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Full Face Of WORST RATED Makeup Products!

Jun 02, 2021
Hello James Charles sisters and welcome back to my YouTube channel whenever you are watching my


videos. You know, obviously, as an artist, I try to use the best of the best


to create the best looks. However, at present. youtube video let's do the opposite a few days ago I was opening some new PR packages and I opened a box of a specific brand with a new mascara and on the package I noticed it said number one. Ranked number one in Victory Royale and it really made me think: Who gave you this title? Who told you this mascara was number one?
full face of worst rated makeup products
Did you decide this mascara was number one? I'm sure it is. Did a beauty guru on YouTube give you? this title or there is a


focus group that we don't know about that is sitting here ranking


from best to


. I say this because I was thinking if there is a number one twisted mascara or foundation or concealer, there also has to be a lower


version of each product, so I thought in today's video I really wanted to challenge myself and see if I could do a whole


of makeup using the



products on the market, only two super.
full face of worst rated makeup products

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full face of worst rated makeup products...

Quick things before we also move on to today's video. I just wanted to clarify a little. These products that I have here in front of me are not necessarily what I would consider the lowest rated products. These are what the Internet says are the worst favorite products. in different blogs, different articles, different magazines and everything, so once again, I'm not sure who is making these decisions, but in this case it wasn't me. Secondly, I know you guys love, love, love a makeup challenge, you love seeing me fail. You guys love watching me struggle so if you guys are excited about this video go ahead and give it a big thumbs up right now to show your love and support it helps me a lot and without further ado let's jump into this



of the worst makeup products rated for makeup foundations nowadays, in fact, I have two different options that many different websites said were the worst: Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Tinted Moisturizer, This one doesn't surprise me just because obviously Neutrogena is known for skin care and makeup remover and this is Maybelline's dream matte mousse.
full face of worst rated makeup products
It has been around for quite some time. I think if I'm thinking about my makeup history correctly, I think my mom had this in her kit when she was younger. I feel like this has been around for a long time and I know a lot of people loved this so I'm really surprised to see that it's now on the worst rated list, I think, of these two products. today I'm going to go ahead and try the Maybelline Dream Matte Boost Foundation just because I want a little more


