must be it. the way he looks for attention, yes the penalty is too fast, we got him penalty in the 4th minute, we hope that Ari can show his best ability to read the direction of the ball and defend against Ueda, the player who plays in the rteram.
Yes, Vietnam's goal yesterday too. Let's hope that with such a heavy load on Uweda, a player who has never started two games, he can't execute. It was then that Fernando Ari Sutaryadi acquired the ability to read and block. Very hard shot by Weda Oh, which makes it 1-0 for Japan with a penalty in the fourth minute due to an error by Jordi Ahmad who may not be aware that Bung Wesle is far away at this time, of course, crucial situations like this. Genting's third matches are largely determined by little things, including violations, which in my opinion can best be anticipated by playing with the body, moving the body rather than throwing it with the hands, especially if it has been turned, it is one . step ahead of a goal for the Japanese team.
Of his 22 appearances for the Japanese team so far in Indonesia, of course, he only hit Yub Sayuri's foot. The ball was in duel with its back number 16 is maikuma. It won't happen, bues inium, one of the players who has been in the Japanese league for 11 years, 11 starters. He is the only one in Japan and I hope that yes, we have the ability to speed up players like Sayuri so that they also commit penalty fouls. Hopefully we will have S. du Indonesian players, but we had very good pressure from the Japanese players. The player who now strengthens the Premier League club, Arsenal, Arham Pratama will incorporate the player who currently strengthens Suon FC, after a long stay at the Tokyo club, the attack of Verdi Rafel.
It can be controlled by Tomyasu, we also saw how Sandy Walls is one of the weapons we have, a throw that is equal to Prama's leg, very good, oh, very good, Jin Haner tried to duel advance towards the Japanese defense area . but he couldn't get the ball. Japan is a 17th ranked team, while Indonesia was 147th before winning yesterday against Vietnam. Yes, the composition potential is far from class. But that doesn't determine the results Sandy Walls had. duel with Nakamura, Liverpool player. We saw Endo before. Let's hope Japan doesn't find the rhythm they want against Indonesia because we were down 1 too early in the fifth minute.
Nakayama Tomiasu on the right Ritsuan controlled the Japanese players. Gusbo Watarendo Maidlepas T Nakayamausaha was chased, we saw Rafael hit the ball that came loose from Sandy WS, that's all Takuso Kubo Kita Akra while playing in the AFC 19 in Jakarta 2018. At that time we faced Indonesia, of course, I was Asnawi I and the player that Asnawi played against, he had already played for Madrid for a while and was the first Japanese player at Real Sociedad and yes, why did Real Madrid buy him at that time, because he had potential for long passes Machida, there was no player.
Japan, who was in the Indonesian defense area, Yin for Jordi Ahmad Kirido, the pace of the game was different, yes, Indonesia when it was sixth and at that time Egi was also playing against Tuso Kubo Kubo in the fast forward. , we saw that Jordi Ahmad K was completely controlled by Machida's Japanese players. Zion Suzuki is also a goalkeeper who is Ghanaian, American, has thousands, yes father, Japan, has thousands, G am, Father, G, Mother, Japan. But he also has technical problems because he received racist insults. Because after losing yesterday against Iraq, Suzuki is currently in the Belgian club and is on loan from the Rawa club.
This is Zon Suzuki's boyhood club, promises our coach Sintayong. another surprise and another change Yes, we are waiting, because what Ven's opponent promised will be a change, well, let's see that Ra Rafael Kubo returned, p Tomiasu returned, didn't Fuso Kubo go down very far? Ok, Kubo took the ball, did they catch him? Oh, Keito Nakamura was already offside, Keito Nakamura, brother Wesli. Because, after all, Japan is really good. It seems to be compensated. I hope our compensation trap is effective in this game. Because we can see that Japan's ability to play in all areas of the field is very visible until the 11th minute.
If we follow the Japanese style of play, it will really require our ability to read before the failed offside trap, a long pass of Fernando. Ari in code W, now the Japanese players have returned controlling the ball from the feet of Tomy Yasu Kayam before Jasim HAM passed the ball to Maikuma and then came back in for Japan, but it was still difficult for Indonesia to be able to play the ball. because the Japanese players continued to press and the b position was very good Maikuma P risuowanah risuowan passed we saw Yakob Sayuri Endo tomiasu maikuma to Watoru Endo, the penalty area was immediately read by Jordi Ahmad, RSU Goan was previously leaked by Arhan, Ada Kubo Facing Arhanung was truly extraordinary.
The pressure exerted by the Japanese players did not give the Indonesian players a chance to turn around. Although in Indonesia itself, Bung W, it is true that the pace is not as fast as in Vietnam. , which gives us an opponent, but how they really control it and know how to bait and see the space in our defense, this really requires the concentration of the players. We are bottom players, we saw it like Indonesia, Jordi Amad. He went straight to the front and missed. We saw that Sayuri Jtin Haner couldn't control the ball, he was very close to the goal because we built from below, really from below, Ueda was fouled before Sandy WS, he didn't do it.
He did not give the opportunity to turn around and control the ball, coded W, against Ayas Ueda, the author of the penalty. There was a mild protest from Egi Maulana Fikri, who came face to face with Takbo in the U-19 Asian Cup. in Jakarta in 2018, at that time they lost to Japan at the Gelora Bung Karno main stadium, Wubouka's free hand was already in the penalty area, Hapnar, Chida, there was Ritsuowan, an attempt to pass to Rizki, Rido directly lifted In the penalty area, there was a shot by Egi, the ball went out of play. EG didn't really have a single choice to give it to Bung W, but I saw how Japan did it.
Yes, they took advantage of their space to move everything. corners of the field to dismantle our defense until in the end we ended up throwing the ball ourselves because the defense was far from what we used. Then the Japanese players continued to lock up the Indonesian prisoners, the Blue Samurai players, Kubo in Wataru Endo. , a Liverpool player, immediately targeted Nakamura, the ball was too sharp, it seems that the control of the ball was really controlled by the Japanese players. I saw, brother, the attack was deliberately played by the band because the band we used. We don't move, so we really face constant pressure.
