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FULL FLIGHT! SpaceX Starship Flight 4

Jun 13, 2024
2 - 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 we have the vehicle coming down in range, well 30 seconds into


and the noises are still building up here in the Raptor Nest, we are seeing 32 of 33 ignitions on the super heavy In right now, what's coming soon will be Max, that maximum aerodynamic pressure as we go uphill in the vehicle. Max Q. Alright, we just passed Max Q, so we'll continue up. We still have about a minute and 30 seconds until we arrive. get to stage separation Starship is now flying faster than the speed of sound, so you got a couple of views, you have some ground trackers in your upper chamber, there you are looking down from the top of the booster on the bottom left and then a cameraman on the top flap of the ship looking back at the bottom right to get a couple different looks as Starship heads uphill.
full flight spacex starship flight 4
Once we have the staging, many things happen at once and simultaneously, we are going to start the engines. the ship starts with the arvac first and then the three center engines at sea level before we separate, all those exhaust gases come out the side of the hot stage and then the ship will separate, all but the three center engines on the propeller. They will be turned off so that the booster never stops its thrust while we perform this hot stage maneuver, after that the booster will make its turn and start to reverse and then the ship will be under its own power on its way to space so it should appear in about 30 seconds from now, still looking like 32 of 33 Raptors fired up on the booster and we'll start to see them wobble, they'll go out on the bench, so watch the lights on the bottom left screen for the engines that are active, start to turn off in different groups and you'll see those center three lit up.
full flight spacex starship flight 4

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full flight spacex starship flight 4...

The propulsion engine shut down. Ship ignition stage separation confirmed. Start again. Houston hot stage. Confirm the bass boat. its own power booster backs off it looks like all 13 are on Kate, we have a booster on the way back to the gulf on a ship en route to space here at Signal stus the ship's chamber pressures are nominal ship power and nominal telemetry, all good, the first stage currently performing the boost recoil, is expected to last a little over 1 minute, this propels the booster back to shore and brings it to land in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, as you can see on the screen at the bottom left. corner, uh, we were just using the 13 center engines, uh, basically, from here on out, it's going to shut down, confirmation of a good boost was heard, shut down, stage two, tank pressure is normal, a lot of excitement, so here, this is our view of the discarding the hot stage uh, as we mentioned, this is a temporary solution to help reduce the weight of the propellant.
full flight spacex starship flight 4
We have the super heavy propellant. Future iterations will have a lighter integrated hot stage structure that will not need to be discarded now after Disposing of that hot stage, the booster will begin attempting to land on water in the Gulf, meanwhile the ship will coast for approximately 40 minutes to an altitude of 24 km and after its coasting phase it will attempt a controlled recovery. The entry includes a turn maneuver and a landing just before splashing down in the Indian Ocean, but as a reminder, we don't have a nominal trajectory, good news, the trajectory looks good for the ship on the right side of the screen in this point.
full flight spacex starship flight 4
Now as you can see we have no engines on in the booster, it is sailing back towards the Gulf of Mexico for a water landing and the ship is under the power of the six Raptor engines, there are three Raptor engines at sea level and three vacuum Raptor engines that are lit up, as we can see on your screen, these sights have looked incredible, super heavy, it has performed wonder


y today and you can hear the crowd is very excited about this as a reminder for the booster, Today's main objective is to make a landing and a splash.
We're in the water and we're just 30 seconds away from that landing waiting for it to start and an incredible view from the front of the booster. This is basically on top of the super heavy booster where we've jettisoned that hot stage, so now we can see this incredible view of the Earth as it heads back into the Gulf of Mexico. Right now the booster is using the four fins of the hypersonic grid to guide itself through atmospheric reentry and we expect the landing to burn here and we will be We will be exciting firing up 13 engines and this is a great view on its left side.
There are three views from the propeller and its right side. One view from the boat and you can see those grid fins on your left hand screen spinning. and turning to guide the thruster and there is that landing bird, that landing bird has just started and you can see the water below and we have shot down what an amazing St, congratulations to the St team boat, it has entered the gu terminal, that was absolutely amazing, first successful splash. down the super heavy booster i love watching it hit the water before we lose that footage now the next milestone is approaching in about less than a minute the ship will shut down its Raptor engines which we see right there as we mentioned before today's test


is not an orbital flight, but rather one that demonstrates the orbital capability of the


, so right now we are under power with only the three Center Raptor engines waiting for them and there we could see that they also success


y cut the shift fds. saved what an amazing orbit insertion oh there's some great news there, the call, we were hoping to hear incredible views once again from Starship, we have our second Starship in space, these live views are brought to us by Starlink which is aboard the ship Dan, how Incredible, we have it once again, it is so exciting that we have another ship in space.
I keep jumping up and down. This whole building was going absolutely crazy when we saw the propeller hit the water. I mean, wow, congratulations everyone, that's just it. I've put incredible amounts of hours into everything to make this a reality and I feel like every time we do one of these we're seeing something tremendously new, we get to see the discard of the hot stage and the impeller in the water. but just to very quickly summarize everything that happened, so we took off at 7:50am. m. just 9 minutes ago. How was it only 9 minutes at 750 AM? m. central time at 1250 UTC we saw 32 of the 33 Raptor engines in super heavy make the Ascent, we had successfully cut off the successful hot start, the craft's six engines boosted it to a nominal orbital trajectory and we have already been getting some live views from the ship on board, after that the thruster was able to do its recoil thrust oh this looks like we're actually getting some views from the ground still uh potentially from Florida uh of the ship while it's there um yeah, so yeah, that's a view from some of our tracking cameras on Earth in Florida, uh, but we just heard about the successful orbital insertion of the ship, so it's right where it needs to be and now it will continue on its way to the coast until you get to re-entry, but I'm talking about successful push, pullback, throw away.
In the hot stage and then a hot landing, it looked like we saw 12 of the 13 engines fire up and then that first gentle splash in the water, so there's still a long way to go, the boat now on its way to its main entry target. that's going to happen in just under 40 minutes from now, so there's still a lot more to come, but wow, what a nine minutes to start this mission, so I can't wait to see what the entrance will show us, uh, but that. The launch was amazing for you, Jesse and Kate.

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