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Full Guided Morning Joe Dispenza Meditation

Jul 02, 2024
Greetings everyone, Dr. Joe Despenza. I wanted to take a moment and personally welcome you to the new CD that is defined by a vision of the future rather than a memory of the past. Now knowledge is the precursor to experience and the more knowledge we have the more prepared we are for a new event in our life and if we can assign more meaning behind what we are doing we always get greater value so I want to start by talking about how most people live their lives; It is a scientific fact that your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life.
full guided morning joe dispenza meditation
Your brain is a record of all the things you have learned intellectually and all the things you have experienced in your life. In other words, your brain is an artifact. Now most people wake up. in the


and they think about their problems, they think about themselves and they begin to anchor themselves in certain feelings and emotions that reaffirm their personality and since those feelings and emotions are the end product of past experiences because that is what emotions are, then People begin to chemically anchor themselves in the past so that they then think neurologically within the circuits of their brain that are connected to the past and feel emotionally and chemically within the boundaries of those past experiences, so the personality of most of people or their state of being is defined by the past and if thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body, then the way most people think neurologically and feel chemically makes them function as a predictable self linked to the past, we can now call it that in most cases. part of our past present reality because once we anchor Consciousness in the brain and body and in a state of being, then we could say that our behavioral choices, the experiences that await us and how they will feel will become very predictable and therefore that people tend to think the same thoughts make the same decisions demonstrate the same behaviors that create the same experiences all because of the familiar emotion called the old personality or the old self now this CD is about defining yourself as a vision of the future rather than a memory of the past, so in order for you to move from the old self to the new self, one of the ingredients that helps you do that is Awareness now.
full guided morning joe dispenza meditation

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full guided morning joe dispenza meditation...

Consciousness is awareness and awareness is paying attention and awareness, so the more aware you are of your unconscious Self, the less unconscious you will be during the course of your day. I chose two very specific times for these