Pratama and Sayuri can't move. The pressure comes from Japan from both. Indonesia has faced Japan's winning streak 15 times with Del. Very good score 7-0 ma'. I am yes, but Japan b at that time in Malaysia, yes ma'am in Malaysia, ama games in Asean also opposed 54 times 53ida times the Japanese players Reo hatatearendo was cut by Strike again throwing the ball, we see that the draw of the strike hit the referee's leg first. so he must drop B for the Japanese team in the Indonesian defense area, Qatar referee Khamis Muhammad Almari, a Japanese who used to study well in the football organization, Bung Adi, in the Galatama era, now is truly the king of Asia, ro hatate omasuuma omasu is back Diah Indonesian matchusbo ke kubo liver -ti


panosaned regardless we saw it was taken by Japanese player Watar Endo sandbut straight back to goalkeeper Zion Suzuki when the Japanese players had full control of the ball machida nakayama again sayapi they really played on the left and right sidesIn our defense we see that Ernando Ari Sutariadi has full control of the ball Riz Kirido, a direct pass The Japanese players are extraordinary maikuma Kiko Machida Nakayama Oh Na Nakamura means that Nakayama returns, Players are old enough to be able to grab. the ball, brother Wesle, the momentum to take another breath, friend, because of the continuous pressure, it seems that the pace is slow, but how do they control the game and as if they aredriving our game?
This is the drive for us. To get out of the pressure, Japan shoots, Sandy Walls returns the ball dominated by the Japanese players. Yes, this should not happen, ma'am. It's very easy to lose the ball and then Japan gets back into the details of the game and Maril. Ferid doesn't even have the ball, brother. I don't see it as if Ferd is not on the field. He is very isolated because it is very difficult to get the ball, isn't that the case with freedom and as Japan saw? our strength on both wings and they put pressure from there, controlling the game of the Japanese players a lot.
Hatate, a dangerous direct pass from the penalty area, almost won by Uweda, fortunately the ball went straight to Erernando Ari's goalkeeper, long and straight pass. , not offside, Rafael Strike. Oh, it seems like he was offside, it's really a shame, yes, wait for the offside player to touch the ball, yes, really wait to touch the ball. That's how it is. Oh, it's been a long time. It's been a long time since we've seen the pass go so far over Jodi's head that it was almost dangerous. Luckily, Ayas Uweda did not succeed. Mistakes like that should not happen in our goal.
The direction of the ball is correct, the cuts are incorrect, continue to control the foul play, which was carried out against the Indonesian players by Wataro Endo Sintayong, giving instructions, advance, so do not go too far into the defense. The courage to resist Japan. The deeper Japan's attack area, the wider the point, don't let go too often. Yes, as a Friend, don't lose the ball too easily to turn around. Again and we press again. Hopner's long pass could not be controlled by Sandy Wals. It's really too far, you have to be brave enough to push. We will see how hard it is for Japan to find a partner.
Indonesia dares to give it to him with careful calculations. Don't make a mistake when timing the ball. Yes, that long pass to Suzuki, yes, in my opinion, his performance in the two games has not made Japan. Comfortable in defense. You still have full control. Japanese players are still difficult for Indonesian players. The defensive line is getting deeper. Well, Jordi Ahmad successfully foiled. The Japanese players did not directly press, the Indonesian players did not find it difficult to control the ball, but Risuowan still put it directly into the penalty area. We will see that it is dangerous.
Jordi Ahmad was behind Evener. Sand Oh, he was surrounded by Japanese players. Takus Kubo faced Sand and Rizido was also Rioate. He is empty. There is only one wat. Oh, be careful with the wat right away. And it's almost dangerous for the Indonesian defense, brother, Wesle. It's scary when I see how the Japanese game is organized, players are not given time, we do not have freedom of meters, nor do our players have freedom to touch the ball and we were really pressured to go out. to help the attack there was no time to block Dian Tengah Friend, we saw before How Japan's chance that was almost dangerous was already dangerous, fortunately it was still thwarted Oh, the Japanese players have won it again now Ji is really in control of the ball pass straight towards Raf Strike double with Tomyasu failed before lost quickly with Tomyasu P Yon Suzuki just short we see P machida now Nakamura Reo Hatate is back in control of the Japanese players who lost before the moment for Indonesia to control the ball Wataru Endo if our It wasn't easy for the players to lose the ball, man, so the pressure isn't coming at us too quickly, yeah, it's the pressure from the players.
It is very, very difficult for players to control the ball perfectly. The players, Wataro Endo, return from the center towards Tomiasu straight to the right. He targets Takfusokugo to confront Marino. Ferdinand enters Kitaat Takfuso in front of Yakob Sayuri, still Kubo is careful, Indonesia, direct pass to the right, where we are in Nakayama. , there is EG Ma Fikri, the return pass is thwarted by the Japanese players, Kubo, led by P Wataru Endo, returns to Kubo in front of us, we will see P iar iener now Tomiasu of the Japanese defender gave the pass to Maikuma Tomiasu to Machida in the middle we saw Takubo go wide but he was fouled.
We saw that Rafael's name was Reate before, Brother Wesle. I was incredible, yes, I saw how they felt so comfortable playing ball and what kind of game we were made of, who attracted us here and there? The Japanese players really dominated the game until the 25th minute. 01 fell behind due to a GO penalty in the fourth minute due to an infringement committed by Jordi Ahmad through a control pass from the previous Reo Hatate Sudowan . the free hand was successfully thwarted by Indonesia oh wait Egi had a clear foul before trusting each other, they shouldn't depend on each other so it was late to control the ball between Rafel Strike and also EG Maul Fikri.
Luckily, the ball was for Indonesia because he received a foul from EG Maul Fikri O son Nakama, an English championship player who has been capped 20 times, yes, here he is again, Bung Hadi, the pressure is not over yet, for what we easily lose the ball, bad passes, these great things that Sintayong probably did not imagine would happen against Japan, but this is the team that beat Germany yesterday in September last year, yes, Japan in the Ujang match was very, very terrible, yes, how. Did you beat Japan, what is it called, Germany, Peru or Turkey, Turkey, because there is also one in k, there is extraordinary Oh, dominated, we saw a very good moment for EG Maul Fikri is still Egi, which was given by Egi for enter the step that is again not understood because it is very far from Marso Ferdinand, Bung Wesley, misunderstood, Bung Hadi, misunderstood the result In my opinion, this is because they have not freed themselves from Japanese pressure.
During the last 27 minutes, it is very easy to make the mistake of being afraid of being chased or pressured by the Japanese players. Then Egi gave the ball too quickly to Mars Ferdinan, while Mars Ferdinan was still far away and Marcel Ferdinan was already there. being watched Oh, those two people, Bungi Siion Suzuki, a player on loan from Urawaret to the club From Sweden from Belgium the Japanese players are in Belgium in Germany in the Netherlands what the Japanese players did was extraordinary, immediately closing the gaps that could . They have been checked or failed again. The pass to Arhan Pratama came back, yes, but what was really interesting were Arhan's two very good performances on the outside.