coverage, let's skip to high school, yeah and you're 25 so this has been around for a minute.
full face of worst rated makeup products
I'm not, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, wait, I'm so excited to see you try this. Let's open it and see. Yeah, oh, okay, I guess he's really moose. Yes, I definitely want to use a sponge. that was a mistake let me wet a beauty blender quickly the texture of this is yeah okay wow oh why is he doing that? It's like clay, it's like oh my God, what is this made of? You know, obviously, some people are going to like it. certain products more than others simply because you know what your preferences are in terms of skin tones, light and heavy coverage and stuff, but even when it comes to products that I don't necessarily like, I can usually make them work with the right tools. the right amount of blending or just fixing things like that is actually really bad, it doesn't look that bad on camera, I'll say that now that I've been able to blend it out, but that was definitely the most disgusting and disgusting base. experience I've ever had, maybe we had to keep the trash can handy, so the next step in our routine will be our concealer.
Now this is from the brand name doctors formula, which surprises me to see on this list that the doctors formula has some. Really very good drugstore products, especially their bronzers, they are amazing. This is one of the worst rated things of all time. Really 3.2 out of 10. I love those applicators. I know you eat them, but I love what they are, I just think they are. very unhealthy okay I got it let's see how it looks so I guess I'm using this like it's blended which is kind of gross if you really think about it now let's go ahead and blend this concealer I mean.
I will say it's blending in pretty well. Oh, it really smells like sunscreen. I don't think this one is that bad out of 10. I'm going to rate it a four five, what was the rating now that we have our foundation and concealer? It's time for our powder now for the powder today we only have one option this is the elf perfect finish HD powder. Now I love Elf. They have some really good products obviously a few days ago we just uploaded our chipotle xl review. I haven't seen that video yet, go ahead and click up here, but every time a powder says hd, there are some problems, because when you use hd powders you really have to use them as the absolute minimum amount because we are intended for the camera, however , it's this type of powder that led to Miss Flashback Mary being born, waking up in the morning thinking about so many things and to this day I avoid them at all costs because honestly, they're too complicated to use. for the everyday makeup consumer, just to dip a little brush in here and see how it's going to work, like I can't use a product that I have to literally dip a brush in and dab as lightly as, oh, my skin looks .
Repulsive. I'm going to try to insert a picture of my skin so you can see how bad it looks. Obviously I love my camera and lighting setup because they make me look beautiful for my YouTube videos, but in situations like this it's once again. making me look good when in reality my skin looks just the opposite, so look at this work, porous, porous, that's definitely a good word to use guys, so for the next step we need to add some bronzer and this one from Maybelline, that I love. Honestly, I'm surprised that Maybelline has some really fantastic products so I'm surprised this one ended up here, but let's try it and really see why okay just compare my little fluffy brush and dip it in the number one contour yeah.
No, to be honest, it looks good, you know what I'm realizing. This is number 20, medium to deep, for contouring and it's really showing on my skin tone, medium to deep, uh-uh uh-uh, maybe now I understand why this is rated. bad because it's not, it's not like I really look that good, well oh no, about the new Nike jacket, that line is the hardest nose contour I've ever seen. The problem is that I'm literally blending this contour color and it's taking away the awfulness. foundation underneath, oh okay, so I started out not really hating this contour and I was lying to myself.
This one is bad. I'm going to give this one a solid three out of ten. The foam is very uneven and is removing the product. from below it's too warm a shade and the brand's chutzpah to call this medium brave honestly brave um let's blush a little now this is the multi-stick and bright elf monochrome peach and apparently this is misrated personally, I love a cream blush, I don't use it all the time in my makeup looks just because I tend to go for a little more full coverage, but whenever I do it as a more natural everyday moment, I love these so let's give it a try.
Pull this out and look, let's do some show, care, court and see what it looks like. I mean, I don't really see much wrong with this, oh, so that doesn't exist. Hello, why is it so bright? Wait, what did the packaging do? Let's say I use this cream powder stick, shiny and luxurious, blendable as lipstick and blush for eye shadow, blendable is a bit of a stretch, let me take some directly on my real beauty sponge, yeah that helps something, it is literally blurring so that you don't like anything, as if there was nothing. There it is, I'm just confused as to what this product is trying to be, there really isn't any pigment in this so it couldn't be an eyeshadow color or a blush and it's also not bright enough to be a pretty illuminator.
I'm going to rate this a two out of ten, it doesn't really have much pigment so it's not a real blush, it doesn't have much shimmer so it's not really a highlighter, it's just a no from me and now. I really want to move on to the next step. This next product. I'm really surprised to see it on this list and it's this brightening powder from Nars. Nars is like one of the, in my opinion, one of the best makeup brands. They are super, super inclusive. I have tons of different formulas, tons of different products that are like cult classic favorites, so the fact that this is here is amazing, uh, this is in the shade Albatros, it's very light, like, wow, wow, I want I mean, this seems fine to me because the fact that my skin tone is obviously much lighter, this product looks good, however, anyone with a skin tone even remotely darker than mine would probably have a very gray undertone. below this, which would not look flattering.