s. The first thing you're going to do when you get up in the


I'm going to ask you to do the morning


because your brain chemistry is changing from melatonin to serotonin and along with that your brain waves are changing from Delta to Theta, Alpha to Beta, from your subconscious to your conscious, the door to the subconscious mind opens in the morning, so if you start thinking about a new reality for yourself, you yourself start thinking about a new experience that you would like to have if you start contemplating a new way of being and you start to take some time out of your busy life and think about some future experience that awaits you.
full guided morning joe dispenza meditation
The mere process of thought and contemplation is the process of neurological construction in your brain and that is why we are going to ask you to think about a future reality in which perhaps you want to experience some change in yourself that you would like to embrace some type of event that awaits you in the quantum field when you start thinking and speculating about a new future event, the frontal lobe lights up, that is the greatest achievement of the human being, it is the creative center and when you start asking the what if questions, the speculative questions, what would it be like?
full guided morning joe dispenza meditation
What would it be like? What future awaits me? What do I want? As you ask those questions about the frontal lobe, because the frontal lobe is connected to all the other parts of the brain, like a great symphonic leader, start to look at the entire landscape of the brain. and it starts to select different networks of neurons that are connected to the things that you have learned intellectually and the things that you have experienced as an event in your life when the frontal lobe starts to summon all these different circuits, it starts to function smoothly. put them together to create a new mental level and when you begin to remember that future event, there will come a time when you will have a vision, a symbol or an image in your mind and we would call that intention. and as you begin to force your brain to fire new sequences and new patterns and new combinations, you are beginning to reorganize the circuits in your brain to begin to change the brain so that it appears that that future event has already occurred now that your brain is It is no longer a record of the past, in fact, it is a map to the future.
As you begin to be defined by that vision of the future, you are moving toward a future present reality, but that is not the end because for you to move. To enter a new state of being, you have to begin to experience the event emotionally; In other words, allow the thought to become the experience in your mind and if the thought becomes the experience in your mind, the end product of that experience is called a feeling or feeling. emotion or I am going to ask you to emotionally teach your body how that future event will feel before it happens and as you begin to combine that clear intention with a heightened emotion of gratitude or Joy or inspiration of feeling unlimited and limited in feeling. strengthened your body as the unconscious mind begins to believe and accept that it is living in that future reality in the present moment and is beginning to activate and signal new genes in new ways so that your body now lives in the future instead of the past, so as the body moves into a new future, the present reality, your biology begins to change because you are now in a new state of being, once you are in this new state of being, I will ask you to think in the options. you are going to do to review the behaviors that you are going to demonstrate during this day, a day in the life, what experiences await you and how you would feel and when you begin to mentally rehearse what that future day will be like, the hardware programs in your brain by repetition the Nerve cells that activate together connect together begin to change to a software program in other words, you are able to reproduce that level of Mind easier and easier.
I'm also going to ask you from this elevated state. of being to remind you of who you no longer want to be to become aware of the decisions that you are not going to make that day because the most difficult part of change is not making the same decisions that you made the day before and the other difficulty is The change is that we We become unconscious, so if you are aware of the thoughts that you are not going to let go, your consciousness will make you return to the old self, if you are aware of the choices that you are not going to make.
What to do on this day if you are aware of the habits and behaviors that make you return to the old personality that is connected to the old personal reality, in other words, you no longer blame, complain or speak badly of someone, whatever it may be. , and then Think about the experiences you will stay away from and the emotions that lead you to a lower denominator. I ask this from a high state because you feel different and look at the old self instead of looking at the old self. from a lower denominator and a lower level so that the process of being aware of your unconscious self that simple process allows you to remain aware that process C is very significant the end of the meditation once you are clear that I am going to ask you to remember that intention and begin to think about how you would feel if that event occurred and as you begin to raise your state, I will ask you to transmit that energy into the field as whatever you transmit into the field is your experiment.
Destiny, then we will return to that state of being once again and the meditation will end and I will ask you to arise as someone else. The second meditation is a self-correction meditation that we will already be moving into. different brain waves as night comes your analytical mind will slow down your brain chemistry will change your brain waves will slowly change from beta to alpha so this will be a simple meditation for you to review how your day went now i love you To do this meditation right before you fall asleep at night, I want you to sit on your bed or next to your bed and I want you to do the meditation and when you finish the meditation it would be better if you could just lie down and sleep that way, you are programming your autonomic nervous system and your subconscious mind even further into your future and because your brain chemistry is changing because your brain is changing in its circadian rhythm from daylight to night, you will already do this naturally.
I'm going to throw myself into this and ask you to review how you did it, what decisions you made, when you fell from grace, when you blacked out, how you could do better if you had another chance, and then I'm leaving. To ask you to put yourself in that situation again and try a better way of being. What knowledge could you use as a precursor to producing a better experience? What knowledge could you apply in this event so that you can begin to change? an outcome and as you begin to rehearse a better way of being, you are beginning to activate and prepare the brain even more and refine it towards the future instead of the past.
This is how we self-correct, in other words, if you saw yourself giving a public lecture and when you watched yourself doing it you touched your face or stuck your finger in your ear. If you notice that I guarantee that the next time you speak in public you will refine your behaviors so that that process of going from the old self to the new self and observing how we did it allows us to self-correct and begin to reorganize the Mind towards the future instead of the past and Then I will ask you to think about how you would feel if you could achieve this. in a better way also during this evening meditation where you are observing how your day went.
I want you to recognize yourself for the right decisions you made, the best behaviors you demonstrated, the new experiences you created, the thoughts you liked. yourself and how you felt, so take a moment during this meditation to celebrate the changes that you made that should begin to become the foundation of your future self and then I will ask you to surrender the entire process to a larger mind and allow Let your autonomic nervous system begin to program your brain and your body to a new Destination as you fall asleep and the brain will consolidate those circuits neurologically so that your brain is now installing even more future hardware and chemicals. that are released and begin to epigenetically signal new genes and new forms, then allow your body to condition itself to a new biology.
The process is simple and it's a great way to transition from the old you to the new you, so I selected these moments. with the intention that you have the door open so that you can begin to program your subconscious mind to work for you instead of against you. I hope you enjoy it, take a moment and find your center, inhale, become aware of your breathing, exhale and relax, it's time. be defined by a vision of the future instead of memories of the past and move into a new state of being and you can now become aware of the space between your ears in space and you can now feel the space beyond your ears in space and you can move your attention to the space in the center of your throat in space and you can become aware of the energy of the space around your throat beyond your neck in space and you can now rest your awareness in the space behind your sternum in the space Can you feel the volume of space beyond your shoulders in space and now can you feel the space between my shoulders and the room you are in in space and can you become aware that you are aware in space and now of what what was it? that vision of the future that awaits you is defined by that intention and selects that potential that already exists in the Field allow the internal representation to be where you are heading infest your energy towards the future and not the thought becomes the experience and let it the experience creates the emotion and can you emotionally teach your body what that future feels like now and move into a new state of being?
Come on, open your heart and let your body respond to a new mind and it's time to take a step into that future now, what options will you have? do today what things you will do what experiences await you and how you will feel preparing your brain and body for the future stay in the feeling now is the time to remind yourself who you no longer want to be what thoughts you will become aware of it It will never go unnoticed in your consciousness today, but you will not make decisions, what behaviors you will no longer demonstrate, what experiences you will stay away from, and what emotions and feelings you will no longer accept.
It will make you feel like your familiar self again. Become the Observer from a higher mental level, yes, and now, finally, it is time once again to invest your energy in the future by combining clear intention with high emotion, come on, open your heart and change yourenergy, and when you change your energy, you change. your life for whatever you convey to the field is your experiment with Fate defined by a vision of the future rather than the memory of the past means that you are ahead of your time take your hand and place it over your heart and in this moment, breathe and have compassion, care and kindness towards your beautiful self, giving thanks for a new life and the more you stay in gratitude, the more you attract. attract to you your new life and if indeed you emulated Divinity today and made contact with it , that you ask this Consciousness, this loving intelligence, for a sign and that it brings it to you in the way you least expect, that it surprises you and that at least leaves no doubt that it came from this mind and that you are inspired to do it again and again. again when it finds you in unexpected ways and now brings your consciousness back to a new body, a new environment and a new home. and when you are ready you can open your eyes

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