What were the predictions of observers who actually observed the performance of That's What's Interesting About Inside? competition, Bung Hadi. How do I have to fight tooth and nail to get the best out of me and compete for a spot in the starting lineup? Mikeuma threw it, now I can't control the ball. first? 28 minutes still behind 01 Indonesia oh lack It is clear that the origin of the rotteram in Li Hollandakangen wickett until now the Indonesian players have been able to read or anticipate the attacks on the Japanese players carried out by Indonesian football. Marso Ferdinan very good long pass Aim Sandy wolf k eggy Mauna Fikri eggy Mauna Fikri still eggy Sandy wolf wasasai Sandy wols ball back there is EV yener Indonesia's opportunity to be able to generate pressure in the middle we see k Jordi Ahmad still Jordi Aim in Justin Hanar on the left is Arhan Pratama still arhad very good in the penalty area kos, let's see it right away Oh my goodness, this is so good that apparently there needs to be a gap between the back line and Japan's defense line that can be exploited by Indonesian players Vietnam Iraq has shown that gap Stay, how will we get out of the pressure, trust us, don't make too many basic mistakes, let's play with more confidence, go back and compress the momentum, I think this Pressure makes Japan also careful with our players Oh, it seems that the first kick we saw was for Indonesia Raf Strike who was in front of the penj.
The goal is still watched by Nakamura keito nakamurarike, the ad Den player will be finished. by marcelona ferdin accumulating is the Indonesian player did it It was short before Oh did not take good advantage of Marsina Ferdinan's corner kick before brother Wesli very, very unlucky, our momentum is rarely very good momentum it is difficult to finish again, maybe the goal es Yes rafile Hit on the goal Oh, before we saw a really good cut, but read by Nakayama Nakayama, a player who just appeared in the Asian Cup, we can still see that Mars Ferdinand had to miss to be Controlled again, we saw Mars Ferdinand before.
The ball that was thrown by Fuso Kubo is now completely controlled. We can see Atomi Yasu from behind towards Kiko Machida, the Japanese players slowly entered the Indonesian defense area and now Maida targeted Nakayama R hatate ber. with Riz Rid, a very good offense, Rizid Dar for the average Japanese player, this might have to be the key, yes, very fast, how they handle the ball, play the ball and set the pace has made us even stronger and, in my opinion, the confidence of our players. But they have to get out of the pressure. When Belgium failed to give a long pass to the Japanese defense area, in fact the pressure of the Japanese players under our command, Tomiasu, compared to the previous two performances.
The most interesting thing about Indonesia is that although we lost against Iraq, the ball or foot control of the Japanese players is very different, yes, we could probably be above 80%, brother Wesli. Yes, let's see, we try to withdraw our defense. Oh, Egi controls the Indonesian ball. Aim directly at Yakob Sayuri. Incredibly brave to be controlled by Tomiasu before. How mature the Japanese players were to dare to give in or control the ball in a very dangerous direction before Keito Nakamura. Oh, the counterattack. The attack on Nakayama is still Nakayama trying to outwit the previous password ERA controlled by Kubo and there it is Kubo Kita looks at the direct pass Oh, escape the offside trap Oh, that's a good trick Oh, from time to time, The closing was blocked immediately, we saw it The continuous attacks continued to hit the Indonesian defense Maikuma controlled the ball Our bodies in the direct advance was very dangerous.
Thank God he was still thwarted by the goal post earlier. The attack that Japanese player P made was very, very extraordinary. They are the jebang players and. Thank God it seems that the goal post was given by God to be the savior of this opportunity that the Japanese player Bung Wesley gave us, a match that seemed to be prepared and they put us, Bung Hadi, in. Our defense really has to do it. They face extraordinary tests and how do they feel so comfortable playing the ball and playing with our defense like a flood that keeps coming in waves towards the Indonesian defense?
I hope Indonesia's defense embankments continue to function well, it is very difficult to achieve. Indonesian players developed. Again the Japanese players Nakamura were controlled by Nakamura in front of Rizki Rido still had Jtin. The 35 Japanese players Ma short we see lock up 10 Japanese players to Maida nakayamaih nakayama k takessu away to Kananumfront we see Oh frustrated or there is Aran back yaan. all areas P takusbo was thwarted a fairly strong foul committed by ARH Pratama received a warning from referee Amis Muhammad Almari of Qatar, whether we like it or not, our defense has bothered us and we have to put more pressure on the Japanese players. , TRUE?
Let's see how Japan had a very good chance through Nakamura, who was lucky when his shot hit Indonesia's right post, so Japan couldn't increase his lead. Thank God they still kept the 1-. 0. This free kick will be received by Reo Hatate and also by Fuso Kubo's shot. There are five Japanese players entering the penalty area. Oh, that was long towards the goal. It was thwarted by Ando, ​​the quick attack we saw was achieved before by Rafael Strike but again it was easy to lose the ball and now the Suzuki goalkeeper right away, the Japanese players are back, Maida, yes, can you imagine the pressure our players face, yes, it is very difficult for Bungi to get out of the pressure, so when he receives the ball, a mistake we see often ruins our chances.
We see that Nakamura is directly to the right of Indonesia. towards the goal, the Indonesian defenders leave him alone. The ball that goes straight to Nakamura's penalty area is very difficult for the Indonesian players to develop the game with the pressure of the Japanese players' ball control, really very. , very dominant, very dominant, it is still difficult for Indonesian players to reach the ball, especially because it is extremely difficult to provide good service to the Japanese defense. Fernando goes straight to the Japanese defense, Tomiasu sweeps the ball forward. nakamuraandi Wan At this moment you are very confident, the Japanese players are really ranked too far, 17th in the world against 147 before facing Vietnam, now Nakayama went straight to the penalty area, Nakayama's pass still failed to produce a shot corner for Japan.
Bung wli, Egi too When we play, we see that there is not much in the playing area of ​​theopponent. It is more useful for all Indonesian players to focus on defense. In fact, all the lines they use to pressure us are really dominated. by Japanese players Tom from Riz Rid falls to the bottom, you have to be careful. Indonesia's direct corner kick was still thwarted by Hanar's attempt to be chased by EG Mauna Fikri as an unfortunate opportunity, again. Rio had the impression that in our defensive line there are always four Japanese players who threaten us and we have a defensive line with the EMP of the Japanese player Pain, who was only breached by Rafael Strike, it was Tomiasu, the player from Asa's club from behind .