I'm going to go ahead and give this Nars highlighter a seven. Out of ten it is not my personal favorite. I definitely wouldn't use it all the time. I've definitely tried quite a few highlighters that are way worse than this one, so yeah, I guess that's why we're here to try them out today. Although for this video we move on to the next step, obviously it's time to move on to the eyebrows, which is always a bit of a touchy subject for me. Your eyebrows are too thick and I don't like that they don't. It doesn't have a bow, we're going to use the Wet n Wild Brow sessive eyebrow pencil, it's literally like an old vintage looking eyebrow pencil, so the packaging broke because I took it out of the package, I just put it back together and Pretend it that didn't happen, it has a spoolie on one end so at least that's good, oh wow this is sharp, omg oh the actual pencil formula is so hard it's like cutting my face off.
I feel like eyebrow pencils tend to be like this. really a little creamy for such a hard pencil, it's also not very pigmented, like it's really digging in here to try to get some color out, which in turn is damaging my skin and it still looks pretty soft, I think the color it really looks. Really very good for my hair color, it blends well and I was able to get pretty precise eyebrows with this pencil, especially having the spoolie on one end. I don't think this is so bad. I'm going to give it a 6 out of 10.
It's time to move on to my favorite part of the makeup routine, you know of course it will always be the eyeshadow, I love doing a colorful and bright look and the palette chosen today is not will be an exception. I'm going to pick up the Rimmel London Magnifis Thunderstorm Edition Eyeshadow Palette. Honestly, this might be the ugliest color combination I've ever seen in my entire life. It is awful. I want to take a sample of this yellow and see what it looks like. It might be the worst eyeshadow I've ever seen. I've ever tried the green, okay, the green is good, the green is not bad at all, but everything else, good sir, I definitely think that a storm look is the right way to go, so I'm going to take a little of this pretty. a little bit, just um, I think it's supposed to be like a deep purple color, a little bit, what, how did I use this color, not this one, this one.
Hello, I wanted a deep purple. In fact, I'm going to have some of this. Tsunami color, okay, now let's mix this that I thought was purple with this blue. The colors are not as pigmented, it's sad, I love it, I'm sad and surprised when I literally use the palette it's supposed to. to be the worst on the market, I mean, I feel like it's the best, from what it's going to look like to be completely honest, a nice little lightning bolt, a nice little lightning bolt, I'm going to name this bump, I'm going to put this straight in the inner corner it should make green on the eyelashes or at the bottom, I mean I think it's fair to surprise me with this green, this is a pretty good matte green to be completely honest, I can't rule it out at this point, I'm going to continue forward. and I do the other eyeshadow off camera and I'll come right back to finish the rest of the eyes so this eyeshadow look is done and it's probably the ugliest eyeshadow I've ever had.
I understand why, Miss Rimmel London. they are the worst rated eyeshadows because this is not a palette I would look at again its time to move on to our lashes our next step will be these magnetic lashes i hate them i think they are regular stupid they are a scam oh my god this brand is a magnetic eyelash liner so I think you put this eyeliner on your lash line and they draw it like a normal wing and then the lashes are supposed to like to magnetize themselves. the eyeliner, something about that seems unsafe, let's try to make a little wing here, so my little wings are there, okay, now let's go ahead and, oh, yeah,Well, I mean, it's, it's there, this could be the ugly cut on the eye I've ever had, but oh wow, you can literally rip it off in a second.
Imagine that you are like walking next to something metal that also in your eyelashes flies out of your face and lands in your refrigerator, come on. go ahead and do the other one and just finish the rest of this look and give our final thoughts because we're so close this will be a solid three out of ten for me just because the technology in theory is really cool however the magnet just isn't very strong three out of ten and let's move on to the last and last thank God. except for this routine, oh hey guys, our last and final step is going to be our lipstick now.
As you know, on the worst rated list there was one product that kept appearing over and over again and that is this complete plump. The packaging of the lipstick that fills tightly is really pretty if you open it, it looks like this. Have you used this before? Yes, James, in my free time. I decided to use it before I started filming. Has anyone used this before? Nobody. This looks completely like this. has been applied to a human being oh you can't it doesn't even look like it on camera anthony it literally looks like someone used this before wow this color is horrible first of all i should have put on a lip liner beforehand, but to be sure, there were no worse-rated lip liners to try in this routine today.
I started to feel the sensation of volume that they say is supposed to be happening here in the box. This is the least pumping tingling sensation. Have I ever experienced did you just fail? No, it's the least plump, tingling, tingling sensation I've ever felt. It doesn't do anything at a point like this, it just feels like a normal lipstick that has a really disgusting color and formula. I would honestly read this as a five out of ten, not that the formula is bad, but it definitely doesn't make my lips red or tingly when pumping and tingling when pumping, am I done?
Do I have anything left? I'm sure you can see it. From this final aspect and also from my mood, this was not fun, most of these products today met their expectations and were rated as pretty bad. I think I've definitely had enough and I really hope you enjoyed watching me try them out. products today and learn a little more about them. I really want you to leave me a comment below too and tell me what the worst makeup product you've ever tried is. Having said all that, if you enjoyed today's video. and you have loved watching me fight like I know you always do, please don't forget to give it a big thumbs up down to show your love and support.
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Alright guys, thank you so much for watching this video today. If you have made it this far, you are the best. I love you and I will see you next goodbye

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