Yes, Arsenal, who once strengthened their ball, Bung Wesley. Yes, it is really extraordinary that Japanese players today almost all play in Europe and their level, if we talk about the Premier League, is far above ours, Bung. They have become Premier League players, there is a look from behind. How Rafael Strike was done before, winning the Dutch club Adodinhak is still easy, brother, it can still be said that our players have the potential to speak in the next 34 years. On several levels, this advance leads to Uweda, but away from Ueda, he looks at the defensive transition, friend, they don't attack anymore.
There are more Japanese players defending than us attacking. Oh, looks like you got it. a yellow card, we saw Rafael Strike, you have to be careful, Indonesia, don't let this happen, and yellow cards really count in the calculation to qualify for the next round if all points are equal, Mr. Wesley, play, yes, be disciplined, be disciplined, yes, it is a matter of discipline, yes, the pressure that Indonesia receives for almost the entire first round makes traveling emotional, yes, the matter of discipline will be a separate calculation. Mrs. W. Yes, everything counts for points. The same score is counted, the same goal, the same number of fouls.
What yellow cards are, the punishment that football gives is increasingly clear, the more statistics, the more. The cutting rate is calculated. We saw Ahmad Sand very well. The long pass to our front was very good. It was difficult to reach the ball. Endo returned, be careful, Indonesia, again, was extraordinary. frustrated by Justin Haner earlier, although we saw that Fernando Ari Sutaradi had already come out to sweep the ball, but the quick initiative decision was made by Jasina Haner before being preceded by Fernando Ari, who was again controlled by the Japanese players. The match against Indonesia was frustrated earlier by Rizid.
It was easy for them to find a gap to get into our defense. The variety of their attacks was extraordinary, how they attacked with almost six players ahead. Oh, Takusokubu mastered the long ball. Oh, the best chance was almost achieved by the players. Japan was wasted by Arham Pratama. It was truly dangerous chaos in the Indonesian defensive area as a pass from Tak Fusuk Kubo was almost completed by Ueda. The attack appears to be the seventh dangerous attack on our defense. This is the corner kick for Japan. This is Jasin HAM who continues to work very hard whose name is 11th in the back line, especially on the second day.
Yesterday at the Asia Cup, Yasuus received a tight pass from a very dangerous kick from the referee before the dangerous kick from the referee or made a pass towards the penalty area. Let's see, Tomy Asu is also coming out, let's see Jodi Ahmad first. Rafael Strike with Maid, there is no crime, the violation was committed by Wataru Endo against Raf Strike, actually separate credit can be given to the Indonesian defensive line, brother, wes outside What are the opportunities achieved by the players Japanese? but at least the Indonesian players were still able to defend themselves from conceding and returned from Japan. 4 minutes of added time in the first half it was still difficult for Indonesia now Rizk Rido tried to build an attack from underneath the wrong long pass to Sandy Wols Jodi Ahmad thought the pass was too far.
Jodi Ahmad Sandy was slow to advance, but it seems that he stayed in his position, it was not fusokubo, the pass again Aimed for Reo Hatate's Eh Ritsu and Rudowan. It was easy. Arhan's pass to Yakob was thwarted by the Japanese KH players. Then Tomasu arrived at Zion Suzuki, empty in the center. We see Rio Hatate alone being chased by Ayas's pass in the penalty area. that he was there to help very well before, but we saw that it was difficult to regain control of the ball. We had great difficulty maintaining it when we got the rhythm.
We try to pick up the ball and let it go. The momentum just disappears, it's very difficult for our players to get it back. Japan's very varied pressure makes it difficult for our players to find the best fit for our role. When they attack, they are already in front to do it. Add to your attack line so there can be up to six players on the team. The front line is not Fuso Kubo, there is Endo on the right, Maikuma is still straight Maikuma. He targets Akubo Diuk, followed by Arhan Pratama's Kitahat. Oh, with that tit, Ma Kuma is still controlling the ball, he is frustrated, we see Arhan.
Now we see that Marsino Ferdinan controls the ball very well. Oh, even though Ritsudowan steals it, he be careful. See that the Indonesian defenders prevented entry to the penalty area. Now Arhan Pratama could not control the ball because he was very tired. The Indonesian players continued to be under pressure from the Japanese players for more than 40 minutes in the round. Mr. Wesle is absolutely right, it is not easy, it is not as easy as we see. Those who do it will find it very difficult to get out of the pressure and that affects their concentration, it affects their physique, so basic errors occur. and we see that it seems like it is easy to do, but that is due to pressure from Japan, we can see that returning oh, entering takfuso is very dangerous, yener tried to thwart him, but he was controlled again by the Japanese. players, Tomiasu, Endo, the violation was committed, we saw Yakub Sayuri against Tak Fuso, until the first BAAK, we did not see Jakob Sayuri's cuts in defense, it was really very difficult, brother, it's surprising how they were. capable of closing the gaps that could have been crossed by the passes of the Indonesian players.
Our wingers, who used to be our strength, have now become part of the defense on the wing, which is very dominant, played carefully by Japan. He has a very good free throw. Oh, it doesn't look like Fus Kubo is going to take the free throw, Obo does it too. The advance went straight to Endo. He was lucky to miss because of Wataru's pass. It ended, the Liverpool player How second the match will end because it is true that only 4 minutes of extra time were given for this match it was like the first round match. Yes, thank you brother Tio, come back again, RCTI viewers wherever you are. archipelago we are watching live from the Altumama stadium in Doha, Qatar, the second round continuation match between Japan and Indonesia in the third Mes Day of Group D Asia Cup


, we already know that Indonesia is losing 0-1 thanks to a goal penalty from Ayas Ueda, Feonor Rotterdam player, for a foul committed by Jordi Ahmad, so now Indonesia is losing 0-1 in the second half, it seems that there have not been good substitutions from Indonesia and neither from Japan, how was that Indonesia was the first to be completely blocked by Japan.
So it looks like Indonesia is using 541, bro. Yes, 15 minutes of rest is enough to develop a new strategy, brother, we are all waiting for changes in the second? half, do not forget that in the two previous games, Japan had not conceded in the second half, the four goals that everyone scored happened in the first half, the foul was committed by Rafael Strike, you have to be careful. already received a yellow card, a quick pass into the Indonesian penalty area, as we saw before, goalkeeper Ernando Ari Sutaradi came out of his nest to thwart Japan's counterattack, now the Japanese players are back in full. control of the ball to cover Ayas Ueda, the penalty scorer, Tadiyasu, P Ma Kuma Se Maikuma, the only player playing in the Japanese or local league in this match against Indonesia, while the other 10 players play outside.
In the Japanese league, especially in Europe, we will see how mature they are. The Japanese players, when they faced Indonesia, were successfully controlled by Indonesia. Q. Rizki Rido must be patient, madam. You should not make too basic mistakes so that the ball is not quickly controlled again by Japan, which returned to education. We have been waiting for the Japanese players to take a direct shot from the goalkeeper, the Japanese players are not fusa. Go left, there is Nakamura on the other side of the two players, the password was Naka Nakayama, about his own teammate, about his own teammate of Reo Hatate, how Japan really wants to exploit all the angles and also the line from Indonesia.
Brother, they really attack. The wings are equally strong, left and right, although we have not yet had a chance to see the cuts from our wingers which we hope are aimed at Sayuri or Egi or yes, we have not. I've seen it yet, Kara. How do Japanese players press or block? It is true that it is very difficult for Indonesia to be able to develop the game even a little. Yes, because it hardly gives any to the Indonesian players. The Japanese team has a chance, hit earlier by Sandy WS, move Japan's attack to the left area of ​​the Indonesian defense, yes to Kiko Machida from the right, move to the left center, then they will move, okay, this is it. a chance for us brother, very good chance for Indonesia to apply pressure, bored too weak before, Iar Yener lost the moment before, Indonesia Rio Hatate, that's great, we saw it was not a foul, the referee let it.
Only from Qatar, the opportunity to apply careful pressure, Indonesia, despite being a little off, as we saw before, Rizki Rido made a small mistake. Anything could be a penalty from Japan, we put pressure on Japan in their transition from defense. attack, that is extraordinary, even if I take the example of our players, they were even told not to be allowed to breathe freely, not just to be allowed to breathe, they were not allowed to think even a bit of the Japanese players. Oh, that yellow card to the Indonesian coach from the Qatari referee Khamis Muhammad Almari, maybe it was too offensive, yes, it was offensive and aggressive.
Perhaps the ST's attitude in the field could have disturbed Indonesia's chances. Egi was too confident of getting. the ball to Yakob Sayuri but he couldn't find the play. We saw that Yakob was controlled by Justin to the goalkeeper Ernando Ari. A long pass to the right for Sandy Walls left him alone. Original position at right back, since in the game against Vietnam he played as a center back with Jordi and Jasin Hofner. At that time Indonesia's right back was Asnawi Mangku Alam, who is now reserved for Sandy Walls just in front of the throw-in. on Rafael but it's easy for the Japanese players to take control now Rizki Redo sweeps the ball from Tanak in the direction I said before, he can't get out of the pressure so elementary mistakes happen like this, it's too easy to take advantage of the opportunity.
At least it provides a threat to the defensive area, Iko Machida, right? Breathe first Bui, don't accept Japan's continuous pressure. Our formation could already be 54-1. Yes. Japan is easy because you've already read Paraemesia Kara's long passes. It is very difficult to make or control the ball again. Ah, the counterattack completely controls the ball. We look closely at Nakamura, straight into the area. Defender Jas Haner, without expecting it, immediately takes the ball and beats goalkeeper Ernando Ari Sutaryadi. How do we see? I am divided. Our defense is humming. Look how it was read. No one saw the movement of the player behind. the far post really very free very easy Ay Ueda scored his second goal against Indonesia, yes, a player from the club Feonord Rotterdam in the Dutch league, none of the players covering Jasin Haner were really behind Jasin Haner, we couldn't see Arhan Pratama, although when the attack was built, we could see how Weda had turned the direction towards the body in the distance, we were able to receive the pass, but that's it, brother, due to the continuous pressure from our players, they didn't even give us the opportunity to breathe.
On the part of the Japanese players, don't let us concede too much, brother, we have to count on the groups, especially Bahrain and Oman. I hope the tig point doesn't stop there. In fact, Maulana Fikri's eggi still has a. Very strong violation against Egi Maulana Fikri by Maik Kuma, player of the Dewa United club, team captain Jordi Ahmat. It seems that we can see that Sulaiman's witan, player of the Persija Jakarta club, is ready. Entering seems to be replacing Yob Sayuri, he was not visible, brother, during the entire first half of the game until the 53rd minute, he was not visible.
What Yub Sayuri did was not Jacob's fault, but he was very, very closed off. , blocking all the movements and also the positions and also the gaps that led to the area from and says he came on as a substitute for the third time in two games. Previously he came on as a substitute as S ti the ball in the air. We saw Zion Suzuki forward long and straight Oh, apart from being alone, we saw and thank God he missed before, we saw Redsuan who had a Very absolute chance in the penalty area areafrom Indonesia, Bung Wesli Yes, when they were fast, they were fast.
The attacks played very well. We can see how only B was able to overlay it, now and amplifying the pace of Japan's first Japanese attack. The pace was actually very close, so every ball lost by Indonesia was always taken by the Japanese players. While the Indonesian players keep a distance between the lines and also between the players. Their football is very good, they are very good, now the counterattack is once again Takuso's, be careful with Mar Ferdin's deep pass, Mar Ferdin cannot reach Sulaiman's. ball and continues to put pressure seems to have increased the pace a little and also the game in the second half Oh one or two very extraordinary, be careful, don't let yourself be provoked to leave, that was very good and Jordi did it.
Ahmad Yes, who did they give this meng that cannot be seen, yes, all of Japan is very easy to move looking for a space to receive the ball, they are not the only ones who give the ball, brother, all these steple. The players move, so it is very easy for them to find a partner to give the ball to, like a link in a chain, brother, one pulls, everyone pulls, everyone pulls, the very good sudowan just had a lucky chance , failed again. , lost again Ayas Eda's pass went with Jasin Hanar's head to Ernando Ari Sutaradi's gawak pea.
I hope it is not an incident that requires a long journey to be sure of judging Jordi's rape very well. a little more openly, brother, yes, that's how it has to be, brother, because they are already behind and we need points, but when we play openly, Japan increases the intensity of their attacks, yes, this violation. Oh, it's just a normal pat, bro, yeah, my hand is blocked, yeah, it's actually blocked. In reality, the affectionate pat was from Jordi Ahmad to A, but the response was a little different. In Mar, apparently Indonesia wants. improve At the moment of defeat, Ayas Ferdin's goal was a very fast counterattack, what Ernando did or anticipated was very good, the pressure was applied again by the Japanese players on the right, there was Mik Humowan again behind.
Tomiasu Indonesia also increased the pace slightly, as did Japan Japan Yes, Kiko Machida to Wataru Endo omiasu was foiled very well Oh failed before witan ohobosan was very dangerous, very dangerous before Ayas uweda, but the anticipation and the block or cover made by J hner they went. Very good, it failed before. Japan won space. Fortunately we can still read Ar's attack, but how Japan is so smart to use all the space to pose a threat to us, it's a high level of stress to see this, brother, maybe. Someone will get stomachaches, USA Kubo will take the first corner kick on the two Japanese players in the penalty area, high Akamura Mdel in the air Before, in the penalty area was Egi, the ball was ahead , the ball was found by the Japanese players, Nakayama was still outwitting Witan, Nakayama was facing Witan, Witan blocked it very well, even though Menim created a second corner for Japan, brother, yes, we will see how Witan plays, we should .
We expect Witan to play attacking, finally Witan is in our line of defense, but with actions like this, whether we like it or not, we all have to help in defense with our Japanese style like waves. There's no stopping, be careful sir, sometimes. Sometimes hugs cause a very dangerous poison, isn't it darling? That's the Japanese player in the penalty area. Oh, how high he went to win the duel. We saw Kiko Machidda, who has very good posture, 190 cm. from the Belgian club Union SG, although he only has one international match, my new friend also plays here again we lost the ball, they didn't give us the encouragement to play well, it's incredible, Japan is in a different class, hey brother, it's the main in the world. game the way they build football they have a concept that is followed by all elements in Japan k Nakamura Oh, very good, direct promotion is dangerous Oh, just throw it away, let's see Japan's failed pressure Indonesian players can only survive.
The Japanese players are very dominant, the Japanese players control every line, every space, every flow of the ball on this field. The quality of his passes and control are very good, very dynamic, very fluid. Straight to the front Oh Kosok alone, no one covered directly high and ah Thank God the chip was a volley and a half from Risudowan missed before brother My Wesley, who is very dangerous, is extraordinary. I can't imagine such a good mutual understanding happening. Yes, they got to know each other about the character of their game and at the slightest moment the defense opened up, they immediately saw and posed a real threat to us, how their cooperation was really very dynamic and fluid, really extraordinary.
What Fernando did was put pressure on the Japanese players, Wataru Endo, who was in Ayas, plays in a frequency, brother, everyone understands each other and the playing style of his teammates plays as a team, whether they attack or defend. they change their style of play, the match becomes stronger, the intensity becomes stronger, the more difficult it is for our Indonesian players to approach the opponent's goal, hner goes straight to the front Hit EG Maun Fikri witan Sulaiman continues forward, very good For us, Ferdin, but whatever happens, this is very good, brother, Wesle's age, this is true, Japan's weakness in the Cup, we saw it in the previous two games, but we don't have frequent opportunities suddenly . .
Suddenly they cut the left and right sides of the Japanese defense, we saw that we fell short in goal and also Indonesia's first chance throughout the match was very well done by the Indonesian players, be careful not to confront the four players Indonesians. Keto in the Nakayama area Ah, they immediately accused me, thank God, before there was a JS hater to protect Indonesia's empty goal. The clear violation of Raf Strike was carried out by Kiko Machid. What was the pressure and opportunities like in Japan? Dude Wesley header from Ritsuowan Dude Wesley Luckily we can still save ourselves Yes Justinar can still read but if I count Arido can still do it Yaard Ari can still take that ball oh well we will see the Japanese players control Maro Ferdin's failure to get The ball returns low pressure.
You have to be careful when you pass from Japan, now Rowan is behind us, the main player of Real Sedat, who is called the Japanese Messi, Nakayama, points directly in front. We see Yener's initiative to block the ball, but Rido has the opportunity to throw the ball away from the defensive line, so that happens. Indonesia is 2-002 behind Japan. Let's hope that in the next few minutes there will be. a change of players that can make a difference and also the pressure exerted by the Japanese players. A very, very extraordinary unit that should be the goal, man, but that often picks up the ball, there is no pel, there is.
There is no forward flow, it is very difficult, there is no servant for Rafel. The hit really fades. Japan really dominates the game. The spaces in Indonesia's ball flow were completely closed by the Japanese players, making the game difficult. The Indonesian players to give passes to the Japanese defense area. How we saw that his passing and control was extraordinary. Sudowan was raped and the referee left him alone. Oh, the rape. It looks like Justin Hner fouled R's corner to ruin the rhythm. the game of him, yes, it is a violation like this that we commit, so if he does not come back, they feel very comfortable playing the ball, moving the ball left and right, playing short balls and long balls.
When they suddenly increase the amount. intensity, the ball is approaching our goal player of the Freibook club from Germany, born on July 5, 2022, has played 44 times with 7 goals with his debut on September 11, 2018. Kubo tried to put pressure on himself just now, directly on Fernando. Head to look at Egi, but Egi missed because Nakayama fouled him. Indonesia's last match took place at the 89th World Cup. Indonesia at the main stadium Gelora Bung Karno managed to keep Japan at bay with a score of 0-0. Massacred 5-0 at Ni Gaoka Stadium. A success was really expected, but it failed. I was the star of our League at that time, at that time we could still be considered.
At the same level as Japan, it was shown that we were able to contain them at the main stadium in Senayan even though they were defeated 5-0. But at that time, it was reasoned that there was a very bad pitch at the Gauka stadium. At that time and the weather was also not easy for us Yes, the weather at that time was very cold with a muddy field at 5-0 since Japan played in the World Cup in 1998. It seemed that the class was far from ours . , TRUE? Once out of the World Cup, he was attacked by players from the Asian Cup.
Previously, he also received a follow-up from a Vietnamese player, and a Vietnamese player, Le Fantan Long, received a yellow card. Watoru Endo, a Liverpool player, received a yellow card for mistreating Sulaiman by the Qatari referee Khamis Muhammad Almiizenah, a player with playing experience, Daon Maida, an extraordinary player from the Celtic club, Dazon, who plays as. A left winger, Bung Wesle, players who have experience in Europe. We are all European players. We have to admit that we are in different classes, but that does not mean that we have different beliefs that we can offer resistance. enters. Dazen Maida, 173 cm, 27 years old, has been at Celtic since July 1, 2022, he has scored 14 goals against Japan with three goals and three goals scored by Nakayama.
Rafael put in Sulaiman and Sandy W put in. , we saw Rido's direct shot before, Rizk Rido's shot was too weak, Rizk's Rido shot was blocked very easily by Kiko Machida, be careful Oh counterattack Oh three against one Oh be careful chasing us Masina was thwarted before, We saw the additional energy on the left side of Japan's game with two changes, making the right side, we had to be more careful, we had to be more careful, very good anticipation, we saw how Japan's quick counterattack left Hapner alone, alone delaying Hapner behind and continuing to chase, we see Ferdin and the excellent anticipation of Fernando Ar Sutadi, who pushed the ball towards Da Maa.
This is Ernando Ari Sutaradi who has conceded a goal in this Asian Cup, yes, me. I still see Oh, I see a maturity that deserves to be given. I hope this young man becomes our future goalkeeper, Minino has a yellow card, a player from the Monaco club who has also played for Liverpool, one of the Japanese Asian players. who failed in the group Toma has not played yet. Reportedly, he is still suffering from an injury from which he has not been able to recover from Brighton in England. Jepak's Mina Mino's right foot attack was tough for Egi Maulana Fikri in Edi's situation.
Egi's leg that would have difficulty receiving a trample, was very painful. Takumi Minamino Posos 172 cm born in Osaka 16 gi95 Elan Bagot could be prepared, anyway, Elan Bagot will play, who will play replaced? who was replaced by elkanang bagot be Riskirido before we saw rkirido, in fact, several times he made passes that were not fast, his passes were very free. We saw Ayase Ueda, who didn't get a guard, he was very surprised. J Habdar was alone and had none. a teammate to cover him even though he is in the forward position in front of the opposing player, there should be an Indonesian player there, a situation that requires communication coordination, there should be a voice warning about where the opponent's position is, I think.
Communication is not established because the pressure exerted by Japan is extraordinary, I even think that the Indonesian players are not allowed to take a deep breath during this match, brother, let alone breathe, it doesn't seem like you can even make a sound, brother, Wesas don't He received a very strong blow with his right foot from Minamino in the situation of Egi Maulana Fitri's leg. Edis was in the middle, so he had to be taken off the playing field on a stretcher. Ki, who was replaced by Bagot, will play in the torch position, of course, he will probably play more in the middle, right. right in the middle, yes, long goal What that means is that Witan is too far away to duel, password W Oh, playing as a striker Eran Bagot is very What an extraordinary experiment was done.
Experiment that Sty carried out by placing Elkan as a forward, anticipating the superior balls. I think Japan will also definitely learn from their mistakes in the top balls against Vietnam and Iraq, but there is one Japanese player, Machida, who has done it. The potential of 190 cm is of course even less tall than Elkan Bagon, 196 cm I, who plays as a forward, we can see that he can be controlled by Kiko Maid, how does Bag get the services of the balls from the center? , we hope his name is Bagot, we hope that coach S acts as Minamino's goalkeeper, we'll see Oh, very good with Sulaiman Marcelo Ferdinan still Marcelino Oh long before Marcelino Ferdinan got into a very good corner what did Tan Sulaiman do before Mino dueled with Sand Witan Sulaiman Oh failed earlier with Witan Sulaiman to grab the ball or duel with Ino on the left side of the Japanese defense before Wes Marcelino's stab, I think if he had run into the empty space at the right.
It could have been moreeasy. He made a pass to the middle. It was very interesting how he finally carried out his experiment in anticipation of the surprise ball that he promised would be the password that he had failed before. Ahead of the Machidaini move is Justin Haner, it is still difficult to catch up with a friend, the direct pass to the middle missed Ivaren, Japan's fast counterattack Endo Tomasu again goes straight to the middle, good control There is Kubo on the left. We see Nakayama facing WS. There is Nakayama. Very good. We see Mar Ferdin in control of the ball, but it is still difficult to reach the ball.
Sulaiman is still witan oh oh we will wait to see if a check will be done or not but leave him alone but there has been no communication so far and also the Qatar referee is still not visible at all yes his hand touches the ball. I think there should be a policy made by the referees until now apparently there has been no communication Oh, let's see Wait a minute OK Wait a minute we will see if it is indeed HB de Yes and the direction of the ball changes yes b Yes the direction of the ball changes yes, it is considered inactive it should be active Friend wesle yes everyone has a perception yes E had an active and inactive perception but the ball changed direction, it is definitely clear, it seems that the verification is over, there is no decision It was a foul in the middle from a foul by Jordi Ahmad.
Oh, she wasn't considered inactive, mind you, because in the fallen position, apparently according to referee Kubo, she was too hard. What Jin Haner did was that the scattered yellow cards had to be reduced because the yellow card count was actually counted in order to count. Yes, the red card was already two yellow cards? No, just a Hanar against the use of the Kubo Frasi center. duel with the Wolverhampton W men's club player, but Mada's hand movement was not evaluated because she was in a waiting position, her body was hit while falling because falling was not an active movement of her hands to reach the ball.
It was a possible penalty that could make a definitive change in the match according to Jordi Ahmad, the team captain, on the right of the muskido to the goalkeeper Fernando Ari Sutariadi, a long ball that he aimed very well to win the duel. the ball fell to the feet of Maikuma Suuk Ukan, long straight, Rizk Rido won it very well, Rizk Rido Akayama to Machida's goal Zion Suzuki played from below very well p UP who was the Fusakbo goalkeeper who was the engine of the attack in The In the middle of the Japanese national team against Indonesia Minamino we saw Deison Maeda pass dangerously directly towards the direct goal and ah from Nak Maikuma it was like a torpedo that was ready to aim at the hull of the ship.
Fortunately, the torpedo passed just to the left of goalkeeper Ernando. Side, let's see how Maida's stun clipping targets Maikuma. Luckily, his shot went far and without a very free defense, Kuma made a very, very tough shutout from the outside. Our defensive area is already heading to the right. And Indonesia is a little open, brother Wesle, in this second half of the match we have to play more aggressively and that definitely carries the risk that Japan's open players find more space to enter. Ari Sutariadi is the long forward. In Bagot's Elkan, Kiko Machida wasted Sulaiman's density. It seems that Indonesia is now brave enough to put pressure on Japan's goal, hopefully, that will make Kean Bag create a goal.
According to Pratama's first address, there are about four Indonesian players, five Indonesian players in the penalty area, leading to Elkat. Oh, what's going on? Oh, the infringement appears to have been committed by Elkanbako against P. Goal by Suzuki According to the original referee, Muhamad Almi, Mr. Wesle, another substitution from Japan. The substitution strategy can be followed in the hope that we can get the ball out and it will be profitable for us. With such a tall body posture, 196 cm, the players of the championship division club are together, and there are also Japanese players who are on the field of the Premier League championship club with Watanabe and Wataru Endo of Sano Normal Japan.
Mars Ferdinand Maida, now Nakayama got a very good foul from Mar Ferdinand, you had to do that, brother, to stop Japan's attack. If Japan had not been under such strong pressure, they would have been free to play the ball. As we said before, the term "metear". We can still see our defense breaking Indonesia's deficit in the 02nd with two goals from a player from the Rotterdam club, Ayeda in the first half and also in the second half in the 80th, Asano has Kiko. Machida continues to move to the left on Nakayama, all the Indonesian players go down to the defense area, including Elkan Bagot.
What this means is that we are trying to see our line of defense becoming more advanced and this is actually a change made by Sintayong. And giving it more courage and a surprise effect, the Japanese players are no longer free and the violations we commit seem to quickly interrupt the attacks built by Japan Kiko Machida towards the goalkeeper Sion Suzuki from under the Japanese players through Nakayama. what we need Oh, be careful behind the chase before we saw Minamino sweep with his left foot Fernando Ari Rizk Rido still pass from Rizki P Witan Sulaiman still has a very tight witan, brother, it didn't happen from this area, Minamino USA did A great pass, there was Ayas, yet Ayas shot directly from outside the area.
Thank God he was far from the target, but it was very dangerous indeed, Brother Wesley. It is very clear how they understand how to approach the goal. Movement among Japanese players, we have learned a lot by seeing how to play as a team that really understands the movements of its teammates. Yes, Japan in the Asian Cup in Group D, we know, they beat Vietnam 42 and lost. Iraq, while Indonesia lost 1 to Iraq and won 1-1 over Vietnam again experienced player prepared Dude yes Ritsu Ritsuan replaced by Junya Ito player born March 9, 93 from ST Res club in France surprisingly all Europeans Dude wes European and The number of.
The goals are not bad, friend, he already has 13 for Japan in 53 games. Very gamer. He has experience in being able to play as a winger or in a kicking attack, so be careful again, his winger attack has been strengthened before on the left side, now they are strengthening the. right side behind Rizk Rido's back on Ernando Ari An imperfect pass by Ernando Ari is difficult for Rizky Rido to control because it was too wild, that was Ernando's pass, the throw-in, Japan, Nakayama, 27 years old. Nakayama, this is the player who plays in the English championship division with Hersfield, Kid Nakayama, Tanab, straight to the right, quick pass before the duel, we look directly at the penalty area, Ayas is still Ayas shtingsung It seems that The late entry It closed with a hat trick from Ay Ed Bu Wesle.
Let's look at the new player's right attack, Ukunyao made a normal cut on the hand of this 30-year-old player, I said before that they positioned the left, then he entered. , he positioned himself on the right and managed to score a goal. Look how they looked. We saw how Weda made a very quick steal-pass but hit Jner's leg when he tried to block the ball. Dar Sutaradi's goal shook the Indonesian goal, making it 3 k0 for Japan in the 88th minute. Rafael Strike was replaced by Ricky Kambuaya, an American player from the Dewa United club, oh, it seems that the Qatari referee has to do it. check.
Is it offside or is there a violation? Yes, we both want to see, brother, there is a situation in the goal. Oh, it seems that there is no problem, there is no change, and 3- now Indonesia is left behind. Japan leads a bagot elkan but the ball was too far for Kiko Machid, this is the last minute, man, we are waiting. Hopefully our attacks continue and make it even more dangerous for Japan. Don't give up, don. Don't give up, even though the score is 03 for Japan before. Oh, Minamino k Ricky Kuaya Jtin Haner Fernando Ariusaha was chased by Ayas, very good hat-trick scorer, about Arhan, all the rooms were closed, Pem.
Je Indonesia is now R A and also marking the Indonesian players, Bung Wesle, is extraordinary, they really control the entire field, both in attack and defense, which is called transitions. Alright, yeah, it doesn't give our players the freedom to do that. receiving the ball, controlling the ball and when a decision has to be made, there is already a Japanese player who interferes with a very good shot from the first opportunity for Indonesia to go on goal. The goal was extraordinary. 13 changed the score. This is Sandy's first goal. We see that Indonesia's score changed very freely. What did the referee do again?
Did there have to be another goal verification? There shouldn't be anything worrying. k Oh, it seems there is an Indonesian player, Ar Prama, who has to lie down. If this doesn't go further, you can't be in the game. Oh, there was no wes, so if the match is. Furthermore, even if there is a game, it is dangerous if a goal is not declared. Yes, but there must be a need, so the match continued and then we got a goal, it is impossible to say after the match. It was underway, then E far said that he made a mistake.
That is an incident like the one that occurred in the English Premier League. It's already halftime. Li Inris is back at 13. Japan is still ahead via At Go Sand. Goal for the Indonesian national team Nakayama still has time to demonstrate his ability to score additional goals for Mel's club in the Belgian league. Seventh appearance in the national team with a goal against Japan, a direct goal to Elkan Bagot, immediately flanked by many. From the players, Elkan Bagot, Sandy Walls, Marcelino Ferdinand, Yes, well Oh, who was blocking us before, it seems that the crocodile bites Dar can't be allowed, can't be too free, how are they covering and covering?
The Indonesian players are pushing, so it is very difficult for the players to develop even a little, never mind breathing, it is difficult, brother, it is true that it is very difficult for our players to show their best skills, to the point that even breathe. The Japanese do not allow it Yes, the Japanese allow it to breathe, Nakayama, brushing the right side of the Indonesian defense, goes straight to the front. He points at Daen. The ball goes straight to Fernando Artadi, Celtic player. In the Scottish league there are still very few goals against the Japanese team, yes, only three, but his playing ability and his experience with Celtic are a real threat for the Japanese rival, Jer. , Rizk Rido was very good, Marsino Ferdinand was fouled before Nakayama, yes, there is a chance to come back, Bungi, don't rush and lose the ball.
All tall players should slightly surround the Indonesian players in the area. outside Japan's penalty area, which led to El Bagot, which led to Elkan Bagot, who was actually Man's target by coach Sintayong, very different from his original position as a center. Did you ever think, Bung Adi, that you would see it? Bagot playing as an anchor against Jung Spear, Suzuki's selection. The long goal went directly to Ayas? Bagot, now Yener, the offense against Yener, was now committed by Sano, who asked directly for the penalty area. Jordi Ahmad had already piled on Pain Indonesia near the penalty area.
Aimed directly at Elkan Bagot, it seems he just got it right. Elkan Bagot's header failed to give Kawang a chance or create a goal for Japan's Ajime Moriasu, who was a bit depressed before the game against Indonesia because he suffered a defeat against Iraq, the big favorite four-time champions. Of course, the king of Asia, Bung Wesley, our best player, also Fernando Ari Sutariadi, failed to give a perfect pass to Sandy Walls. Our ball once again became an opposing weapon because many times there are not a few seconds left in the second half. It will end soon Oh, it seems that Qatar referee Hamis Muhammad has long signed the second half of the match between Indonesia and Japan and we will return to the studio with Bungo and also with Bung wes kut Galung salamahraga.

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